برترین 20 برنامه مشابه به Rutas Senderismo Tablets

Hiking trails 1.0.8
Hiking trails is a free app to plan your hikingtrips,virtuallyalmost anywhere in the world. With over 150,000 GPStracksandwaypoints, you can search trails around you (when youarealreadyoutdoors), or you can find hiking trails near a townorcountry, tohelp you plan your trip. With thewonderfulOpenStreetMap maps, youcan view the trail path and nearbypoints ofinterest. Once youhave found a trail, you can download itas KMLfile, compatiblewith OruxMaps, Google MyTracks or any otherGPSnavigator. Also,you can add the trail to your favorites list,toreview it wheneveryou want. FEATURES. ★ More than 150,000trailsall around theworld, with GPS tracks and pois. ★ Searchtrailsbased on yourlocation. ★ Search trails by city or countries,toplan a travel. ★Descriptive information for each trail. ★ Shareatrail / map withyour WhatsApp contacts, even thought if theydonthave Android orHiking Trails app. ★ Unlimited trails DownloadinKML format,compatible with all the main GPS browsers: OruxMaps,GoogleMyTracks, Google Earth, etc. ★ Favorites lists, toreview atrailwhenever you want. ★ Comment and disqus eachtrail(withoutregistering). ★ Locate your position on the map.COMINGSOON. ★View photos around each trail. ★ View Google StreetViewpanoramasaround each trail, if available. ★ Share listsoffavorites to yourWhatsApp contacts. ★ Heat maps to see themostpopular areas forhiking
Wikiloc outdoor navigation GPS 3.25.28
Wikiloc Outdoor
Wikiloc App - Now with offline topomaps!Enjoy free offline maps available worldwide to be used withoutadata connectionCreate your trips and share them with friends on socialnetworks.Track your outdoor activities on a map, take photos alongthe routeand upload all of it directly to Wikiloc right fromyourAndroid.Discover millions of outdoor routes even in the most remoteplaceson Earth. You can choose between running, hiking, cycling,mountainbiking, kayaking and up to 45 different outdooractivitiesavailable.Want more? Transform your phone into a GPS navigator! For asmallfee you can use your mobile phone to guide you through anyroutelike a GPS navigator with heading indicator and audible alertstowarn you if you go off-track.Broadcast your GPS tracked activities on Wikiloc.com and yourfamily& friends you choose can watch how you're doing theentiretime.Join us at wikiloc.com, the community where you can meet millionsofsports enthusiasts, travelers and nature lovers sharingourexperiences through GPS trails.Visit www.wikiloc.com to access even more features.
Rutea Turismo Rutas Senderismo 1.1.0
Descubre los rincones más impresionantesdenuestra geografía, sin perderte ni un detalle y a turitmo.Encuentra paisajes escondidos y pueblos recónditos. Conocetodassus historias y leyendas. Sumérgete en la naturaleza ydisfruta detoda la belleza que te rodea.Elige la guía que más te guste, descárgala en tu móvil, sigueelmapa incluso sin cobertura y recibe toda a información sobreloslugares por los que pasa el camino.Te proponemos dos tiposderecorridos:RUTAS DE SENDERISMO- Se incluyen tanto senderos oficiales como rutas diseñadaspornuestro equipo. Todas ellas han sido reconocidas en elcampopreviamente, incorporando a la aplicación únicamente lasquecumplen criterios de buen mantenimiento, seguridad e interésparael usuario.- Cada ruta incluye recorrido (track), cartografía yfotografíaaérea (IGN), así como información sobre la zona en la quenosencontramos y los puntos de interés por los quevamospasando.- Una vez descargada en el móvil, no es necesaria conexiónainternet (Funciona OFFLINE: Toda la información sobre la rutasegraba en la memoria de nuestro dispositivo y el GPS nos guíasobreel mapa).- Se incluye información general sobre la ruta, así comodistancia,dificultad, circular o lineal, perfil, tiempo estimado,como llegaral punto de inicio, fotografías... En cada ruta seespecifica si esapta para toda la familia, si se puede realizar enBTT, si esrecomendable para realizar con nuestras mascotas,etc.- Se incluyen también rutas por el centro de variasciudades,incluyendo los monumentos más importantes y las historiasmásinteresantes de cada una.RUTAS EN COCHE, MOTO O BICICLETA- Recorridos turísticos cuidadosamente diseñados, en los queseincluyen los puntos de interés imprescindibles de cadazona(castillos, iglesias, miradores, cascadas, parquesnaturales,lagos, playas, puentes, museos, pequeñas rutasdesenderismo...).- Casi todas las rutas están pensadas para hacer turismodurantevarios días (un fin de semana, etc), pero todas ellas sepuedenhacer perfectamente en una jornada si seleccionamos lospuntos quemás nos interesan.- Una vez descargada la ruta tendremos toda la informaciónennuestro móvil, sin necesidad de consumir datos. Para llegar acadapunto de interés tenemos la opción de guiarnos con el GPS sobreelmapa (no necesita internet) o utilizar un navegador paso a paso(seconsumen únicamente los datos que este necesita).Comenzamos por Galicia, pero poco a poco vamos subiendonuevossenderos y guías de turismo por toda España. Además, lasrutas serevisan y se actualizan periódicamente, completando lainformacióne incluyendo nuevos datos. Todas las rutas son gratis(tantosenderismo como guías de turismo).DESTINOS CON RUTAS INCLUIDASA Coruña: Barbanza, Costa da Morte, Bergantiños,Ferrolterra,Santiago de CompostelaLeón: Bierzo, Ancares, Picos de EuropaLugo: Courel, Ribeira SacraOurense: Allariz - Maceda, Ribeira Sacra, Ourense, RibeiroPontevedra: Deza, Sanxenxo, Rías Baixas, Salnés, Morrazo,Tabeirós,Caldas, A Cañiza, Cambados, ArousaZamora: SanabriaSÍNTESIS- Rutas de Senderismo y Recorridos Turísticos pordiferenteszonas de España- Descripciones, fotografías,mapas, tracks y datos decadaruta.- Información sobre los servicios que necesitas para una jornadadeturismo (restaurantes, oficinas de información, etc)- Guía completa del recorrido, con explicaciones detalladas encadapunto de interés.- Los mapas interactivos de las rutas de senderismofuncionantotalmente OFFLINE, sin necesidad de cobertura.Discover the mostamazingcorners of our country, without missing a detail and yourpace.Find hidden landscapes and hidden villages. Knows all theirstoriesand legends. Immerse yourself in nature and enjoy the beautyaroundyou.Select the directory that you like, download it to yourphone,follow the map even without coverage and get all informationaboutthe places through which it passes the camino.Te propose twotypesof tours:HIKING TRAILS- Includes both official trails and routes designed by ourteam.All have been previously recognized in the field, adding totheapplication only those that meet criteria of goodmaintenance,security and interest to the user.- Each path includes path (track), cartography andaerialphotography (IGN), and information about the area in which weandpoints of interest in which we are passing.- Once downloaded on your phone, it is not necessary internet(WorksOFFLINE: All path information is recorded in the memory ofourdevice and the GPS guides us on the map).- General information about the route is included, as wellasdistance, difficulty, circular or linear, profile, dear, how togetto the starting point, pictures ... In each path youspecifywhether it is suitable for the whole family time, if You canbedone in mountain bike, whether it is advisable to carry outwithour pets, etc.- Routes are also included in the middle of severalcities,including the most important monuments and the mostinterestingstories each.Routes by car, motorcycle or bicycle- Tours carefully designed, where the essential points ofeachzone interest (castles, churches, viewpoints, waterfalls,parks,lakes, beaches, bridges, museums, small hiking ...)areincluded.- Almost all routes are designed for touring for several days(aweekend, etc), but all of them can be done perfectly in a day ifweselect the points that interest us.- Once downloaded the route we have all the information onyourmobile phone, without consuming data. To reach every pointofinterest we have the option to guide us with the GPS on the map(noneed internet) or using a stepper (you only consume the dataitneeds) browser.Galicia began, but little by little we are uploading newtrailsand guides throughout Spain. Moreover, the routes arereviewed andupdated regularly, completing the information andincluding newdata. All routes are free (both as hiking guides).DESTINATIONS INCLUDING ROUTESA Coruña: Barbanza, Costa da Morte, Bergantiños,Ferrolterra,Santiago de CompostelaLeon: Bierzo, Ancares, Picos de EuropaLugo: Courel, Ribeira SacraOurense: Allariz - Maceda, Ribeira Sacra, Ourense, RibeiroPontevedra: Deza, Sanxenxo, Rias Baixas, Salnés Morrazo,Tabeirós,Caldas, A Caniza, Cambados, ArousaZamora SanabriaSYNTHESIS- Hiking trails and tours of different areas of Spain- Descriptions, photographs, maps, tracks and data ofeachroute.- Information about the services you need for a day ofsightseeing(restaurants, information offices, etc.)- Complete Travel Guide, with detailed explanations on each pointofinterest.- Interactive maps of hiking trails run fully OFFLINE,withoutcoverage.
Trekkapp, your tour guide in the Smartphone. 3.3.2
Apps to Enjoy S.L.
Trekkapp is the free tour guide that will help you to enjoy moreandbetter all your trips. We do it in a simple and fun way. Youdon'tmiss anything on your travels. Just download Trekkapp, walkand theapplication will warn you every time you are near a pointofinterest. You will not miss anything!!! All points of interestaredocumented. It implies that we will tell you interestingstories andanecdotes. In the same way that happens when you hire atour guide.With Trekkapp you can know the destination in depth andwith totalfreedom. You don’t need to hire a guide, followpre-establishedschedules or routes. Take only what you are mostinterested in. Youno longer need to plan your trip! We know thatlooking what you cansee in the destination is part of the trip.But, we also know thatwe just know a few points in eachdestination and ther are the mosttouristic. You can also follow aroute What if you want to do theroute of the Bourbons of Madrid?With Trekkapp you will be able todo. We have hundreds of routes inthe destinations. You have thepath of the route and all thesignificant points it crosses, andTrekkapp will warn you everytime you are reaching one, as we alwaysdo;) Are the contentsreliable? One of our obsessions is that thecontents are ofquality. Therefore all the contents that appear inTrekkapp havebeen prepared by our partners of documentation or theyhave writtenthe own destinations. So, you can trust in Trekkapp!Trekkapp is incities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valladolid orGijón. But everytime we are updating more destinations and reachingmore places, sowe recommend you pay attention to the updates wetake. Enjoy yourtrip and don't forget to load your mobile! It willhas all theinformation you need to enjoy and take advantage of thesites youwill discover thanks to your favorite guide, Trekkapp. Youcanfollow us on:http://www.trekkapp.comhttps://www.facebook.com/Trekkapphttp://twitter.com/Trekkappinfo@trekkapp.com
Rutas GPS Sierra del Segura 2.0.000
Im3diA comunicación
Hiking, mountain biking and vehicle by the Sierra delSegura,Albacete.
Naturapps, your hiking app 1.3.10
Naturapps (BETA)The Best Spanish Active Tourism App "The AppTourism Awards 2014"DOWNLOAD NATURAPPSFIND YOUR TRAILENJOY OFFLINEUsing Naturapps on your smartphone you can find trails thatwilltake you to amazing places. Try our search to choose the trailthatsuits your requirements. You can search by locationandcharacteristics (difficulty, length or type of trial). Weincludetours for all levels and also a specially recommendedselection toenjoy with children and bikers.For each trail, Naturapps offers you a full path description,apicture gallery and the location of the startingpoint.Additionally, you will also be able to buy, directly from theapp,high quality interactive maps where you will see the trail,yourGPS position and points of interest withinterpretivecontent.Download the app now, receive 100 points for free to buyyourfavorite guide and enjoy totally free sponsored routes.If you are a hiking enthusiast you can upgrade Naturappsbypurchasing the PRO version to enjoy all our guideswithoutrestrictions.Avoid signal problems, downloaded guides are 100% functionalinoffline mode.Available guides throughout the Spanish territory, every daynewselected trails are added.Within the app you will be able to manage the content youhavepreviously downloaded to optimize memory usage of your phone.Onceyou acquired a new guide you can delete it from your smartphoneandre-download it without additional charges as many times asyouwant.NATURAPPS IS FOR EVERYONE, with trails of all levels,fromwalking to mountain climbing. You don´t need to be an expertinmaps or GPS to enjoy.Do not hesitate, Naturapps is your ultimate hiking app!FEATURES---> TRAIL FINDER---> HIGH QUALITY GUIDES---> DESCRIPTIVE CONTENTS OF EACH PATH AND ITS POINTSOFINTEREST---> PHOTO GALLERY---> GPS WITH INTEGRATED INTERACTIVE MAPS AND FUNCTIONAL100%OFFLINE---> DOWNLOADED CONTENT MANAGER IN MEMORY DEVICENOTE: using GPS can dramatically decrease battery life,werecommend deactivating other utilities to optimizeconsumption.
Outdoor routes in Catalonia 4.3
Outdoor routes in Catalonia now on mobile devices!
Quechua Tracking 1.5.1
Decathlon International
Quechua Tracking, a new hiking experienceonyour smartphone.Quechua Tracking is a must-have app, providing essential featurestoenable you to track your hikes.GPS Tracking and permanent geolocation feature for your safety,arecord chart and option to create a hiking journal that youcanshare with your friends etc. Thanks to Quechua Tracking,yoursmartphone can be converted into a genuine outdoor GPS and cankeepa record of all your hiking experiences.Localization system and safety:Using the collaborative map, OpenStreetMap-Landscape, Quechuaallowsyou to find out your GPS position, in real time, anywhere intheworld.This map is updated with new details every day, thanks tothecontributions of internet users. It also has specialoutdoorgraphics (with contour lines, trails, vegetation,ski-lifts,etc.)Zoom available up to a scale of approximately 1/10000m (dependingonresolution of smartphone)If you wish to provide rapid and accurate information totheemergency services about your location, in the event ofanincident, you can simply send a screenshot of your position onthemap by text or MMS.If you're worried about poor network coverage during yourhike,Quechua Tracking includes a function that allows you to"download amap:" pay a one-off charge of EUR 1.99 (InApp Purchase)and thenyou can download, onto your mobile, the appropriate basemap forthe route you wish to take.Record chart:Quechua Tracking allows you to view your activity andyourperformances: altitude, cumulative elevation gain/loss,distancecovered, climbing speed, walking time etc. This will helpyou focusyour efforts and improve your hiking time.Hiking Journal:Start and finish points, elevation gain/loss, route, duration,speedetc. Quechua Tracking allows you to record information aboutyourtrip, combine photos and comments and create your veryownHikeBook®: a new type of hiking journal, incorporating yourfinestmemories.You can share photos taken during your hike, at any timeonFacebook™ or e-mail your Hikebook® to selected individuals.Main functions:-GPS tracking-Geolocation and tracking on OpenStreetMap-Landscape-Share your GPS position via text or send a screenshot of yourmapposition via MMS.-Downloadable map (chargeable)-"Mountain" record chart-Elevation profile-Save and share photos-Create and share a HikeBook®, a hiking journal documentingthethrill and excitement of the hiking experience
My Track 6.5
Daniel Qin
Plan a route, record, share and follow. Photos can be joinedandshared.
Natura Local 2.5.9
Best App for hiking, routes, excursions, mtb, cultural visits.
GPX Viewer 1.44.5
Vectura Games OÜ
GPX Viewer shows tracks, routes and waypoints from gpx andkmlfiles.
OruxMaps Donate
jose vazquez
ATTENTION, THIS IS THE VERSION 'DONATE'. IFYOUWANT, YOU CAN TRY THE FREE VERSION, WHICH IS IDENTICALTOTHIS.IMPORTANT!: NOT ALL ONLINE MAP SOURCES ARE NOW DOWNLOADABLE.SELECTANOTHER SOURCE IF YOU CAN NOT FIND THE OPTION TO DOWNLOADAMAP.Map viewer, track logger.You can use OruxMaps for your outdoor activities (running,treking,mountain bike, paragliding, flying, nauticsports,....)100% no adversisementsOnline and offline maps. Support to multiple formats:-OruxMaps format. You can use maps from Ozi Explorer transformedwita PC tool.-.ozf2-.img garmin (vectorial) -no full support is provided-.-.mbtiles-.rmap-.map (vectorial from mapsforge). Support to custom themessimilatthan Locus themes.Support to Wms, you can use the application as a WMS viewer.Support to APRS sources.3D view.Support to multiple external devices:-GPS bluetooth.-Heart rate monitors, bluetooth Zephyr, Polar (includingbluettohsmart devices, like polar H7).-ANT+ (speed, cadence, heart rate, distance,...).-AIS information systems (experimental), for nautical sports,usingWifi o BT.More features:Support to KML KMZ and GPX formats.Share your position with your friends, display the position ofyourfriends in your device.Download online maps for offline use.Text to speech support.Profiles; save your preferences in your SD card.Statistics with graphics.Follow routes, with different alarms to alert you if you are nearawaypoint, or you are far from the route.Create/save wayponits, attaching photo/audio/videoextensions.Custom waypoints types, with your icons.Basic support to Geocaching.Correct the altitude of your tracks/routes using DEM files(offline)or online services.Search/download tracks from:-everytrail.com-gpsies.comSearch or create tracks using online services from Cloudmadeoroffline using Broute app.Upload tracks to:-mapmytracks.com-trainingstagebuch.org-ikimap-wikirutas-openxploraLive tracking using:-mapmytracks.com-okmap application-gpsgate protocolMore info here: www.oruxmaps.com
Navegador GPS YUGOU 1.7.10
hibu Connect, S.A.U.
Descarga gratis el navegador GPS offline quenoconsume tu tarifa de datos.Funciona sin conexión a internet. Mapas 3D, visualizadordemapas, actualizaciones ilimitadas de los mapas licenciadosporTomTom, avisador de radares, calculador de rutas y amplia basededatos de negocios y puntos de interés PDI incluidos paraEspaña,Portugal y Andorra.Además, información de tráfico y radares en todo el mundo ymuchasmás características. La mejor opción de navegación GPS paraviajaral extranjero, con cientos de mapas de países e idiomas aelegir,que no consume los datos de la tarifa de tu móvil.Disfruta de la conducción o tus rutas a pie, con mapas en3D,navegación con instrucciones de voz giro a giro, instruccionesdesalida de carriles, advertencias de límite de velocidad y visióndelos cruces con flechas indicadoras de carril. Lo tienesTODOINCLUIDOSi estás cansado de que tu conexión se pierda o sea lenta,depagar por los datos cuando usas otros navegadores GPS, o quealviajar a otros países tengas recargos por la itinerancia, estaestu aplicación de navegación ideal, ¡YUGOU funcionacompletamentesin conexión! Está siempre disponible siendo rápida ymuy fácil deusar. Planifica tus rutas desde el sofá de tu casa,desde un avióno en tus vacaciones en las playas de las IslasCanarias.Descárgala, pruébala y se convertirá en tu mejor asistenteparallegar a cualquier destino.YUGOU es el navegador GPS offline de Páginas AmarillasCARACTERÍSTICAS PRINCIPALES:A) Un navegador GPS offline gratuito de verdad:- Actualizaciones gratuitas de los mapas y la base de datosdepuntos de interés (PDI)- Actualizaciones gratuitas de los radares fijos- Funciona sin necesidad de conexión a InternetB) Una navegación GPS de calidad- Mapas 3D y 2D potentes que se cargan a granvelocidad,optimizados para cualquier dispositivo- Alerta de radares fijos- Millones de negocios y puntos de interés (PDI), con opcióndellamar, contactar o ver web- Indicaciones completas por voz (TTS)- Asistente visual y por voz en los cruces,rotondas,incorporaciones,…- Asistencia de carril, para una mayor seguridad eneltrayecto.- Cálculo de las mejores rutas y rutas alternativas- Opciones para evitar peajes, autopistas o ferries- Rutas en coche y a pie- Recálculo de rutas automático ante cambios en el trayecto- Mapas totalmente interactivos, incluso durante lanavegación- Alertas cuando se exceden los límites de velocidad- Integración en el audio del vehículo- Más de 27 Idiomas diferentes para la navegación por vozC) Un navegador GPS amigable, rápido y sencillo de usar:- “Compartir hora de llegada” esta funcionalidad tepermitirácompartir tu hora estimada de llegada con tus amigos através deemail, whatsapp, sms, twitter,...- Búsqueda rápida, accesible directamente desde la pantalladelmapa- Visualización en 3D de las ciudades para facilitarlaorientación- Explore mapas, busque y calcule rutas- Historial de búsquedas completo- Convierta cualquier ubicación en su “favorita” con unsolotoque- Conecte con la agenda de contactos de su teléfono ynaveguefácilmente hasta su ubicación- Visualice como si estuviera conduciendo y planifique cada pasodesu ruta antes de salirCARACTERISTICAS PREMIUM:- Situación del tráfico en cientos de países- Mapas adicionales. Elija de entre la enorme selección de mapasqueofrece TomTom, con la última información disponibleyactualizaciones gratuitasTENGA EN CUENTA LAS SIGUIENTES CONSIDERACIONES:• Al instalar la aplicación asegúrese de estar conectado aunared estable Wi-fi para descargar todos los mapas y PDIsincluidoscon alta calidad en tu dispositivo. Después, ya podrásusarlo sinconexión.• Nunca deje que las indicaciones de navegación ledistraiganmientras conduce.• No maneje la aplicación YUGOU mientras conduce. Colóquelo enunsoporte estándar, que le permita una buena visualización,conécteloa su vehículo, o déjelo en manos de su copiloto.GPS free downloadofflinebrowser that does not consume your data rate.It works without internet connection. 3D maps, mapviewer,unlimited updates of TomTom Licensing, warning radars,calculatingroutes and extensive database of businesses andattractionsincluding PDI for Spain, Portugal and Andorramaps.In addition, traffic information and radar worldwide and manymorefeatures. The best choice of GPS navigation to travel abroadwithhundreds of maps of countries and languages ​​to choose from,itdoes not consume the data rate of your mobile.Enjoy your driving or walking routes, with 3D maps,navigationwith audible turn-by-turn instructions exit lanes, speedlimitwarnings and vision crossings lane indicator arrows. We haveALLINCLUSIVEIf you're tired of your connection is lost or slow, pay forthedata when using other GPS navigators, or to travel toothercountries have surcharges for roaming, this is yourapplicationideal navigation, YUGOU works completely withoutconnection! It isalways available to be quick and easy to use. Planyour route fromthe comfort of your home, from a plane or in yourholiday on thebeaches of the Canary Islands.Download it, try it and become your best assistant to reachanydestination.YUGOU is offline GPS Navigator Yellow PagesKEY FEATURES:A) A free offline GPS navigator really:- Free updates of maps and database of points ofinterest(POI)- Free upgrades of fixed radars- Works without InternetB) A quality GPS navigation- 2D and 3D maps powerful charged to high speed, optimizedforany device- Alert fixed radars- Millions of businesses and points of interest (POI), withtheoption to call, contact or see web- Full Voice prompts (TTS)- Visual and voice at intersections Wizard, roundabouts,junctions,...- Support rail for safer route.- Calculation of the best routes and alternative routes- Options to avoid toll roads, motorways or ferries- Routes by car and on foot- Automatic route recalculation to changes in the way- Fully interactive maps, even during navigation- Alerts when speed limits are exceeded- Integration into the vehicle audio- More than 27 different languages ​​for voice navigationC) A friendly, fast and easy-to-use GPS navigator:- "Share arrival time" this feature will allow you to shareyourestimated time of arrival with your friends via email,whatsapp,sms, twitter hour, ...- Quick Search, accessible directly from the map screen- 3D visualization of the cities to facilitate orientation- Explore maps, locate and calculate routes- Full history search- Convert any location on your "favorite" with one touch- Connect with the contacts on your phone and easily navigatetoyour location- Visualize as if you were driving and plan every step of yourroutebefore leavingPREMIUM FEATURES:- Traffic situation in hundreds of countries- Additional maps. Choose from the huge selection of TomTomoffersmaps with the latest information available and freeupdatesPLEASE NOTE the following considerations:• When installing the application make sure you are connectedtoa stable Wi-Fi connection to download all the maps and highqualityPOIs included with your device. Then, you can use itoffline.• Never let the navigation distract you while driving.• Do not operate the application while driving YUGOU. Place it inastandard support, which allows a good display, connect toyourvehicle, or leave it to his copilot.
GPS Navigation 20.0
Navigating from one place to the other has become easy with thehelpof GPS devices that gets its information directly fromsatellites.This interesting Android application GPS Navigationhelp users toget access to links that connect to websites thatprovide them withlive maps of locations they intend to navigateto. Users candownload softwares that can provide them with thecorrect directionsalong with accurate landmarks as they receivelive information fromsatellites. One can use this applicationwhile driving and it willautomatically direct to the desiredlocation.
Elige tu ruta 1.7.6
Aplicación transporte ciudadLeónGuanajuato,informació de rutas, paradas de autobús, puntosderecarga pagobus,noticias, reportes.Optibús LeónApplicationLeonGuanajuatocity transport, informatio routes, bus stops,pointspagobusrecharge, news reports.Optibús León
Genius Maps Car GPS Navigation 3.7.0
Mireo d.d.
Offline GPS navigation with free professional maps and POI.
bGEO GPS Navigation 12.0.279
Free voice GPS navigation with live traffic and free maps
Voice GPS Navigation & Map
Little Princess LTD
New features added in version 2:- Route Finder (Navigation)- Near by : get near by school, parks, hospital, restaurant,banks,atm, gas stations, shopping malls, railway stationsetc.- Current location: get your current location in text form andshareit with your friends .App features :- Speak to search between 2 places, route, Map andnavigation.- Search is integrated between current location todestinationlocation by default. You can replace the currentlocation withother location too.- Easy and quick to search.- Use of Google Map Service and navigation- Detailed features of Near By search with real user ratingsandcomments.- Get navigation between 2 destination by setting destinationswithin the app in Route Finder. Get shortest and best route withroutefinder.Just speak out California and you'll instantly get the locationandnavigation from your current location to California.
GPS Navigation & Map by Aponia
Aponia Software, s.r.o.
The world's most versatile anduser-friendlyGPS navigation with offline maps.FIND YOUR DESTINATION IN AN EASY WAYAponia GPS Navigation converts your Android smartphone ortabletinto a fully functional mobile navigation system withon-boardmaps, thus avoiding data transfer for map display,routecalculation etc.The most complex and user-friendly GPS navigation app in theworldwith Intel x86 support also.Maps are stored on the device for offline use.Both app and maps are updated for free.The application is compatible with over 300 Android smartphonesandtablets.FAST, SMART AND UNDEMANDING▪ No. 1 paid GPS navigation with a growing number ofsatisfiedusers.▪ On-board navigation – the maps are stored directly inyoursmartphone or tablet, thus avoiding extra expensesfor data.▪ The application is capable of navigating to a zip code,housenumber or an address book contact.▪ Extensive map database with high quality maps.▪ Turn-by-turn voice guidance with a large registeroflanguages.USER-FRIENDLY▪ Complex junctions simplified by lane arrows anddirectionsigns.▪ Alternative routes.▪ Powerful multi-stop trip planning and optimization.▪ Favorites – easy access to home, work and favorite places.▪ Navigation activation via a tap on the map.SAFE▪ Speed camera alerts with FREE updates.▪ Speed limit indicator and warnings.▪ Automatic day-night modes.CLEVER▪ The navigation finds the fastest route based on livetrafficflow.▪ If there’s a delay based on the traffic flow, theappautomatically finds a new route.▪ Color-coded live traffic map and status bar.PLUS ALL THE FEATURES YOU'D EXPECT FROM A NAVIGATION.
iGO Navigation
Join millions of travelers around the world and take thejourneysthat matter.