برترین 3 برنامه مشابه به Flight Reservation Tour Bemol

Tourenplaner Ammergauer Alpen 1.9.13
Outdooractive AG
Wanderungen, Bergtouren, Radstrecken,Mountainbiketouren,Skitouren,Schneeschuhwanderungen und vieleweitere Touren in denAmmergauerAlpen warten darauf von Ihnenentdeckt zu werden. Mitderpraktischen Tourenplaner APP für dieRegion um Ettal,Oberammergau,Unterammergau, Altenau, Saulgrub, BadKohlgrub undBad Bayersoienverschaffen Sie sich einen gutenÜberblick über daskompletteTourenangebot der Region. Neben derRoutenführung unddemHöhenprofil erhalten Sie auch sämtlicheInformationen überdievielen Kultur-Highlights (Schloss Linderhof,KlosterEttal,Wieskirche, Passionstheater usw.)amWegesrand,Einkehrmöglichkeiten und den ÖPNV. Die Basis der Appisteinezoombare, topografische Karte im Maßstab 1:25.000. DieKarteistonline oder offline verfügbar und dientauchzurPositionsbestimmung vor Ort. Verlaufen ist somitfastunmöglich.Die umfangreiche Tourendatenbank enthält über 130Tourenzu allenOutdooraktivitäten in Bayerns größtemNaturschutzgebiet.Neben derTourenauswahl können auch eigene Tourenzu Hause erstelltundabgespeichert werden. In Notfällen kann mittelsderNotruffunktioneine Verbindung zurRettungsstelle/Bergwachthergestellt werden,wobei die aktuellePosition auf dem Displayangezeigt wird.
Travelport Mobile Agent 4.0.5
Travelport Mobile Agent is a mobile application thatprovidesaccessto Apollo, Galileo and Worldspan GDS crypticterminal,offering fullmobility to the travel agent in a secureenvironmentand with anoptimized user experience for mobile devices.Runs onAndroidsmartphones and tablets. Travelport Mobile Agentmaximizestouchinteraction and offers tools to minimize typing toprovide atrulyfast mobile work environment that allow travel agentsto workfastanytime, anywhere improving their productivity andsupportingagreat customer service. Main Features All TravelportGDSSupportsfull integration with Apollo, Galileo and WorldspanGDS.GDSCredentials Travel agents use their own GDS credentials tologinatTravelport Mobile Agent (SON/BSI and PCC/SID). No needtorememberadditional login credentials. Terminal Supports allGDSCorecommands allowing travel agents to have full access toGDScontentand operations on mobile devices. Fast GDS responseQuickGDSresponse to command entries offers travel agents afastworkenvironment. Enhanced GDS Responses* Brings enhancedGDSresponsesthat allow agents to perform actions and accessrelatedinformationwithout leaving the screen and just by clickingonscreen links.Quick Keys 12 customizable quick keys offertravelagents theability to have their most important character athand.DoubleWindow Travel agents can access and view two terminalwindowsatthe same time. Supports Masks Masks are built directlyintheterminal by adding fields on the terminal window,allowingtravelsagents to fill in the relevant data and submit itback tothe GDShost. Linked Commands To improve the interaction withtheGDS inthe mobile environment, Travelport Mobile Agentofferslinkedcommands, allowing the travel agent to touch onscreencommands toexecute them instead of having to write them.AdvancedPKeys itspeeds up travel agents work, by allowing travelagents tostoreand execute GDS commands without having to type thefullcommand.It support PKeys creation, edition and deletion.CloudPkeys PKeysare stored in the cloud meaning that when a travelagentcreates,edits or removes Pkeys in TTS Web Agent orTravelportMobile Agentthose actions will be available in bothapplications.Cloud HistoryHistory lists the latest commands used bythe travelagent eitherin TTS Web Agent or Travelport Mobile Agent,allowinghim toexecute them again without typing. Cloud Latest PNRsLatestPNRskeeps at hand the latest PNRs created/opened/changed bythetravelagent either in Travelport Mobile Agent or TTS WebAgent.QueuesArea where all queues containing PNRs are displayedWindowHistoryThis feature allows the user to access previousscreens.ViewTripintegration Allows travel agents to open the viewtrip pageof aPNR. Send content by email Users can easily emailselectedtext,full terminal screen content or all availablecontent.Allavailable content means that if there are more pagesavailableonthe host, all content will be emailed. Cloud SettingsSettingslikeEnhanced results, Auto-execute history, Quick Keysandnewsproviders are stored in the cloud allowingsynchronizationbetweendevices with Travelport Mobile Agent and TTSWeb Agent.TravelIndustry News Feed Offers a news feed from the mostrelevanttravelindustry online magazines and from TTS so travelagents caneasilyaccess a news center about their industry.*Enhanced GDSresponsesmay differ depending on the GDS RESTRICTIONS:- TMA isrestrictedto Travel Agents and Travel Agency Staff thathavecontractedaccess to the Travelport GDS - A valid and existingGDSSignOn isrequired to access Travelport Mobile Agent - Toenableaccess toTravelport Mobile Agent, a special configurationmust berequiredand is provided by your Travelport representative -Arequest formis available in the application if your GDS SignOnisnotconfigured to use Travelport Mobile Agent
FlightReservationTatilimalanya 1.0.5
KIVCI TURIZM has chosen as asolutionpartnerfor air ticket application Dominant Turizm Yazılımve DestekA.Ş.In this application, Dominant Turizm Yazılım ve DestekA.Ş.hasbenefited their 20 years of experience on this platformandusedDomifly Iata System, M-Ara , Travelport Worldspan.Available to book and buy cheapest domestic andforeignairwayticket easly.Almost 400 airline companies are effective in thisappilacitonandsome of them are; THY Turkish Airlines, AnadolujetAJ,Atlasjet, SunExpress, Bora Jet, Aerosvit, Air France,Alitalia,British Airways,Condor, Delta, Emirates, Etihad, GulfAir, KLM,Lufthansa, OlympicAir, Qatar, Royal Air, Egypt (Egypt),KoreanAir, Lot, Saudi Arabia(Saudi), Tarom (Romania), Tunisia,thePacific, German Wings, EasyJet, Transavia Airlines ...