برترین 2 بازی مشابه به Por quatro cantinhos de nada

Gigantes, bruxas e génios 1.0.0
Envolve-te num universo cheio de seresmágicos!DIVERTE-TE COM A MITOLOGIAGigantes, bruxas e génios é uma aplicação interativa na qualosmaispequenos poderão divertir-se ao envolverem-se num mundodeseresmágicos através das personagens que povoam a mitologiadoPaísBasco: Tartalo, Basajaun, Mari, Ortzi… e muitos mais!DEIXA-TE LEVAR PELA MAGIAA história apresenta um fantástico bestiário desereslendários,adaptados para os mais pequenos. Cada cenaapresentaumapersonagem, mostrando-nos as suas característicasepoderesespeciais de uma forma nova e simpática.ENTRETENIMENTO DE QUALIDADEO livro apresenta 14 cenas interativas, ilustradaspeloprestigiadoartista gráfico Pernan Goñi. E vem acompanhado porumafantásticabanda sonora, composta especialmente para o livro.IDEAL PARA APRECIAR EM FAMÍLIAPartilhe com os seus filhos uma história perfeitaparaaprenderemenquanto se divertem. Uma experiência surpreendente,ondeas lendasganham vida.CARATERÍSTICAS• Aumenta a criatividade e a capacidade de atenção dacriança.• Estimula a imaginação e a alfabetização visual.• Permite partilhar experiências em família comentretenimentodequalidade.• Fomenta a aprendizagem e estimula a capacidadenarrativadascrianças.Visite nossa página: http://www.DADAcompany.comSiga-nos no Twitter em http://twitter.com/DADA_Company, ou,casoqueirasaber as últimas notícias e novidades da DADA Company,curtaa nossapágina no Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DADACompany.Veja os nossos vídeos e tenha uma prévia dashistóriasnoYouTube:http://www.youtube.com/user/DADAcompanyEdu★ SOBRE A DADA COMPANY ★A DADA Company oferece às crianças entretenimento dequalidade,feitopara educar e divertir, e também para fornecer aospais asatisfaçãode dar às crianças uma experiênciaeducacionalenriquecedora.Cada história da DADA Company é totalmente original ediferentedaanterior. A DADA Company ganhou o Bologna RagazziDigital Awardde2013 na categoria de ficção.Entre seus outros títulos estão “Por quatro cantinhosdenada”,“Marina e a luz”, “Para a cama, meninos e meninas!”e“Aprendeinglês com a Zoe: mi dia livre ”.Suporte: support@DADAcompany.comEngage in a worldfullofmagical beings!HAVE FUN WITH MYTHOLOGYGiants, witches and genies is an interactive applicationwherethelittle ones can have fun when they get involved in aworldofmagical beings through characters who populate the mythologyoftheBasque Country: Tartalo, Basajaun, Mari, Ortzi ...andmanymore!LETS YOU TAKE THE MAGICThe story features a fantastic bestiary of legendarybeings,adaptedfor little ones. Each scene features a character,showingus itsfeatures and special powers of a young andfriendlymanner.QUALITY ENTERTAINMENTThe book features 14 interactive scenes illustratedbyrenownedgraphic artist Pernan Goñi. And accompanied byafantasticsoundtrack, composed especially for the book.IDEAL TO ENJOY FAMILYShare with your perfect story for children to learn whilehavingfun.An amazing experience, where legends come to life.FEATURES• Increases creativity and ability to care for children.• Stimulates the imagination and visual literacy.• Allow sharing family experiences with qualityentertainment.• fosters learning and encourages the narrativeabilityofchildren.Visit our page: http://www.DADAcompany.comFollow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/DADA_Company, or ifyouwantto know the latest news and updates from DADA Company,walkingourFacebook page: http://www.facebook.com/DADACompany.Watch our videos and get a preview of the stories on YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/user/DADAcompanyEdu★ ★ ON THE GIVEN COMPANYThe DADA Company offers children quality entertainment,designedtoeducate and entertain, and also to provide parentsthesatisfactionof giving children an enrichingeducationalexperience.Each story of DADA Company is totally unique and differentfromtheprevious. The DADA Company won the Bologna RagazziDigitalAward2013 in the category of fiction.Among his other titles are "For four corners of nothing","Marinaandthe light", "To bed, boys and girls!" And "Learn EnglishwithZoe: mifree day."Support: support@DADAcompany.com
Let's go to the Opera! 1.0
DADA Company Edutainment
In "Let’s go to the Opera" you will joinagroupof schoolchildren visiting the Opera House. You willbegreeted by afriendly guide who will accompany you on atourshowing you all thenooks and most intimate secrets aboutthetheater’s inner workings.Orchestras, singers, choirs,dancers,lights, scenery ... all at yourfingertips! During the touryouwill discover how the show and theprofessionals who makeitpossible work. All explained in a playfuland didacticmanner,exquisitely illustrated by the great artist JohnBerrio.Especially recommended for children between ages 5and12.Thisapplication presents a secure environment forchildren.CONTAINS NOTHIRD-PARTY ADVERTISING NOR IN-APP PURCHASES. Auniqueoperaexperience for the whole family to enjoy!CONTENT- Travel through the history and origins of opera.- Discover genres and operatic themes.- Learn about key representatives of the genre.- Observe theatrical architecture and structural elements.- Learn about types of opera singers, choruses, balletandmore!- Role description of each member of the orchestra.- How a stage director works.- Find out about technical duties(tailoring,stagehands,illuminator, set designer, seamstress,sewing, costume,makeup andcharacterization).- Introduction to major opera composers.The child will learn many new concepts associated withtheoperaperformance. Especially recommended for children betweenages6 and12.This app provides a safe environment forchildren,containing nothird-party advertising or in-apppurchases.Dare to enter the world of opera!FEATURES- Acquire or expand user knowledge related to the opera.- Ideal as educational support for teachers.- Texts and dialoque in English, Spanish, Catalan,GalicianandBasque.- Detailed original artwork from artist Juan Berrio.- Develops the ability to analyze lyrical production.- Promotes the education and diversification ofmusicaltastes.- Acquire vocabulary of the processes involved indevelopinganopera.- Encourages participatory methodology.****************************ABOUT DADA COMPANYDada Company is an award-winning studio thatcreatesinteractivebooks and digital toys for children and adults toenjoytogether.We offer quality entertainment designed to educateandentertain,and to parents we offer the satisfaction ofprovidingtheirchildren an edifying learning experience. We workwitheducatorsand education experts to make our productschildfriendly.Visit our webpage at www.dadacompany.com where you canfindmoreinformation and assistance.Follow us on Twitter at @DADA_Company orFacebookathttp://www.facebook.com/DADACompany for more informationaboutallour latest news.Check out videos and trailers of ourappsathttp://www.youtube.com/user/DADAcompanyEduDADA Company takes children’s privacy very seriously, andwewantyou to have a safe experience. That’s why our apps donotincludethird-party advertising or in-app purchases.If you have any trouble with our app or any otherquestionsorsuggestions, feel free to contact us at anytimeatsupport@dadacompany.com. We will be happy to help you.Don’tforgetto mention the version of your device andyouroperatingsystem.