برترین 7 برنامه مشابه به Athens (Metro 24)

Athens Travel Guide by Triposo 4.6.0
The Athens travel guide is a complete and up to date city guide.Itworks offline, you don't need an internet connection.Bookmarkinteresting places in the sightseeing section with allthemonuments. Pick your ideal restaurant in the eating outsectioncontaining the best restaurants. Discover the nightlife ofAthens!Bars, pubs & discos in Athens. Use the detailed offlinemap ofAthens to simply find out where you are and see what'saround. Thecomplete background information can be an interestingread at homeor on the road to your next adventure. Useful when youare there: -Currency converter. - Phrasebook for Greek. - Weatherforecast(updated when online). - Directions on how to get to aplace bypublic transport. - Book hotels and tours in Athensdirectly fromthe app (when online). About Triposo Founded by andfor travelers,Triposo delivers up-to-date information, detailedmaps andintelligent recommendations for more than 40,000destinations in200 countries around the world. To make our guideswe use thecontent that is freely available. Open content siteslikeWikivoyage, Wikipedia, World66 and OpenStreetMap are among thebestresources for any traveler. Whether you are a planner or prefertogo with the flow, Triposo helps you discover the unexpectedandexperience travel in a new way. If you see any problem withtheapp, please write us an email at feedback@triposo.com so wecanfigure out what's wrong and fix it. Thanks!
PocketGuide Inc.
Athens Audio Travel GuideBeing continuously inhabited for at least 3,000 years, Athensbustsof energy and waits to be explored. Whether you are eager towanderthrough the picturesque courtyards and lanes of Plaka, visittheoriental bazaars and food markets of Monastiraki, or enjoy afrappeand spoon sweet in the wonderful patisseries and kafeneia,ourtailor-made tours guide you through the city.Forget about lengthy text based content and pay attention tothesite itself while listening to the narrated information.PocketGuide, the world’s leading audio city guide application,givesyou tours by voice, revealing the best stories, insiderhangouts andmust-see sights in close to 150 major cities andtouristdestinations. The app determines your location and arecording ofyour personal tour guide describes where you are – youdon’t need totouch your phone or read from the screen. All thetours aredeveloped by local experts who know their citiesinside-and-out. Youcan choose from different themed tours, or justwander around thecity and let PocketGuide inform you when aninteresting site isnearby. The app can also record your trip: Withone click you cancreate an amazing 3D video of the sights you seeon yourtravels.You can use the GPS-activated voice tours for free as long asyourphone is online, but that means you will have to payroamingcharges. If you pay to download the tours, you can usethemoffline, and save on the cost of roaming. We charge a small feefordownloading the offline features because we need to reimbursethetour guides and cover our development costs. Other features youcanget for free include a map that works offline and free use ofthe3D tour.Why PocketGuide?• TOURS OFFERED BY LOCAL EXPERTS - Browse hundreds of toursguidedby people who make sure you see the most excitingplaces.• AUDIO GUIDED TOURS - It will guide you with clear audio cuesandonce you approach a sight it automatically starts to tell youaboutit• SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES - During your tour you can take photosandadd comments; from this PocketGuide automatically creates a3Dvideo which you can easily share with your friends• FIND GREAT PLACES - If you are tired, let our guides recommendyouthe best nearby restaurants and cafés• AVAILABLE OFFLINE - Once you download a city, the wholecontentworks in offline mode so you don’t have to payroamingcharges• OFFLINE MAP - Get a free offline map and navigate in thecityeasily while avoiding roaming charges.Enjoyed the tours? Also download: PocketGuide App to gain accessto150+ cities globally.
Athens Metro Map Free Offline 3.1
Metro Planner
a simple free and offline map of Athens Metro
Путеводители Ever.Travel 1.2.4
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Афины: краткий путеводитель 1.0
100 euro
Путеводитель по Афинам это:- только основная информация;- никаких платных предложений;- возможность открывать без интернета;- удобный формат;- фрагменты карт;- описание интересных мест;- цены и основные расходы;- авторские фото;- проверенные советы.Скачайте путеводитель по Афинам, данный гид поможетвамсоставитьмаршрут на 2 дня, который реально осуществить всегоза100 евро(проживание, проезд, питание, страховка,немногосувениров).Удачного путешествия!Guide to Athensare:- Only the basic information;- No fee proposals;- The ability to open without the Internet;- User-friendly format;- Fragments of cards;- A description of interesting places;- Prices and basic expenses;- Author's photo;- Proven tips.Download the guide of Athens, this guide will help youplanroutesfor 2 days, which is actually implemented in just100euros(accommodation, travel, food, insurance,littlesouvenirs).Have a nice trip!
ATH Airport 2.7.2
The official Athens International Airport application isfullyredesigned.
AthensBook 1.7.5
Susuko Maka LLC
AthensBook is way more than the business directory ofold.Sinceearly 2009, it provides timely, accurateandpersonalizedinformation on a wide range of utilityandentertainment categoriesfor Athens, Greece, including: - 'NowOpen'Pharmacies and GasStations (including recent prices) in andaroundAthens, OpenPublic Services, Hospitals and EOPYY Doctors ofallkinds. Alsofeatured Restaurants, Bars and Nightlife indowntownAthens andnearby commercial centres, ATMs and Banks, WineCellarsandPatisseries, Museums and Archæological sites(includingadmissionfees!), Super Markets and much more! - Apowerful 'listmaking'feature that allows you to create and sharelists of yourfavoritevenues in Athens. - Providing a plethora offiltering andsortingoptions that turn this application into a dailycompanion,whetheryou're visiting or living in Athens. On the MainMenu of the'Bookyou can switch between your current location orchoose fromanumber of predefined locations. - You can recommendormissingplaces too! Add your suggestions from the option on themainmenu.You can also report mistakes by long-tapping on listsortapping onthe relevant option when viewing the details of avenue.If youexperience any issues please let us knowviawww.athensbook.gr.Stay in touch, be informed about currentandfuture developments aswell as daily notices about events andtrendsvia our facebook page(http://www.facebook.com/athensbook)andtwitter (@athensbook).