برترین 41 برنامه مشابه به Dwyer Instruments Intl Catalog

Fleetguard Catalog 2.0.2
Cummins Inc
We built the all-new Fleetguard app with you in mind. Checkoutsomeof our latest features: Search, Pinpoint and ShareProductsOur newapp helps you pinpoint the product you need throughavariety ofsearch methods.You can then share part informationwiththose whoneed it quickly and easily right from our appMultipleSearchOptions Find your Fleetguard part number searching bypartnumber,cross-reference, equipment, or attributes Want to seeourlatestproduct releases? Toggle through the Product Spotlightcardsfromthe home page of the app to learn more View ProductDetailsReadimportant information regarding upgrades andequipmentapplicationsExport Yours Lists Send custom parts listsdirectlyfrom the app toanyone who could use the information. Justadd anemail address andhit send, it’s just that simple Easy toUseExplore the app'sseamless design and innovative featuresdesignedto make it easy tofind what you’re looking for BarcodeScannerScan your Fleetguardfilter barcode to quickly find yourpartnumber and product detailsCustom Lists Create custom-namedpartlists to send to your customeror purchasing manager And SoMuchMore Beyond part search, we’veadded helpful tools and links tokeyFleetguard resources: Top-NotchTraining Accessliterature,training, and technical how-to-videosdirectly from theapp StayUp-To-Date Subscribe to FleetguardeUpdate to get the lateston newproduct releases directly to yourinbox each month LanguageSupportPersonalize your app in Chinese,English, French, German,Italian,Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.Simply change thelanguagedesired in the personalize menu.
Endress+Hauser SmartBlue
SmartBlue - the configuration tool by Endress+Hauser
Electrician App 3.5
Electrician App - is a good companion for anelectricianorelectronics engineer in training, on the job orforhobbyelectricians and handymen. Electrician App containsthemostimportant formulas in the field of electrical engineering.Easytouse, available in 3 languages​​: English, GermanandRussian.Features of Electrician App: Unloaded voltagedivider​​.Loadedvoltage divider​​. Flow divider. Calculation of uptotwentyresistors (parallel). Calculation of up to twentyresistors(inseries). Calculation of resistors (mixed). Calculationofcurrent,charge and time. Calculation of work, time andpower.Calculationof line resistance. Calculation of current,voltage,power andresistance. Calculating the voltage drop on theline.Calculatingthe maximum length of the conductor. Calculation oftheconductorcross-section. Calculation of real, reactive,apparentpower at AC.Calculation of real, reactive, apparent powerforthree-phase.Calculation of primary voltage, secondaryvoltage,primarywindings, secondary windings of a transformer.Calculatingthecross section and diameter. Calculation of thecurrentdensity.Calculation of cos φ. Calculation of sin φ. Fortheaccuracy of thecalculation, we assume no liability.Forgetcomplicated formulasand calculation methods, specify avalue-knownand Electrician Appreturns the result. Several updatesand newformulas more languages​​are planned in the nearfuture.Electrician App is optimized andimproved by us and as for wedependon your help. Please addcomments, write your opinions,suggestionsor report any errors.Thanks in advance!
Hubitat Mobile 1.6.12
Hubitat Elevation Mobile allows Dashboards, Geofence andPushNotifications.
Assistant commercial pro 1.1.00
Karim Ferhani
Un outil commercial puissant et complet, facile etintuitifàutiliser, qui ne nécessite pas internet, offrantdenombreusesfonctionnalités utiles et performantes, allant delacréation etgestion du catalogue, jusqu'à la prise de commandeetl'impressiondes documents commerciaux (reçus , factures, bonsdecommande et delivraison, ...), en passant par l'élaborationdeportefeuilleclient, la gestion des abonnements souscrit etlaplanificationd'action en fonction d'événementsspécifiques.L'applicationconvient à de nombreux usages tels qu' unpoint devente fixe etambulant (pos), caisse enregistreuse complète,unsystème degestion de souscription d'abonnement (assurance, salledesport) etplein d'autres usages. Présentation desfonctionnalités:-Catalogue d'articles: Éditez et maintenez à jourvotre catalogueenincluant l'ensemble de vos produits, services etabonnements,enbénéficiant des outils fort utiles met à votredispositiontelqu'un lecteur de code-barres qui peut récupérer desinformationsàpropos de l'article scanner (photo, nom, ...) à partirdenotreimportante base de données produits internationales, unsuividesstocks et des réductions, le partage et publicationassistéssurles différents réseaux sociaux, pour chacun desarticles, ...-Portefeuille clients: Développez un portefeuilleclientsdequalité, segmenté en groupes pour améliorer le suiviclient,avecdes fiches clients complètes, contenant les commandesduclients,ainsi que toutes les informations que vous voulezrécoltermeme desphotos et des enregistrements vidéo et audio, aveclapossibilitéde récupérer dynamiquement certaines informations,soitenutilisant le lecteur de code QR, ou bien avec le GPS.-Impressionde documents commerciaux: Imprimer desdocumentsconformes auxréglementations de votre pays incluant touteslesinformationsrequises, générées et personnaliséesautomatiquementpour chaqueclient et commande et à tout moment;prends en chargeles documentssuivants: Tickets de caisse ( reçus),devis(pro-forma), bons decommande, bons de livraison, factures.-Gestionnaire descommandes: Suivez et gérez les commandes (venteetdevis)effectuées en détail, et procèder à de nouvellesventes,imprimezles documents dont vous avez besoin -Planificationd'action:Planifié des actions en fonction dedifférents événementstel quel'expiration d'un abonnement souscritou bien l'ajout d'unnouveauclient; utile pour rester en contactavec les clients etaméliorerl'expérience client - Gestionnaired'abonnement: Suivezl'état desabonnements souscrits et gérer les,restez en contactavec lesclients en utilisant les outils del'application pouraugmenter leschances de renouvellement. - systèmede sauvegardeExporter etimporter l'ensemble du contenu del'application de façonàrécupérer et préserver le fruit de vosefforts detouteséventualités de perte ou de problème matériel
Clothesline Mobile
KioSoft Technologies LLC
Clothesline Mobile provides the easiest and smartestcompletelaundry solution.
TLC to Flash & Prep Chromatogr 1.2.93
Maxime Esprit
Revolutionize your TLC and make it faster and easier withourdedicated app
Emerson PT Pro
Download the Emerson PT Pro™ to your Android device for FREE.
Invoice Control 4.65
Gagosoto Factory
Invoice Control is an application that lets you createinvoicesinPDF format and send them to your customers by maildirectlyfromyour Android device. - The application is multiuser.-Providescustomer management, products and inventory control.-Theapplication allows you to generate quotes in pdf formatthatyoucan later convert to invoice. - Offers thepossibilityofgenerating partial invoices regarding a total bill. -Youcanchoose the color of the header of the invoice, andincludeyourlogo. - You can record the amount of an invoice inExpensesControlapp (of Gagosoto Factory), directly. - Allows you toimportto theapplication, the data of your customers and productdatathrough aspreadsheet, to make it easy to start using. - Youcanexport thedata of the invoices in spreadsheet format. - You candodatabackups. - You can send invoices through whatsapp or Line.-Youcan save your invoices in your dropbox account. - You canscanthebarcode of your products. - You can mark an invoice assentorpaid.
Adobe Workfront 5.0.2
Workfront, Inc.
With Adobe Workfront’s new mobile app, marketing andenterpriseteamsare better able to manage their work, regardless ofwhetherthey arein a meeting, out of the office or on a traincommuting towork. Ourmobile app allows you to: * View and updateall the tasksand issuesyou’re working on. * Create and assign newtasks. *Review andapprove work requests and documents. *Collaborate onworkassignments. * Log time, review and adjusthours, asappropriate,ensuring the accurate allocation of time iscapturedand reflectedfor reporting and billing purposes. * Accessacomprehensive companydirectory for personnel andcontactinformation. Simply put - theAdobe Workfront mobile apphelps yourorganization better optimizeyour team, time, and work.NOTE: Ourapp requires that you login withyour Adobe Workfrontlogincredentials (username, password and uniqueURL). If youhavetrouble logging in, please contact yourWorkfrontadministrator.
Nuclias Connect 1.0.23
D-Link Corporation
Rapid setup and deployment of Access Points for Nuclias Connect.
Sinric Pro 2.23.2
Aruna Tennakoon
The simple way to control your IoT development boards likeESP8226for FREE!
Device Configurator 2.9.6
Device Configurator is designed to manage Honeywell gasdetectinginstruments.
Booker Mobile App 5.7.2
Booker Software, Inc.
Manage your business anytime, anywhere withtheBooker Mobile App! Our completely revamped app makes it easyforBooker customers to:• View and manage your calendar.• Book, update, and cancel appointments.• Sell series, gift cards, and products.• Take cash, checks, credit cards, gift cards and giftcertificates,series, Groupons, and credit account payments.• Apply special discounts and override prices.• View customer notes and profiles.• View a dashboard report to see how your businessisperforming.• View, edit, and create Services, Employees, Hours ofOperations,and work areas where services are performed.• And more.
Field Service Mobile
Microsoft Corporation
Dynamics 365 for Field Service providesthecross-platform,multi-device Field Service Mobile applicationthatis specificallycrafted to the field service worker's needs.Robustofflinecapabilities allow field service workers tocontinueaccessing andinteracting with the data that they need whenvisitingremotedestinations without internet connectivity. Fieldserviceworkerscan keep the back-office informed of work beingperformed inthefield by periodically synchronizing data up to theserver sothatthe proper actions can be taken or kick-started asappropriate.Themobile application is entirely customizableandextensible,allowing any organization to brand the applicationasits own,define what types of data field service workers canaccess,andmuch more.
FieldService App 1.4.3
Fieldcode Germany GmbH
Field Service Application is dedicated to technicians,handlingtheirdaily assignments while working at the customer'ssite. Alldatarelated to the onsite visit is entered in the form ofa reportandsynchronized on the back-end upon completion. Theapplicationenablesthe user to: - view a structured list of tasks -track theprogresswhen solving tasks - report task completion bycollectingallrelevant documentation Field Service Application issolely usedbythe permanent employees of one specific customer ofFieldcode.Itwill ask for the technician's permission to access thelocation(GPS)data with initial login. The technician's currentlocationdata isused to see their assigned jobs in the mapfunction. Thelatestlocation is also submitted while the app. isused in thebackgroundto plan the same day activities by the backoffice andto fulfil andmanage contractual obligations of thecustomers.
Doosan Parts Book 1.48
This app is an app that provides the parts book oftheequipmentpurchased by the customer to customers whopurchaseDoosanInfracore's construction equipment. This app allowsthecustomer tocheck the detailed structure of theirpurchasedequipment and thequantity of parts required for eachsession of theparts list byinserting the equipment's PIN numberafterinstallation. This isincreased by the user to understandthestructure of the equipmentthey have purchased and to seewhichparts are used. Based on thisinformation, customers cancontact thedealer to contact thecorrect part for their equipment inthe eventof a failure orreplacement of the part, and receiveserviceregarding the locationof the failure. This allows customerstoreduce the amount of timetheir equipment will be idle due totheerror order. In order foryou to use the Doosan EquipmentPartsBookApp, you will need ausername and password to log in to themobileapplication.
Hilti Documentation Manager 4.6.6
Hilti AG
A simple, easy-to-use process for firestop documentation
ProcessMAP Mobile 23.1.03
Environmental Health Safety (EHS) Sustianability (SCM)LearningCompliance (ELC)
HP Prime Pro 2.1
Explore advanced graphing, complex functions and much more withtheHP Prime App
ActionTiles SmartThings custom web dashboard maker 6.1.29h
Thingterfaces LP
Make your Samsung SmartThings home family friendly toview&touch: ActionTiles is "The homepage for your home!"™ Thetopratedadd-on SmartThings app (4.9-Stars per Facebook).OurFeedbackwebsite keeps us continuously improving.UnbeatableStability andCustomer Service. Create a free Account.Securelyauthorize theActionTiles Cloud to connect to yourSmartThings"Location" (Hub).Each SmartThings Location Connector isfree for 14days and thenpurchasable on our website. Easily buildamazinglyimpressivedashboard Panels. Mount an inexpensive tablet ormultipletabletsor phones to show everyone that your space-age smarthome isatyour fingertips in app or on the web. Experience the blissofbeingfreed from the clutter, complexity, and limited layoutoptionsofthe SmartThings Apps.¹ Arrange your Things as Tiles on oneormorePanels. Tweak the design until it suits your household.Usecolorsand icons to fit your style. Make some Panels kid-simpleandothersnerdville-central! Efficient responsive grid layoutisthefoundation for your creativity, then: ■ Devise a Themepaletteofcolors to apply to Panels. ■ Adjust tile, spacer and fontsizes.■Use multiple Tiles to show different attributes fromthesamedevice (temperature, battery, power). ■ Over 3000 icons.■AddPIN-protection to particular Tiles for extra security. ■andmuchmore! Download to get started and benefit from theapp'simmersivefull-screen mode and other kiosk-type features.Switch toyourfavorite browser if you want. For "anywhere access",directlyloginto the ActionTiles web-app with any browser. Configureandutilizeyour Panels using the same UI as the app. Convenientlyandsecurelyshare specific Panels with family, housemates,caretakers,orguests. Share as "view only" so a neighbor or remoterelativecankeep an eye on your door, window, temperature andsmokesensors;all while not granting access to your locks orcameras.Instantlyrevoke access. Attach multiple SmartThingsLocations toone Accountto facilitate vacation or rental propertymanagement.Keep an eyeon all those water leak sensors, ensure allthe garagedoors areclosed, and double-check the battery levels ofthe smokedetectors.Enhance your Panels with "Media Tiles" thatallowembedding ofphotos, weather radar, news tickers, or streamingfromsome typesof IP cameras. Limited formats are supported (JPG,PNG,GIF, MJPG)- but an endless variety of uses. ActionTilesiscompatible withmost SmartThings compliant connected devices-Sensors, switches,outlets, thermostats, locks, etc. Unusualandcustom device typesmay have limited control. Not allSmartThingsfeatures areintegrated. Use the 14-day free trial totest allexpected ordesired functionality before purchasing aconnectionLicense.PERMISSIONS This app uses the DeviceAdministratorpermission. Thisis required when activating Screen OffTimer,Remote Admin orJavaScript Interface for switchingoffthescreen. Administration permission must be withdrawnbeforetheapp can be uninstalled. Fulllistofpermissions: ActionTiles.com/android-app-permissionsTerms&Disclaimers Use of ActionTiles is subject to TermsofService.¹ActionTiles does not interfere nor completelyreplacetheSmartThings Apps: ST app is still required forfunctionalitysuchas phone presence sensing, adding/removing devicesfromhub,linking or unlinking other cloud services likeAlexa,configuringscenes or automations, and other non-typicaltasks.ActionTiles,Thingterfaces, SmartTiles, marked slogans, thelogosand icondesigns are trademarks of Thingterfaces LP. Allothertrademarksused for reference only. ActionTiles is NOT aproduct ofSamsungSmartThings. Video by TaylorTech.
War of Destiny 2.0.20
Command your army and build a base to defeat enemies.
Lexmark Mobile Assistant 2.3.0
Setup and configure your wireless Lexmark printer from yourAndroiddevice.
SolarEdge Inverter SetApp
SolarEdge Technologies
Upgrade, activate and configure your SolarEdge invertersthroughyour smartphone
MechanicDesk Mobile 6.05.12
Autodeck Pty. Ltd.
MechanicDesk is a comprehensive, yet easy to useOnlineManagementSoftware for automotive/mechanical workshops.Withfeatures thatcover all aspects of your business. MechanicDeskputyou incomplete control of your business. This app is to beusedincombination with our web app at www.mechanicdesk.com.auThisappprovides functionalities for busy mechanics to quickly 1.clockonand off a job 2. take pictures 3. adding parts used for thejobs4.updating information of the jobs, customers or vehicles5.Makingcalls, send SMS or locate customers' location on the goAndmuchmore... The app is provided free of charge and aims to saveyouandyour employees valuable times.
Viessmann Spare Part App 2.7.4
This app allows direct access to principal component and sparepartinformation.
MyCentsys Pro
The MyCentsys Pro app enables you to set up your SMART usingyoursmart phone
Mouser 2.4.4
Mouser Electronics, Inc.
The Mouser app allows you to instantly access thenewestsemiconductors and electronic components for design. Easilybrowsethe newest products by date, category, or manufacturer.Findproducts and view stock availability through a user-friendlysearchor built-in barcode scanner with the ability to build up acart orproject to checkout online. The application lets youbookmarkproducts or add them to your projects for quick access orto reviewoffline. Always stay connected to the newest products foryourlatest designs. Features: - Find and view new products bycategory,date and manufacturer - Search for products by filteringandsorting results - Build up a cart by adding products fromacrossthe application - The product search tool allows you torefine yoursearch and apply attributes to find components easily -Keep trackof your projects by building groups of parts intoseperate lists -Scan Mouser's barcode to quickly find your product- Bookmarkproducts for quick access - Store products and parts toview laterin projects and bookmarks - View full productspecification andup-to-date pricing - Find real-time stockavailability - Shareproduct information easily via email and socialmedia - ConversionCalculators
SignOnSite 4.22.0
SignOnSite allows you to SignOn as soon as you arrive to site.
Margin Markup Calculator 1.3
Percentor Margin Markup Calculator is a simpleandbeautifullydesigned Margin Markup calculator app, builtin-linewith Google’snew material design paradigm that allows you toaccessall thegoodness and material UI elements. Version 2.0 isalsocompatiblewith Android M. The Margin Markup Calculator isanexcellent appfor calculating values such as MarginPercentage,MarkupPercentage, Sales Markup, Percentage Markup, CostPrice,SellingPrice, etc. It is a handy tool for students, sales,andbusinesspeople. To use the app, enter any two values ofthefollowing -Cost Price, Selling Price, Markup, and Margin andtheapp willcalculate the other two values for you. You can:•Calculate Marginand Markup from Cost and Selling-Price •CalculateCost &Margin from Markup and Selling-Price • CalculateCost& Markupfrom Selling Price & Margin • Calculate SPandMargin fromMarkup and Cost • Calculate SP and Markup fromCost& MarginGive it a shot! You feedback is important for ustoimprove yourexperience with the app. We would love to hearfromyou!
uniFLOW Online Print & Scan 1.2.0
Send print jobs from anywhere! The uniFLOW Online Print&Scanapp brings secure print and scan management functionalitytoyourAndroid phone or tablet. Businesses have responded tothegrowingusage of mobile devices in daily business operations.TheuniFLOWOnline Print & Scan app ensures that businessescanoffermobile print services without security concerns in mind.Theappallows you to use your Android phone or tablet toprintdocumentsquickly and efficiently while maintainingsophisticateddocumentsecurity! Easily submit your standard officefiles, imagefiles, orpictures. With the submission into yourpersonal secureprintqueue, you can choose predefined finishingoptions, suchasdouble-sided, staple, and hole-punch. The app allowsevery usertohave documents printed quickly on the go, just in timefor thenextmeeting. To print your files, select the print job fromtheprintqueue and scan the QR code on the printer’s userinterfaceforimmediate document release. Quickly gain insights intoallyourpersonal print activity, such as the statistics ofprintedorrecently printed jobs, thanks to the intuitivedashboardavailablein the app. The app is available to everyregistereduniFLOW Onlineuser. For the IT administrator, it’s noeffort at allthanks to thecomprehensive and straightforwardself-registrationprocess. TheuniFLOW Online Print & Scan appallows you tosecurely submitand print your documents. - Intuitivedashboarddisplaying personalstatistical information - Submit printjobsdirectly from yourAndroid phone or tablet - Upload job viafile/photo selection(jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, pdf, doc, docx, xls,xlsx,ppt, pptx) -Upload job by taking a photo - Predefinefinishingoptions such asduplex, staple, and hole-punch, color/b&w,number of copies -Review or delete current print jobs fromyourprint queue - Printjob release via app, print all orselectindividual files - Easyand straightforwardself-registrationprocess Print jobs can beeasily released on anyuniFLOW Onlinecontrolled printer in yourorganization, school, oruniversity. Allyour print jobs areavailable at any time, regardlessof how theyhave been submitted,via mobile app, email, browser, orprinterdriver. What is uniFLOWOnline? uniFLOW Online is a securecloudprint and scan solutionwhich enables organizations to managetheirentire print and scanenvironment. The solution aims toincreasedocument security,enable cost control, and enhanceemployeeproductivity whilesimultaneously reducing internal ITrequirements.It is designed tomeet the needs of organizations thatdo not wishto invest in ormanage local servers but still need tocontrol theirfull printingand scanning process.
Printoid for OctoPrint LITE
AS Mobile Development
Redefine your 3D printing experience with the smartest remoteforOctoPrint!
Medical Lab Tests 1.3
Medicon Applications
Medical Lab Tests is the pocket tool for medical laboratory tests
Calcutronic 4.2.8
Calculator for students and hobbyists in Electronics&Electrical Engineering.
Wingman: Business Card Scanner 3.2.2
Wingman by Skroot
Your time is valuable. Don’t waste it correcting mistakesormanuallyinputting data 一 we’ll get it right the first time,orit’s on us.Wingman is able to connect to externalapplications,sync acrossdevices, or export your data at any time,all withoutlimitation.Flexibility to suit your needs. Wingmantakes yourprivacy andsecurity seriously. Put your mind at easeknowing yourdata isencrypted and is never sold to third-parties.Your time isvaluable.Don’t waste it correcting mistakes ormanually inputtingdata 一 we’llget it right the first time, or it’son us. Wingman isable toconnect to external applications, syncacross devices, orexport yourdata at any time, all withoutlimitation. Flexibilityto suit yourneeds. Wingman takes yourprivacy and securityseriously. Put yourmind at ease knowing yourdata is encrypted andis never sold tothird-parties. * UpgradeWingman Premium Accountto enjoy Premium: 1.Unlimited times forcreating teams. 2.Guaranteed accuracy. * Paymentmodels for Premiumsubscription: 1.Unlimited times for creatingteams. 2. Guaranteedaccuracy. *Payment models for Premiumsubscription: 1. Teams - 5Members:39.99 USD/month 2. Teams - 10Members: 74.99 USD/month 3.Teams -20 Members: 139.99 USD/month 4.Teams - 30 Members:194.99USD/month 5. Teams - 40 Members: 249.99USD/month 6. Teams -50Members: 299.99 USD/month Please note: 1)Payment will bechargedto Google Account at confirmation ofpurchase. 2) Thesubscriptionis automatically renewed within24-hours prior to theend of theperiod unless you choose to cancelthe subscription, andyouraccount will identify the cost of therenewal. 3) Subscriptionsmaybe managed and auto-renewal may beturned off by going toyourGoogle Play Account Settings afterpurchase. * For PrivacyPolicy,please visit:https://wingman.xyz/pages/privacy-policy.html* ForTerms of Service,pleasevisit:https://wingman.xyz/pages/terms-of-service.html
eedomus 1.3.24
Connected Object
Monitor and control your home from any location with youreedomusbox!
Hitachi ID Bravura One
Hitachi ID Systems
Signing in, approving requests, and changing passwordsisconvenient, and secure
RF Calculator 3.1.0
Application consisting of various calculations, conversionsandreference tables
HoloBuilder JobWalk US Version
Build better: Capture jobsite progress with our 360° RealityCapturesolution
Feasibility Study App 1.1
Feasibility Study : Is an integrated application designed tohelpyoucomplete your Feasibility Study for the project As putinpracticalsteps and easy you can accomplish in a short time Anditprovidessupport for the development of the project budgetTheapplicationenables you to post your projects with colleaguesandadvisers Youmay also save your projects and refer to it whenyouneed to updateit Features: - Create a new feasibility study-Saving as PDF - Itcan be edited on the feasibility study andsharethem with supportagency - The ability to print directlyContentsof the feasibilitystudy: 1. Information about the project2.Market Study 3. SWOTanalysis 4. Risk Management 5. TechnicalStudy6. Inventorymanagement 7. Development of the project 8.FinancialstudyFeasibility study for small businesses has becomeeasier andbetterwith this application You can also get moresupport with usby e-mailadmin@arabsba.com
Lovato Electric Sam1 1.91
Lovato Electric S.p.A.
Through SAM1 is also possible to configure and maintainLOVATOElectric products