برترین 19 برنامه مشابه به Meditation Innovativ

Meditation Studio 1.0.7
***** Currently Available in English Only ***** ⁃ Featured byTIMEas "50 Best Apps of the Year" 2016 ⁃ Recommended by: Forbes,Inc.,Refinery 29, Huffington Post, Well and Good, Greatist,Celebuzz,Yahoo! Beauty, and many more The mind is complicated,butmeditation doesn’t have to be. Untangle your mind withMeditationStudio. Get a diverse selection of over 200 guidedmeditationsfeaturing different teachers and styles. Focus on yourintention ordive deep into a meditation topic with exclusivecollections andcourses. COLLECTIONS Receive unlimited access tocurated meditationcollections to give a specific area of your lifesome extra love.Collections and topics include: Be Healthy: Receivethe tools youneed to keep your mind and body healthy ◦ Stress,Sleep, Anxiety,Pain Be Awesome: Boost your mood and find your innerawesome ◦Happiness, Performance, Confidence Be Kind: Cultivate asense offorgiveness, compassion, and self-love ◦ Compassion,RelationshipsBe Curious: Find your perfect fit by exploringdifferent meditationstyles ◦ Quick Breaks, Long Breaks, Zen JustFor: Meditations tomeet the needs of specific communities, people,and careers ◦ Moms,Kids, Veterans, First Responders COURSES Getstep-by-step guidancefor a deeper dive into specific meditationtopics: ◦ MeditationEssentials ◦ Uncovering Happiness ◦ ChangingHabits TEACHERS Beguided by today’s leading meditation experts.Featuring over 25teachers including Elisha Goldstein, ChrissyCarter, MichaelApollo, Ashley Turner, and more, there’s a widerange of styles toexplore. STUDIO Build a personalized meditationlibrary with guidedmeditations from today’s top meditation experts.Play meditationsanytime, anywhere – no internet connection neededafterdownloading. SCHEDULE Track your progress, schedulemeditationsessions, and stay focused on your practice with theschedulingtool. HEALTH CONNECTIONS Connects to Google Fit to logall youractivity for easy tracking. MORE ⁃ Stream to your otherdeviceswith Chromecast support - Small download sizes ⁃ Developedandtaught by qualified meditation teachers We’d love to hearyourfeedback. Please send us your ideas for improving MeditationStudioby emailing support@meditationstudioapp.com. CONNECT WITHUSWebsite - http://meditationstudioapp.com Facebook-http://facebook.com/MeditationStudioApp Twitter -@MeditationsAppInstagram - meditationstudioapp Podcast-http://meditationstudioapp.com/untangle
Tantra Guided Meditation VOD 1.2
Tantra The Power Of SEX Guided Meditation Video - 74 minuteswithsubtitles
The Breathing Anchor 1.9.5
Mindfulness Apps
Awareness Training (AT) with Andries J. Kroese.
iSleep Easy Sleep Meditations 2.7
Meditation Oasis
Wide variety of guided meditations to help you fall asleep andsleepdeeply.
Méditations 2.0
Teach on Mars
Avec Christophe André, collaborateur de Psychologies Magazineetgrand spécialiste français du sujet, nous avonsréalisél'application de référence afin d’apprendre facilementlaméditation. La méditation de pleine conscience permet des’apaiser,d’atténuer ses inquiétudes et d’être plus présent à soiet auxautres… Spécificité de cette appli : Christophe André partageicises techniques reconnues, testées et validées depuis denombreusesannées. Découvrez une appli complète et simple pourméditer quandvous voulez, où vous voulez : • des séances deméditations guidéespar Christophe André (disponible hors connexioninternet), • desquiz pour mieux vous comprendre, • des conseilsafin d'améliorervotre pratique, • des exercices pour progresser auquotidien. LAPRESSE PARLE DE NOUS : • "Rend l'apprentissage de laméditationludique" - Elle • "Cette appli vous offre quelquesprécieusesminutes de détente pour clarifier votre esprit" -Doctissimo •"Cette application est une sorte de prolongement desonbest-seller" L'Express QU'EST CE QUE LA MEDITATION DEPLEINECONSCIENCE ? Des études scientifiques prouvent que lapratique dela méditation de pleine conscience est un outil efficacepouraméliorer notre bien-être psychique et physique, ainsi quenombrede nos capacités mentales. En cessant progressivement devouslaisser envahir et déborder par vos pensées et vos émotions,enchoisissant d’agir plutôt que de réagir, et en apprenant à vivreauprésent. La méditation de pleine conscience peut sepratiquerpartout : au travail, chez soi, dans les transports encommun, enmarchant, sur un banc dans un parc… De précieuses minutesdedétente pour clarifier son esprit, prendre de la distanceetapprendre à savourer plus intensément les bons moments «Cettepratique très simple et qui ne demande qu'un peu depersévérance,explique Christophe André, peut modifier profondémentnotre rapportau monde, apaiser nos souffrances et majorer nosjoies. »CHRISTOPHE ANDRE, LE GRAND SPECIALISTE FRANCAIS DE LAMEDITATION DEPLEINE CONSCIENCE Co-auteur de l'application, et guidedesméditations, Christophe André est médecin psychiatre dansleservice hospitalo-universitaire de l’hôpital Sainte-Anne, àParis.Il a été l’un des premiers en France à proposer, dès 2004,laméditation à ses patients. Son ouvrage de référence sur le thème:Méditer jour après jour (L’Iconoclaste). Il est l'auteurdeplusieurs best-sellers sur le sujet. Sur cette application, ilatravaillé en collaboration avec Flavia Mazelin Salvi, journalisteàPsychologies magazine et Patricia Salmon Tirard, rédactrice enchefadjointe du magazine. L'application vous aidera à devenir zenetréduire votre stress. La méditation de pleineconscience(mindfulness) vous aide à prendre du recul et profiter dumomentprésent.
Walking Meditations 4.4
Meditation Oasis
Enjoy the benefits of meditation as you walk! 3 meditations,tipsand diary.
Mindfulness for Children - Meditation for Kids App 2.2
Jannik Holgersen
The Mindfulness for Children app introduces your family tothepractice of meditation. Included are guided meditations tohelpyour child gently process their experiences. They will learn tousebreathing to restore emotional balance and to locate andreleaseemotional stress in the body. Mindfulness for Childrenisfamily-friendly and appropriate for children 4+ years andolder.Why did we create the Mindfulness for Children app?Meditation'sbenefits are well-documented. "When you meditate, youmay clearaway the information overload that builds up every dayandcontributes to your stress. The emotional benefits ofmeditationcan include: gaining a new perspective on stressfulsituations,building skills to manage your stress, increasingself-awareness,focusing on the present, reducing negative emotions,increasingimagination and creativity, (and) increasing patienceandtolerance." - The Mayo Clinic. We imagine a future full ofvibrant,emotionally and physically healthy adults raised withmeditation.That possible future inspired us to create MindfulnessforChildren. We want today's kids to have the tools to processtheirexperiences. We're parents. Each day we help our kids navigatetheworld. Who are we? Mindfulness for Children's creators are PiaandJannik Holgersen. Pia Holgersen App producer and meditationexpertPia studied Psychomotricity and Physiotherapy at the UCCUniversityCollege North Zealand. Pia holds a Bachelor’s Degree inPsychomotorTherapy and Physiotherapy. Pia is passionate about themind-bodyconnection. In her private and professional life, Piahasexperienced and studied the benefits and joys that result fromameditation practice focused on the development ofheightenedawareness of one's body. She regards mindfulnessmeditation, “as apowerful tool for creating physical and mentalstability, and adaily life with more inner peace and increasedenergy.” JannikHolgersen App producer and developer Jannik hasdeveloped andproduced several different apps including MindfulIsland and Soundof Mindfulness. Jannik has years of technicalexperience working inTV and entertainment. Jannik’s interest inmindfulness meditationhas expanded during recent years as allhumans face increasingstress levels and demands on their time; atwork and at home. “Myapproach to mindfulness goes back to 1999 whenI began meditating.I learned that children are born mindful, butlose that ability tobe aware and at peace over time. My goal isthat parents use ourapp to meditate together with their children,and as a result,their children learn to stay mindful throughouttheir lives.”Sincerely, Jannik & Pia Contact us if you have anyquestions.Note: check out our privacy policy here on AppStore.
Meditation Chimer 1.16
It times. It chimes. It's simple.
Luminescence Visual Meditation 1.4
Meditation Oasis
Sequences of mandala images combined with relaxing musicformeditation.
CALM Guided Meditation Video 1.1
Mindfulness: Guided Meditation 2.0
Pedby Wellness Studio
Best Guided Mindfulness Meditation Curated for Stress,Anxiety,Sleep Problems.
Aware: Meditation & Mindfulnes 2.0.52
One of the highest rated meditation & mindfulness appsbuiltwith lot of love.
Wildflowers Mindfulness 2.2.4
Mobio Interactive (MI)
Fun, immersive and calming, Wildflowers is an accessibleandengaging app that blends guided meditation &resilienceactivities with mood & heart rate tracking.Wildflowersincludes a free trial. Create an account, and take alook! InWildflowers, you’ll find: - Themed meditation Lessons. -Heart RateTracking, at the start and end of every meditation. -Personalisedmeditation suggestions, based on your mood. - Insightsinto therelationships between body, mind and meditation. -Bite-sizedmeditations for every-day use. Mindfulness supportsresilience inmental health, physical health and wellness. Heartrate iscalculated via the mobile device camera – no externalaccessory isrequired. Immersive yourself in the leading mobilewellnessexperience of 2018.
Meditation & Relaxing Music 2.0.1
Brain Vault
Relax and release stress and anxiety with great meditationmusictracks
Meditation Timer & Log 3.1.4
Completely free, easy to personalize meditation timer with ahistorylog
Geführte Meditationen deutsch 2.5
Meditation for beginners: audio course with guidedmeditations(German)
Seokmun Breathing Meditation
Meet yourself bright and healthy with Seokmun Breathing Meditation.
Simple Habit: Meditation 1.37.1
Ingenio, LLC
Feel better in 5 minutes
NLP Hypnosis & Meditation 1.0
Attention Shifting, LLC
If you are finding your eyesfollowingthesewords, then your life is about to changedramatically… ifyouchoose to take the next step.After installing this free app you will be immersed intoaworldof possibility and potential - waiting for you to decidejusthowbig, exciting and vivid you want your life's experiencestobe.Language and words structure what we perceive tobereality.Through the filter of your paradigm (yourpersonalexperiences,education, culture, language, and beliefsystem) youassignmeaning(s) to every experience and thesebecomeunconsciouspatterns that alter your perceptions of theunderlyingcauses ofyour life experiences and your identity. Changeyour wordsand youchange your life.This free app includes the following programs:- Experience Trance: An overview of Ericksonian Hypnosis-thefield of indirect hypnosis from whichneuro-linguisticprogramming(NLP) was developed. (25 min. audio)- Intro to NLP: An experiential overviewofneuro-linguisticprogramming. (25 min. audio)- Tipping Point Meditation: Daily guided groupmeditationforglobal peace and innovation. (25 min. audio)- Disappearing Cancer: Emotional management, guidedimagery,andNLP reframing for people whose lives have been affectedbycancer.(50 min. audio)As you begin to understand that all communication ishypnoticbynature, then you can begin to change how words are used.We areourown best hypnotists and often the language we use limitsusorfrees us in our overall experience of life.The following audio programs are available for unlimitedusewitha weekly subscription. New content will be added eachmonthandevery program can be used multiple times. Each oftheAttentionShifting personal development programs have auniqueprocess, feel,and approach designed to empower the listener.Theseaudio programsutilize NLP (neuro-linguisticprogramming),Ericksonian hypnosis,meditation, binaural beats,brainwavefrequencies, and guidedvisualization and imagery to helpthelistener experience personaltransformation.Due to limitations in the app description length, thereisnotenough room to list all of the audios available intheweeklysubscription. There are over $1,455 in audioprogramsavailable foronly $9.99 per week AND the 1st week is a freetrialfor you to beabsolutely certain about your decision. You'vegotnothing to loseand everything [you've been desiring] to gain.I'llsee you on theinside....? Be Amazing.-About the Developer-Michael J. Emery has a Master of Arts from theInstituteofTranspersonal Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts inMarketingandAdvertising Management from PortlandStateUniversity.Additionally, Michael is certified as ahypnotherapistand atrainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming(NLP).