برترین 22 بازی مشابه به Makeup Tips For Beginners

Makeup Course 80.0
Free makeup course, learning to apply makeup professionally stepbystep.
Maquillaje Profesional 10.0.0
Carmen Gomez Lescano
Maquillar de una manera profesional requieredeconocimientos y habilidades que, aunque no son difícilesdeadquirir, muchas personas no los tienen.Por esa razón hemos creado este curso en el que a través de22lecciones tú aprenderás a maquillar a una persona demaneraprofesional. El temario para que veas en más detalle eselsiguiente:1. Introducción - Puntos a tener en cuenta - TiposdeRostros.2. Pasos Previos antes del Maquillaje - Preparación de la Piel-Depilación de Cejas3. Materiales para el Rostro - Correctores - Polvos - Base4. Materiales para los Ojos - Sombras5. Materiales para los labios - Delineadores - Labiales6. Materiales en general - Brochas - Pinceles7. Uso correcto de la Base8. Aplicación de la Base9. El Corrector - Tipos - Colores - Forma de aplicación10. Los Polvos - Tipos - Colores - Forma de aplicación11. Las Cejas - Reconocimiento de puntos claves12. Las Sombras - Colores - Forma de aplicación13. Las Sombras - Delineación del Contorno del Párpado14. Las Sombras - Cómo cubrir el resto del Párpado15. Delineador de Ojos - Tipos - Formas de apliación16. Máscara de pestañas o Rimel - Tipos - Formas deaplicación17. El Rubor - Puntos a tener en cuenta en diferentes rostros18. El Rubor - Forma correcta de aplicarlo19. Maquillaje de Labios - Tipos - Colores - Formasdeaplicación20. Tipos de Labiales - Colores - Texturas- Formasdeaplicación21. Polvos Iluminadores - Tipos - Formas de aplicación22. Sellar el Maquillaje - Polvos translúcidos - FormasdeaplicaciónBONO. Adicional 20 imágenes que te muestran ideas para maquillarlosojosEn resumen es una aplicación con 22 prácticas leccionesqueincluyen textos e imágenes para que te conviertas en una expertaencuanto a maquillaje profesional.Makeup in aprofessionalmanner requires knowledge and skills, but they are notdifficult toacquire, many people do not.For that reason we have created this course you through22lessons you will learn to make up a person professionally.Theagenda to see in more detail as follows:1. Introduction - Points to consider - Types of Faces.2. Steps Up Pre before - Skin Preparation - Eyebrow Waxing3. Materials for the Face - Concealer - Powder - Base4. Materials Eye - Shadows5. Materials for lips - Liners - Lip6. Materials in general - Brushes - Brushes7. Proper Use of Base8. Application of the Base9. Concealer - Types - Colors - Application Form10. Powder - Types - Colors - Application Form11. Eyebrows - Recognition of key points12. The Shadows - Colors - Application Form13. The Shadows - Eyelid Contour Delineation14. The Shadows - How to cover the rest of the Eyelid15. Eyeliner - Types - Forms app16. Mascara and Mascara - Types - Application Forms17. Blush - Points to consider in different faces18. Flush - Correct way to apply19. Lip Makeup - Type - Colors - How to apply20. Types of Lipsticks - Colors - textures- Application Forms21. Highlighting Powder - Types - Application Forms22. Seal the Makeup - Translucent Powder - How to applyBONO. Additional 20 pictures showing you ideas for eye makeupIn short it is an application with 22 practical lessonsthatinclude text and images for you to become an expert in termsofprofessional makeup.
Dulhan Makeup 1.2
Malta Apps
Makeup karna sikhiye
Halloween Horror Makeup Free 1.7.1
Learn how to makeup Black eye, Abrasions,Cuts,Burn Injury and Zombie.Perfect for Halloween, Zombie walks and other occasions!Each part is organized in simple step by step operation withanimage for each step.The course is designed so that even you who have nopriorknowledge of the make-up to follow this course. We recommendyoustart with black eye if you are a beginner and take one courseat atime.If you learn these makeups and learn how to combine them, youcanmake up many things.Makeup for parties and film that makes you theevening'scenterpiece.All you need to make up what we teach can be purchased at atoystore or in a conventional supermarket.
Curso de Maquillaje 1.1
Curso de Maquillaje es unaherramientacon la que podrás aprender decenas de trucos demaquillaje de unamanera sencilla y amena, con decenas de maneras derealizar un tipode maquillado y conocer procesos profesionales.En esta herramienta de aprendizaje tendrás a tu disposiciónunaserie de pequeños temas en los que se agrupan los mejoresconsejosde cosmética para aplicarlos en función del tipo de piel,de losmateriales disponibles o de la ocasión, entre otras cosas.Así,conseguirás cambios notables siguiendo los pasos e indicacionesquete facilitarán la aplicación del maquillaje sobre cadapersona.El curso está compuesto por veintiuna lecciones, a las que selessuma una breve introducción y una serie de infografías queteayudarán a entender mejor algunas de las explicaciones.Aquíencontrarás consejos sobre los materiales a emplear en ojos,labioso rostro, bases, correctores, cejas, delinear ojos, sombras ydemásmétodos y formas de maquillar. La ventaja de esta aplicaciónes quetodo el material didáctico estará siempre a tu disposición,paraque puedas acceder a él en cualquier momento, y repasartuslecciones desde cualquier sitio.Las lecciones que encontrarás en esta app son lassiguientes:- Preparar la piel- Materiales - Rostro- Materiales - Ojos- Materiales - Labios- Materiales - Brochas y Pinceles- La Base- La Base - Aplicación- El Corrector- Los Polvos- Las Cejas- Las Sombras- Las Sombras - Delinear contorno del párpado móvil- Las Sombras - Cubrir el resto del párpado- El Delineador de ojos- Máscara de pestañas o rimel- El Rubor - Diferentes maneras de aplicarlo- El Rubor - Aplicación- Maquillaje de Labios- Tipos de Labial- Los Polvos Iluminadores- Sellar el maquillajeTe aseguramos que si sigues al pie de la letra todos lospasos,indicaciones, consejos y trucos que te proporcionamospodrásrealizar perfectamente cuantas sesiones de maquillajeprofesionalquieras, logrando cambios verdaderamentesorprendentes.Su nivel es básico así que cualquiera puede seguir este cursosinproblemas y adquirir todas las técnicas de maquillaje.* Si te gusta la app valorala con 5 estrellas. Nos ayuda aseguirmejorando. Gracias.Makeup Course is atoolwith which you can learn dozens of tricks of makeup in asimple andentertaining way, with dozens of ways to make a type ofmakeup andmeet professional processes.In this learning tool have at your disposal a number ofsmallissues where the best tips to apply cosmetics are groupedaccordingto the type of skin, available materials or the occasion,amongother things. So, you will get significant changes followingthesteps and instructions that will facilitate the implementationofmakeup on each person.The course consists of twenty lessons, which are joined byabrief introduction and a series of infographics to help youbetterunderstand some of the explanations. Here are tips on thematerialsto be used on eyes, lips or face, foundations,concealers,eyebrows, eyes outline, shadow and other methods andways ofmakeup. The advantage of this application is that allteachingmaterials will always be at your disposal, so you canaccess it atany time and review your lessons from anywhere.The lessons you'll find this app are:- Prepare the skin- Materials - Face- Materials - Eyes- Materials - Lips- Materials - Paint brushes- Base- The Base - Application- The Corrector- Powders- Eyebrows- The shadows- Shadows - Outline contour of the eyelid- Shadows - Cover the rest of the eyelid- The Eyeliner- Mascara or Mascara- The Flush - Different ways to apply- Blushing - Application- Lip Makeup- Types of Lip- The Shimmer Powder- Seal makeupWe assure you that if you follow to the letter all thesteps,instructions, tips and tricks that you can performperfectlyprovide few sessions want professional makeup, achievingtrulyamazing changes.Its level is essential so that anyone can follow thiscoursewithout problems and acquire all makeup techniques.* If you like the app value it with 5 stars. It helps ustokeep improving. Thank you.
Уроки макияжа на русском 1.9
Быть красивыми хотели женщины всехвременинародов рецепты красоты бережно собирались,хранились,передавалисьиз поколение в поколение. Красота и женскоездоровье,как статькрасивой и не потратить на это полжизни? Рецептыженскойкрасоты издоровья в нашей программе. Свадебный макияж:мастеркласс. Каксоздать самостоятельно яркий свадебный макияжбесплатно?Как делатьмакияж. На фото своего лица в увеличенномразмере можноразглядетьвсе детали. Главное сделать качественноефото. Макияжлица на фотоне всегда выглядит как в реальности.Арабский макияж глаз подразумевает яркие румяна, светлыйтонинасыщенный тон помады, так как женщиныВостокапредпочитаютподчеркивать черты лица. И все это абсолютнобесплатно!виртуальныймакияж, виртуальный свадебный макияж. В нашемприложениимакияжглаз шаг за шагом содержатся различные идеидлясозданияиндивидуального образа. Макияж для лица. советыэкспертов.нашисоветы красоты. Данные уроки макияжа онлайнподскажут,какправильно сделать красивый макияж на лице, чтобыподчеркнутьегодостоинства и скрыть недостатки.Уход за кожей лица - важная составляющая вашего«имиджа».Советыкак наносить макияж как нарисовать стрелки для глаз,макияждляфото. Попробуйте яркий, радужный макияж дляглаз.Пошаговаяинструкция. Как сделать естественный макияжпошагово.Ежедневныймакияж, словно одежда, без него - никуда. Какправильновыбрать инанести повседневный макияж. Учимся делать. Как илюбойдругой,египетский макияж начинается с нанесения основы впервуюочередьдля того, чтобы придать лицу смугловатыйвидПрофессиональныймакияж на все случаи жизни: дневной,вечерний,свадебный.По мнению некоторых визажистов, темные цветасинегоподчеркиваютнатуральные голубые оттенки и создают более яркийживоймакияж.Уроки простые и понятные. Мужской взгляд на женскиймакияж.Скачатьпрограмму и смотреть онлайн. Сделать эффектный,красивыймакияж длязеленых глаз - очень просто! Главное подобратьподходящуюцветовуюпалитру. Твой макияж – Красивый и креативныймакияж. Каксделатьчерно-белый макияж своими руками у себя дома, Такрождаютсяброви,когда я делаю макияж Они полностью нарисованы,новыглядятдостаточно натурально!Women want tobebeautifulall time beauty recipes carefully collected,stored,transmittedfrom generation to generation. Beauty and healthofwomen, how tobecome beautiful, and not spend a half of mylife?Recipes women'shealth and beauty of our program. Weddingmake-up:a master class.How to create their own bright weddingmakeup forfree? How to domakeup. On a photo of your face in alarger size,you can see allthe details. The main thing to dohigh-qualityphotos. Make faces inthe photo does not always looklike inreality.Arabic means bright eye makeup blush, light colorandfull-bodiedtone of lipstick, as women of the East prefertoemphasize facialfeatures. And all this is absolutely free!virtualmakeup, bridalmakeup. In our application eye makeup step bystepcontains variousideas for creating an individual image. Makeupforyour face. expertadvice. Our beauty tips. These make-uplessonsonline prompt how tomake a beautiful makeup on his face,tohighlight its strengths andhide weaknesses.Skin Care - an important part of your "image". Tips howtoapplymakeup how to draw an arrow to the eye make-up for aphoto.Try abright, rainbow-colored eye makeup. Step by stepinstructions.Howto natural makeup steps. Daily make-up, likeclothes, without it-nothing. How to choose and apply makeupeveryday. Learning todo.Like any other, the Egyptian makeupapplication begins withthebasics first to give a person a kind ofsomewhat darkProfessionalmakeup for all occasions: day, evening,bridal.According to some make-up and dark blue colorsemphasizenaturalblue shades and create a brighter lively makeup.The lessonsaresimple and understandable. Men look at women'smakeup. Downloadandwatch online. Make a spectacular, beautifulmakeup for greeneyes -very easy! The main thing to choose the rightcolor palette.Yourmake-up - Beautiful and creative makeup. How tomake a blackandwhite make-up with their hands at home, so I am borneyebrowswhenI'm doing makeup They are completely drawn, but theylookquitenaturally!
Professional Makeup Course 80.0
Professional Makeup Course, learn professional makeup step by step.
Digital Photography Course 80.0
Full course of digital photography, from amateur toprofessionalphotographer.
Makeup Tips And Ideas 1.02
Bible Story Kids Kiidsy
Makeup Tips And IdeasThisisan amazing yet simple and light weight MakeUp Tutorialsappbasedon experience and knowledge of famous industryprofessionalsyoucan step by step learn to perform different typesof facemakeupfollowing easy Makeup Tutorials. ProfessionalMakeupTutorials: Geta flawless face in a flash with thesemakeuptutorials. Makeupartist Patricia Longo shows you the correctway toapply mascara;put on eyeliner; create a smokey eye; useafoundation brush; shapeyour eyebrows; apply blush; cover upacne;put on lipstick; andmuch more. It's the next best thing tohaving aprofessional makeupartist do your makeup for you. bestmakeover andhairstyle studiowith lipstick eye makeup blush and morefor yourdigital makeover!Create makeup looks hairstyles and changehaircolor instantly.Makeover in real-time or on your photos.Staystylish with makeuptips and tutorials using the best makeup appandluxury fashionguide.
Coloring Games
Mermaids are the most fantastic andbeautifulprincesses of the ocean. Come in and enjoy the mermaidpainting anddrawing salon. In this free coloring book game forgirls you findmany coloring pages and pictures.You can paint all designs with different colors and you canpainttheir hair, clothes, makeup and tail. But you also have theoptionto draw your own drawing or work with stamps and stickers.Alsoincluded are designs of fish and dolphins.When you're done and have made a nice picture you can easilystoreyour design to use as wallpaper or share it with friendsorfamily.We have a coloring book full of free pages of mermaids inmanydifferent themes which you can paint and draw:- Mermaids in beautiful dresses with long tails and hair.- Playing with other animals like fish, seahorsesanddolphins.- In love which kiss with merman.- Looking for treasures while diving under the sea.- A little mermaid excitement with scary sea creatures.If you or your daughter likes little mermaids she will alsoenjoycoloring and painting the models in this app. And with allthecolors you can chose from you can also makeover and colorthemakeup, tails and hair of these beautiful girls. Can you makethemlook like a real mermaid?Or take a look at our other games with lovely designs forkids,babies and toddlers. Drawing, painting, dress-up and makeovergamesto make beautiful pictures and stimulate the creativity ofyour sonor daughter. We have lots of free painting and drawinggames forboys and for girls.All mermaid coloring pages are copyright protected by2Monkeys
Hijab fashion wear 0.0.1
Hijab fashion wear, Hijab StylesStepbyStep.Hijab Style And Tutorial gives you inspiration andreferencebyseeing galleries or hijab style and tutorialhijab.There are many ways to take hijab. Girls like to try newtypesandstyles of hijab for a diverse look. Although its only apieceofcloth, but if taken properly, can dramaticallychangeone’spersonality. Hijab adds to the overall look and bytryingdifferentstyles, the outlook can be changed. I have collectedsometutorialson wearing different hijab styles. If you are lookingfornew waysto try hijab, Hijab fashion wear is for you. Install itanddon'tforget to share with others.You will find in this application:Hijab color.Hijab at work.Pictures of Hijab.Hijab Clothing.Hijab with shawl.Hijab class.Hijab in Europe.Hijab in Islam.Hijab Fashion.modern hijab.Hijab mode.Hijab Marriage.Hijab Style.single hijab.Skirt length hijab.Turkish hijab.hijab tutorial.Khimar.Make up hijab.And more..Do not hesitate to give 5 star and share the applicationwithyourfriends. Thank you
Video Makeup Tutorial App 1.0
Video Makeup Tutorial App VideoMakeupTutorialApp This is an amazing yet simple and light weightMakeUpTutorialsapp based on experience and knowledge offamousindustryprofessionals you can step by step learn toperformdifferent typesof face makeup following easy MakeupTutorials.There are differenttips tricks and insights with easy tofollowMakeup Tutorials youcan follow these makeup tutorials and getverygood withprofessional touches Having the perfect makeup look isthewish ofevery girl. As by the help of the makeup many flaws canbehidden.Learn how to give yourself a complete new look in manywaysbyapplying contouring eye and lipmakeup.ProfessionalMakeupTutorials: Get a flawless face in a flashwith thesemakeuptutorials. Makeup artist Patricia Longo shows youthe correctwayto apply mascara; put on eyeliner; create a smokeyeye; useafoundation brush; shape your eyebrows; apply blush; coverupacne;put on lipstick; and much more. It's the next best thingtohavinga professional makeup artist do your makeup for you.
Makeup On Your Face 1.0
Makeup On Your Face Makeup On Your FaceEnjoyavariety of designs and styles to go to the last withthelatestmakeup techniques.Makeup Tutorials Beauty Tips appisdesigned forgirls who want to get the beautiful looks inspiredbycelebritiesmovie characters and fairytale princesses and lovetoplay makeupgames and experiment with their appearance.Downloadthis amazingapp for free and enjoy watching video tutorialson yoursmartphoneThis Smartphone application contains Step By StepMakeupTutorialsfor your all occasions. With this Smartphoneapplicationof Step ByStep Makeup Tutorials you will get to learnaboutcontouring eyemakeup face make up lip makeup for you andyourfriends at anyoccasion like casual parties wedding or any typeofevent. It isvery easy simple and practical. Fantastic tricksthatdesigns topaint your face eyes lips. A lot of ideas and imagesforyou tofollow Step By Step Makeup Tutorials. Step By StepMakeupTutorialsshows you the correct way to apply mascara put oneyelinercreateSmokey eyes use foundation brush shape your eyebrowsapplyblushcover up acne put on lipstick and much more. This isanamazing yetsimple and light weight MakeUp Tutorials app basedonexperienceand knowledge of famous industry professionals youcanstep by steplearn to perform different types of facemakeupfollowing easyMakeup Tutorials. There are different tipstricks andinsights witheasy to follow Makeup Tutorials you canfollow thesemakeuptutorials and get very good with professionaltouches .
Makeup Tutorial Apps For Free 1.0
Makeup Tutorial AppsForFreeMakeup Tutorial Applicazioni gratis come si faadiventare più piùbella. Questa applicazione vi aiuterà arisponderea questadomanda. Questo aiuto applicazione per voi sonobelle.Godetevi unavarietà di tutorial per il trucco di stilecoreanoimparare a farei vostri occhi le labbra e il viso.Questafantastica applicazioneraccoglie i migliori tutorial perimpararecome applicare il truccoin stile coreano suggerimentitrucchi.troverete una serie ditutorial per il trucco si puòcondividere conTutorial truccofriends.Professional: Ottenere unviso perfetto inun lampo conquesti tutorial trucco. Makeup artistPatricia Longo vimostra ilmodo corretto di applicare il mascara;mettere sueyeliner; creareun occhio smokey; utilizzare un pennellodifondazione; modellarele sopracciglia; applicare arrossire;coprirel'acne; mettere ilrossetto; e altro ancora. E 'la cosamigliore peravere untruccatore professionista fare il vostro truccopervoi.Questoapplicazione riunisce una serie di idee per il trucco,seti piacesempre radiosa in questa applicazione troverete di ideeperessere.Makeup Tutorial Apps For Free
Cursos iPED 3.6.1
Cursos iPED
More than 1000 choices of courses with animations and also 100%onvideo lessons.
Pastry Course 80.0
Free course to learn how to prepare pastries pastry easily.
Psychology Course 9.5
Psychology course free to analyze, interpret, understand andexplainhuman behavior. Also, achieving basic skills and toanalyze, assess,evaluate and intervene in the various personal andsocial life alongcontexts skills.What is self-esteem?Types of Self-EsteemLow self-esteemFormation of Self-EsteemInflated self-esteemFormation of low self-esteemConsiderations Self-EsteemThe valuesMusic TherapyAssertivenessElements linked to self-esteemSelf-respectFactors in the Development of Self-EsteemSelfInflated self-esteem ElementsAccurate self-esteemThe Life ProjectLeisureImproving Self EsteemSelf-esteem and Self-RealizationImprove self-esteem in the familyEsteem for ParentsPositive Attitudes and Self-CareSense of personal competenceFeeling of Motivation and PurposeLittle sense of belongingSense of belongingEncourage self-concept of childrenChildren with Limited AutoconceptoSelf-concept or sense of identityChild CharacteristicsComponents of Self-EsteemCore values ​​of self-esteemLearn with this complete course in psychology. Psychologicalhelpis the only way to solve problems such as job stress,socialproblems, overcoming a relationship, etc. This psychologycourse isa first step for those who have interested them psychologybutnever decided to learn this science background.Use the "Select Language" button to change the language.
Dmitry Nazarenko
Choose your personal style in the application.
ABC กขค เพลงเด็ก 3.22.7
ABC กขค เพลงเด็กABC ABCKids.
Thai Alphabet Learning ก ไก่ 1.4.1
The Android Developer
Application for begin to learning Thailanguagealphabet with sound.In app Voice annotation ก ไก่ (ก - ฮ) , ABC A - ZMonth, Day and Count Number for kidSupport all device tablet and smartphone 4" 7" 8" 10"
L'Oréal Educación Móvil 1.4.5
CloudCasting Iberia
En esta guía encontrarás toda la información especializadaparaprofesionales de L'Oréal. En la guía podrás consultar todalaoferta formativa que dispones en cada mes y seleccionar laopciónmás indicada para tus necesidades.
ก.ไก่ ถึง ฮ.นกฮูก 3.22.7
ก.ไก่ ถึง ฮ.นกฮูกรวมเพลงเด็กสนุกได้ความรู้, เพลง 123 หัดเขียนเลข, ฝึกท่อง ก.ไก่มีเสียง, เพลง กเอ่ย ก.ไก่, เพลง กขค สําหรับเด็กเล็ก, ABC กขคเพลงเด็ก, ABCหัดเขียนภาษาอังกฤษ, หัดเขียน ก.ไก่ ABC, 123 นับเลขเด็ก1-100gchickenhelicopter owl Songs Children enjoy knowledge, Music 123Learn towrite, take a cock. Sound, music midterm. Chicken, Song B,C,respectively. Kids, ABC ABC Kids, ABC learn English, learntowrite. Chicken ABC, 123 children from 1-100number.