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Music Theory - Chords in Keys 3.8
Stuart Bahn
Teaches musicians the essential relationships between chordsandscales.
Note Trainer (Sight Reading) 2.0.6
Big Box Labs
A fun musical game for learning how to read sheet music
MyMusicTheory - music theory 2.4.3
myrApps s.r.o.
Music theory lessons and exercises
Functional Ear Trainer 3.7.7
Kaizen9 Apps
Ear training is easy and fun with Functional Ear Trainer. Playmusicby ear.
Music Theory: ScaleNet 1.1
Unison Design
ScaleNet: New ways to listen within an intuitiveear-trainingenvironment.
Music Theory Terms and Signs 2.2
This is an essential app for learning allthemusical terms you will need (Italian, French and German), fortheMusic Theory exams of any of the major schools of music, suchasABRSM or TrinityThere is a quiz for each level including all the new termsnotlearned at the previous level. For this reason, we recommendyoustart at level 1 even if you are taking, for example grade5.Each quiz takes a random selection of words from thecompletelist for that level, and so each quiz is unique. Theinterface issimple and easy to use and you get a score at the endwith theoption to try again (with a new set of unique randomquestions).Again we recommend you do each level a few times beforegoing on tothe next, because each quiz only covers a selection ofthe wholelist.Next to each level is an approximate grade to which itrelates,but this slightly varies between different examiningbodies. Forexample "adagio" is grade 1 ABRSM, but grade 2 Trinity,whereas "upbows and down bows" are covered earlier in Trinity andlearningFrench and German musical terms is exclusive to ABRSM up toGrade5. In general there is a VAST amount of overlap between themusicschools but to help you, we have included all our terms atthelowest grade needed for any of the examining bodies, so ifyoustudy the appropriate level for the grade you are taking withANYexamining body, you can't go wrong.If you wish to know whether a particular term or sign isrelevantto your syllabus please leave us a comment and we WILLassist.Thanks for your understanding.Good Luck and enjoy!!This App is not published by or affiliated to ABRSM
Music Sight Reading 1.0.2
Music Sight Reading - Android application to improve musicsheetsreading skills.Visual design of this application is based on similar one"MusicSheet Workout" by aTekkie. Added some missing features liketenorkey, Italian note naming, etc.Music Sight Reading is an Open Source application. Source codeofapplication is published under GNU GPL v3 licence and canbedownloaded from GitHub:https://github.com/viks77/sire
Music Roman Numeral Analysis 1.2
Nick Rose
This app produces a random triad orseventhchord on a musical staff with a random key and clef. Random!Fourbuttons, each affixed with a Roman numeral, are displayedbeneathit . Use your knowledge of music theory to decide whichonecorrelates best to the aforementioned chord and give it aconfidenttap.Types of chords you'll get include:All possible diatonic triads and seventh chords ineveryinversionApplied dominant seventh chordsModal mixture triadsAltered dominants (augmented and diminished, denoted by + and-,respectively) both as triads and seventh chordsAugmented sixth chordsA score at the bottom left of the screen keeps track ofyourprogress and can be reset at any time. If the chordsbeinggenerated are too advanced or if keys like D#-minor andCb-majorare too difficult/annoying, you can customize the outputusing thesettings button on the bottom right of the screen.Note: this program only interprets the chords at face value. Itdoesnot understand passing chords or suspensions; analyzeaccordingly.For example, a C-major chord with G as the bass notewill have to beanswered as I6/4 and not V6/4 (wherein the latterchord isunderstood as a typical cadential 6/4).
Theta Music Trainer 3.0.8
Sharpen your musical ear with fun games for ear training andmusictheory.
Rhythm Teacher: Music beats 1.30
Do you want to play your instrument with perfect timing? Doyouplayguitar, piano, drums or any kind of music instrument?Tiredofboring practice? Learn to play any instrument and how toreadmusicis a difficult task that requires lots of practice.Butthepractice don't have to be boring. Rhythm teacher it'stheperfecttool for your music education. This rhythm game teachesyouhow toread music in a fun and easy way. It's perfect foryourrhythmtraining! With a bit of practice on every level you'lllearnthatsight reading is easier than you thought. It's like havingamusicschool on your device. In this application you'll learnfromhowmany beats are contained in each bar and which note valueisgivento one beat, to advanced concepts in reading music.Improveyourmusic sight reading with the exercises ranging from easy4/4simplerhythms to complex compasses of two rhythmic lines atthesametime. This app includes the definition for everymusicconceptintroduced in increasing difficulty, from beginner topro.Also,you can log into your Google play account to measureyourprogresswith other players. Features: • Simpleandunderstandableexplanation for every new music rhythmconceptintroduced. • Funrhythm game experience for practicingtheexercises that will teachyou how to read music. •Polyrhythmexercises with two lines at thesame time. • Gradualprogression onthe difficulty of the musictheory conceptsintroduced. •Leader-board with the scores acquiredto watch yourprogress. • Canbe used by any number of differentusers. • Googleplay support topost your scores online. • A newway to practice foryourinstrument: Piano, violin, guitar... Evenif you areadrummer/percussionist. Lessons include: ★ Note andrestduration:whole (semibreve), half (minim), quarter (crotchet),eighth(quaver), sixteenth (semiquaver). ★ Dotted notes. ★Tiednotes. ★Triplets. ★ Off-beat notes. ★ Syncopation. ★ Anacrusis.★Simpletime signatures: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4... ★ Compound timesignatures:6/8,9/8... Translated to: * Inglés: Rhythm Teacher *Español: Ritmoysolfeo.
Chord Trainer Free 1.01
Box Metaphor Studios
Learn how to hear and spell classical, jazz, and popular chords.
Tamil Dictionary Pro 1.1
Dic2all groups
# It contains many useful features apart fromsimpledictionary# It starts with daily motivational quotes once in a day whichnoneed internet.# Word categories which is used to find the word easily# It includes adjective, adverb, animal, bird, bathroom,color,cooking tools, family, farm, feeling and emotions, fish,flowers,food and eat, friends, fruits, grammar related, humanbody,kitchen, money, music theory, math and numbers, officeandbusiness, plant, positive words, preparations, science,shapes,sports, summer, tree, types of leaders, types of shoes,vehicle andtransportation, virtue, weights and measures, worldlanguage, yardand backyard vocabulary, etc.,# Grammar with simple explanation# Technical dictionary which contains technical word databaselikeadministration,agriculture,astronomy,banking,biology,chemistry,economics,engineeringand technology,environmental science, fisheries, general medicine,global history,home science, information technology, laws,mathematics,etc..# Tenses with simple explanations# E-Books which allows you to read standard grammar book,autobiography of Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam in offline# Quiz feature allows you to test your English knowledge inEnglishgrammar and vocabulary in offline# Notes feature allows you to note any important thingsorevents# Reminder feature will remind you as per your schedule justlikeclock reminder# Profile feature is the special one by which you can saveyourimportant notes, memos, and data in online by logging in andevencan get back the data if you sign in different mobile.