برترین 21 برنامه مشابه به Childcare On - Kindergartens

My Personal Agenda Pro v.225 Pro 10/2023 Powered by Tambucho
The most complete Organizer that you will find for yourAndroiddevice.
Consultorio.me 97
Codequest Software
Consultorio is the ideal application to manage your patientsandappointments.
Himnario IDMJI 3.0.39
official hymnal of the Church of God Ministry of JesusChristInternational.
Himnario Lldm 5.1.0
Honner OS
LLDM hymnal of the new apostolic era 100% updated 2020 EnglishandSpanish.
Himnario LLDM 2.6.0
Streamline your search with the updated LLDM Hymnal.
Edo Agenda 0.90531
edo.io srl
The first app that combined calendar, note-taking, andtaskmanagement features
AgendaPro Business 2.75.0
Online agenda for your business subscribed to AgendaPro
My Work Shifts 2.2
Effective app to keep track of their work days and shifts worked
Carnet - Notes app 0.24.1-20210523.1955
Powerful note taking app with sync and online editor
TipStuff the family Agenda 26.0.0
Working out your parenting and your working life is a heavydailychallenge ! That's why we created TipStuff to help busyworkingparents to face this challenge. All the functions you needtoorganize your family life are here to save you time : >Quicklyschedules family activities, using the common calendar whichissynchronized with each one's organizer ; > Share with allfamilymembers your shopping or todo lists - to be done absolutelythisweek; > Share useful information about the household:babysitter phone, children's clothing size, etc. > Composeyourmeals for the week, and export ingredients to your shoppinglists.All these features are accessible everywhere via yoursmartphone,tablet or PC. Download TipStuff right now to easy peasyconnectyour whole family ! From the start TipStuff has put yourprivatedata at the center of its concerns (at the same time, we areafamily like yours, and so it is also our data we are talkingabout😉). As a result, unlike some of our "free" competitors, wewillnever sell your data. Never is never. This means never filessoldto merchants, never advertising, never linked to companies suchasFacebook or Google. Now this "never" comes at a price whichisentirely financed by Premium refills. The premium allows us topaythe developers who make the application, the machines that allowitto work, the storage spaces to put all your data, support whenyouhave a problem, etc. That said, we are aware that somefamilieshave moderate use of TipStuff. This is why we haveimplemented afree version which is however subject to certainlimitations: -Advanced features not available (stickers, multiplealarms, weeklyview, PDF export, global search, etc.) - 100 eventsper year (onaccount anniversary date) - 100 tasks per year (on theanniversarydate of the account) - 3 authenticated accesses maximum- 5contacts maximum - 2 weeks of calendar synchronization
learningCloud New Generation 6.2.0
Take Your Learning With You 🚀
Artful Agenda - Plan in Style! 1.14.5
Artful LLC
Online functionality with the look, feel, and fun of apaperplanner!
Ministryapp 1.75
Philipp Hahn
The app for your ministry!
Cuaderno Rojo
Cuaderno Rojo
The day in the simplest kindergarten
Class timetable by TimeTo 2.0.6
Schedule your homework, class and exams.
Pasalista - School Control 3.2.510
Pasalista lets you take attendance and gradings for your class
LLDM Himnario & Biblia 3.0.1
LLDM Himnario y biblia. - Himnario actualizado 2019 - BibliadeLaLuz Del Mundo - Noticias mas importantes de laIglesiaCantos:-Himnario: 630 -Nueva Era: 6 -Adicionales: 16Interfazamigable yfacilidad navegación. No necesita conexión ainternetparafuncionar. Búsqueda en himnos, biblia por letra ynúmero.Agregahimnos a sección favoritos, agrega capítulos a tusmarcadoresen labiblia. Configura tamaño y tipo de letra. Descargayreproducciónde himnos. Próximamente se añadiránmásfuncionalidades. Es unaherramienta de uso personal, muy utilparabendecir y glorificar anuestro Dios, dando a conocer la iglesiadelseñor con alabanzasuniversales y de eleccion para la difusion deladoctrina y apoyode la iglesia de forma gratuita. Síguenosennuestra paginadeFacebookhttps://www.facebook.com/lldmhimnariobiblia/ Dioslespague y lesbendiga
Class Schedule 3.2.5
Manage your schedule and subjects, find out beforehand if a classisapproaching
SaTurnos Pro Calendar 4.79
Management of work shifts
My Report 1.4 Cornelio
Luis A. Hernandez R.
This application was developed with the main purpose of helpingyouin your service. ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ATTENTION ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ Beforedownloadingthis application, watch the Choose Your Apps Wiselyvideo from thejw.org site. This application is the work of aJehovah's Witness.If your Bible trained conscience does not allowyou to downloadthis or any other application, please respect yourconscience.However, it is not necessary to make negative comments,rememberthat we are "cautious like snakes" but "meek [or innocent]likedoves" (Matthew 10:16). This app has been translated, anditstranslation may not be exact. Help translate it ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ATTENTION⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ It has what it takes to keep a good record ofyourpreaching, as well as the publications, videos and returnvisitsyou make during the month. Whatever your privilege ofservice, itwill also help you to analyze your goals and how you arereachingthem. Of course, you can adjust the goal in settings. Ithasgraphics that you will see: 📊 Hour history The time ofserviceperformed during the month, and compared to last month.⏱️Performance per day Do you know what day you spend more time intheservice? If you do not know, here you will see what it is andhowmuch time you have dedicated. That way you'll make theplansbetter. ⚖️ Balance of your goal Very important especiallyforpioneers, this graph will show how well you are fulfillingyourgoal or if you are somewhat behind . It will also indicate howmuchis needed to reach the average in the following days (Gray) The👥People section will help you record the courses you do, and inyourfinal report you will see the number of different Biblecourses.Interested people can also be added to remember them Youcan alsoorganize and analyze your service using tags. These serveto beable to see in detail the time, and other details, thatyoudedicate to certain activities such as: In the Ministry • 🏙️PublicPreaching • 🌎 Preaching in language O other theocraticactivities •🏗️ LDC • 🏠 Service in betel Assigning a color todistinguish itSimilar to the LDC function. Soon will be added newfunctions. MayJehovah bless your service!
Portrait Sketch 5.9
Become a sketch artist by just one click!