برترین 3 برنامه مشابه به GORSKI ŠKRAT TE VABI V HRIBE

Gorski vodnik 2.0
Aplikacija GORSKI VODNIK uporabnikompomagaprinačrtovanju izletov in pomočnik pri izletih v gore tertakoprispevak večji varnosti planincev in izletnikov.Aplikacijavsebuje seznamvrhov in seznam poti do njih, ki jih jeprispevalaPlaninska zvezaSlovenije.Za boljšo orientacijo po poti skrbijo zemljevidi spotmiinprikazovanje trenutne lokacije uporabnika. Uporabniklahkovidirazdaljo do cilja, višinsko razliko, lahko se zabeležizačetekinzaključek izleta, poleg tega pa aplikacija prikazuje tudičasdosončnega zahoda in s tem uporabnika opozarja, do kdajlahkovarnozaključi pot.Uporabnik lahko v Planinsko knjižico vnese takoopravljenekotnačrtovane izlete (poti). Prav tako lahko vrhove oz.poti donjihdoda na listo priljubljenih poti oz. vrhov. AplikacijanapodlagiGPS lokacije avtomatično ponudi zabeleženje osvojenegavrhavPlaninsko knjižico, ko se uporabnik nahaja v njegovibližini.Razdelek Pokliči na pomoč je namenjen uporabnikomvprimerunesreče. Vsebuje opomnik z osnovnimi informacijami, kijihjepotrebno ob klicu javiti, in bližnjico za klic na pomoč.Applicationmountainguideassists users in planning trips and assistant in tripstothemountains, thus contributing to greater safety formountaineersandhikers. The application contains a list of peaks anda listofpaths to them, contributed by the Alpine Association ofSlovenia.For better orientation in the way care about theitinerariesandto display the current location of the user. The usercan seethetarget distance, height difference, you can record thestartandfinish of the trip, in addition, the app also shows thetime ofthesunset and the user draws attention to when youcansafelycompleted path.The user can enter the Mountaineering booklet alsoperformedasplanned trips (route). It can also peaks respectively.way toaddthem to the list of favorite channels respectively.peaks.Theapplication based on GPS location automaticallyoffertakedownconquering a summit Mountaineering booklet, when theuserislocated in the vicinity.Heading call for help is intended for users in the eventofanaccident. It contains a reminder of basic information thatmustbereported to the call, and a shortcut to call for help.
AlpineQuest GPS Hiking
AlpineQuest is the complete solution foralloutdoor activities and sports, including hiking,running,trailing, hunting, sailing, geocaching, off-road navigationandmuch more.You can access and store locally a large range ofon-linetopographic maps, which will remain available evenwhile beingout of cell coverage. AlpineQuest also supportson-board filebased maps, like MemoryMap(c) maps.By using the GPS and the magnetic sensor of your device(withcompass display), getting lost is part of the past: youarelocalized in real-time on the map, which can alsobeoriented to match where you are looking at.Save and retrieve landmarks, share them with yourfriends.Track your path, get advanced statisticsandinteractive graphics. You won't have anymore questionsaboutwhat you can accomplish.By staying fully operational out of cell coverage (as ofteninmountain or abroad), AlpineQuest assists you in all your desiresofdeep wilderness exploring...Don't hesitate, try the free Lite version right now!PLEASE report suggestions and issues on our dedicatedforumhttp://www.alpinequest.net/forum (no registration needed,allquestions answered) and not in comments.Key features are:★★ Maps ★★• Built-in online maps (with automatic localstorage;road, topo and satellite maps included);• Built-in online layers (road names andhillsshading);• Get more online maps and layers in one click from theincludedcommunity map list (Nokia maps, Yahoo! Maps, local topomaps,...);• Complete area storage of online maps foroff-lineuse;• On-board offline maps support (visit our website to getthefree map creator MOBAC);• Memory-Map support (QuickChart .QCT maps only, .QC3mapsnot compatible, test your maps using the free Liteversionfirst);• Multiple maps in layers display, with per-mapopacitycontrol;• Advanced SD memory card Map Explorer and Scanner.★★ Landmarks ★★• Create, display, save, restore unlimited number ofwaypoints,routes, areas and tracks;• Import/export GPX files, Google Earth KML/KMZfiles,CSV/TSV files;• Support OziExplorer WPT and GeocachingLOCwaypoints;• Save and share online locations with other users usingCommunityLandmarks;• Details, advanced statistics and interactive graphics onvariousitems;• Time Controller to replay time-tagged tracks;• Routes, tracks and areas creator;• Advanced SD memory card Landmarks Explorer.★★ GPS Position / Orientation ★★• On-map geolocation using GPS or Network;• Map orientation, compass and target finder;• Built-in GPS/Barometric track recorder (longtrackingcapable, running in a separate and light process);• Proximity alerts and leave path alerts;• Barometer support (for compatible devices).★★ And more: ★★• Metric, imperial and hybrid distance units;• GPS Latitude/Longitude and grid coordinate formats (UTM,MGRS,USNG, OSGB, Irish Grid, Swiss Grid, Lambert Grids, DFCI Grid,QTHMaidenhead Locator System, ...);• Ability to import hundreds of coordinate formatsfromhttp://www.spatialreference.org;• On-map grids display;• Full screen map view;• Multi-touch zoom;• ...About the "Phone state and identity" Android permission: due tothebackward compatibility of AlpineQuest with Android 1.5,thispermission is automatically added by Google Play.
Munţii Noştri 3.0.9
Schubert & Franzke
Muntii Nostri – hiking maps dedicated to the mountain regionsofRomania