برترین 11 بازی مشابه به 스마트파킹

SmartApp 1.100
Smart Parking
Fed up of driving around in circles lookingforavailable parking? We know how frustrating it can be andhavedeveloped SmartApp to help you find a space.The latest update of SmartApp the app that helps you find aplaceto park in cities across the globe including Milton Keynes;Cardiff;London Borough of Barnet; Athens; Sydney; Perth &Adelaide,Australia and Wellington & Rotorura in NewZealand.Infra-red sensors have now been switched on in more than5,000parking bays across the globe. Using a simple red, amber andgreensystem, SmartApp provides users with 'real-time'information(updated every minute) on where they are most likely tofind anavailable space. SmartApp then interacts with your iPhone'sGPSnavigation to then direct the motorist to theirchosenlocation.WHAT CAN IT DO?By simply tapping a map marker you will be able to see the numberofspaces at each location, the operating hours of a bay,hourlytariffs, simple payment instructions and specific featuresforoff-street car parks.Find parking spaces by entering an address, postcode orusingyour current location. See alternative parking places nearyourpreferred destination and get directions to your selectedparkinglocation.- Filter to identify the types of bays you areinterestedin- Find parking based on your current location- Discover parking locations close to your desired location- Get directions and use turn by turn guidance to get you toyourdestination- Sort results based on what’s relevant to you – price,distance,name, rating…To use SmartApp you will need a data connection to operate,WiFior 3/4G.For more informationvisithttp://www.smartparking.com/technologies/smartapp
스마트파킹 주차장 관리자 0.1.0
TI Square Technology Ltd.
글로벌 스마트시티 부산!부산시 해운대구에서 가장 먼저 IoT를 품은 스마트 주차장 서비스를 제공합니다. 스마트파킹 서비스를제공하는주차장의관리자는 더 쉽게 주차 현황을 확인하고 관리할 수 있습니다.★ 스마트한 주차 현황 확인- 주차장의 실시간 주차 현황을 스마트폰으로 언제 어디서나 쉽게 확인할 수 있습니다.★ 주차장 이용 통계- 지난 성수기 시즌에 얼마나 많은 차량이 이용했는지, 시간대별로 이용 고객이 얼마나 되는지 그래프로확인할수있습니다.★ 스마트한 주차장 정보 관리- 스마트파킹 서비스 이용 고객에게 주차장 특징을 소개하는 글을 작성할 수 있고, 연락처와 주차장 사진과 같은정보를쉽게등록할 수 있습니다.★ 주차장 요금 정보- 주차장 요금정보를 등록하고 편집할 수 있습니다.- 성수기 / 비수기와 같이 시즌 별로 별도의 요금제를 적용할 수 있습니다.
카카오 T 주차 관리자용 1.3.10
Kakao Mobility Corp.
We upgraded parking - parking T for cacao manager
아이파킹 스토어용 (iParking Store) 1.0.9
ParkingCloud Corporation
주요서비스1. 온라인 주차비 할인- 주차 할인권을 구입하고 관리해야 하는 불편함을 해소- 스마트폰으로 차량번호 검색 후 할인적용 버튼 클릭 한번으로 간편하게 주차비 할인 가능2. 날짜 별 할인내역 관리- 주차비 할인내역 간편조회- 투명하고 정확한 주차비 할인현황 파악 가능※ Store app 서비스를 이용하기 위해서는 iPaking 제휴매장만 가능합니다.궁금하신 사항은 고객센터(1588-5783)로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.The main services1. Online Discount parking     - Eliminating the inconvenienceofhaving to buy and manage a parking voucher     - After searching the vehiclecodewith your smartphone, click the Apply button discountedparkingdiscounts as one can easily2. The date discounts History Management    - Easy parking discountsHistoryLookup    - Identify clear and preciseparkingavailable discounts Status※ iPaking only possible alliance Store app store in order to usetheservice.   If you have any questions, please feel freetocontact the customer center (1588-5783).
아이파킹(i PARKING)-주차 할인/정보/가격비교 1.12.22
ParkingCloud Corporation
"I park everything in parking!" Parking is as fun as shopping,andi-park!
Smart Parking v3.1.2
Mobile City GmbH
Jetzt können Sie ganz einfach in IhrerStadtmit der neuen Smart Parking App von Mobile City parken.Siebrauchen keine Münzen mehr!Die Smart Parking App ermöglicht Ihnen mit nur wenigen Klicksinmehr als 50 Städten zu parken und vereinfacht das mobileBezahlender Parkgebühr auf kostenpflichtigen Parkplätzen.Einige Highlights der neuen App für noch mehr KomfortbeimParken:- Optimale Parkplatz Information: TarifundBewirtschaftungszeiten- Geolokalisierung – die App zeigt automatisch dienächstgelegenenParkzonen an- Funktioniert für registrierte und nicht registrierte Kunden- Noch komfortabler – Starten und Beenden von ParkvorgängenperKnopfdruck- Anzeige der zuletzt getätigten Parkvorgänge... und so einfach geht es:- Parkzone aussuchen- KFZ-Kennzeichen und Telefonnummer auswählen- Parkticket startenKeine Strafzettel mehr: bei Ablauf der Parkdauer erhaltenSieeine Erinnerungs-SMS.SmartParking ermöglicht Ihnen in folgenden Städtenzuparken:Ansbach, Baden bei Wien, Bad Homburg, Bad Mergentheim,BadMünstereifel, Bad Oldesloe, Bayreuth, Berlin, Bingen,Bludenz,Bottrop, Burglengenfeld, Darmstadt, Ditzingen,Eckernförde,Eggenfelden, Friedrichshafen,Friedrichstadt,Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Graz, Goslar, Günzburg,Haan, Hamburg,Hanau, Hennef, Innsbruck, Heidenheim an der Brenz,Köln, Krems,Kressbronn am Bodensee, Lichtenfels, Lindau, Linz,Lübeck, Mainz,Mettlach, Monschau, Mönchengladbach, Naumburg,Neumarkt in derOberpfalz, Osnabrück, Osterode am Harz, Peenemünde,Perl, Salzburg,Schweinfurt, Seesen, Tettnang, Timmendorfer Strand,Tübingen,Uhldingen-Mühlhofen, Weingarten, Wiesbaden, Zell amSee,ZinnowitzAchtung! Vignettenpflicht in: Köln, Österreich, Berlin,Hamburg,Mainz, Wiesbaden, Bingen am Rhein, Hanau, Bad Münstereifel,BadOldesloe, Lübeck, Mönchengladbach.Die Parkgebühren entsprechen der jeweiligenkommunalenGebührenordnung zzgl. einer Servicegebühr.Now you can park onMobileCity easily in your city with the new Smart Parking App. Youdo notneed any more coins!The Smart Parking app allows you with just a few clicks in morethan50 cities to park and simplifies mobile payment of the parkingfeeon paid parking.Some highlights of the new app for even more comfortwhenparking:- Perfect Parking Information: Tariff and management time- Geolocation - the app will automatically display thenearestparking zones- Works for registered and non-registered customers- Yet comfortable - Starting and Stopping park operationsbypressing a button- Display of recently dialed park operations... And so easy to do it:Search for parking zone -Choose a license plate number and phone number -- Start the parking ticketNo more speeding tickets: at the end of the parking periodyouwill receive a reminder SMS.Smart Parking permits to park you in the following cities:Ansbach, Baden bei Wien, Bad Homburg, Bad Mergentheim,BadMünstereifel Bad Oldesloe, Bayreuth, Berlin, Bingen,Bludenz,Bottrop, Burglengenfeld, Darmstadt, Ditzingen,Eckernförde,Eggenfelden, Friedrichshafen,Friedrichstadt,Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Graz, Goslar, Günzburg,Haan, Hamburg,Hanau, Hennef, Innsbruck, Heidenheim an der Brenz,Cologne, Krems,Kressbronn am Bodensee, Lichtenfels, Lindau, Linz,Lübeck, Mainz,Mettlach, Monschau, Mönchengladbach, Naumburg,Neumarkt in derOberpfalz, Osnabrück, Osterode am Harz, Peenemunde,Perl, Salzburg,Schweinfurt, Seesen, Tettnang, Timmendorfer beach,Tübingen,Uhldingen Muhlhofen, Weingarten, Wiesbaden, Zell amSee,ZinnowitzWatch Out! Vignettenpflicht Köln, Austria, Berlin, Hamburg,Mainz,Wiesbaden, Bingen am Rhein, Hanau, Bad Münstereifel BadOldesloe,Lübeck, Mönchengladbach.Parking fees in accordance with the respective municipalfeeschedule plus. A service fee.
서울주차정보 4.10.23
“Seoul Parking Information” refers to the location of publicandprivate parking lots in Seoul, It provides operatinginformation(fees, operating hours, etc.) and real-time parkingavailabilityinformation.
주차할인(공항발렛/월정기권/세차)-하이앤하이라이프 1.0.2
1. 주차운영 전문 선도기업인 ‘하이파킹’은 기존의 주차 운영방식과 완전차별화된서비스를 위해서 “하이앤하이라이프(하이오토멤버스)” 브랜드를 갖고 무료 회원제 운영2. 핵심 서비스- 공항아라주차장(김포공항 프리미엄 발렛) : 1일 주차요금 할인, 세차 무료- 하이파킹 100여개 전 주차장 : 월 주차요금 1~5% 할인, 시간요금 10% 할인3. 부가 서비스- 친환경 전기차 카쉐어링(씨티카) : 동시가입시 2시간 무료 쿠폰- kt금호렌터카 : 내륙, 제주 렌터카 이용 할인- 친환경 스팀세차 : 세차 10% 할인- 프리파킹 : 역세권 중심 무료주차 정보 서비스 제공4. 주요 핵심기능 (One-Stop 서비스)- 무료회원 가입, 모바일 카드 사용- 주차장 네비게이션 연동 길찾기 안내- 김포공항 주차 예약, 내차 보관상태 확인, 셔틀차량 요청, GPS 위치 확인, 요금 결제- 월 주차 정기권 할인요금 결제- 다양한 이벤트로 무료쿠폰 발급 사용5. 수상 경력- 2014. 12월 : 매일경제 주최 “제11회 대한민국 신성장 경영대상” 특별상 경영자·CEO부문산업통상자원부장관표창 수상 (시민들에게 경제적 편익 제공)6. 보도 자료- 공항 주차장보다 싸고 안전…세차는 덤http://mbn.mk.co.kr/pages/news/newsView.php?category=mbn00003&news_seq_no=1718230- "김포공항 발레파킹 車 맘놓고 맡기세요“http://news.mk.co.kr/newsRead.php?year=2014&no=12842307. 기타- 2015. 4월 1일 오픈 행사 : 100명 추첨 통해 최대 10~50만원 상당 푸짐한 경품 제공- 2016년 초 공항 주차빌딩 확장 : 김포공항 주차빌딩 완공, 인천공항 주차빌딩 네트워크 확장계획1. Parkingspecializedoperations leader "high parking 'is for existing parkingoperationsand fully differentiated services" High and High Life(High OttoMembers) "Free Membership operate with your brand2. Core Services  - Timisoara Airport Parking (valet premiumGimpoAirport): 1 day parking fee discounts, free car wash  - High parking around 100 Parking: Parking Fee May1-5%discount, 10% discount rate hours3. Additional services  - Eco-friendly electric car-sharing (CityCar):simultaneous accession 2 hours free coupon  - Kt Kumho Rent-A-Car: Inland, Jeju Discount CarRentalTerms  - Eco-friendly steam car wash: 10% DiscountCarWash  - Free parking: Free parking information servicecenteryeoksegwon4. The main core functions (One-Stop Service)  - Join, using a mobile card  - Car navigation directions Find works  Gimpo Airport Parking Reservations, storageconditionschecked my car, shuttle car request, GPS location,feepayment  - Discounted monthly parking pass fee payment  - Free use coupons issued by various events5. Awards  - 2014. December: Daily News hosted "The 11thRepublicof Korea New Growth Management Award" Prize Executive ·CEOindustrial sector generally Minister Award (providingeconomicbenefits to the citizens)6. Press Release- Cheaper than the airport parking lot safety car wash is abonus...http://mbn.mk.co.kr/pages/news/newsView.php?category=mbn00003&news_seq_no=1718230- "Leave it to put Gimpo like valet parking 車"http://news.mk.co.kr/newsRead.php?year=2014&no=12842307. Other  - April 1, 2015. Open events: 100 won worth up to 10~50 provide generous prizes through lottery  - 2016 seconds airport parking building expansion:GimpoAirport Parking Building completed, Incheon Airport ParkingBuildinga network expansion plan
Smart Parking Slovakia 1.63
Prešov Real
Application which allows users to paysmarttheeffective time spent in the parking lot.You can register on http://www.smartparking.sk/
GoTogether 1.0.5
Ubiquitous Internet group
GoTogether is a car pooling applicationinwhichusers can offer their own car to share specific tripsorsearch forrides and become passengers. The appprovidesrecommendationstailored to the user's profile, herpreferences,needs and herbehavior while using the application. Ithas beenoriginally designedfor users of the research area of CNRin Pisain the framework ofSMART AREA project. However, it can beused onany urban andextra-urban path, and it is particularlysuitable forcompanies,allowing users to share commutingtrips.The app is integrated with the CNR Smart parking systemandallowsyou to see the number of available parking slots intheresearcharea in real time. In addition, by using the app youwillearnpoints to reserve a parking slot for an entire day! Theappisavailable also via web at the following url:http://mobility.smart-applications.area.pi.cnr.it:8090/SmartSharedMobility.By using GoTogether, citizens will personally improvethemobilityin their city.The app has been entirely developed by researchers oftheInstituteof Informatica e Telematica of the NationalResearchCouncil ofItaly, in the framework of Smart Area CNRprojecthttp://www.smart-applications.area.pi.cnr.it/index.html.
내손안의주차세상 - 파크스토어(예약,사전정산,공석정보) 1.1.10
Dreamant Co., Ltd.
당신의 주차는 편리 하신가요?주차로 시작해서 주차로 끝나는 당신의 하루.주차가 어렵고 힘들게만 느껴지신 다구요?파크스토어는 당신의 스마트한 주차를 위해 탄생했습니다.쉽고 편안한 내 손안의 주차세상, 파크스토어입니다.◈ 정기권 예약서비스할인된 금액으로 일정기권 예약, 월정기권 예약 및 예약대기 서비스를 이용할수 있습니다.◈ 실시간 주차장 정보목적지만 입력하면 목적지 주변 주차장의 공석정보가 실시간으로 보여집니다.장애인 주차공간은 물론 여성전용주차공간의 정보도 한눈으로 볼 수 있습니다.◈ 사전정산 서비스주차장에서 나갈 때 무인정산기를 찾기 어려우신가요?어렵게 찾은 무인정산기에서 줄을서고 계시지는 않으신가요?주차장 출구에 차가 많이 밀려 시간을 낭비하고 있으신가요?파크스토어의 사전정산 서비스를 이용하시면, 간단한 결제를 통해 주차장을 벗어나실 수 있습니다.◈ 스마트주차권 자동발급◈ 주차요금 원터치 결제◈ 주차장 실시간 이벤트 및 시간제 할인Are youaconvenientparking?Start your day by parking it ends with the parking.Parking is difficult and hard chucks only God feels?Park was born Store for your smart parking.Parking is easy and comfortable sonan of my life, park Store.◈ scheduled commuter serviceCertain discounted amount abstain You will be able tousethereservation, booking and reservation Moncommuterwaitingservice.◈ real-time parking informationIf you enter only the destination information ofdestinationsaroundthe parking lot vacancies are shown inreal-time.Disabled parking spaces can be viewed at a glance as wellastheinformation of the women-only parking spaces.◈ Pre-Settlement ServicesIs eoryeowoosin find the Fare Adjustment Machine unattendedwhenyouleave the parking lot?Is gyesijineun you did find it difficult to stand in line attheFareAdjustment Machine unattended?Do you have a lot of wasted time and pushed the car totheparkinglot exit?If you use the pre-settlement service of the Park Store, youcansealoff the parking lot via a simple payment.◈ Smart Automatic parking ticket issued◈ one-touch parking fee paymentParking ◈ Real-time and part-time discount offers