برترین 36 برنامه مشابه به ECG pratico

ECG CALC Lite 1.3.4
IT Health
ECG CALC Lite is an app that helps health professionalsinterpretthe ECG
12-Lead ECG Challenge 2.1.1
Limmer Education, LLC
12-Lead ECG Challenge is the ideal way to sharpenyourinterpretation skills.
ECG pocket 2.0
Börm Bruckmeier Publishing LLC
The ECG pocket is an essential and easy‐to‐use toolfortheunderstanding and interpretation of ECG. With lotsofpracticalexamples this app provides all you need to know foryourdailyroutine. Including ‐ index based searchlist ‐history‐function‐”last viewed” button ‐ notes and bookmarksAllnecessaryinformation about ECG – always at your fingertips!
ECG Guide by QxMD 2.0.0
Succinct yet authoritative, ECG Guide is a critical companionforclinicians.
ECG Pro - Real World ECG / EKG 1.4
WMS, Inc
Sharpen ECG / EKG interpreting skills with over 2000 Real lifecasesand videos
ECG practical 2.85
"ECG practical" is an application designedtohelp you acquire the basic knowledge ofelectrocardiography;Knowledge that all healthcare professionals shouldpossess,especially those who work in intensive care units such asCCU, ICU,OperLearn the ECG has never been so easy and fun!atingRooms,etc..Electrocardiography is definitely not an "easy" subject of studybutwith a minimum effort you can acquire the basic informations tobeable to detect a critical situation and alert the cardiologist.Theelectrocardiogram is a simple test, fast, painless, verylow-cost,and can definitely save the life of a person. In Italyevery yearabout 120,000 people are affected by myocardialinfarction, ofthese, approximately 25 000 die before reaching thehospital. Thediagnosis of myocardial infarction is mainly madewith the executionof the ECG.With "ECG practical" you can learn in a simple way thebasicprinciples of electrocardiography, you can calculate yourheartrate from the milliseconds or the number of squares betweentwo RR,you can see several examples of ECG tracings, calculatethecorrected QT interval, you can easily find the QRS axes or youcanmake your "diagnosis" simply by answering a fewsimplequestions.Note: The app does not process the photos taken with the cameraorloaded from the gallery to not affect their quality. Loadinglargeimages (> 4 mpx) can cause the application to crash,especiallyin phones with little memory. When taking a photo, choosea lowerthan 4-megapixel resolution, and shot from a closedistance.Version "Demo"The "Demo" version has the same functionality as the normal one,theonly limit is the number of openings of the application. I didnotwant to put the usual time limit (number of days) becauseithappened to me to install an app to try it for a certain periodoftime, but due to work and family commitments I could not trythemsufficiently before deadline.Before you buy the full version, please try the "demo" versionofthe product. If you remain satisfied after trying it, buy thefullversion and support the further development oftheapplication.ATTENTION!This software absolutely MUST NOT be used to place any medicalornursing diagnosis, but should only be used foreducationalpurposes.Bug reports, comments and suggestions are verywelcome:kapelis95@gmail.com
Electrocardiogram ECG Types 13.0
Learn to identify different types of electrocardiogram,idealforstudents. Include brief explanations of the graphs.
Electrocardiograma ECG Tipos 13.0
Aprende a identificar los diferentes tipos deelectrocardiograma,ideal para estudiantes. Incluyen brevesexplicaciones sobre lasgráficas.
Cardiax Mobile ECG 1.41
Companion application for Cardiax Windows full-scale, 12-ChannelPCECG system.
Multi-ECG 1.12.6
The Multi-ECG app allows - in combinationwiththe match box sized CardioScout Multi-ECG recorder - thefirstmobile resting ECG recording with Android Smartphones andTablets.The derived ECG data are sent online via Bluetooth from theECGrecorder to the Android device and displayed on the screen. TheECGdata can be stored locally or – as an option - on a server.Theserver stored data can be visualized and handled with anywebbrowser over a secure connection. In addition, the serverstoreddata can be downloaded and processed into our VMX00 restingECGsoftware. If you are using our Cardio cout Multi-ECG as aholterthe Multi-ECG app can be used for the startup onlinecontrol.The app further allows the manual collection andgraphicalpresentation of weight, blood pressure and glucoselevels.- mobile recording of resting ECG with Android SmartphonesandTablets- mobile online control system for operating the Holter- storing the ECG data- stored ECG's can be send as PDF via Bluetooth, E-Mail...- optional storage on a server (10 Euro / month)- optional download in the resting ECG software VMX00- detection of weight, blood pressure and glucose values
T-ECG Doctor Telephonic ECG
T-ECG Telephonic ECGT-ECG (Telephonic ECG) is a mobile application for mobiledevices.It replaces the remote central program for demodulate theaudiosignal produced by trans-telephonic ECG devices and,displays,analyzes and archives the resulting chart.Mobile trans-telephonic devices usually record 12 lead ECGsandtransform the original electrical signals of the heart in aFMaudio signal that can be transmitted over normal phonelines.T-ECG converts the acoustic analog signal produced bythetrans-telephonic ECG devices in a digital representation andstoresit in your mobile.Functions:1 - Demodulates the audio FM signal produced by the ECG deviceandstores digitally the signal;2 - Reconstructs the original analog signal and play itifnecessary;3 - Displays the complete ECG chart on the screen;4 - Displays a detailed view of any single lead;5 - Produces a PDF document with the ECG;6 - Creates a patient record with basic information (Name, age,sex,etc.);7 - Sends by mail the digital version in XML format to otherdevicerunning T-ECG;8 - Sends by mail the PDF document withcardiologistdiagnostic.Compatibility- Aerotel HeartView® LIIx10+12x2,5/4- Cardiette Microtel® 12x2,5/LIIx10- Cardiette Microtel® 12x10Heartview, Aerotel, Cardiette and Microtel are registeredtrademarksof their respective owners.For compatibility with other models you can contact us sendingyourdevice characteristics via e-mail at t-ecg@healthpath.it.
ECG Clínico, Eletrocardiograma 29
ECG Clínico - Tenha em mãos omelhorconteúdo em eletrocardiografia! Aplique de maneiraprática eobjetiva conceitos de eletrocardiograma fundamentais paraoambulatório, enfermaria, emergência e terapia intensiva.QUER APRENDER ELETROCARDIOGRAMA DE UMA MANEIRA FÁCILEDESCOMPLICADA! BAIXE AGORA!★★★★★ "Excelente app, bastante completo. Recomendo!Finalmenteposso apagar todos os outros apps de eletro que baixei emearrependo."★★★★★ “Conteúdo, didática e praticidadenaeletrocardiografia!”★★★★★ "Estou muito satisfeito com a compra. Já li várioslivrosde ECG e este é de longe o conteúdo mais prático!"O “ ECG Clínico ” ( iECG ) apresenta conteúdo completoemeletrocardiografia baseado no “ Eletrocardiograma aplicadoàClínica ”. Lista de temas:- Princípios da Eletrocardiografia:EletrofisiologiaCardíaca; Eletrocardiografia Vetorial;EletrocardiografiaNormal;- Sobrecargas Cavitárias: Sobrecarga AtrialDireita;Sobrecarga Atrial Esquerda; Sobrecarga Biatrial;SobrecargaVentricular Esquerda; Sobrecarga VentricularDireita;- Doença Isquêmica e Infarto: Isquemia, Lesão eNecrose;Localização do IAM; Evolução Eletrocardiográfica;- Bloqueios de Condução: Bloqueios de Ramo Direito;Bloqueiosde Ramo Esquerdo; Hemibloqueios;- Arritmias Cardíacas: MecanismosFisiopatológicos;Extrassístoles; Taquiarritmias de Origem Atrial;Taqui Supra NãoAtriais; Taquiarritmia Ventricular; BradiarritmiaSinusal;Bradiarritmia Nodal; Ritmos de Escape;- Outras Patologias: Miopericardite;Cardiomiopatias;Dextrocardia; Síndrome de Brugada; TromboembolismoPulmonar;Alterações Eletrolíticas.O iECG para o Aluno: Como parte do compromisso PEBmedcoma educação médica, o iECG apresenta conteúdo de fácilcompreensão ecasos clínicos interativos, mantendo a diretrizdidática dosaplicativos PEBmed e oferecendo ao aluno de medicina umaprendizadorico da eletrocardiografia clínicaMuito mais que um Ebook: Diferente da maioriadosaplicativos médicos da Google Play e seguindo a linha da PEBmednodesenvolvimento de aplicativos inteligentes que facilitam apráticaclínica, o iECG conta com ampla variedade de recursosextrasincluindo guia rápido para diagnósticoeletrocardiográfico,algoritmos diagnósticos interativos,calculadora de eixo elétrico eguia didático para determinação doeixo, calculadora de QTcorrigido, ferramenta régua e exclusivobanco de ECGs em constanteexpansão.COMPÊNDIO DE APLICATIVOS: Mais do que umaplicativo,adquirindo o iECG o usuário estará economizando emdiversosaplicativos da Google Play que oferecem individualmentealguns denossos recursos. O iECG inclui, além de Ebook completoemeletrocardiografia: Calculadora de eixo elétrico; banco deECGs;Guia rápido para a prática clínica e muito mais. CompareeComprove!Como parte da política PEBmed de compromisso com a qualidadeesatisfação do usuário, declaramos que o iECG é um guiadiagnósticode eletrocardiografia, incluindo a descriçãopormenorizada daspatologias, de maneira prática e didática.-------------------------Referências Bibliográficas que auxiliaram na criação do App:• Eletrocardiografia - Guias de Medicina AmbulatorialeHospitalar da Epm -unifesp – Antônio Carlos Carvalho,FelipeAugusto de Oliveira Souza, Cláudio Cirenza, Silvio R.BorgesAlessi, 2012;• Eletrocardiograma na Sala de Emergências - Guia PráticodeDiagnóstico e Condutas Terapeutas -Maria Margarita CastroGonzalez,Glaucylara Reis Geovanini, Sergio Timerman, 2ª Ed2013;• Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine - Dan Longo,AnthonyFauci, Dennis Kasper, Stephen Hauser, J. Jameson,JosephLoscalzo,18th Ed 2011;•UpToDate – www.uptodate.com# Para saber um pouco mais sobre nossasreferênciasbibliográficas entre em contato conosco via email. #Clinical ECG - Havethebest content in electrocardiography Apply in a practical wayandobjective basic ECG concepts for outpatient, inpatient,emergencyand intensive care!.ELECTROCARDIOGRAM WANT TO LEARN AN EASY WAY ANDDESCOMPLICADA!DOWNLOAD NOW!★★★★★ "Excellent app, very complete. I recommend! Icanfinally delete all other electro apps I downloadedandregret."★★★★★ "Content, teaching and practicalityinelectrocardiography"★★★★★ "I am very pleased with the purchase. I've readseveralbooks of ECG and this is by far the mostpracticalcontent!"The "Clinical ECG" (IECG) features full contentonelectrocardiography based on "Electrocardiogram applied totheclinic." List of subjects:- Principles of Electrocardiography :CardiacElectrophysiology; Vector electrocardiography;Normalelectrocardiography;- Overload cavity : Right Atrial overload; Left Atrialoverload;Biatrial overload; Left Ventricular overload; RightVentricularoverload;- Ischemic disease and infarction : ischemia, injury andnecrosis;Location of AMI; Electrocardiographic evolution;- Driving Locks : Right Branch Block; Left branchblocks;Hemibloqueios;- Cardiac Arrhythmias : pathophysiologicalmechanisms;Extrasystoles; Atrial tachyarrhythmias of Origin;Atrialtachycardia Supra No; Ventricular tachyarrhythmia;BradyarrhythmiaSinus; Bradyarrhythmia Nodal; Escape rhythms;- Other Diseases : Myopericarditis; Cardiomyopathies;Dextrocardia;Brugada syndrome; Pulmonary thromboembolism;Electrolyticchanges.IECG for The Student: As part of PEBmed commitment tomedicaleducation, the IECG contains content easy to understandandinteractive clinical cases, keeping the teaching guidelineofPEBmed applications and providing the medical student alearningexperience Rich clinical electrocardiographyMuch more than a Ebook: Unlike most medical applicationsfromGoogle Play and following the line of PEBmed the developmentofintelligent applications that facilitate clinical practice,theIECG has a wide variety of extra features including tab quicktoelectrocardiographic diagnosis, interactive diagnosticalgorithms,electrical axis calculator and educational guide fordeterminingthe axis, QT corrected calculator, ruler and unique toolECGs bankconstantly expanding.APPLICATION Compendium: More than one application,acquiringthe IECG the user will be saving in a number of GooglePlay appswhich individually offer some of our resources. The IECGincludes,in addition to complete Ebook in electrocardiography:electricalaxis calculator; Bank of ECGs; Quick guide for clinicaland morepractice. Compare and Try it!As part of the commitment to PEBmed policy to quality andusersatisfaction, we declare that the IECG is a diagnosticguideelectrocardiography, including a detailed description oftheconditions in a practical and didactic way.-------------------------References who assisted in the creation of the App:• Electrocardiography - Ambulatory Medical Guides HospitalofEpm -UNIFESP - Antonio Carlos Carvalho, Felipe Augusto deOliveiraSouza, Claudio Cirenza, Silvio R. Borges Alessi,2012;• Electrocardiogram in Emergency Room - Practical Guide toDiagnosisand pipes Therapists -Maria Margarita Castro Gonzalez,GlaucylaraKings Geovanini, Sergio Timerman, 2nd Ed 2013;• Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine - Dan Long,AnthonyFauci, Dennis Kasper, Stephen Hauser, J. Jameson, JosephLoscalzo,18th Ed 2011;• UpToDate - www.uptodate.com# To learn more about our references please contact usviaemail. #
ICU RenalCalc 1.2
Antoni Betbese
I.C.U. RenalCalc provides themostfrequentlyused calculations next to patient bed, whencontinuousrenalreplacement techniques are required. The applicationalsowarnsabout certain situations that can endanger thefilter.ICURenalCalc® offers the following options:- Frequently used calculations in the patients under CVVHandCVVHDF.Calculations about the dose and volume of convection inPREand POST,volume of diffusion, calculation of the Kuf of thefilterbased onthe transmembrane pressure (TMP), calculation oftheanticipated TMPbefore initiating the technique, calculation ofthefiltrationfraction (FF) and calculation of the efficiency ofthefilter.- Coagulation calculations- Specific module for filtration fraction calculation.- Specific module for TMP calculation- Specific module that allows the user to make calculationsinthisfield: Cockroft-Gault, MDRD, fractional sodiumexcretion,aniongap, measured creatinine clearance, calculatedplasmaticandurinary osmolarity, sodium, water and bicarbonatedeficit.
ECG pocketcards 4.0
Börm Bruckmeier Publishing LLC
The ECG pocketcards provide * a quick reference foridentifyingallcommon ECG findings, such as hypertrophy, AVconductiondefects,arrythmias and more * a concise summary of how torecordand readan ECG and a standardised evalutation sheet * scalesof 2 xRR (25mm/s and 50mm/s), plus amplitudes (mV), timesandintervals(ms)
ECG Interpretation 1.11
MeetDoc Developers
This app briefly elaborate of ECG irregularities with waveformanddescription.
ECG 100 casos prácticos 5.0
Practica Cardiología clínica con estos 100 casos diversosdesituaciones que pueden ayudarte a diganosticar en el día a díasieres profesional sanitario o estás estudiando para ello. Cadacasose acompaña de un electrocardiograma que debes interpretar conlosdatos aportados. *Click en "Mostrar Resultado" para ver soluciónyposible tratamiento. *Se plantean casos desde infarto agudohastaWolf Parkinson White, y en diferentes edades. *El objetivo deestaaplicación es la orientación aproximada a la interpretación deunecg, no obstante siempre debes tener en cuenta la opinión deunespecialista.
ECG Master: Quiz & Practice 2.1.10
iMedical Apps Pro
ECG quiz & practice for evaluating abnormalities ofheartrhythms or impulse
ECG 100 Clinical Cases 5.0
Practice clinical cardiology with these 100 different casesofsituations that can help you to diagnose heart pathologies.Highrecommended for medical students! Always remember to askaspecialist.
Código Infarto 1.8
Jose Luis Fabela Perez
Con Código Infarto puedes salvar tu vida olade otra persona. Anticípate para ganar tiempo, aprende lossíntomasde un infarto del corazón, organiza tu información defactores deriesgo y condiciones cardiovasculares, modifica tuestatus deriesgo, responde a los síntomas en los primeros minutos,localizade inmediato los hospitales con capacidad para atender uninfarto,comunícate sin demora con los servicios de ambulanciasdisponiblesen el sitio en donde te encuentres, obtén la ruta alhospital máscercano acreditado con Código Infarto.Funciones educativasCódigo Infarto orienta a las personas con dolor de pecho quepodríanestar presentando un infarto agudo del corazón, situaciónclínica endonde los segundos cuentan y es urgente llegar alhospital adecuadopara una valoración médica. Habitualmente elinfarto es ocasionadopor un coágulo que obstruye una arteria delcorazón. La falta decirculación produce daño en el músculocardíaco alimentado por laarteria coronaria obstruida. El objetivocrucial del tratamiento eseliminar la obstrucción, a lo que sedenomina REPERFUSIÓN.La reperfusión con medicamentos, conocida como FIBRINOLISIS, esmásefectiva si se realiza en los primeros 30 minutos después delallegada del enfermo al hospital.La reperfusión mediante cateterismo cardíaco e implante de unSTENTen los primeros 90 minutos de la llegada al hospital se conocecomoANGIOPLASTIA PRIMARIA y se considera la terapia ideal paraelinfarto del corazón.Funciones de localizaciónAnte una emergencia por dolor de pecho, Código Infarto permitealusuario encontrar los hospitales acreditados por la SociedaddeCardiología Intervencionista de México (SOCIME), para realizaruncateterismo y Angioplastia Primaria.Posteriormente se agregarán hospitales que no cuentan con saladecateterismo cardíaco pero tienen eficientes programasdefibrinolisis con medicamentos.En el futuro Código Infarto estará disponible en otros paísesendonde las sociedades cardiológicas lo soliciten.Al activar Código Infarto aparecerá un mapa con la ruta alhospitalmás cercano. Si el usuario lo desea podrá elegir otrohospital. Laaplicación lo comunicará al servicio de ambulanciasdisponible parasolicitar atención.Funciones de ExpedienteCódigo Infarto posibilita al usuario guardar sus datos personalesydesignar contactos para notificaciones en caso deurgencias.Permite almacenar información médica en su dispositivo,conapartados para los factores de riesgo cardiovascular,antecedentesde enfermedades cardiovasculares y condiciones médicasque aumentanel riesgo de hemorragias en caso de requeriranticoagulantes parael tratamiento de un infarto del corazón. Losfactores de riesgo sedestacan en color verde cuando están ausentesy en color rojocuando están presentes con la finalidad de que elusuario conozcalos elementos que conviene modificar.También podrá guardar y actualizar sus exámenes delaboratorio,medidas básicas de signos vitales, peso y estatura,medicamentosindicados, así como alergias a medicamentos.Toda esa información se almacena en la memoriadeldispositivo.Código Infarto no tiene acceso a ninguno de los datos personalesdelusuario ni a su expediente clínico, por lo que su privacidadestágarantizada.La aplicación enviará notificaciones periódicas para recordaralusuario que actualice su expediente clínico.El usuario puede compartir con su médico un resumen delexpedienteclínico mostrándolo en pantalla o simplemente enviándolopor correoelectrónico.With Myocardial codeyoucan save your life or someone else's. Plan ahead to savetime,learn the symptoms of a heart attack, organize yourinformationrisk factors and cardiovascular conditions, risk statuschanges,responds to symptoms in the first few minutes immediatelylocatehospitals with capacity to handle an infarction, contactwithoutdelay with ambulance services available on the site whereyou are,get the route to the nearest hospital credited withMyocardialCode.Educational functionsMyocardial Code aimed at people with chest pain could be havinganacute heart attack, clinical situation where seconds count anditis urgent to get to the right hospital for a medicalevaluation.Usually the stroke is caused by a clot that blocks anartery of theheart. Lack of circulation causes damage to the heartmuscle fed bythe blocked coronary artery. The crucial goal oftreatment is toremove the obstruction, to what is calledreperfusion.Reperfusion with drugs known as fibrinolysis is more effectiveifdone in the first 30 minutes after the arrival of the patienttothe hospital.Reperfusion by cardiac catheterization and stent implantation inthefirst 90 minutes of arrival at hospital is known asprimaryangioplasty and is considered ideal for heartinfarctiontherapy.Functions location In an emergency for chest pain, myocardial Code allows users tofindaccredited by the Society of Interventional Cardiology ofMexico(SOCIME) hospitals, for catheterization andprimaryangioplasty.Later hospitals that do not have cardiac catheterization roombuthave efficient drug programs will be added fibrinolysis.Code Infarction in the future be available in other countrieswherecardiology societies request.Myocardial code to activate a map showing the route to thenearesthospital appear. If the user wishes, you can chooseanotherhospital. The application shall notify the ambulanceserviceavailable to seek care.File functionsMyocardial code enables the user to store their personal dataanddesignate contacts for notification in case of emergency.Allowsmedical information stored on your device, with sectionsforcardiovascular risk factors, history of cardiovascular diseaseandmedical conditions that increase the risk of bleeding in caseyouneed anticoagulants for the treatment of a heart attack.Riskfactors are highlighted in green when they are absent and redwhenthey are present in order for the user to know the elementsthatshould be amended.You can also save and update your lab, basic measures vitalsigns,weight and height, medications prescribed, anddrugallergies.All this information is stored in the device memory.Myocardial code does not have access to any personal informationnorto their medical records, so your privacy is guaranteed.The application sent periodically to remind users to updatetheirmedical records notices.The user can share with your doctor a summary of clinicalrecordsshowing it on screen or just emailing.
Mobile ecg recording 12
MCT Ganseman BVBA
Android tablet and L12 makes mobile full 12 leads ecgrecordingeasy.
ACLS Rhythm Tutor 2.2.0
Anesoft Corporation
Learn to interpret ECG rhythms as the waveform sweeps acrossthescreen.
Istel ECG 3.13
Diagnosis S.A.
Electrocardiograma 4.0
Aprende fácilmente a interpretar un electrocardiograma.Teexplicamos paso por paso como identificar las diferentespatologíasasí como ejemplos de cada una de ellas. Incluye imágenesy esquemasque te ayudarán a entender la frecuencia, el ritmo y elsignificadode cada onda.
DiaCard - ECG Recorder
Solvaig JSC
DiaCard: electrocardiograph, event monitor, holter - all inonesystem
Electrocardiogram (ECG) Rhythm App: Heart Axis 1.2
iMedical Apps
"Electrocardiogram (ECG) Rhythm App: Heart Axis" is designedforhealth care practitioner to determine heart axis in vectordegreesfrom an electrocardiogram (ECG) result. The heart axisrepresentsthe major vector of ventricular activation, which is theoveralldirection of electrical activity. It is important to assesstheheart axis of a patient with suspected heart disease. Whyshouldyou choose "Electrocardiogram (ECG) Rhythm App: Heart Axis"?🔸Simple and very easy to use ECG app. 🔸 Accurate andprecisecalculation of cardiac or heart axis. 🔸 The electrical heartaxisis shown in vector degrees. 🔸 Interpretation of the vectordegreesresult, namely normal heart axis, left axis deviation (LAD),rightaxis deviation (RAD), and extreme axis deviation. 🔸 It istotallyfree. Download now! "Electrocardiogram (ECG) Rhythm App:HeartAxis" is a simple application to determine heart axis by usinganelectrocardiogram (ECG) reading. "Electrocardiogram (ECG)RhythmApp: Heart Axis" app is designed to help health professionalinclinical practice, intensive care, or emergency department.Heartaxis or cardiac axis is the direction of action potentialsduringventricular depolarization. In "Electrocardiogram (ECG)Rhythm App:Heart Axis" app, you need to input the QRS complexdeflection inlead I and lead AvF. The electrical heart axis willthen be shownin vector degrees. The interpretation of the vectordegrees resultis provided. There are 4 interpretations in"Electrocardiogram(ECG) Rhythm App: Heart Axis" app, namely normalheart axis, leftaxis deviation (LAD), right axis deviation (RAD),and extreme axisdeviation. For more info contact us at:www.imedical-apps.com
Pocket ICU 2.8.17
Unbound Medicine, Inc
The Must-Have Resource for Critical Care
Drugs in Emergency and ICU 2.0
Kosrat Mama
به‌ ناوی خودای گه‌وره‌ و مهره‌بانسه‌ره‌تا خۆم به‌ خۆشحاڵ ئه‌زانم كه‌ توانیم ئه‌مبه‌رنامه‌یه‌دورستبكه‌م بۆ سیسته‌می ئه‌ندرۆید به‌ شێوه‌یه‌كی پوخت وساده‌باسیكۆمه‌ڵێك ده‌رمان ئه‌كات له‌ حاله‌تی طه‌واری وعینایه‌مركزه‌(emergency and ICU ) كه‌ ئه‌توانم بڵێم ئه‌به‌رنامه‌یه‌به‌رچاو رونیه‌كی باش ئه‌دات به‌ خوێنه‌ر زانیاریه‌كی ته‌واوباسئه‌كاتله‌ روویگروپی ده‌رمان { group drugs}شێوه‌ی و رێژه‌ی ده‌رمان{supplied as and dosage drugs}به‌كارهێنانی ده‌رمان{ indication and usage drugs }وریابوون له‌ به‌كارهێنانی ده‌رمان به‌كارنه‌هێنانی{warningandcontraindication }ژه‌مه‌ به‌كارهێنانی ده‌رمان{ administration }كاریگه‌ری لاوه‌كی ده‌رمان{ adverse reactions}
ICU Cardiac Drug FX 1.1
A very simple cardiac effect drug card for nurses. It show howthesedrugs affect blood pressure, peripheral vascular resistance,heartrate, cardiac output and cardiac index. The drugs listedareDopamine, Epinephrine, Levophed, Neosynephrine, Nipride,Primacorand Vasopressin. What this app is: a quickreference...onepage...there is no functionality, just the info youneed. What itisn't: a bloated app that has lots of buttons andpages of info tosift through. UPDATE...Dobutamine has been added tothis reference.I have removed the cardiac index, and added centralvenouspressure.
Ecg Help 1.1
Durante vários anos de carreira Médicapassamospela necessidade de fazer plantões em Pronto AtendimentoseEmergências, atendendo os mais variados tipos de doenças que,namaioria das vezes, fogem da nossa especialidade.Dentre as doenças que encontramos, as mais frequentesepotencialmente graves são as doenças Cardiovasculares.Agora imagine a conveniência e segurança de ter sempre aoseulado um especialista para discutir esses casos.Com o ECG HELP você tem esse apoio!Equipe 100% CardiologistasParecer sobre EletrocardiogramasTranquilidade para seu plantãoAviso Legal:Os pareceres aqui emitidos não configuram laudos médicos. TodoECGdeve ser avaliado dentro de um contexto clínico e pormédicohabilitado.During several yearsofmedical career spent by the need to shifts in Ready callsandEmergency, meeting all kinds of diseases that, in most cases,arebeyond our specialty.Among the diseases that we find the most frequent andpotentiallyserious are the cardiovascular diseases.Now imagine the convenience and security have always besideaspecialist to discuss these cases.With ECG HELP you have this support!Team 100% CardiologistsOpinion on electrocardiogramsPeace of mind for your callDisclaimer:The opinions herein do not constitute issued medical reports.AllECG should be evaluated in a clinical setting andregistereddoctor.
Pediatric ECG Stat! (FREE) 1.2
Pediatric Palpitationz
THE LEADING COMPREHENSIVE PEDIATRICECGAPPdeveloped by a pediatric cardiologist for anyone whocaresforchildren! As you know, ECG diagnostic criteria andnormalvaluesare different for each age group, and adult normals canNOTbeapplied to pediatric electrocardiograms. This compactprogramarmsyou with EVIDENCE-BASED data to diagnose virtuallyanyECGabnormality at the bedside.Why fill your phone with low-yield content you won'tuse?Qualityover quantity! This gives you the evidence-basedandclinicallyrefined data you need all in one app:AGE-SPECIFICPEDIATRIC ECGVALUES, DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA, QTcCALCULATOR. You'llhave at yourfingertips normal ECG values for eachage group, aswell asdiagnostic criteria for ventricularhypertrophy, atrialenlargement,and hundreds of other abnormalities.Finally, there'seven a handyQTc calculator that allows you tocalculate a QTcbased on the msecof the intervals, or the BOXESalone on the ECG.This is anindispensable application for anyoneencounteringpediatric ECGs,including cardiologists, consultants,and anyone inthe ICU orER.The only pediatric ECG application you will need! Seethe"About"tab for detailed reference information behind thedata.SUMMARY------------------------------Succinct, authoritative, and evidence basedpediatricECGapplication providing:-- normal values for the following age groups: <1day,1-2days, 3-6 days, 1-3 weeks, 1-2 months, 3-5 months, 6-11months,1-2years, 3-4 years, 5-7 years, 8-11 years, 12-15 years.-- diagnostic criteria: ECG validity andverification,rate,thythm, QRS deploarization axis, intervals,hypertrophy,ischemiaand infarction, and low voltage-- QTc calculator: allows input in the form of msec OR boxesfromtheECG!-- Examples of included data/tools: ratedeterminationshortcuts(2), definition of NSR (4 criteria), axisdeterminationincludingextreme left axis determination compared toextreme rightaxisdetermination and differential diagnosis oflesions associatedwitheach, complete and incomplete bundle branch(RBBB andLBBB)criteria, hemiblock criteria, fascicular blockcriteria,completehypertrophy and chamber enlargement criteria(atrialenlargementand ventricular enlargement, including "possible"orsoftcriteria), defining an abnormal Q wave or ST segment,lowvoltagedefinition and differential diagnosis[FREE TRIAL VERSION: FULL, COMPLETE VERSION WITH ADS][KEYWORDS: pediatric cardiology,pediatricelectrocardiogram,pediatric EKG, pediatric ECG,paediatriccardiologist, pediatricICU (PICU), pediatricemergencymedicine]
Calculate by QxMD 9.0.2
From the maker of the apps 'Read', 'TheECGGuide' and 'Pedi STAT' comes 'Calculate', a next-generationmedicalcalculator and decision support tool, freely available tothemedical community.Also available on the web at http://qxmd.com/calculateEssential tools in General Practice, Internal Medicine,Cardiology,Surgery, Obstetrics, Nephrology, Hematology,Orthopedics,Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Neurosurgery,Respirology,and more."We recommend medical users try the free Calculate byQxMDfirst..."-from iMedicalApps review "The best free Medical Calculator appsforthe iPhone"'Calculate' is focused on highlighting tools which areactuallyuseful in clinical practice and serve to impactdiagnosis,treatment or determining prognosis.Helping you make decisions, not just calculate numbers...Features• Developed by a collaboration of clinician experts fromdiversebackgrounds• Converts recent research publications into practicalhandheldtools - knowledge translation at its best• Automatically adapts to your self-describedclinicalpractice• Unique ‘Question Flow’ technology gets you answers, fast• Detailed references with Pubmed integration• Comprehensive and insightful results• Elegant design and intuitive interface• SI and Conventional unitsMore than 300 unique calculators and decision support toolsWhile too extensive to list them all, here is a small samplingofincluded content:Reduce and predict perioperative complications• WHO Surgical Safety Checklist• Predictive models for cardiac surgery andcoronaryangiographyGuide treatment• Determine cardiovascular risk and guide lipid treatment usingtheFramingham and Reynolds Risk Scores• Use the CHA2DS2-VASc score to guide treatment inatrialfibrillation• Better understand the risk of bleeding from anticoagulationinatrial fibrillation• ACS using the TIMI risk score• Burns with rule of 9s and Parkland formula• Hypernatremia (calculate water deficit)Determine Prognosis• Heart failure• Lymphoma• Myelodysplastic Syndrome• Myeloma• Glomerulonephritis• Hemodialysis• COPD• TIA• PancreatitisCalculate• Ideal body weight, BMI and BSA• Due date and gestational age• Extensive formula used in echocardiogropathy andinvasivehemodynamic monitoring• Kt/V in dialysis patients• eGFR with CKD-EPI, Cockcroft-Gault and MDRD• A-a gradientClassify• Angina (CCS)• Congestive heart failure (NYHA)Manage• Head, neck, ankle and knee injuries• DVT and PE• Pulmonary nodulesStage• Lung cancer• Renal cell carcinomaUnderstand• TTKG (transtubular potassium gradient) in hypokalemiaandhyperkalemia• DermatomesDiagnose• Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia• Infective Endocarditis• ARDS• Autoimmune HepatitisAnd much more...Want to keep up with medical research? Get 'Read by QxMD'forAndroid:http://qx.md/readFounded my medical professionals, QxMD is dedicated to creatinghighquality, point-of-care tools for practicing healthcareprofessionals. Recognized as a leading developer of freemedicalsoftware for mobile devices, QxMD develops content incooperationwith expert physicians from their respectivefields.
MedShr: Discuss Clinical Cases 15.12.1
Developed by doctors, MedShr is the easiest and safest wayformedical professionals to discover, discuss and share clinicalcasesand medical images. Join our community and connect withhundreds ofthousands of verified doctors, healthcare professionalsand medicalstudents sharing knowledge and learning from each otherin a secureprivate network. MedShr’s Awards include: Facebook Appof the Yearfor Social Good Award; The Evening Standard Startup ofthe Year2018; and a World Summit Award from the United Nations. Theapp hasbeen featured on the BBC, Sky News, The Evening Standard,TheTelegraph and Metro News. DISCOVER AND DISCUSS MEDICAL CASES&IMAGES From ECGs, scans and X-rays to patient photos andvideos,MedShr helps you find and discuss relevant medical caseswithcolleagues, by specialty and at all grades. MedShr is atotallysecure, private network and features an easy to use in-apppatientconsent form and system for anonymising images. Followclinicalcases you find interesting and learn from your peers withinformaland accredited case based discussion. SHARE KNOWLEDGE WITHVERIFIEDMEMBERS MedShr is the simple way to capture, share anddiscussclinical images and videos in your everyday practice. Createacase, obtain consent and start a discussion securely fromyourmobile. Send medical cases to colleagues, share them with thewidercommunity, export to your e-portfolio or simply organise casesforyour personal records. MedShr is safe, secure and enables youtomaintain complete control over the privacy of your cases - withallmembers being 100% verified as doctors, healthcareprofessionalsand medical students. EXPAND YOUR PROFESSIONAL NETWORKMedicalstudents and doctors of all levels are joining MedShr toadvancetheir learning as they connect with peers from theiruniversity,place of work and across the world. Connect and followspecialistsin your field to keep up to date on their latest cases,techniquesand learnings. Join groups to learn from others, sharefindings orjust converse around complex and interesting clinicalcases.Medical students, junior doctors and specialist trainees useMedShrgroups as a resource for informal learning, ahead ofcase-basedexaminations and as an aid to formal learning. MESSAGECONNECTIONSAND COLLEAGUES MedShr Messaging allows you to messageyourconnections about anything from arranging to meet at aconferenceto sharing a link to an interesting case. To get started,tap themessage bubble in the top right-hand corner of the home feedtostart a new chat. Use MedShr Messaging to reach out tocolleaguesand build your network. OBTAIN CPD CREDITS AND SHOWPROFESSIONALDEVELOPMENT There are opportunities to learn from andreflect oncases every day. MedShr now makes it easy to requestContinuingProfessional Development (CPD) credits for each case thatyou shareon MedShr. The simple process makes it easy to receive CPDcreditand keep a record of your learning on the go. HELP MAKEADIFFERENCE TO THOSE IN NEED Our community is providing medicsincrisis zones and doctors in developing countries with quickaccessto second and specialist medical opinions so that they canmakecritical clinical decisions. With your participation, youcancollaborate with like-minded professionals and be part of anewfrontier in medical education. For support, suggestionsandfeedback, please contact us at info@medshr.net
EP Mobile 2.30.3
EP Studios
Mobile tools for medical professionals who manage abnormalheartrhythms.
Clinical Skills
Saleh khalid
Clinical Skills meant to be anevolving,evidence-basedguide to history-taking and the physical exam and simple ECG .Thisis thefirst release and it well be regularly updated bymedical students at the Mosul Medical College in mosul, Iraq.If you find the application useful, have any feedback,or if it saved your hide rounding one day, let us know
ICU Patient Review Pro 2.0
BMC Group
For ICU doctor and staff, to remember all events and labs testformany days is impossible. They have to spend time to openpatientrecords and see what happened. In the developing countries,they donot have good hospital software that can store thesecubersomethings. this apps helps physicians and medical staffs toeasyaccess to well organized data so that they can follow theillnesscourse of their patient.
Glasgow Coma Scale 3.8
Chernyshkov Evgeny
Assessing the level of consciousness on a scale Glasgow coma in3clicks.