برترین 3 برنامه مشابه به AIDS-Portuguese

Immune System 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Compare and contrast innateandacquired immunity and explore how immune system protectsorganismsfrom infection with layered defenses of increasingspecificity.Explore the major functions of innate immunity and listdifferenttypes of cells involved in it. Define and discuss theterm"inflammation" and explore the mechanism involved in triggeringaninflammatory response. Describe complementary system andanalyzehow this system helps to clear pathogens from an organism.List anddiscuss the different types of cellular barriers of theinnatesystem. Name the different types of lymphocytes that protectthebody from invading microorganisms. Compare and contrastthefunctional activities of T cells and B cells. Explore howhumoraland cell-mediated immunity defend against different typesofthreats. Describe the basic structure of antibody andunderstandthe mechanisms of antibody mediated antigen disposal.More detailsplease visit http://www.wonderwhizkids.com/"Wonderwhizkids.com"hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciences speciallydesigned for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented,visually richcontent which is simple and easy to understand. Thecontent isaligned to best practices of learning and teaching.Students candevelop strong basics, critical thinking and problemsolving skillsto do well in school and beyond. Teachers can use WWKas areference material to be more creative in designingengaginglearning experiences. Parents also can actively participateintheir child's development through WWK". This topic coversunderBiology subject as a part of the Human Physiology topic andthistopic contains following sub topics Immune System InnateImmunityDiversity of leukocytes Adaptive Immunity Receptors Humoralandcell-mediated Immunity
CSDI2015 1.0.0
Elsevier Inc
How the immune system responds todyingcellscan be the difference between an effective, healingresponseandone that provokes or exacerbates pathology. Over thepastfewyears, we have witnessed important advances in ourunderstandingofdifferent forms of cell death and their consequencestoimmunity.At the molecular level, an increasing numberofconnections betweenthe innate immune machinery andpathwaysinvolved in autophagy anddifferent forms of cell death havebeenidentified. Theintersection between cell death and immunity isanarea of intenseresearch, with the potential to impact how wetreatinfectious andinflammatory diseases and with implicationsforvaccine developmentand diseases associated with aging.This Cell Symposium will provide a unique opportunitytobringtogether researchers in the cell death andimmunologycommunities,as well as scientists studyinghost-pathogeninteractions, who arefocused on understanding themolecular andcellular mechanisms thatlink cell death and the immuneresponse. Inaddition to talks byinvited speakers, students andpostdocs willhave the opportunityto present their work in shorttalks andposters. We aim for ahighly interactive meeting thatencourageslively discussionsbetween young investigators andestablishedexperts in thefield.Symposium themes:Cell Death ModalitiesRegulation of Cell Death and InflammationCell Death in Host DefenseResolution and HealingIntersection of Cell Death with Adaptive ImmunityUsing Elsevier's new CSDI2015 app, you can browsethescientificprogramme by days, topic or speaker, create yourownpersonalprogramme, locate rooms and exhibitor stands on thefloorplans,and more. Before first use, you will need to downloadthelatestconference data and then afterwards, you can usetheappoffline.
HIV Risk Meter 1.3.0
ARC Ohio
Learn about activities which put you atriskforacquiring HIV and STDs. Answer 3 simple questions todetermineyourHIV risk. Just tap on the answers that best reflectyourexperienceand the app will calculate your risk. HIV andSTDtestingrecommendations will be based on your answers. DesignedforbothiPhone and Android, this app will provide information onhowtoprevent HIV and STD infections as well locations in OhiowherefreeHIV testing and free condoms are available. HIVcareinformation andresources such as case management agencies arealsoavailable.• Prevent HIV and STDsFind out how HIV and STDs are transmitted and how toprotectyourselffrom HIV and STDs.• Free CondomsCondoms are a great way to protect yourself from HIV andSTDs.Findfree condoms near you.• Get tested for HIVHIV testing is quick and easy. Find free HIV testsitesconvenientlylocated near you.• Living with HIVIf you are HIV+ and live in Ohio, there are resources thatcanhelpyou stay healthy.• Who created this mobile app?This mobile app was developed by AIDS Resource CenterOhio(ARCOhio), the largest AIDS Service Organization in Ohio. Formorethan25 years, ARC Ohio has been providing prevention, testingandcareservices to Ohioans. Funding for this app was providedthroughagrant from the Ohio Department of Health.