برترین 2 برنامه مشابه به Garajonay Parque Nacional

Garajonay 1
Mr Bicho
Aplicación oficial del Gobierno deCanariaspara la visita al Parque Nacional de Garajonay en la islade LaGomera.APP offline oficial, que facilita a los visitantesinformaciónrelacionada con el Parque Nacional de Garajonay, comocentros devisitantes y puntos de información, horarios, zonasdeaparcamiento, senderos, miradores, bares yrestaurantes,gasolineras, aseos, zonas de picnic y acampada,audioguía yfotos.La aplicación posiciona al visitante mediante GPS en un mapaqueincluye la ubicación interactiva de los elementos de interés.Seincluye un mapa offline para el correcto funcionamiento de laAPPsin conexión de datos.Todos los contenidos se encuentran incluidos en la APPparaposibilitar su funcionamiento offline. Por elloesconsiderablemente pesada. Aconsejamos su descarga a través deunaconexión wifi.Esta APP ha sido desarrollada por GESPLAN para el GobiernodeCanarias. Forma parte de una colección que incluye loscuatroParques Nacionales de Canarias, junto con el Parque NacionaldelTeide, el Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente y elParqueNacional de Timanfaya.Official applicationofthe Canary Islands to visit Garajonay National Park on theislandof La Gomera.Official offline APP, which provides visitors withinformationrelated to the Garajonay National Park, as visitorcenters andinformation points, schedules, parking areas, walkways,gazebos,bars and restaurants, gas stations, toilets, picnic andcampingareas , audioguide and photos.Applying the visitor using GPS positions on a map thatincludesthe location interactive elements of interest. A mapoffline forthe proper functioning of APP without dataconnection.All contents are included in the APP to enable offlineoperation.Therefore, it is considerably heavy. We recommenddownloading via awifi connection.This APP was developed by GESPLAN to the CanaryIslandsGovernment. It is part of a collection that includes thefourNational Parks of the Canary Islands, along with the TeideNationalPark, National Park Caldera and the Timanfaya NationalPark.
Canary Islands - Travel Guide 1.5
Discover the best places in the CanaryIslandsand let yourself be seduced by this amazing archipelago, sofull ofdetails, options, and, above all, fun. Fuerteventura,Tenerife,Lanzarote, Gran Canaria, La Gomera, La Palma, and ElHierro areseven islands, but each with its own personality. TheCanaryIslands will be the best discovery you've ever made!➢ Fuerteventura, with its white sands and constant sun,isalso a Biosphere Reserve and will leave you speechless:sprawlingdunes, plains, volcanoes, and lava fields…If you’relooking to justrelax, there’s nothing better than Fuerteventura’sbeaches andcrystal-clear waters. It’s a traveller’s dream.➢ Tenerife is the archipelago’s biggest island. Crownedbythe Teide, Spain’s highest point, Tenerife has everything oneneedsto make everyday unforgettable: culture, cities, shows,beaches,theme parks, and, of course, a rich landscape of forests,volcanoes,tropical plantations, and hidden coves.➢ El Hierro, has always been off the mainstreamtouristmap and is a delight for nature-lovers; the island is one oftheBiosphere Reserves in Europe and has world-class marine life.It’sa special destination for scuba divers and its focus oncompletelyrenewable energies assures that it will be around toenjoy in thefuture. El Hierro is truly a privileged destinationwhich justwaits to be discovered.➢ La Palma is called ‘the pretty island’ for areason.Also declared a Biosphere Reserve, La Palma is covered inthickvegetation and forests ideal for hikers. Its ruralatmosphereinvites travellers to not only enjoy its flora, fauna,andspectacular landscapes, but also sample a slower pace oflife.Another highlight is the sky. Due to its clean air andgeographiclocation, La Palma is one of the world’s best placesforstar-gazing. It’s a must!➢ The great treasure of La Gomera is GarajonayNationalPark, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It’s amillennialforest filled with trails and a world-wide example forthesuccessful conservation of sub-tropical forests. Thelandscape,rocky ridges, black sand coves and stunning cliffs, ispracticallyuntouched. It’s impossible not to enjoy this littlenaturalwonder.➢ Gran Canaria is the Canary Islands second largestandmost populated island. Its western half is a Biosphere Reservewithactivities for those who prefer a relaxing trip in apristinenatural environment: beaches, coves, a rural atmosphere,and plentyof hiking. If you’re looking for the something moreexciting, therest of the island is oozing with life: museums,theatre,nightlife, concerts. No wonder they call it the “littlebitcontinent.”