برترین 30 برنامه مشابه به The ancient book

Book of Spirits - Texts 5.0.6
Júlio Conceição
App for reading texts from the Book of Spirits
Book of Melchizedek 1.0.5
English translation of three books known as "The bookofMelchizedek"
Runico [Magic formulas] 2.1.1
“Magic formulas” become "Runico" - Completely new interface -Lotsofnew formulas and talismans - The functionality for creatingyourownformulas has been changed and broadened - An opportunitytocreateamulets for certain events, control the validity ofanamulet, editeffects and descriptions - Support of socialnetworks- The app nowsupports 14 languages Install theapplication"Runico" and Your phonewill turn into a real Treasuryof livingformulas and amulets whichcame to us from the depth ofcenturies,and filled with the power andwisdom of the ancestors!"Runico" isnot a way to tell fortunes orhear new prediction."Runico" - ahelper! This is a set of readysolutions, proven forcenturies."Runico" is an application with alarge collection oftalismans,runes and magic formulas. Each runesymbol has thepotential energyof the event that is going to happen.Runesthemselves are theforce for any activity. Treat runes as alivingenergy. When youturn for advice to runes - you turn foradvice toyour soul and theforces that surround you. Compose yourformulas,place them on yourpersonal photos and charge with theenergy ofrunes. Send photos toyour friends and share on socialnetworks.Before you make up yourown formulas recommend morecloselyacquainted with the literatureon the subject, or seek helpfromprofessionals studying andpracticing classical runes! Installtheapplication on your deviceand change lives for the better.Goodluck! ... Application - let'sfree! Learn the ease of use, useofthe proposed formula andtalismans, and hope you will appreciateitbought the full package.
El libro de Enoc con audio 3.1.0
The Book of Enoch with audio in Spanish
🧙 Increase your Wisdom 🧙 3
Nerv Apps
❤️🧙🎵🧠💭💠😊📘 Increase yourWisdom📘😊💠💭🧠🎵🧙❤️-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⚗️REALIDADAUGMENTED️REALIDAD️ In order to enjoy this newfunctionality youneed amarker, which you can find in the imagegallery on thispage.Permission is required for the application toaccess the cameraandload the3Dbook.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Newappinformation (spanish info, will be in englishaswell):https://montealeph.es/app-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sentencesofwisdom that I consider most relevant to know oneself.Each ofthemessages has been carefully selected, preferringqualityoverquantity. Increase your intelligence and wisdom bytaking toactionthe advice that the most illustrious scholars haveleftwrittenthroughout the known history. App features: ✔️Comfortablereadingof the magnanimous sayings of the greatestthinkers ✍️ ✔️Share eachphrase through whatsapp or any othersocial network 🗣️ ✔️Collecteach and every one of the writings!📝✔️ Set up dailynotificationsto continue raising your wisdom 📅Remember: Thisapplication canhelp you increase your understandingand wisdom,however, you shouldbe the one to put into practice themessagescollected here. 💖 Thankyou for your time. Any questionsorsuggestions are welcome. 💖 ---Upcoming remodeling and design oftheapp --- --- New languages inthe way --- - Server
Minerals guide
Anna Voronich
All you want to know about of Minerals!
Book of Fate: Mystic Oracle 1.2
Xeen Software
Mystical Oracle definitely will predict your future!
Лучшие книги об эзотерике бесп 2.0.7
Collection of the best free books on esotericism for readingwithoutthe Internet
Wicca Calendar
Pagan Way
Are you Wiccan? This app is for you
The Secret Garden of Frances Hogdson Burnett, a free bookbyrealidadb.
Попаданцы - Библиотека книг 2.4.1
Philipp Alexandrov
Favorite books about hitching are now in your smartphone!
The Book of Wisdom or Wisdom o 1
Patristic Publishing
The Book of Wisdom or The Wisdom of Solomon (audiobook) - KingJamesVersion
Book of Enoch 6.1
Daily Bible Apps
Book of Enoch is one of the most important non-canonicalapocryphalworks
Лучшие Классические книги 1.9
A large collection of full versions of classic books to readforfree and offline.
Стихи зарубежных поэтов
TTdictionary Offline
It contains more than 6,000 verses 122 foreign poets.
Divine Healing Codes 1.0.1
Reiki Doc
Quantum Healing Tools that are safe to use on everythingandeverybody.
Sealed Book Project
Interactive Multilingual Thriller Book-Game, Vol. 1
Psicología Práctica 1.1.5
La psicología o sicología (literalmente «estudio o tratadodelalma»; del griego clásico ψυχή, transliterado psykhé,«psique»,«alma», «actividad mental», y λογία, logía, «tratado» o«estudio»)es una profesión y una disciplina académica que, entérminosgenerales, se define como la ciencia que trata la conductay losprocesos mentales de los individuos, cuyo campo de estudioabarcatodos los aspectos de la experiencia humana. Cabe destacarqueexisten diversas perspectivas psicológicas, cada una consuspropias teorías y metodologías, y en comparativa puedencoincidir,influirse o incluso ser contradictorias e incompatibles;estavariedad da pie a múltiples acepciones y abordajes.Asimismo,existen argumentos que ponen en duda la cientificidad delapsicología debido a limitaciones como:subjetividad,verificabilidad, dilemas éticos y filosóficos, etc.Incluso algunosenfoques —como en el humanismo— no consideran a lapsicología comociencia, pues rechazan el determinismo en favor dellibre albedrío.Por medio de sus diversos enfoques, la psicologíaexplora conceptoscomo la percepción, la atención, la motivación, laemoción, elfuncionamiento del cerebro, la inteligencia, elpensamiento, lapersonalidad, las relaciones personales, laconciencia y lainconsciencia. La psicología emplea métodosempíricos cuantitativosde investigación para analizar elcomportamiento. También se puedenencontrar, especialmente en elámbito clínico o de consultoría,otro tipo de métodos cualitativos ymixtos. Mientras que elconocimiento psicológico es empleadofrecuentemente en laevaluación o tratamiento de laspsicopatologías, en las últimasdécadas los psicólogos también estánsiendo empleados en losdepartamentos de recursos humanos de lasorganizaciones, en áreasrelacionadas con el desarrollo infantil ydel envejecimiento, losdeportes, los medios de comunicación, elmundo del derecho y lasciencias forenses. Aunque la mayor parte delos psicólogos estáninvolucrados profesionalmente en actividadesterapéuticas (clínica,consultoría, educación), una parte también sededica a lainvestigación, desde las universidades, sobre un ampliorango detemas relacionados con el comportamiento y el pensamientohumano.
Spiritual Workout 2.1
Timed spiritual practices for Hindus, such as chantingandmeditation
Рассказы о Шерлоке Холмсе 8.0
Publish Digital Books
The collection includes all the stories about Sherlock Holmesinfree transfers
LitRPG - Библиотека книг 1.4.1
Philipp Alexandrov
ЛитРПГ - новый поджанр фантастики и фэнтези, сюжеткнигкоторогостроится вокруг компьютерных ролевых игр. Изначальноданныйжанртрактовался как фанфики, но со временем емувыделилиотдельноеместо в мировой литературе. Читая книгупользовательполностьюпогружается в происходящее, переживая эмоцииот первоголица, будтоон сам выступает в роли главного героя. Читатькнигионлайн илиоффлайн в приложении можно абсолютно бесплатно,каталогвключает всебя более 500 произведений. Конечно же, это вседоступнобезрегистрации) Прокачивайте своих персонажей в удобнойчиталкеипросто наслаждайтесь! Приложение в себявключает:Ежедневнопополняющуюся базу книг Удобную навигацию побиблиотеке икнигамВозможность настроить читалку под себя (шрифт,цвет, фон,размертекста) 5 режимов чтения (3 дневных и 2 ночных)Собственнуюкнижнуюполку Если данный поджанр книг Вам еще не знаком-советуемпопробовать, ведь в читалке вы также найдетесмежныежанры:Фантастика Фэнтези Боевое фэнтези ПостапокалипсисРеалРПГБоеваяфантастика Попаданцы Приятного чтения, мы стараемсядля Вас!)
Фантастика - Библиотека книг 2.4.1
Science fiction books are now in your smartphone!
The Art of War - Free book in full Spanish offered by Reality B
Write in Runic 3.1.8-runic
Black Envelope
Rune Writer & Keyboard
Jewish Bible Complete Jewish Bible 6.0
bible app
Study, memorize and preach the Word of God downloading the bestappon your Android. The World Messianic Bible is a freetranslationinto English of the Holy book also known as the HebrewNamesVersion (HNV) and the World English Bible: MessianicEdition(WEB:ME). This Jewish Bible app can be used by everyone alloverthe world. Our Bible will reach millions of people. You can beapart of this world. Download and read the Holy Bible on yourphone!Our mission is to distribute for free the Holy Scriptureswith thegoal of getting it into the homes of all Jewish people inIsrael,the United States and all over the world. Enjoy this BibleforJews, non-Jews and Christians who want to know more abouttheirJewish roots. This unique Bible uses Hebrew names andYiddishexpressions. The purpose was to restore the original Jewishcontextand culture, but making a Bible easy to understand inmodernEnglish. The World Messianic Bible contains 66 books, dividedintoOld and New Testament. The Old Testament (Tanakh) follows theorderof the books of the Jewish Bible: Torah (The Law): Genesis,Exodus,Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy Neviim (The Prophets):Joshua,Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings,Isaiah,Jeremiah, Ezekiel Treisar (The Minor Prophets): Hosea, Joel,Amos,Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah,Haggai,Zechariah, Malachi. Ketuvim (The Writings): Psalms,Proverbs, JobMegilot: Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations,Ecclesiastes, Esther,Daniel, , Ezra, Nehemiah, 1 Chronicles, 2Chronicles.
Herbalist. The witch doctor. F 4.79
Travnik (Witch Doctor) - directory of herbs and herbs.Folkremedies.
Simple Geomancy 1.7
Let's make geomancy more familiar.
Таинственные места 1.12
Mysterious places of the world, mysterious places of theEarth,mysticism, anomalous zones
Читай книги: Фэнтези 2.4.1
Philipp Alexandrov
Read Fantasy books for free in a convenient application. Over100books available!
Дейл Карнеги (Как перестать..) 1.0
В этой книге вы не найдете рассказов о воображаемом «мистере Б.»илио выдуманных «Мэри и Джоне», личность которых никто неможетустановить. Книга правдива. Она основана надокументальномматериале. Вы не обнаружите в ней что-либо новое, нонайдете в нейто, что обычно не используется в повседневной жизни.Сначалапрочитайте первые сорок четыре страницы книги — и если послеэтоговы не почувствуете, что обрели новую силу и новоевдохновение,дающие возможность перестать беспокоиться и начатьнаслаждатьсяжизнью, тогда выбросьте эту книгу в мусорный ящик. Втаком случаеона для вас бесполезна. Дейл Карнеги