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EDU Aventuri in trecut 1.2
Editura EDU
Aceasta aplicatie este oversiuneDEMO,cuprinzand 4 jocuri edu-distractive si 5animatiieducative.Pentru a vizualiza tot continutul, puteti cumparaversiuneacompletăla pretul de 15 lei.Daca ati achizitionat pachetul educational ”Aventuri in trecut”(CD+revista), introduceti codul de acces din revista pentruabeneficiaGRATUIT de versiunea completa.Editura Edu a pregatit prescolarilor isteti (4- 6 ani)ofabuloasacalatorie in trecut. Ea cuprinde 23 de jocurieducativeșidistractive si 29 de animatii, copilul afland o multimedeinformatiiinedite despre evolutia omenirii.Aiurel si Nano ajung, din intamplare, in casavrajitoruluiPetrusexact in momentul in care acesta prepara opotiune magica.Cuajutorul acestei potiuni, Petrus isi va puteaindeplini visul,acelade a calatori in trecut si de a deveni cel maimare vrajitoraltuturor timpurilor. Cei trei pornesc intr-ointeresantacalatoriepentru a aduna pretioasele obiecte de carePetrus arenevoie: untaciune din epoca de gheata, o spita de laprima roata,un scripetede la construirea piramidelor, batista uneidomnite,abur de laprima locomotiva si o piesa de la primulcomputer.Fiecare popasprin istoria omenirii este un prilej pentruAiurel dea-si faceprieteni noi si de a intra in tot felul desituatiicomice.This application isaDEMOversion, including four games edu-entertainingandeducationalanimations May.To view all the content you can buy the full version at a priceof15lei.If you purchased educational package "Adventures in the past"(CD+Magazine), enter the passcode magazine to get FREE fullversion.Publisher Edu has prepared smart preschoolers (4- 6years)afabulous trip into the past. It includes 23 educationalgamesandfun animations and 29, the child finding out a lotofnovelinformation about the evolution of mankind.Ravings and Nano arrive by chance in the housewizardPetrusexactly when it prepared a magic potion. With thispotion,Petruswill be able to fulfill the dream, to travel to thepast andtobecome the greatest wizard of all time. The three embarkonanexciting journey to collect the precious objects thatPetrusneeds:a canker in the ice age, a hospital first wheel,pulleybuildpyramids handkerchief of ladies, steam from thefirstlocomotiveand a song from the first computer. Each stopover inthehistory ofmankind is an opportunity for nonsense to makenewfriends and getinto all kinds of funny situations.