برترین 19 برنامه مشابه به Geburtshilfe pocketcards

APPstetrics 2.7
Prof. Jörn Siemer
APPstetrics is a useful and practical application for obstetrics.
Prescrições Médicas 3.0
Gestational Age Pro
Alpen Mobile
Six touches to see the result! Pregtool good times are back!
Rapid Obs and Gyn, 2nd Edition 2.3.2
Indextra AB
This Wiley – Blackwell, Rapid Obstetrics and Gynaecologyisdeveloped by MedHand Mobile Libraries. This pocket referenceandrevision guide is a must for all medical students andjuniordoctors preparing for major exams in obstetrics andgynaecology orneeding a rapid reminder during a clinicalattachment. This secondedition has been re-ordered into threesections - coveringobstetrics, gynaecology, and procedures – toprovide a moresystematic and ordered approach to learning thattakes intoconsideration the natural division within the specialty.Coveringall key topics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, this succinctaccountof the core and common conditions found in clinical settingsandexams is the ideal refresher covering just the basic,relevantfacts. Authors: Misha Moore, Sarah-Jane Lam and Adam R.KayPublisher: Wiley -Blackwell____________________________________________________MedHand MobileLibraries offers a SUBSCRIPTION FREE applicationwithout editionupgrade. The apps enables you to make notes, search,add bookmarksand review what you previously been reading. MedHanddelivers whatyou need, trusted knowledge at the point of care!Offering mosttrusted and well recognized medical guidelinesprovided byexcellent publishers like Oxford University Press,McGraw-Hill,Wiley and more.
PrenatalOB (Brancel) 5.3
This extensive, concise,rapidreferenceguideline is created for clinicians practicingobstetricsandproviding prenatal care. This is an excellent portableresourceforobstetricians, family physicians, and nurse midwiveswhoprovideobstetric care and delivery. This is the 22ndannualedition,written by the author of the pocket card seriesthatincludes hismost popular UrgentOB, which is in its 23rdannualedition.
FetalGrowth 1.3.0
Cristian Munteanu
Customized fetal weight percentiles calculator forsingle/twinspregnancies.
Neurology a-pocketcards 1.0
This a-pocketcards contains all theimportantinformation that neurologists need all day:• Neurological examination•Survey of dermatomes, cranial nerves, clinicallyrelevantmuscles, and cerebral vessels• SLUMS Mental State Exam• Glasgow Coma Scale• NEW: third card on cerebral vessels and territories, andnervesof the upper and lower extremities
Insulin Pregnancy Calculator 1.1
Application addressed to MedialSpecialitsandResidents in training gynecology, obstetrics,perinatologyandmaternal fetal.By placing weight and height of the patient along withtheinitialdose of insulin per kilo, immediatly calculates BMIandinsulingdistributed at 8 and 18 hours (NPH and Rapid).Total Insulin formula:Morning - 2/3 (2/3 NPH Insuline | 1/3 Rapid Insulin)Afternoon - 1/3 (1/2 NPH Insuline | 1/2 Rapid Insulin)Also calculates ideal weight by quarter and diet baseonactualweight
Alumnos de ginecologia Dr.Moya 1.0.0
Aplicación creada por estudiantes demedicinade la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo; que tieneelobjetivo de proporcionar a las futuras generaciones de alumnosunaherramienta auxiliar y útil para poder completar losestudiosrequeridos durante durante el curso de Ginecologia yObstetriciaimpartido por nuestro profesor: Dr.Adrian MoyaEscalera.Application createdbymedical students from the Universidad Autónoma del EstadodeHidalgo; which aims to provide future generations of studentswitha helpful assistant to complete the required studies for duringthecourse of Gynecology and Obstetrics taught by our teachertool:Moya Dr.Adrian staircase.
Obstetricia en preguntas 7.0
Repasa y aprende sobre obstetricia con esta fabulosa coleccióndemásde 400 preguntas cortas obtenidas de exámenes deuniversidad.Poseela opción de preguntas aleatorias. Ideal paraestudiantes.
Calculadora de riesgo ETV OBS 1.9
LEO Pharma, SA
Auspiciada por la SociedadEspañoladeGinecología y Obstetricia y la Sociedad Española deTrombosisyHemostasia, esta aplicación permite calcular elriesgodeEnfermedad tromboembólica venosa (ETV) en Obstetricia.Elobjetivoes evaluar el riesgo de ETV en las gestantes y puérperasennuestropaís, con el beneficio indudable para las pacientes.Gracias a un grupo de expertos y en colaboraciónconLaboratoriosLEO Pharma, S.A. se ha desarrollado laaplicaciónmóvil, ETV OBS, dedescarga gratuita en iOS y Android ydirigida aprofesionalesmédicos.A través del índice principal de contenidos, podrá accederalasinstrucciones para utilizar la aplicación, descripcióndelasvariables de riesgo, información sobre lasdiferentesheparinas,histórico de cálculo y por último,lascalculadorasdisponibles.La aplicación realiza el cálculo del riesgo de ETVcontrescalculadoras independientes, Prenatal, Posnatal yPoscesárea, yenbase a dos de las guías internacionales másextendidas enEspaña:las recomendaciones de la Guía nº 37 delprotocolo delRoyalCollege of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist (RCOG)británicode2009, y el propuesto en la prestigiosa revista Chest,enelsuplemento de febrero 2012, por el American CollegeofChestPhysicians (ACCP).Gracias a una representación gráfica del riesgo conuncírculoverde, un pentágono amarillo y un triángulo rojo podrásaberentodo momento el valor de cada factor de riesgo. RCOGutilizatresniveles de riesgo: bajo, intermedio y alto y ACCP solodos:alto ybajo.Todas las calculadoras tienen una serie de preguntasmuyrápidasde contestar. En la primera página se introducen datosdelpacientecomo edad, peso, altura y paridad. En las seispáginassiguientesel especialista responde activando con un simpleclic losfactoresde riesgo. Al avanzar por las páginas se vanacumulandolosfactores de riesgo en la zona inferior.Al finalizar el cálculo se muestra un resumen contodoslosfactores que se han marcado. Se muestra el cómputo deriesgos yelresultado final del cálculo. El resultado es orientativoysiempreha de prevalecer el criterio de especialista. Podráaccedera todaslas recomendaciones posibles, personalizar el cálculocon untítuloy un comentario y enviar el resultado por correoelectrónico.Todoslos cálculos se guardan en la aplicación y puedenconsultarseen elapartado Histórico.Esperamos que con esta aplicación se evalúe el riesgo deETVenlas gestantes y puérperas en nuestro país, conelbeneficioindudable para nuestras pacientes.Sponsored bytheSpanishSociety of Gynaecology and Obstetrics and theSpanishSociety ofThrombosis and Haemostasis, this applicationallows tocalculatethe risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) inObstetrics.Theobjective is to evaluate the risk of VTE in pregnantandpostpartumwomen in our country, with the undoubted benefittopatients.Thanks to a group of experts and incollaborationwithLaboratorios LEO Pharma, SA has developed themobileapplication,ETV OBS, free download on iOS and Android anddirectedto medicalprofessionals.Through the main table of contents, you can accesstheinstructionsfor using the application, a description of theriskvariables,information about the different heparins,historicalcalculationand finally, calculators available.The application calculates the risk of VTE withthreeindependent,Prenatal, Postnatal and postcesarean calculators,andbased on two ofthe most widespread international guides inSpain:therecommendations of the Guide # 37 protocol RoyalCollegeofObstetricians and Gynaecologist (RCOG) British, 2009,andproposedin the journal Chest, in the supplement February 2012,bytheAmerican College of Chest Physicians (ACCP).Thanks to a graphical representation of risk with agreencircle,a yellow and a red triangle pentagon will always knowthevalue ofeach risk factor. RCOG uses three levels of risk:low,intermediateand high ACCP and only two: high and low.All calculators have a series of very quick questionstoanswer.On the first page of the patient data such as age,weight,heightand parity are introduced. In six pages followingthespecialistresponds by activating with a simple click ofriskfactors. Whenscrolling through the pages accumulate riskfactors atthebottom.At the end of the calculation shows a summary of allthefactorsthat have been marked. The calculation of risks andtheoutcome ofthe calculation. The result is not exact and mustalwaysprevailcriterion specialist. You can access allpossiblerecommendations,personalize the calculation with a titleand acomment and send theresult by email. All calculations arestored inthe application andcan be found in the Historicalsection.We hope that with this application, the risk of VTEinpregnantand postpartum women in our country, with theundoubtedbenefit toour patients is evaluated.
Matromed 4.3.1
Presentamos Matromed, una aplicaciónparaayudarte con tips y consejos de como preparar y queprecaucionestener con los medicamentos de la practica diaria en lospisos deginecologia, neonatologia y obstetriciaEs herramienta con información actualizada sobre preparacióndemedicamentos comercializados en Chile, que ayudará a los alumnosdeObstetricia y Puericultura a que desempeñen sus labores deprácticaprofesional en las dependencias del Hospitales de Chile. Lafuentede información es variada y la aplicación cuenta conlicenciaApache 2.Desarrollo de la Aplicación:Esteban Schade (Desarrolador Utinfmed)Mariela Araneda (Soporte y desarrollo Utinfmed)Autoría de Información Farmacoloógica:Marcia Izoard (Químico Farmacéutica Farmacia Central HGGB)Autoría Intelectual:Camila BarrientosNatalia BastíasPía CerpaIsidora DelpinVerónica IturraVictoria MacayaKarenina MoyaCatalina RomeroMatromed presentanapplication to help you with tips and advice on how to prepareandwhat precautions to take with medications daily practicegynecologyfloors, neonatology and obstetricsIt tool-date information on drugs marketed preparation inChilethat will help students of Midwifery to perform their workpracticein hospitals dependencies Chile. The source of informationisvaried and the application has Apache 2 license.Application Development:Stephen Schade (developer to Utinfmed)Mariela Araneda (Utinfmed Development and Support)Authoring Farmacoloógica Information:Marcia Izoard (Central Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Chemistry HGGB)Intellectual Authorship:Camila BarrientosNatalia BastíasPia CerpaIsidora DelpinVeronica IturraVictoria MacayaMoya KareninaCatalina Romero
SOCHOG 5.55.14
Gonzalo Brizuela Menares
Aplicación de la Sociedad ChilenadeObstetriciay Ginecología. Podrá encontrar información respectoacongresosactividades y mucho másApplication oftheChileanSociety of Obstetrics and Gynecology. You canfindinformation onactivities and more meetings
ACOG 4.1
Ob-Gyns: Download the ACOG app and stay connected!
RCOG World Congress 1.0.5
This app is designed to support theRCOGWorldCongress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, to be heldinLiverpool, 24– 26 June 2013.This app was developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contactusaboutdeveloping an iPhone App for your conference orbusiness,pleaseemail us at info@insightmobile.co.ukorcallus on +44 (0)1273 803133 or see furtherinformationatwww.insightmobile.co.uk
CNGOF 2015 3.0.2
L'application officielle du CNGOF 2015.Collège National des Gynécologues et Obstétriciens Français39es Journées du 2 au 4 décembre 2015Cité des congrès, NANTES, FranceL’application présente l’ensemble du programme des 39es JournéesduCNGOF.Vous pourrez consulter le programme en détail, préparer etorganiservotre propre programme, écrire des notes personnelles,lire lesabstracts, constituer votre dossier de documentation etcontactsgrâce à votre sacoche congressiste virtuelle.Vous pourrez évaluer les sessions, exprimer votre opinion surlecongrès en utilisant la section d’évaluation.Les plans interactifs vous permettront de vous diriger et detrouverfacilement les salles de conférence.L’application du CNGOF vous permet également de partagervossessions ou présentations préférées sur les médiassociaux.Une manière très conviviale et interactive d’aborder les39esjournées du CNGOF.The officialapplicationof CNGOF 2015.National College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians FrenchDays 39th December 2 to 4, 2015Congress city, Nantes, FranceThe application presents all of the 39th Days CNGOF program.You can see the program in detail, plan and organize yourownprogram, write personal notes, read the abstracts, buildyourdocumentation package and contacts through your bagVirtualcongressman.Choose from sessions, express your opinion about theconferenceusing the evaluation section.The interactive maps allow you to refer you to easily findandconference rooms.The application of CNGOF also lets you share your favoritesessionsor presentations on social media.A very friendly and interactive approach to the 39th dayofCNGOF.
PostPartum Hemorrhage 1.0.1
Tech Morphosis
This app contains the ACOGrecommendedsafetychecklists for management of postpartumhemorrhage.FounderAnkita Gupta, MD, MPH;Kelli Daniels, MD;Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, CrozerChesterMedicalCenter, Upland, PA, USAMissionThis app was designed as a quick reference toolforObstetricproviders to assess and manage postpartumhemorrhageReferences1. American College of Obstetricians &GynecologistsDistrictII. Optimizing Protocols in ObstetricsManagement ofObstetricHemorrhage Series 2. October 2012.Accessedfromhttps://www.acog.org/~/media/Districts/DistrictII/PDFs/Final_Hemorrhage_Web.pdfLastaccessed on June 12, 20152. Lyndon A, Lagrew D, Shields L, Main E, Cape V.ImprovingHealthCare Response to Obstetric Hemorrhage. (CaliforniaMaternalQualityCare Collaborative Toolkit to Transform MaternityCare)Developedunder contract #11-10006 with the CaliforniaDepartmentof PublicHealth; Maternal, Child and Adolescent HealthDivision;Published bythe California Maternal Quality CareCollaborative,3/17/15.3. Pereira N, Delvadia D. A tool for teaching theB-Lynchbracesuture method: an inexpensive new simulatorallowsobstetricians topolish an essential technique. Am J ObstetGynecol2013;209:591.e1.Pereira N, Delvadia D. [ObGyn Procedures].(2012,October 5).B-LynchSuture: From Low-Cost Model to Intra-OperativeApplication[Videofile].Retrievedfromhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEsQGl2xw5s4. Permission for use of Bakri Postpartum balloonwithRapidInstillation Instructional Video granted byCookMedical,Bloomington, Indiana.http://bcove.me/8yokyfv9
Oxford Dictionary of Nursing 11.1.544
Over 10,000 clear entries covering the theory and practiceofnursing.
Editor Journal
OBGYN Blog updates regularly to address women’s healthqueriesacross the lifespan from teens through menopause. Thisuniqueservice is completely free. OBGYN is a blog by anObstetrician andGynecologist, writing about the challenges,exclusively related totwo individual patient populations. Theprimary purpose of theOBGYN Blog is to promote awareness in thehealth and well-being ofmother and newborn through evidence basedapproach. We update youwith authentic information of science andtechnologies through thisplatform. OBGYN Blog works under theumbrella of InternationalJournal of Obstetrics and GynaecologyResearch (IJOGR). IJOGR is apeer-reviewed, open access journal thatpublishes original researcharticles, review articles,up-to-dateresults of clinical studies inall areas of Obstetrics &Gynecology. The information on thisBlog is not intended to replacethe advice of a doctor. IJOGRdisclaims any liability for thedecisions you make based on thisinformation.