برترین 17 برنامه مشابه به BiCollector

StallSavior Inventory Scan ERP 1.4.3
1.easy to operate inventory management, ordermanagement,customermanagement systems,procurement plan. 2.quickproductsearchfunction. 3.continuous scanning barcodes,andpurchase,shipment,Support QR Code. 4.a button to manuallypurchase,shipment5.Easy e-formalization your shops, stalls. 6.Longclickitems canquickly delete the data. 7.Excel data backup andrestore,senttoEmail.Details:http://kagooapp.blogspot.tw/2013/07/stallsavior-inventory-scanning.htmlOrderManagement:http://kagooapp.blogspot.tw/2013/08/stallsavior-order-management.htmlExcelDataProcessing:http://kagooapp.blogspot.tw/2013/08/stallsavior-excel-data-processing.html
VZRestock 1.0z
* User-friendly interface makes it easytogetstarted.* Download product data beforeprocessingstocktaking(Format:Barcode,Name,Quantity1,Quantity2,Price,Remark).* To show product information on screen byscanningproductbarcodes.* Three ways to scan barcodes while using VZRestock:tappingbarcodenumbers; decoding by built-in camera’sscanningfunctionality; usingMobilogics’ barcode scanners-iPDT5oraScan.* To complete stocktaking and stock replenishingprocessbysubmitting purchase and inventory quantity in VZRestock.(Itispossible to add other item quantity)* VZRestock is especially designed for retailers, suppliers,aswellas logistics and warehousing service providers.* If you are looking for advanced features orMobilogics’iPDT5/aScanbarcode scanners, please visit usatwww.mobilogics.com.tw
共用性國有公用財產管理系統 1.6.1
Inventory and CheckOut 1250 2.3
JCU Applications
Inventory and CheckOut combines all the equipment of a POSsysteminto your cell phone. Manage your inventory and sales. Trackyouryearly sales and profits by exporting data and combining it inyourpreferred reporting software - spreadsheets, database, etc. ..Perfect for personal/small business, the bazaar, swap meet,fleamarket, etc. . . Features: * One permission - SD Cardread/write *Include item picture * View your entire inventory listwith stockremaining * Enter inventory items using camera orbluetooth scannerto get item number * Lookup item by name orbarcode * (Recommendedfor barcodes) * Manual checkout for itemswithout barcodes - uselook up item by name * Process returns(refunds) * Lookup an itemto view its details, e.g. stock remaining* View running sales in adate range * Export data to csv (commaseparated values) * Clearsales data if desired * Back Ordertracking which updates yourinventory count when marked as completed* Export inventory *Import inventory from a csv file * send areceipt * option to sendyour exported data Fields include: itemname vendor - where you canadd vendor name + phone no unit costsale price stock optional (oralternate field) storage location - soyou can specify where thisitem is at e.g. . . shelf 3B date of saleand time of saleContinuous updates for paid versions All creditgoes to Zxing formaking barcode scanning possible.
Scan to Spreadsheet 5.0.8
Berry Wing LLC Android
You can import a spreadsheet and do a look up on scan.Wehaveincluded improved external barcode scanner support.Customizethespreadsheet for export by setting column names blank sotheyarenot included. 1. Scan. 2. Email. 3. InventorySpreadsheetDone!Create spreadsheets using the barcode scanner inyourAndroidDevice. Use this for inventory, cycle count, or othertimeswherescanning is needed. A great option for bring your owndevice(BYOD)barcode scanning and/or inventory. Simple way to createalistspreadsheet with bar codes. Email CSV or MS Excel XMLformatsfromyour phone or Android tablet A time stamp is recordedforeachscan. Download the spreadsheet off the SD Card or emailfromyourphone!
Stock Assistant 8.0
This handy little App will take thetroubleoutof purchasing stocks. Stock Assistant will makethecalculationsrequired before you buy and sell any stock.Mostonline brokeragesrequire the number of stocks to be boughtorsold. With the StockAssistant just enter the dollar amountofmoney you have to invest,the share price you’re going topurchaseat, then enter the buycommission or fee charged forthetransaction and hit Calculate. TheApp will quickly tell youhowmany stocks you can purchase with youravailable money. TheStockAssistant can also calculate a projectedincrease in order tosetup a limit sell. Just enter the percent ofgrowth you would liketosee in your stock and the Stock Assistantwill tell you whattheshare price needs to be to make the trade. Itwill also tellyouhow much profit you could receive and calculateyoursellcommission or transaction fee - Giving you a GrandTotal.Anyonewho buys and sells stocks will find the Stock Assistantatimesaver, and when you’re buying and selling stocks –Timeismoney.The Stock Assistant now has a Stock Quote Look up feature.Justputthe Stock symbol in the search box and Yahoo Financewilldisplaythe current stock price. Made for US markets, butthecalculatorcould be used in other markets.
簡易庫存管理 1.0
功能介紹-新增、刪除、修改商品-新增、刪除、修改位置-新增、刪除、修改、作廢進出貨單- 查詢商品相關資訊
> Benefits of the ECOUNT ERP App Efficiently manageyourbusinessanywhere at anytime with our ECOUNT ERP App. It'slikehaving a minioffice in the palm of your hands. * ERPavailableanywhere, any time- 100% cloud-based software that you canaccesson your mobiledevice. - Optimized for your mobile devicesforquick access to yourdata. - If you find yourself out of officeyoucan instantly order ajob or approve drafts. * BarcodeScanningFeature - You can scanbarcode labels of items alreadyregisteredin the ERP with yoursmartphone to manage your inventory.- Allinvoices made in the Appcan be sent to the ERP system and canbequickly sent via email. -Quickly track your inventory if awayfromyour desktop. >Benefits of using ECOUNT ERP ECOUNT ERP isasoftware designed forthe needs of small and mid-sizedbusinesses.It integratesinventory, production, sales, purchasing,accounting,and payroll ata low monthly price for an unlimitednumber ofusers. The softwareis 100% cloud-based. Access yourinformationanywhere with Internetaccess. * Loaded with Features -Includesinventory, production,sales, purchasing, accounting,payroll,reporting, collaborativefeatures and more. * TransparentPricing -Only $55 USD for allmodules and unlimited users. *EasilyCustomizable - You can quicklyconfigure the program toyourbusiness. * 100% Cloud-based - Accessyour program dataanywhere,anytime. * Trusted by more than 250,000users worldwide indiverseindustries such as manufacturing,distribution, andservice-basedenterprises. * Auto-Sync - All dataentered in theappautomatically syncs with the program and isimmediatelyavailable.* Messenger: Free messenger tool included inthe ERP.Optimizecommunication for greater work efficiency. * FreeUpgrades -Alwayshave the latest version and automatically receivenewfeatures. *Multilingual Program & Support: Offered inEnglish,Spanish,Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Korean. Formoreinformationabout ECOUNT ERP, visit ourwebsiteathttp://www.ecount.com/us?L=71001 > Specifications★SupportedDevices & OS - OS: Android (4.03 and above)-Resolution: HD /FHD ★ Supported Languages - English,Spanish,Chinese, Japanese,Vietnamese, and Korean
SAP Business One 1.2.16
With the SAP Business One mobile app for Android, you canaccessSAPBusiness One, SAP’s enterprise resource planningapplicationforsmall businesses, anywhere, anytime. The mobile appletsmanagers,executives, sales reps, and service techs stayinformedabout theirbusiness, view reports, manage contacts, andhandlesales andservice activities. Key features of SAP Business OneforAndroid •Get alerts on events, like deviations of approvedprices,creditlimits, or targeted gross profits • Visualizekeyinformation aboutyour business in real time with reportsandinteractive dashboards •Create, edit, or view salesopportunities,quotations, and orders,and handle service callactivities • Managecontacts and activities;all info is synched withSAP Business Oneand the on-device calendar• Monitor inventorylevels and getproduct details, includingpurchasing and sales pricesand photosNote: To use the SAP BusinessOne mobile app with your ownbusinessdata, you must be runningrelease family 8.82 of the SAPBusinessOne application as yourback-end system. You can try out themobileapp now using a demologon.
Calvo y Asociados Móvil 5.4.2
Calvo y Asociados Móvil es nuestraaplicaciónpara la preventa y la venta directa (también conocidacomo autoventa o venta al pie del camión). Opera junto a nuestrosistema degestión ERP o cualquier otro que respete nuestrainterface decomunicación mediante archivos CSV.En este último caso disponemos de una interface simple paralasfuncionalidades más importantes y otra más compleja quelepermitirá contar con todo el potencial de la herramienta.MUY IMPORTANTE: A fin de proveerle un número de settingparaevaluar la aplicación y facilitarle la especificación delainterface de la misma deberá comunicarse con nosotros a travésdelos siguientes medios:ventas@calvoyasociados.com.arSkype: comercializacioncalvoTel: +54 (0236) 4434282 – ArgentinaEl sistema permite visualizar el listado de los clientes segúnelorden de visita. Permite recibir rutas (que se configuran desdeelsistema de gestión ERP de Calvo y Asociados) de todos los díasdela semana y elegir el que deseamos recorrer. A su vezpodemosvisitar clientes fuera de la ruta.El listado de clientes puede verse por el nombre o poreldomicilio y dentro de las opciones podremos ver losdatosadicionales que necesitemos como teléfono, número decuit,categoría, etc.Los artículos pueden localizarse tanto por número deartículocomo por su descripción. Esto nos permite manejar milesdeproductos sin dificultad. Podemos ver el stock del depósito enelcaso de la preventa o del camión en la autoventa, el precioporunidad y por pack. Al seleccionarlo nos pedirá la cantidad ysitenemos configurado los descuentos le podemos asignar un % paraelmismo.Se puede entregar artículos sin cargo, promociones, cambiosdemercadería y control de envases retornables.Este sistema permite la impresión de facturas yrecibidosmediante bluetooth (se usan adaptadores si la impresora noposeedicha conexión). La gama de posibilidades es muy amplia eincluyeimpresoras a chorro de tinta, láser, térmicas y matriciales.Estademo tiene un formato de factura, lo ideal sería configurarlodeacuerdo al formato de sus comprobantes, para ellodeberácontactarse con nuestro estudio.Entre las funcionalidades que dispone destacamos:- Saldo de cuenta corriente de los clientes. Se le puedensetearlímites- Permite seleccionar la condición de pago (contado, cta cte a60días, etc..)- Trabajar con diferentes listas de precio,asignadasautomáticamente por el sistema de gestión o a eleccióndelvendedor- Ver la compra anterior del cliente- Saber cuánto en dinero lleva comprando el cliente- Objetivos de venta: me permite visualizar el total vendido eneldía (en dinero, en bultos, bultos convertidos, en una unidaddemedida definida). Desde el sistema de gestión se puede asignarunmonto mensual a vender por cliente, y luego en cada visitanosindica cuánto se le debe vender. Al final del recorrido nosindicacómo nos ha ido.- Maneja promociones, comodatos, clientes no compradores,coberturasde marcas.- Enviar mensajes adjuntados al pedido, para administración(sevisualizan en el sistema de gestión) y para el repartidor(aparecenen la impresos en las observaciones de la factura)- Realizar cobros- Visualizar objetivos de venta para pop y equipos de frío- Una sección de productos destacados en donde pueden irlasnovedades o productos con fecha cercana al vencimiento.- Asignar % de descuentos para los artículos que configuremosdesdeel sistema de gestión, a su vez podemos otorgar límites paralosmismos.- Soporta la toma de encuestas.- Registra los motivos de no compra, que se pueden cargar desdeelsistema de gestión.Además en la modalidad para los Reparto de Agua y Soda secuentacon la posibilidad de controlar los envases retornables,lasmáquinas de frío calor y los sistemas de abonos mensuales.De cada operación se registra la fecha y hora de comienzo ydefin, ésta es reportada al sistema de gestión paraposterioreslistados estadísticos.Calvo andAssociatesMobile is our application for preorder and direct sales(also knownas auto sale or sale on the foot of the truck). Operaalongside ourERP management system or any other that respects ourcommunicationinterface using CSV files.In the latter case we have a simple interface to the mostimportantfeatures and a more complex one that will provide it withall thepotential of the tool.VERY IMPORTANT: In order to provide a number of settingtoevaluate the application and provide the specification oftheinterface of the same should contact us through thefollowingmeans:ventas@calvoyasociados.com.arSkype: comercializacioncalvoTel: +54 (0236) 4434282 - ArgentinaThe system displays the list of customers in order ofvisit.Receives routes (which are configured from the ERPmanagementsystem Calvo and Associates) every day of the week andpick the onewe want to go. In turn we can visit clients off theroad.The list of clients can be seen by the name or the addressandwithin the options we see additional data we need astelephonenumber, cuit, category, etc..Items may be located both by item number and itsdescription.This allows us to handle thousands of products withoutdifficulty.We can see the stock tank in the case of pre-or truckrouteaccounting, the price per unit per pack. When you select theamountand asked us if we set the discounts we can assign a% forit.It can deliver free articles, promotions, merchandise andcontrolchanges returnable packaging.This system enables the printing of invoices and receivedviabluetooth (adapters are used if the printer does not havethisconnection). The range of possibilities is very wide andincludesink jet printer, laser, thermal and dot matrix. This demohas ainvoice format, ideally configure it according to the formatofyour receipts, for it should contact our study.Among the features available include:- Balance of current account customers. You can setear limits- Select the condition of payment (cash, cta cte to 60 days,etc...)- Work with different price lists, assigned automatically bythesystem or the seller's management- See previous purchase customer- Know how much money the customer has been buying- Objectives of Sale: I can display the total sales on theday(cash, in lumps, bumps converted into one unit of measuredefined).From the management system can be assigned a monthlyamount percustomer selling, and then at each visit indicates howmuch youmust sell. At the end of the route indicates how wehavefared.- Manages promotions, bailment, customers buyers,hedgesbrands.- Send messages attached to the order, for administration(displayedon the management system) and to the dealer (they appearin print inthe comments of the bill)- Perform collections- Display sales targets for pop and cooling equipment- A featured product section where they can get the news orproductsclose to expiration date.- Assign% discounts for items that we configure from themanagementsystem in turn can provide limits for them.- Supports taking surveys.- Register the reasons for not buying, that can be loaded fromthemanagement system.Also in the mode for Cast and Soda Water has the abilitytocontrol returnable containers, and heating machines andmonthlypayments systems.In each transaction is recorded the date and time ofbeginningand end, this is reported to the management system forsubsequentstatistical lists.
Tienda Free Inventory & POS 1.4
The search is over.TIENDA : A STORE MANAGER (Inventory & POS System)TIENDA: tien·da noun \tēˈendə\ meaning "shop"Whether you are an entrepreneur or an enthusiast with a storeora shop, you will definitely need Tienda: A Store Manager.Tiendatakes care of your inventory movement and at the same timegivingyou tools to sell your products anytime, anywhere! As part oftheinventory system, Tienda allows you to manage youritemsefficiently and effectively. A POS system is available to sellyouritems which automatically moves your inventory count. ADashboardof the most relevant info is also included and will becontinuouslyupdated.FEATURES:● Daily, Weekly, Monthly Sales● Inventory Management● Inventory Movement● POS system (Sales)● Receiving● Pilferage● Wastages● Dashboard● Customizable currency symbols (USD$, PHP, etc.)● Compatible with phones and tablets!● 1-minute tutorial● 30 Item-Slots free of chargeCOMING SOON:● Charts (will be free)● Backup/restore option● Feedbacks● Full tablet support● Barcode/QRCode scanner● Bluetooth Printer support
德安Android平板飯店CI系統 2.51.10
Inventory Tracker Free
Most comprehensive and feature packedInventoryTracker Application mobile- Track transactions of products- Scan Barcode from your cellphone. Keep product images.- In-depth graphical analysis/graphs of transactions.- Secure password lock feature- Easily track your stocks and every transactions.- Use this with our Invoice PDF application for an ideal On theGooffice Companion- Easy to use interfaceThis is a free version with trial of 15 Days. Paid version canbefound hereHERE
Auto Collect Solution
Autojaya Idetech PT
Manage your stock levels usingyoumobilephone!Main Features:- Easy Scanning of barcodes- Have 5 customize field for your information- Manage location, items, and quantity- Export Data to Csv file- FTP function for your transfer data- And Best of All - it's FREEWant to integrate Stock Count with your Inventory System?No problem, simply contact us and we will be happy to help.(Barcodesystem )If you have any questions or suggestions please visitusatwww.Autojaya.comManage yourstocklevelsusing you mobile phone!Main Features:- Easy Scanning of barcodes- Have 5 customizable fields for your information- Manage location, items, and quantity- Export data to a .csv file- FTP function for your data transfer- And Best of All - it's FREEWant to integrate the Stock Count withyourInventorySystem?No problem, simply contact us and we will be happy tohelp.(Barcodesystem)If you have any questions or suggestions please visitusatwww.Autojaya.com
zaico 7.3.0
zaico makes Inventory management simple. It is easily usedfromPC/smartphone.
BarCode Terminal 1.16
Completely replaces the datacollectionterminal for stocktaking and other operations.Scans barcodes of inventory goods and stores quantity.Terminal will be store the quantities and transfer tocentraldatabase or desktop accounting application.Data exchange through Wi-Fi.Used ZXing Barcode Scanner application.Basic Steps.1. Load Good List into phone memory from central database orfromdesktop accounting system through Wi-Fi or Internet.2. Scanning good items, count and enter quantity into phone. Ifthegoods found again in other place, quantity will be added.3.Upload revision data into central database or intodesktopaccounting system through Wi-Fi or Internet.For data exchange use BarCode Terminal Hosting application.Moreinformation on developer site.
MultiSoft Kft.
MobileNAV is THE ULTIMATE mobile solutionforMicrosoft Dynamics NAV (formerly Navision).It ensures online and offline work for typical out-of-officeERPactivities, like sales, service and projectmanagement.Furthermore, it guarantees real-time tracking of yourbusiness, forexample, in warehouse and production-relatedworkflows.You can build up your own mobile application without the need ofanymobile development knowledge. Each field and functionalityisconfigurable inside NAV, so you can adopt custom modules andevenspecialized vertical solutions.Simply said, MobileNAV is a new user-interface for DynamicsNAV,optimized for smartphones and tablets. You can accessyourreal-time data and functionality similarly to desktopclients.Offline capability allows to continue your work evenwithout activenetwork connection.MobileNAV offers native apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad),Android,Windows Phone and Windows Mobile/CE platforms, so thelook-and-feelis far superior to browser-based or cross-platformsolutions.MobileNAV helps your work with the following features:- Utilize device capabilities: the application exploits thedevicecapabilities via phone, email, browser and mapintegration- Built-in barcode scanning: You can read and process 1D or 2D(QR)barcodes, which can be used for filtering or data entry.- Report or document generation, preview and print: You cangenerateand preview any kind of report or document in PDF or Excelformat ofyour ERP system; moreover you can print them with amobileprinter.- GPS tracking and map integration: You can track yourcolleaguesand analyze their daily route.- Signature capture: You can capture your customer’s signatureandlink it to sales orders, invoices, shipments orserviceworksheets.The capabilities of the application can be tested onourdemonstration database. For further information, pleasecontactus.