برترین 3 برنامه مشابه به Home Library Idea and Design

Home Library 5.0.3
Home Library app helps you easily maintainyourlibrary at home. With this app you can :1.Store your book, cds, dvds details (title,author,artist)simply by scanning the barcode on the media.2.Keep track of books and cds you've lent to friends, familyandcolleagues.3. All your books, cds and dvds details are stored on asecuredwebsite with no fees. Handy in the event of a homeinsuranceclaim!4. Send polite reminders to your friends who haven'treturnedyour books!5. The 'Wishlist' option stores all the books you'd liketobuy.6. Thinking of buying a book? Not sure if you've got it inyourbookshelf at home already? Simply scan the barcode on thebookwhile you're in the bookstore to check!7. Keep track of all your borrowed books from the library.Getareminder when the book is due for returns.You can also purchase this app by using your paypalaccountfrom:*******************IMPORTANT***************************Please download the free version(HomeLibrary Lite) of this apptotry it first and if it will work on your device.The Liteversionhas the same functionality as that of the paid app. Theonlydifference is it limits the number of media items you cansave.Maximum of 15 items If you have any questions or suggestionspleasecontact me and I will do my best to address them as soonaspossible.Thank you again for your support.
Architecture Plan House 1.0
Architecture is the process and theproductofplanning, designing, and constructing buildings andotherphysicalstructures. Architectural works, in the material formofbuildings,are often perceived as cultural symbols and as worksofart.Historical civilizations are often identified withtheirsurvivingarchitectural achievements.Building or refurbishing a home can be fun but it canalsobechallenging because of the many things that has to beaccountedforbefore starting the project.Building a home is a big project no matter how little thehomeisand how meager the budget. In fact, a person can bemorecosteffective in building his home if he creates a homedesignplanbefore introducing changes in the home.A homeowner should take note of the design of the househeisabout to build and put the design into paper. This way,hecanavoid committing design mistakes that can cost himmoneyandprecious time.Being hasty when building a home can be detrimental tothehomedesign and also to the budget. A home design plan canbecreated bythe homeowner and builder himself provided he hassomeknowledge indrawing plans. However, if he does not have anyideaabout thesethings then it is best to get the services of apersonwho isknowledgeable in such matters.Of course, asking another person to make a home designplancanadd to the cost of building the home but it will becosteffectivein the long term because it will ensure that the homeisproperlyconstructed technically and aesthetically.Creating a home design plan can be a technical matterandrequiresresearch and preparation. The designer of a home planwilltake allaspects of the home when preparing the plan includingthelifestyleof the people who would be living in the home andtheavailablespace.Leaving everything to the experts may be just the rightthingforany homeowner. However, he should also take an activepartinplanning the design of his home. While he does notknowthetechnicalities, he should be able to suggest what hewantsandwhere things should be placed.It is important that the specification of the home designplanisnot totally left to the discretion of the designer. Thehomeshouldbe a reflection of the personality of the residents andtheownershould thus have a say in the overall appearance ofhishome.To avoid conflicts while the house design plan is beingdrawn,thefamily should already have a consensus as to what motifordesignthey want for the house. They can choose from thevariousdesignsavailable like a home that depicts country living orit canbeminimalist or modern.Allowing the family to plan ahead can mean asmootherconstructionprocess. Making material changes after thehome designplan hasalready been drawn and while the home is beingconstructedcan resultto a poorly built home. Plus, it can add tothe expensesof buildinga home.Once the family has arrived at a consensus as tothegeneralappearance of the home, they should appoint someone whowilltalkto the designer and who will coordinate all thedesignandconstruction process with the designer. Having everyoneinthemiddle of the construction phase can be disadvantageous asitcanresult to delays in the project.Anyone who is about to have his dream house built shouldmakesurehe gets a good designer to create the home design plan.Thisway, thetechnical and aesthetic characteristics of the homeisensured.
3D Home Plan Design 1.0
Home plans, the foremost thingbeforeinitiating the construction, is one of the most crucialaspects asit is the dream of every person to accomplish theirdesiredhousehold. Before starting home building, one of the mostprincipalconcerns is deciding about the budget. This isextremelysignificant as all the later decisions will be based uponit. Inaddition, the quality of materials to be used duringtheconstruction completely depends on the budget. Thereby, itisimportant to chalk out the budget carefully. The appearance ofthehouse gives an impression of the people living insideit;therefore, adequate importance should be given to itsexteriorappearance.The second most important aspect of home plans is deciding uponitslayout. It is extremely important that the design selectedshouldbe as per the latest trends. Moreover, it is important thatthedesign chosen is not just unique but convenient for usage.Thelayout of the construction should be easy to create yet intandemwith the latest trends. A great home is the one that isefficientin its usage as well as layout. The entire planningprocessinvolves a lot of creativity and conceptualization. Thereby,it isadvisable to consult experienced interior andexteriordesigners.Another chief aspect of home building is deciding over a layoutthatis in sync with other constructions in the vicinity. Thereby,it isimportant to lay adequate emphasis on importantregulatoryrequirements, like height restrictions, water utility,buildablearea, allowable setbacks and sewage disposal. In addition,homeowners must inquire about various costs, like building permitfees,engineering fees, development charges, surveying, drivewayandlandscaping of septic fields.Home plans must inculcate important technical aspects, suchasseptic field capacity and wind and sun exposure. In addition,thearchitect must make a comprehensible layout about the placementofvarious sections of the house, like the bedroom, kitchen,livingroom and others. One of the easiest ways of developing auniquelayout is by referring to other structures in theproximity.Moreover, it is important to assure the quality of thematerial andaccessories used during the construction. The locationof theconstruction is another major aspect and must be kept inmind. Itis preferable to choose a location that is convenient andislocated close to owner's workplace. Primarily, it is importanttomake sure that the house is free from any possible dangers andissafe for living.