برترین 33 برنامه مشابه به OrelPoint

TracTrac 2.0.40
TracTrac APS
Provides you with a complete live overview of your favoritesportevent.
Gensuite Mobile 5.53
Benchmark ESG | Gensuite Mobile offers abest-in-classMobilesolution for 35+ industries in EHS &Sustainability,Quality,Security, Responsible Sourcing, ProductStewardship, andAssetManagement. Over 160,000+ users and 280+enterprises acrosstheglobe are using Gensuite Mobile App andgrowing (1.5 million+usersfor Gensuite desktop). Gensuite Mobilehelps you improveworkforceengagement, gather real-time data, andaccelerate issueresolution!Now, you can take your complianceprograms &management systemseverywhere! *Mobile Access &Actions* Unlockthe power ofBenchmark ESG | Gensuite anywhere – notjust on yourdesktop! WithGensuite Mobile, you can accessaudits/inspections,correctiveactions, assigned tasks, and morewhile on-the-go!*PhotoAttachment with Drawing Capability* You caneasily snap andattacha photo within Gensuite Mobile while logging aconcernorcompleting an inspection. Drawing capabilities allow youtoadddetail to the photo before submitting, to make sure anyissuescanbe seen and understood clearly. *Scan QR Codes* ScannableQRcodescan be placed on equipment, locks, and more tointegratewithBenchmark ESG | Gensuite’s application suite. You’llnever needtospend time searching for an action, audit, or SafetyDataSheetagain. *No Internet? No Problem* With Benchmark ESG|Gensuite’soffline forms, you can access and complete key tasksfromanywhere,giving you working flexibility without having to relyoninternetaccess. *Go There With GPS & Beacons* BenchmarkESG|Gensuite’s smart-tech solution offerings aregrowing!GPScapabilities allow you to find local sites and requiredtasksbysite with accuracy. Benchmark ESG |Gensuite-connectedbeacondevices use Bluetooth technology tocommunicate tasks toyoursmartphone, tablet, or other mobile device.*Quick Notes&Follow Up* Our Quick Notes feature allows users tosendkeymessages to team members at any time, andmanageday-to-dayfollow-up from anywhere! *Voice To Text Input*BenchmarkESG |Gensuite’s voice-to-text capability allows you toworkhands-freein any environment, allowing you to take notesandcomplete tasksmore quickly. To learn more about the BenchmarkESG |GensuiteMobile solution, visitusathttps://www.gensuite.com/ehs-mobile-software/
FortiToken Mobile
FortiToken Mobile (FTM) is an OATHcompliant,event-based and time-based One Time Password (OTP)generatorapplication for the mobile device. It is the clientcomponent ofFortinet’s highly secure, simple to use and administer,andextremely cost effective solution for meeting yourstrongauthentication needs. You will need to use FortiOSorFortiAuthenticator as the back-end validation server forFTMtokens. Push notifications for approving or denying loginattemptsis available. FTM also supports third party tokens forpopular websites.Supported Android Versions: .4.4.x, 5.x, 6.x and 7.x
Synchroteam 53.0.9
The Synchroteam Mobile Application is a key component ofourFieldService Management solution, akin to a mobilecontrolcenter,giving your mobile workers all the information theyneed toworkefficiently, and communicate with you in real time.Powerful&Secure Mobile Client : The Synchroteam client useanonboardEnterprise database and remain fully functionalwhateverthequality of your network coverage: data encryptionandtransactionalintegrity is maintained even when yournetworkconnection is lost.Work Order Management : Review workorderinformation beforestarting the job, and take advantageofinteractive assistancefeatures, such as: instantdrivingdirections, one-touch contactcalling, job description andreportreview. Job Center : Dealingwith work orders has never beenthisintuitive. Your job updatesare provided in real time, anddisplayedin a logical order: today,upcoming, late and completed.Job Report: Our interactive JobReports are tailored to request onlyrequiredinformation andautomatically record time milestones.Capturesignatures, photos,barcodes and parts/services usage.Notifications: Receivenotifications for new jobs, scheduled jobs orrescheduledjobs onyour mobile terminal. Notification settings arefullyconfigurable.Maximum Autonomy : Review previous workorders.Create, Rescheduleor Decline jobs. Access attachmentsassociated toa Job orCustomer. Activate/Deactivate Autosync and GPStracking.Who isSynchroteam for? Energy Maintenance Medical TelecomsSecurityHVAC
Dynafleet 1.1
Volvo Trucks Corporation
The Dynafleet app provides constant updates on theperformanceoftrucks and drivers in commercial fleets – wherever youare.Thismakes it possible to easily pinpoint critical dataandtakeimmediate actions for reduced costs and bettervehicleusage.Dynafleet is Volvo Trucks web-based system forfleetmanagement, atool that streamlines the planning and executionoftransports.Dynafleet provides detailed information aboutyourvehicles anddrivers performance and includes a large varietyoffunctionsgrouped together into four services: Fuel&Environment, Drivertimes, Positioning and Messaging and can beusedwith any truckbrand. The Dynafleet app also includes theindustryunique FuelEfficiency Score that allows you to measure andcompareindividualtruck and drivers performance regardlessoftransportation type. Tologin to the app you need to haveaDynafleet user account. Datadisplayed in the app is basedonexisting Dynafleet services. Not aDynafleet user? Please takealook at the demo included in the app.
wBox by blebox.eu 7.18.1
Arlamowski Investment
Smart home in your pocket
SafeNet MobilePASS+
SafeNet MobilePASS+ is a next generation software token thatofferssecure one-time passcode generation on mobile devices, aswell assingle-tap push authentication for enhanced userconvenience.Integrating out-of-the-box with leading cloud apps,securitygateways and VPNs, SafeNet MobilePASS+ featuresset-and-forgetlifecycle administration, making it ideal forextending secureaccess to consultants, partners and a dispersedworkforce. Forusers, SafeNet MobilePASS+ offers a frictionlessexperience thanksto easy QR code activation, optional biometric PINand a choice ofstandard OTP and push authentication modes. In pushmode, whenevera protected resource is accessed, a push notificationisautomatically sent to the user’s device.The user tapstheMobilePASS+ notification, taps to approve the login request andisthen logged in to the resource. If a PIN policy has beendefined,the user then enters their alphanumeric PIN or taps NexusImprintto enter their biometric PIN (optional). As of MobilePASS+v1.6,you can now experience a seamless authentication process toaccessyour tokens and passcodes with a fully renovated userinterface.Notes on Permissions SafeNet MobilePASS+ requires accessto theunique identifier of your device to secure your tokensagainstmisuse and manipulation, it will therefore request phoneidentitypermission. SafeNet MobilePASS+ does not contain anyinstruction toaccess your phone history or phone calls. SafeNetMobilePASS+requires access to the camera only if enrollment via QRCode isenabled.
Security HUB 1.1.022
"Security Hub" Alarm System Monitoring And Remote Control
iRISCO enables you to remotely monitorandcontrol your RISCO Group Security System from your Wi-Fi or3GAndroid Smartphone or Tablet.With iRISCO you can arm/disarm your system, receive intruderalarmstogether with event images for visual verification of alarms,takelive images, activate your home automation devices andmore.To operate this app you need to have a registered RISCOGroupLightSYS 2 or Agility 3 security system with a valid usernameandpassword. Go to https://www.riscocloud.com to registeryoursystem.Pricing is subject to change without prior notice.
Dubai Land Department
Dubai REST is a platform for real estate information servicesandtransactions.
My PT Hub Classic
Fitii LLC
My PT Hub Classic enables PT’s & fitness pro’s to managetheirclients.
Homix 8.8.4
Enel X SRL
Would you like to manage your smart home? Download Homix app!
Smart Salik 3.0.10
Official Smart Salik App in a new form
aidminutes.rescue 5.2.0
aidminutes GmbH
Don't be mute in an emergency
V Band 1.1.7_58
V Band is a smart device that can detect and assesspeople'smovementand sleep quality, and can help people betterunderstandand adjusttheir daily activities. The main function:-Stepcounting -Sleepstatistics, -Incoming call reminder: Thebraceletwill show thecaller name or phone number -SMS reminder:Thebracelet will show thesender's name and text content-Socialmessage reminder: Chatinformation will be displayed onthebracelet -Alarm settings, etc.
ViCare 3.21.0
We've rebuilt our platform and made it even prettier. #WeCare
Mobiliteit.lu 6.4.6 (55)
Journey planner for public transport in Luxembourg
SecuritasHome 5.0.1
Securitas AB
Monitor your SecuritasHome system
Vi2Go 2023.3.4285687
Viessmann Vi2Go is the central communications app of theViessmannGroup.
Ivanti Secure Access Client 22.4.1 (r866950.26)
Pulse Secure
Connect to work with Ivanti Secure Access, an all in one BYODandVPN client
RTA Dubai Drive 8.9.4
Roads and Transport Authority's official app for Drivers andRoadUsers
ufirst Point Manager 36.2.1
U-First s.r.l.
Manage your ufirst products
CH Verkehrstheorie 24.17
CH Verkehrstheorie 2017 / 2018Erlernen Sie die Verkehrstheorie für Auto, Motorrad, Roller,Mofaund Traktor (Kategorie B, A, A1, M, F, G). Diese App wurdesogestaltet, dass Sie die Schweizer Verkehrsregeln schnelllernenkönnen.Fahren zu können bedeutet frei zu sein. Um Fahren zu lernen, istdasStudium der Verkehrstheorie unumgänglich. Diese App bringtIhnen dasnötige Wissen bei, damit Sie sich später imVerkehrzurechtfinden.Diese App wurde von Grund auf so konzipiert, dass dieSchweizerVerkehrsregeln gleichsam gut wie auch schnellverinnerlicht werdenkönnen. Der klar strukturierte Theorieteil wirdergänzt durchGrafiken und erklärt die Verkehrsregeln soanschaulich. DasLernprogramm eignet sich gleichermassen zum wiederAuffrischen derTheorie wie auch zum Neuerlernen derVerkehrsregeln.Sie werden mit den Verkehrsregeln und den Verkehrszeichenvertrautgemacht. Der Theorieteil behandelt neben denVerkehrssignalenfolgende Themen:1 Ausweise-Führerausweis Kategorien-Spezialkategorien2 Lernfahrausweis-Voraussetzung-Vorgehen zum Erhalt des Ausweises-Theorieprüfung Kat. A, A1 und B-Theorieprüfung Kat. F, G und M3 Lernfahrten-Fahrausbildung4 Führerschein auf Probe5 Vor der Fahrt6 Führer und Fahrzeug-Sicherheitsgurte und Kopfstützen7 Regeln für Motorradfahrer und Motorfahrradfahrer-Tragen von Schutzhelmen-Beleuchtung8 Regeln für Motorfahrzeuge mit einer Höchstgeschwindigkeit bis45km/h und Landwirtschaftliche Motorfahrzeuge9 Grundregel im Verkehr10 Rechtsfahren11 Kreuzen-Verhalten auf steilen Strassen und Bergstrassen12 Geschwindigkeit13 Verwendung der Lichter-Beim Fahren sind zu verwenden-Nebellichter14 Zeichengebung15 Hintereinanderfahren16 Überholen-Überholen in besondern Fällen17 Berechnung des Überholweges-Faustformel18 Anhaltsstrecke-Faustformel19 Reaktionsweg-Faustformel20 Bremsweg-Faustformel - Bei nasser Strasse-Faustformel - Bei trockener Strasse21 Vortrittsrecht-Besondere Fälle des Vortritts22 Lichtsignale-Rotes Licht-Grünes Licht-Grüne Pfeile-Gelbes, ruhendes Licht-Gelbes Blinklicht23 Zeichen und Weisungen der Polizei24 Einspuren25 Verhalten gegenüber Fussgängern-Regeln als Fussgänger26 Einbahnstrassen27 Radwege und Radstreifen28 Tunnel-Brand im Tunnel-Stau im Tunnel29 Verhalten gegenüber der Strassenbahn30 Verhalten bei Bahnübergängen31 Sichern des Fahrzeugs32 Ladung33 Wegfahren, Rückwärtsfahren und Wenden34 Anhalten und Parkieren35 Abschleppen36 Reifen37 Vermeiden von Lärm und Rauch38 Schutz der Fahrbahn39 Ersatzfahrzeuge40 Anhänger41 Autobahnen und Autostrassen42 Warnsignale43 Pannensignal und Warnblinker44 Verhalten bei Unfällen-Unfälle mit Sachschaden-Unfälle mit VerletztenExtra Kapitel: Umweltfreundlich Fahren. Erlernen Sie dieGrundlagen,um umweltschonend und benzinsparend zu Fahren. Eswerden dierelevanten physikalischen Gesetze erläutert undpraktische Tippsgegeben, damit Sie Benzin sparen können.CH TrafficTheory2017/2018Learn the traffic theory for car, motorcycle, scooter, mopedandtractor (category B, A, A1, M, F, G). This app has been designedsothat you can learn the Swiss traffic rules quickly.to driving means to be free. To learn driving, studying thetraffictheory is inevitable. This app will teach you thenecessaryknowledge to help you find your way later intransport.This app has been designed from the ground so that the Swisstrafficrules, as it can be internalized as well quickly. Theclearlystructured theoretical part is complemented by graphicsandexplained the traffic rules so vividly. The learning programisequally suitable for re-refreshing of theory as well as tore-learnthe traffic rules.You are familiar with the traffic rules and road signs. Thetheorypart treats of the traffic signals following topics:1 badges-Führerausweis Categories-Spezialkategorien2 learner's license-RequirementPROCEDURES for obtaining the card-Theorieprüfung Kat. A, A1 and B-Theorieprüfung Cat. F, G and M3 Lernfahrer-Fahrausbildung4 probationary license5 Before driving6 guide and vehicle-Sicherheitsgurte And headrests7 Rules for motorcyclists and motor cyclists-Apply Helmets-Lighting8 rules for motor vehicles with a maximum speed of 45 km /hagricultural motor vehicles9 basic rules of traffic10 Law Drive11 crossesBehavior on steep roads and mountain roads12 speed13 use of lights-When Driving are to be used-Nebellichter14 sign production15 cascading down16 Overtaking-Überholen In special cases17 Calculation of Überholweges-Faustformel18 Starting route-Faustformel19 pathway-Faustformel20 braking distance-Faustformel - On wet road-Faustformel - For dry road21 right of way-Special Cases of Vortritts22 light signals-Red light-Green light-Green arrows-Yellow, Resting light-Yellow flashing23 signs and instructions of the police24 meshing25 behavior towards pedestriansRules as pedestrians26-way streets27 cycle paths and cycle lanes28 tunnel-Brand In the tunnel-Stau In tunnel29 attitude towards the tram30 behavior at level crossings31 secure the vehicle32 charge33 Retraction, reversing and turning34 stop and to park35 towing36 tires37 Avoiding noise and smoke38 Protection of the roadway39 replacement vehicles40 followers41 freeways and highways42 warning signs43 breakdown signal and hazard lights44 event of an accident-Accident With property damage-Accident With injuredExtra Chapter: Environmentally friendly driving. Learn the basicstoenvironmentally friendly and fuel-saving driving. It explainstherelevant physical laws and gives practical tips to help yousavefuel.
MyAlarm iFob Control 2.66
MyAlarm Pty Ltd
NOTE:This app requires a compatible security system and aninteractiveMyAlarm service plan to function.Contact your MyAlarm Registered Installer to discuss plansandoptions before purchasing the app.DESCRIPTION:The MyAlarm iFob Control app provides real time control andfeedbackof compatible, IP enabled alarm systems.Reporting of alarm events via Push notification and email isalsoavailable if required.Users can arm and disarm areas, control outputs and doors,viewsystem troubles and alarm system history as required.All events performed via the app are recorded in the systemhistorylog.App users are required to use their normal alarm PIN when usingtheapp allowing the alarm system to restrict the user toonlyfunctions, areas and doors they have access to. Multiple sitesaresupported allowing easy interface to your home, office andholidayhouse etc if required.Once on a MyAlarm service plan the system owner can createanaccount on the www.myalarm.com.au web site, where they canassignaccess for up to 10 iFob users for each alarm system. Variousappfunctions can be restricted by the system owner if requiredgivingthem total control.If you are in doubt how to set these options contact yourMyAlarmregistered installer for assistance.COMPATIBILITY:The iFob app is currently only compatible with the panelslistedbelow.Most older version panels can be upgraded to meet thefirmwarerequirements by your alarm installer.If you do not have one of the systems listed then do notdownloadthe app.PANELS:* Bosch - Solution 144 Alarm Panel (via firmware upgrade toSolution6000 v2.23 and higher)* Bosch - Solution 6000 Alarm Panel (v2.23 and higher)* Digiflex - Vision-X Alarm Panel (v2.23 and higher)IP CONNECTIVITY OPTIONS:* CM751 Ethernet module (v2.16)or* CM744 3G Radio moduleor*CP740 WiFi Enabled Graphic KeypadREQUIREMENTS:For the iFob Control app to function your system needs to meetthecompatibility requirements listed above.Your system needs to have been installed and configured forMyAlarmservices and you will need to sign up for a MyAlarm serviceplanwith your installer.A MyAlarm Customer account is required to setup the iFob Controlappusers for your system.Contact your MyAlarm installer for more information regardingyouralarm system configuration and MyAlarm service planoptions.
Cigna Web
Cigna Web is a simple, yet robust mobile web browser thatdoesthejob. Keeps you connected. Securely. On the go. Be itanenterpriseor a BYOD program, you can confidently turn yourmobiledevice intoa business tool – Access the Internet and yourcorporateintranetthough single sign-on. The app works seamlesslywith CignaMail andCigna Mobile Edit. With XenMobile, you can alsomanage theapp withsecurity policies that suit your organization'sneeds.Features: •Support for Samsung DeX • Single sign-on •Bookmarks forfavoritepages • Ability to download files securely •Ability toblockpop-ups • Full VPN tunneling Got any feedback orrequests fornewfeatures or enhancements? Write to usatxenmobile2@citrix.comThanks for using our app!
LuxTrust Mobile 1.2.1
LuxTrust S.A.
DescriptionLuxTrust Mobile is an application used to generate OneTimePasswords (OTP) based on contextual data.How does it work?The operation data that you enter in your online applicationareencoded in a colored mosaic. The mosaic picture is displayedandthen scanned using the camera of your LuxTrust Mobile app.The data contained in the mosaic will be decoded by theLuxTrustMobile application on your mobile device and displayedforverification.To authorize generation of the OTP, you have to enteryourPasscode(*) or use the biometric protection (if supported bythemobile device).As your application is activated with a personal key, themosaicon the screen can only be decrypted by the LuxTrustMobileapplication installed on your smartphone or tablet.Information:- An Internet or mobile network connection is notrequired.- The LuxTrust Mobile application can be installed on a 2ndmobiledevice.Legal notice :Before installation of the LuxTrust Mobile application,pleasemake sure your devices (smartphone, tablet, etc.) areappropriatelysecured (up-to-date anti-virus, protected by a PINcode that isnever disclosed with anyone, on a 3-minute stand-by,etc.).You are responsible for the security of your devices.In the event of compromise of your devices, stop usingtheLuxTrust Mobile application and immediately notify LuxTrustbytelephone (+352) 24 550 550.In compliance with security issues, the LuxTrustMobileapplication will not function properly :- if your device is rooted (no rooting / no jailbreaking)(*) You have chosen your Passcode (consisting of 6-16characters)during the activation procedure of your LuxTrustMobileapplication.
Verify - Workspace ONE
VMware Workspace ONE
VMware Verify adds two-factor authentication to VMwareWorkspaceONE.
MyFitnessFirst 3.2
Fisikal Ltd
The Fitness First Middle East App enables members tobookgroupexercises classes and personal training sessions. Memberscanalsoaccess their bookings and club content on the move,allowingthemto simply and efficiently manage their own bookings aswellasbeing able to book on behalf of family and friends.MainFeatures:• Book Group Exercise classes • Join waiting listsorcancelbookings quickly and efficiently • Book PersonalTrainingsessionsand follow up with your trainer • View PersonalTrainerprofiles •View and manage your bookings • Give feedback tothe teamComingsoon: • View workouts, club videos and PDF's withaccesstoinformation wherever you go • Alerts to clubannouncementsandeducational content
myHenner 3.2.0
myHenner: the healthcare app for Henner international members.
SecureAuth Authenticate 20.03.02
The SecureAuth Authenticateapplicationdisplays time-based passcodes and provides single-tapauthorizationof login requests to end users accessing applicationsthroughSecureAuth IdP. This application displays one or moretime-basedpasscodes, enables push notifications, and single-tapauthorizationto Android devices - providing users access tomultipleapplications and networks.Prerequisites:The SecureAuth Authenticate application only works inconjunctionwith an existing deployment of SecureAuth IdP, andrequiresenrollment to deliver the functionality describedabove.
Deutsche Bank AG
Autobahn is available exclusively for DeutscheBank’sinstitutionaland corporate clients, offering access toouraward-winning marketleading electronic services. Autobahn isfullycustomizable to yourindividual business needs. Keyfeaturesinclude: · A single secureentry point across a vast arrayofDeutsche Bank’s financial andbusiness services. · A catalogueofmobile-friendly businessservices available at your fingertips.·Secure data managementusing Biometrics to protect and secureyourinformation. · Accountmanagement allowing review of lastlogintime. Current productssupported: · Market Colour providesrealtimeFX market information,insights & research · FX Spot&Outrights allows you toview pricing and, if permissioned,tradeSpot, Outright and NDF. ·FX Swap Grid allows you to viewpricingand, if permissioned, tradedeliverable and NDF swaps. · FXOrderMonitor allows you to viewand, if permissioned, place, amendorcancel various Order types. ·The FX Blotter allows you to viewFXtrade details · More productofferings to be available in thenearfuture! Deutsche Bank willnot charge you to download and usethisapplication. Users willrequire an Autobahn login.IMPORTANTDISCLOSUREShttp://www.globalmarkets.db.com/riskdisclosureshttps://www.db.com/en/content/Legal-Resources.htm
iPOLiS mobile 2.8.8
iPOLiS mobile is Hanwha Vision's smartphone security system.
Panopto 1.4.1
Panopto, Inc.
Panopto mobile app lets you access your organization's videolibraryon the go.