برترین 2 برنامه مشابه به Army Creeds & Info Free

Army Board Study Guide 2.2.0
A portable study guide for U.S. Army soldier, NCO, promotion oranytype of board.If you are unable to download please email me and I will issuearefund. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about it. It isacarrier/market error.please email corrections to ch13fw@ch13fw.comThis is an entire study guide. It is a fairly large file soitmay take a bit to load completely. It is in a simple textonlyformat
SGT STAR: Army’s Virtual Guide 1.1.22
Hi, I’m SGT STAR. I’m here toansweranyquestions you have about Army life. Just say, or typeinyourquestions and I'll respond with fast, accurate answers.Askmethings like, “How much of my college tuition will the Armypay?”or“What do the medical benefits look like?” or we canexplorecareeropportunities together. Go ahead, give me a try – justdon’task meto drop and give you 20.