برترین 2 بازی مشابه به Unit Converter Ultimate

Measure It - Map Pro 4.0
Util it
Measure distance, area and perimeter on map: Easy and quick way
Pleasing Proportion Calculator 1.0
This app lets you enter a dimension andquicklycalculate a set of other dimensions which are pleasing tothe eyewhen used with the dimension you entered. For example, ifyou knowthe width of some project like a chest or table you cancalculatepossible heights and depths that will make an overallnice-lookingpiece. The app also has a second page where you cansee what variouscombinations of width, depth and height look liketogether (it onlyshows a solid block but you can imagine it beingyour chest or table- or building!). This app is not only usefulfor experienceddesigners and artists but for beginners (includingchildren justlearning arts and crafts) who wish to learn thebasics of whatgenerally "looks nice" and why.You enter the starting dimension using the two entryfields,labeled either "ft" and "in" or "m" and "cm" depending onourchoice of units (set in "Settings" menu). It defaults toENGLISH,which uses feet and inches and allows fractions (to 1/32")ordecimal notation (choose using the "Settings" menu). Forfurnitureprojects you may choose to leave the ft (or m) field blankand justspecify the total dimension in inches (or centimeters). Forlargeprojects like buildings you probably want to use the ft/mfield.The app will handle any combination you enter. With yourstartingdimension entered, click the "DONE" button on the keyboardtocalculate other pleasing dimensions. The app uses the"goldenratio" and also the "3-4-5 ratio, displaying each in ascrollablebox.The golden ratio is any dimension either multiplied by ordividedby 1.618... You will see that this app calculatesdimensions bothsmaller and larger than your starting dimension.The 3-4-5 ratiomeans that if a dimension A is proportional to twoother dimensionsB and C in the ratio of 3:4 and 4:5 (or multiplesof these) then theshape will be pleasing to the eye. This appcalculates threedifferent sets of 3 dimensions, using the startingdimension as the"3", then as "4" and then as "5".Once you have calculated the lists of pleasing dimensions,youcan swipe to the left to visualize any combination ofthesedimensions using the graphical page. Initially, this appdisplays ablock with width, height and depth equal to the startingdimension.At the top of the screen you see 3 spinners for width"w", height"h" and depth "d". Touch any of them to pick a differentvalue fromthe calculated pleasing dimensions (you do not have tokeep thestarting dimension if you do not wish to). The blockchanges sizeto stay within the screen but is always to scale anduses yourchosen w, h and d.Once you have decided on a width, height and depth foryourproject you can select & copy the values from eitherthespinners on the graphical page or from the lists on thestartingpage.