برترین 1 برنامه مشابه به PRO-ASHI

RF Inspector 1.2.2
RF Inspector is an App designed forcableoperators that allows a technician to view the full downstreamRFsignal passing through any compatible customer premisesequipment(CPE), such as cable modems or set-top-boxes, without theuse of ameter, and without the need to drive to the customerpremises.While downloading the RF Inspector app is free, there isasubscription price of $9.95 per year to use the app. This isasubstantial savings over the cost of traditionaltestequipment.**IMPORTANT NOTE ** -- You must have the RFInspectorAdmin software running on a server in your cable plantTOAUTHENCATE USERS AND for RF Inspector to display THECAPTUREDspectrum information. You will not be able to sign up forasubscription until the Admin Software is in place. The RFInspectorAdmin Software is available for FREE for all NCTC ProviderMemberCompanies on the NCTC website.If your company is not an NCTC member please send an emailtoinfo@ZCorum.com for pricing and additional information about howtoobtain the Admin software.-- Save on Test Equipment and Truck Rolls --With RF Inspector you don’t need to roll a truck tothecustomer’s home to view the full spectrum. You can see allvideoand data channels without being at the customer site, andwithoutconnecting a meter, regardless of what channel the device istunedto. RF Inspector gathers the spectrum data from any compatibleCPEand displays it on a tablet or smartphone wherever you happentobe. You can also overlay the RF signal from a second CPE devicesothat you can make a quick comparison of the spectrum attwodifferent points on your cable plant.RF Inspector allows you to significantly lowercapitalexpenditures for test equipment, as well as save onoperationalcosts by reducing the number and duration of truckrolls. With RFInspector you will see the same familiar spectrumsignature thatyou would see on a meter, including issues like:- Excessive tilt- Overdriven channels- Spectrum suck outs- RF notches- Standing waves- Resonant peaking- Ingress and other interferenceWith RF Inspector you control who in your company can haveaccessto a powerful, spectrum analysis tool, not your capitalbudget.-- Cable Modem and Set-Top-Box Compatibility --RF Inspector is compatible with DOCSIS cable modemsandset-top-boxes that have the ability to capture the fullspectrumpassing through the device. This feature is supported onthehardware side by CPE that have the Intel Puma 5 and 6 chipsetswithMaxLinear receivers and CPE that have these Broadcomchipsets:3128, 3383, 33843, 3384, 3385. Compatible CPE includescable modemsand set-top-boxes from Arris, Cisco, Hitron, Motorola,Netgear,Ubee and others. Note: While the CPE hardware may alreadysupportspectrum capture, the firmware on the CPE must also beupdated to aversion that also supports that ability. ** Pleasecheck with yourOEM to confirm hardware and firmware compatibility.For the latestlist of CPE hardware that should support spectrumcapture go here:http://www.zcorum.com/rf-inspector/modem-compatibility/