برترین 35 بازی مشابه به 一代梟雄:霸業

正統三國-經典即時策略類手遊 1.12.7
The classic SLG strategy country war mobile game, the real chaosofthe Three Kingdoms, invites you to fight! Break throughmanylevels, pull the ring to escape, go to the secret place of theseato hunt for treasure, rescue the lord, and win thetreasure!Develop generals, manage cities, high-level free citywarfare, andhigh-level national warfare!
幻想三国:群英传-少年Q版三国志回合制挂机手游,真三国无双街机格斗,国战策略率土之滨战略三国卡牌游戏 6.0
👉 👉👉简介:经典三国,重返三国争霸的乱世世界!战马飞驰、三国名流,打造前所未有的战斗回合体验!三国著名巾帼神将加盟助战,多段进阶培养、百种阵型搭配;更有上古灵兽强力助阵,突破极限激发最强战力!巾帼武将、经典名骑、萌伴灵兽,让你体验全新刺激的三国之旅!具有趣味性的回合制游戏,以魏、蜀、吴争霸为故事背景,以整个三国时期的英雄人物为主体,通过登录即送的吕布,不断挑战关卡获取到的赵云,一步步领略到回合三国游戏的乐趣!👉👉👉特色: --全民进阶,豪礼不停--巾帼武将、经典名骑、萌伴灵兽、绝世宝石、免费获得!--神将助阵,驰骋沙场--数位名将,自由组合,驰骋沙场,共闯三国天下!--经典战役,实时复现--过关斩将、蜀道难、南蛮入侵、铜雀台、经典战役,重温体验!--桃园结义,喜结良缘--三国乱世,情义犹在,军团结义,共闯天下;更可喜遇良缘,共建王朝!--跨服竞技,称霸全服--实时竞技,策略对战,三国称帝,等你来战!👉👉👉概括:幻想三国:群英传-少年Q版三国志回合制挂机手游,真三国无双街机格斗,国战策略率土之滨战略三国卡牌游戏最新热门少年Q版回合制挂机单机三国游戏,热血少年三国志战略策略国战,还原真三国无双三国战记战纪街机格斗,三国群英传之率土之滨策略卡牌三国手游,雄霸天下,放置三国
沙城王者:戰無不勝 1.0.7
F1Game Online
Classical legend, easy to hang up, lying down to upgrade, coolandsuper comfortable.
三国战线100%:热血三国志放置挂机进度条 1.9
三国战线100%是一款以三国为题材的挂机玩法文字游戏,游戏一开始你要选择一个小队来开始冒险,小队里面的人物都是由三国里面的武将角色组成,随着游戏的进行系统会随机触发各种事件,根据不同的发展情况自动触发各种军事指令和各种内政设施。特色系统:福利系统:每天武将免费抽,普通抽2次,高级抽1次招降系统:每次战斗胜利触发,极品武将应有尽有放置系统:发展用内政魅力高的,打仗用智力武力高的,合理放置武将让收益最大化战役系统:挑战的战役越多,除了后面每天白银收益也会越高之外还有机会招降更极品的武将开发者的话:1)希望喜欢这类挂机玩法的玩家给我一些建议可以更好的完善游戏。也希望路过的玩家高抬贵手2)福利码定期更新可以加QQ群:8362450583)最新的谷歌版本还在审核中,时间被延迟。旧版无法登陆游戏的玩家请发我邮件索取最新版安装包》2059990855@qq.com諸位主公,大家好!爲了給大家帶來更多遊戲內容,同時爲了維護遊戲環境,保證主公的良好遊戲體驗,服務器將于2020年12月2日(周三)0:00~9:00進行停服維護更新,特爲主公奉上相 關更新信息。新版本更新內容: 1.增加VIP功能2.增加VIP升星加成%,主公經驗%,主城經驗%,煉鐵經驗%,農業經驗% 3.增加競技場功能4.優化編輯隊伍功能 5.修複已知BUG6.更新一個新福利碼:202011SS123 【開放測試】競技場功能介紹:1.每周一,二,三,四,五,爲競技場報名階段2.每周六,日,爲競技場階段 3.每個玩家有可設置3個軍團,每個軍團上限設置12個將4.每個軍團有10次攻擊目標的機會5.每次攻擊目標獲勝,額外獎勵1-2個將魂6.競技得分,根據軍團累積殺敵兵力總數量來獲得7.每周競技排名,根據競技得分總數計算(基本都能拿獎)競技獎勵內容目前已元寶,白銀爲主,系統結算後會自動發放搭配每個玩家郵件內,請注意及時領取。
無雙名將傳- 真三國策略遊戲 1.0.5
Games SOUL
經典傳承,只為主公的統一霸業。耗時打造,經歷時間打磨,更新換代,遊戲以最優的設計呈現給主公,拒絕簡單粗暴的遊戲體驗,有趣的將領養成體系,經典卡牌對戰系統,隨意的武將組合設定,新穎的城池攻占模式,為您呈現引人入勝的遊戲體驗,營造一個調兵遣將,揮斥方遒的三國世界。【遊戲特色】==經典三國熱門英雄==英雄高度還原真三國人物,匠心打造華麗服飾,炫酷裝備,極限視覺。高概率招募系統,呂布趙雲典韋、大喬小喬貂蟬,豪傑將領統統納入麾下。==上古神獸,霸氣坐騎==龍鳳呈祥,傳奇麒麟,遊戲坐騎模擬上古神獸,給你超乎傳奇的遊戲體驗。神獸養成,作戰沙場,百變套路,吞併敵對勢力,奪取天下。==超強副本,極致體驗==三國戰場副本,休閒挂機闖關,解放雙手,輕鬆升級,關卡持續更新,其樂無窮。通關解鎖,一路收納武將,中原征戰,擴展宏圖。==挂機策略,輕鬆升級==經典的挂機模式,上陣英雄策略搭配,攻城略地,指點江山。輕鬆升級,收集將魂,裝備武將,在這裡,主公就是國之依杖。FB官方粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/zhenzhaoyunwushuang聯繫客服→https://www.facebook.com/zhenzhaoyunwushuang※本遊戲已適配所有設備,如進入遊戲報錯,請聯繫客服協助處理。※本遊戲為免費遊戲,但遊戲內提供付費商品,請依個人情況進行適度消費。 ※請注意遊戲時間,長時間進行遊戲,容易影響作息,宜適度休息及運動。
三國又如何-最燒腦卡牌策略遊戲 0.37
Locksmith Game
Classic Zhenggang card TCG gameplay; here, money is not thekey,there is a brain is the key; layout, joint, militarylaw,everywhere to reflect your strong IQ
2020 latest Q version of Three Kingdoms action card mobile game!Getfree VIP 9, S+ generals, ingots, ten consecutivedraws...massivebenefits will not stop! Fingertip operation,unparalleled mowing,and super-powerful generals' combined skillsare waiting for you toexperience!
少年趙子龍-三國卡牌 1.0.0
天下名將,盡在我手,感受前所未有的即時對戰技巧性,進入遊戲召集武將,展開改寫歷史的冒險吧! ★ ★ 遊戲特色★ ★【豐富的英雄獲取】英雄圖鑒系統,盡情享受收集帶來的無限樂趣卡池豐富,愉快養成,通過英雄招募輕鬆搭配出屬於自己的最強陣容,向更遠的地方出發,在千層塔上登得更高,在擂臺上走得更遠!【無需操作的放置戰鬥】組建你的作戰軍隊,你的軍隊將為你自動戰鬥!輕鬆等待即可獲得史詩裝備!即使離線也一樣獲得豐厚的獎勵!【善用搭配,殲滅一切敵人】數以百計的不同陣營的夥伴,種類繁多的個性技能!擊殺敵人!組建你的最強陣容,近戰遠程搭配攻擊、給予敵人致命一擊!【豐富的遊戲內容】放置、戰鬥、收集、養成千層塔、擂臺pk、押鏢大廳給你帶來暢爽的指尖體驗,披金帶甲,馳騁沙場,舍我其誰無盡的精彩內容等你來體驗! 【激情無限的公會】與其他玩家組建一個最強公會,打造一個傳奇的公會!結識更多志同道合的好友,通過不斷的探索新的未知領域,不斷的接納新的強大同伴,不斷地擴充著活動區域,挑戰強力的公會boss,佔領更多的地盤,探索三國世界的真相。
三国GO: 群英会 (Q版三國策略卡牌RPG手游) 4.0.2
Three famous players-Lu Bu, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang, CaoCao,Zhang Fei! It's up to you to fight to save the troubled world!Eachserver is opened to send the gods (optional)!
神圣军团 - 国际版 2.1.5
Gamecaff Co.,Limited
三國Revolution 1.8.13
東漢末年,群雄割據。 有志之士,擇木而棲。 三分天下,誰是明主?號召群英,秣馬厲兵!亂世奸雄,救世能臣,這一次,你說了算!【遊戲特色】在真實重現的三國世界中,體驗山水如畫的美景、策馬奔騰的聲勢。百位三國名將盡收囊中,開創屬於你的三國志業!※超震撼視覺饗宴 渲染水墨畫風大世界,超過九十座大小城池, 全3D視角恢弘戰役場景,打造極致新體驗,邀你征服與眾不同的三國霸王之業!※ 欲攘外必先安內透過國家政務、軍團駐紮,封地治理等諸多內政玩法,累積個人與國家資源,轉化戰爭後勤優勢。善戰者,以戰養戰,百戰百勝。 ※合縱連橫擬戰略真實還原三國史詩,呈現殿堂級暢爽對戰,以策略智取天下,遊戲中的攻城掠地以國家為陣營劃分,以軍團為單位執行,同國軍團間的協作調配,敵國軍團間的爭鋒相對與分化勢力,正面剛,無間道!只有想不到,沒有不可能。※ 號令三軍鳴金鼓戰棋式戰爭地圖,超越千人實時大戰,國對國的大戰、考驗你的領兵能力!在驚險刺激的三國戰場上奪得先手、取得勝利,江山美人盡收囊中!※運籌帷幄掃千軍玩家之間的部隊征伐,盾槍象騎弓弩的策略,名將技能命緣的搭配。獨創雙模式指揮戰略系統,完美掌握戰鬥細節,感受運籌帷幄的快感。※沙場馳騁動干戈要說三國武將膽識過人,你也可以!宏大史詩,三百年亂世紛爭,九州大地烽火狼煙,帶你重回正統三國時代。全民國戰,將無大小,皆乃國之柱石,每個人都能在遊戲中譜寫屬於自己的歷史,建立不朽之霸業。單挑系統、國戰系統,你看過的,沒看過的策略三國玩法,都在這超越經典完美呈現!※本遊戲依據遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔15級。※您須年滿15歲始得使用本遊戲。※本遊戲內容涉及暴力(戰鬥畫面),遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾,不當言語。※部分內容需另支付費用,請依個人與趣、能力進行體驗,應避免過度消費。
三國戰神記 1.37.57
KunYue Game
Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a card adventure mobile game oftheThree Kingdoms. The classic Three Kingdoms background is achaoticworld and a large number of heroes and generals appeargorgeously.Download the game now and play!
戰國傳奇【熱血武俠救國】 1.0.9
Maggie Game
Clash Three Kingdoms:Online Strategy Wars Army SLG 2.0.0
HandZone Games
Brand-new Three Kingdoms, alternative fashioninterpretation,funThree Kingdoms adventure, hilarious militarygenerals! Theorthodoxsequel to super high explosive rate &nourishing liverandkidney! After three years of sharpening a sword,a funandconscientious pure Three Kingdoms card mobilegame-"MoeGeneralThree Kingdoms War" is here! Wushuang is coming!Arole-playingcard mobile game based on the passionate ThreeKingdomswar andepic team battles . Reappearing the beacon oftroubledtimes,heroes are born for battle, be the masters,recruitfamousgenerals, line up troops, and unparalleled godswillpersonallytrain them; dominate the king, classic battles,truerestoration,and invincible to kill the enemy bravely; You canalsobuildterritories, search for treasures, hang up easily,andupgradewithout burden in your dreams! Come and feel thethrillofstrategizing and commanding thousands of troops to fightlifeanddeath! Start your "Three Kingdoms New Generation"!Gamefeatures:1. The characters adopt the quaint backgroundoffreshwater pinkcolor and the Q version of the charactermodelingwith Chinesecharacteristic architectural scenes, whichcomplementeach other.2. Hang up and upgrade to play BOSS, 24 hoursofnon-stop battle!3. Exquisite cartoon rendering, smoothskeletalanimation, andfresh and lovely characters make people lovethem toomuch; 4.Diverse play methods are endless, giving you avibrant andhappyThree Kingdoms experience; 5. Gorgeous skills,square-inchbattles,deduce more amorous fingertips Three Kingdoms.6.Refreshingstrikes and uninterrupted combos will give yousuperpleasure. 7.Mounts, jewelry, arena, friend battles, BOSSbattles,dungeons,cross-server competitions and other multiplegameplaymethods. 8.Group heroes gather, three hundred heroesaccompany you9.Fantastic treasure hunt, keep collecting abundantmaterials10.South and North wars, classic battles are waiting foryou11.Breeding cute will go deep into the two dimensions oftheThreeKingdoms, and the cute of the fantasy department willreturnto thebattlefield with you; 12. Characteristic plot, who saidthatGuanYu and Zhao Yun are the strongest in the Three Kingdoms?Onlyafterplaying did I know that he is hidden! The legendary heroesoftheThree Kingdoms will appear in differentidentitiesFeaturedbenefits: 1. Brand new cool three-country cardcard, singledrawgod will have a hundred times the burst rate, VIPwill begivenwhen you log in, and red will be CP combination! 2.One-clickonthe Cao Thief! Free SSR when you log in, cool and crazy3.Brotherdie! Learn about the Three Kingdoms, the new Q versionofthecharacters, choose God outfits! Rich gameplay,enjoystrategicbattles. In addition to rich generals collectionandtraining,there are also various gameplays such as BOSSbattles,dungeons andPVP duels in "Three Kingdoms War". In additionto themain tasks,players who are keen to attack BOSS canchallengeindividual BOSS,ranked BOSS, world BOSS and alien BOSS;Players whowant to buy acopy can also have a daily copy, a famousgeneralcopy, a teamcopy, etc.; in addition, players who want tocompetewith otherplayers can also participate in the BattlefieldofDestiny, ThreeKingdoms, and cross-server A variety of PVPgameplaysuch as tiermatches, experience the fierce battle betweenstrengthandstrategy. Want to drunk on the knees of a beauty andwake up totheworld? Want to hug Diaochan and Lv Bu? Want to fightZhugeLiangand Zhou Yu? The Three Kingdoms, the Five Tigers, theFiveGreatGenerals, and the Crouching Dragon and Phoenixyoungstersarewaiting for your recruitment. Come to "Three KingdomsWar"! Letyouexperience the counterattack from a small diao silk toagenerationof kings! Gather the capable and wise men of theworldand fightagainst the princes of the world!
谋天下 1.0.19
真龍霸業 1.4.0
烈焰沙城 1.1.7
Idle Three Kingdoms-RPG Hero Legend Online Game 1.2.28
HandZone Games
Idle Three Kingdoms-RPG Hero Legend Online Game, AFK ClashEmpireAdventure War . [The Three Kingdoms in times of trouble,Unifytheworld] The Three Kingdoms are in turmoil. You can lead thegreatgeneral guan yu through five passes and beat six generals,fightingthe enemy like mowing grass! Or incarnated lv bu, and sablecicadaexperience life and death parting rear however awakening,fightingforce extraordinary five tiger general can not enemy! Morethan 100heroes, follow the switch! The world will be martial,challenge on,you can be famous in the world? [massive benefits,login and sendVIP privileges] · carry out high welfare in the end,it isnecessary to play cool! New players will get the VIP5 +millionscoins when they come online. The first recharge big rebate,SSR godwill give the hero wei yan. Open service seven days to enjoyorangebig Joe, a large number of coins, commanders, artifact onlinesend![god will form, and great minds will gather at the firstplace] ·hundreds of martial arts generals will meet your collectiondesire,liu bei, guan yu, zhang fei, zhaoyun, cao cao, sun quan,dong zhuogenerals will wait for recruitment, and SSR generals willwait foryou to command! Wei, shu and wu three forces, civilofficials andmilitary will gather, only such as the Lord to send,even if theunknown soldiers after careful training, can also becomparable tolv bu sanying! Prestige soul breakthrough limit,choose the bestgeneral, cloth battle array! [a fierce woman, amatchless lv budominates the battlefield] · in addition to a seriesof militarygenerals for you to fight on the battlefield, but alsohavepowerful women, leading lv bu to fight in the south! Doubleactiveskills, multi-point group attack injury, the enemy instantlyashesto ashes, super strong combo help you clear customs! Washandpractice special effects, wake up the strongest defenseskills,dominate the battlefield, gallop freely, break through thelimit!Rich skills and combination match, let your fighting forcegreatlyenhance, truly enjoy the deployment of troops, brandishingthewind! [female hero and lv bu dominates the battlefield] ·inaddition to a series of military generals for you to fight onthebattlefield, but also have powerful female hero, leading lv butofight in the south! Double active skills, multi-point groupattackinjury, the enemy instantly ashes to ashes, super strongcombo helpyou clear customs! Wash and practice special effects,wake up thestrongest defense skills, dominate the battlefield,gallop freely,break through the limit! Rich skills and combinationmatch, letyour fighting force greatly enhance, truly enjoy thedeployment oftroops! [life star medicine, to help you through] ·refiningelixir, training life star meridian, forging special magicweapon.Diverse gameplay to create the strongest fighting force,enhancecharacter attributes, being the world's top! A variety ofcopieswaiting for you to fight! Inherit the glory of The ThreeKingdoms,the achievements of the king! [brothers and friends playtogether]· make friends in different social situations, andbuildrelationships in the three countries! Group copy, manypeoplecampaign, the establishment of the corps trade union,recruitheroes, common construction home. Participate in thereal-timegroup meeting challenge battle, the central plains,brotherhood,love marriage, a total war peak. Close friendsrighteousness knotjinlan, next to each other and feelings fullhome! Together acrossthe server battle, brothers heroicachievements three domineeringindustry! [easy operation, freehands] · adopt automatic combatmode, no operation is required, andsay goodbye to tedious tasks.Daily, task, dungeon all through a keyoperation. Only need to putout the strongest fighting force, thenyou can play a good game.Fun but not tired, play whenever andwherever even on the bus andsubway!
紅月刀芒-屠龍霸業熱血合擊,傳奇私服放置掛機手遊,沙巴克攻城傳世戰歌,裁決天下江湖霸主 8.0
【硬核傳奇,隔位刺殺風騷走位】經典戰鬥,再現PVP三職業PK!【原始攻沙,阻擋打團搶佔據點】肉盾堵門、搶佔復活點、通力攻沙!【散人春天,黑盒打寶蹲守野怪】通寶、橙裝、技能書統統怪物爆!【跨區交易,自由買賣倒貨賺錢】全區比價,貨比三家!【精簡養成,花錢更少體驗更爽】保留經典,專注核心PK體驗! ---遊戲特色---【BOSS連戰,酷炫爆裝】豐富多樣的BOSS玩法,體驗瘋狂刷BOSS的快感;PK必爆炫裝,帶給你熟識的傳奇體驗!【輪回轉生,戰神助力】轉生之法修煉體魄,華麗外形驚豔全服!神獸系統強勢助陣,戰將出戰為你攻城掠地!【攻沙奪城,兄弟再聚】語音指揮,談笑間帶領兄弟橫掃千軍!血戰沙城、萬人皇城爭霸,感受超極致熱血pk!
神戒M-口袋修仙(God Of Ring) 1.0.97
Biu Game
The new magical ARPG masterpiece "The Ring M" is coming!Breakthrough the tradition, explode red envelopes, explode ingots,andfill the earth!
绿色传奇-传奇私服全球同服,蓝月正版手游!大哥龙城战歌!一刀 9.0
The strategy card mobile game "Heroes of Brawl" is based onancienthistory and has a unique three-dimensional card system. Itwilltake you through time and space and fight against all kindsofheroes! Chi You picks Houyi, Guan Gong fights Qin Qiong, DiaoChanfights Yuhuan, and various combinations play unrestrainedly!
超級群俠傳 4.1.6
【遊戲簡介】這是一款全自由的沙盒劇情單機武俠手游,傳承了經典單機遊戲的開放劇情模式。遊戲中您將扮演一個穿越到遊戲武俠世界的遊戲玩家。從默默無聞,到在武林各大門派中周旋,拜師學藝,經歷各種奇遇,揭露武林中各大門派背後的陰謀,勾搭各種風情萬種的武林美人,最後在武林大會中一舉奪得武林盟主之位。在最終的一場惡戰中,根據你所選擇的正邪道路,將迎戰武林中武功最頂尖的惡人或者俠士!【遊戲特色】* 獨創的自創武功系統。 *惟妙惟肖的江湖場景。 * 獨一無二性格迥異的江湖俠客。*獨具特色而平衡的拳、刀、劍、奇門、暗器以及毒法武功。 *雙線劇情,超多支線劇情、隱藏劇情供您探索。*隨機裝備系統,萬種組合任您搭配。 * 強力武魂技能,讓戰鬥玩出新花樣。 *經脈修鍊玩法,打通任督二脈,習得絕世武學。*探索傳說中的各大寶藏,獲得古今俠客遺留的奇珍異寶。 *俠客情緣,各路英雄任您組隊,以您馬首是瞻。*少林聚賢黑木崖等經典戰役等您體驗。 * 完善的難度系統,讓您不斷挑戰玩法極限。 *安全的雲存檔備份系統,絕對不怕數據丟失!*真正的單機遊戲,無需聯網,隨時隨地玩。 *持續更新,後續門派系統讓您過足江湖大俠癮!【我們的聯繫方式】客服QQ:3147726137 玩家交流群:863951589
Zero Games LT.
👍 10 seconds to get started, the first Three Kingdoms themechessgame! 👍
将星召唤 1.28
惡搞三國 : Q版三国無雙策略卡牌
The classic Three Kingdoms theme RPG card mobile game, gatherallkinds of heroes to dominate the Three Kingdoms! Each serverisopened to send the gods (optional)! Novice package: EGSGXSLB
Three Kingdoms: Heroes & Glory 42.02
ALL9FUN Limited
Epic strategy game with the whole new MMO Empire-Buildingexperience
Clash Warlords - Might and Mag 1.0.35
Xin Games
Command your mighty heroes Join epic battles in thisaddictingstrategy war game
新三國志手機版-光榮特庫摩授權 3.0.0
《新三國志手機版》是《三國志11》港澳台新馬地區唯一由光榮特庫摩正版授權研發的手遊。原《三國志》系列作為SLG類型遊戲的經典代表作,我們也將繼承這一點,將“策略”作為遊戲的設計初衷和核心定位。在遊戲中,玩家可與數萬名其他玩家將一同置於超過100萬格的恢弘大地圖上,招募將領、發展城池、打造雄兵,做梟雄割據一方;也可與其它玩家群雄逐鹿、締結聯盟、攻城掠地、拓展版圖,一統漢室中原。遊戲採用了3D動態的策略戰鬥系統,配合兵種克制關係、武將怒氣技能、武將羈絆光環、多種軍械輔助等眾多策略元素,極大的體現戰鬥策略變化。主要特點:1、正版授權日本光榮特庫摩正版授權,全程由三國志系列製作人北見健參與監修。人氣之作《三國志11》榮譽改編,官方品質將再續經典。2、策略經典重回策略遊戲本質,以智謀奪天下。在三國志最深的回憶中,從單槍匹馬走向萬人沙盤火拼新狂潮。3、經營革新一百萬格超大世界地圖任你馳騁,數十種玩法帶你走向巔峰:不管是建城池、招武將,還是加軍團、拓版圖,總有一款玩法適合你!4、真人鬥智真實的戰場,真實的盟軍和敵人,每一塊螢幕後都隱藏著不為人知的城府與計謀。是進是退?戰火中的決策充滿挑戰。5、同屏激戰宏大的三國世界觀,磅礴的遊戲場景,攻城戰、野戰、軍團戰,演繹萬人國戰,配合士氣鼓舞與陣法加成,讓戰鬥增加一成勝算。1.本遊戲內容涉及「不當言語」-一般不雅但無不良隱喻之言語 ,依軟體分級辦法分類為輔12級,12歲以上之人始得使用2.本遊戲部分內容需另行支付費用3.長時間進行遊戲,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲
Legend Hegemony-retro action mobile online game 10.0
HandZone Games
The classic hot-blooded mobile game "Legend Hegemony" isstruck!Open the online siege of tens of thousands of people in thewholecountry, and the passionate battle will make the king dominatetheindustry! Here, relive the classic Mafa continent, explorethelegendary world of oriental magic, free choice ofclassicprofessional tactics, and the iron triangle to reproduce theheroicattack! The game has open play methods such as summoning ofpets,fighting BOSS explosive god costume, reincarnation god wing,siegeof ten thousand people, etc., quickly arousing your youthmemories!"Legend Hegemony" retains the interactive essence of freegametrading, cross-service warfare, guild warfare andotherinteractions. The original taste has restored the classicgameplay,and a new copy of the Holy Beast such as the Holy BeastPalace isadded. The quality of this work has been fully upgraded,and thetop Blu-ray scenes will allow you to get more courageous inthisbattle and create your own legendary route! Classic retroversion,passionate attack on sand PK. Guild Wars boss, full-screendrop ofgod costume, no binding equipment, courtesy and massiverewards arewaiting for you! Free trading endless wealth is waitingfor you tocreate! 【Game Features】 ◆ Retro legend, classic upgradeAfter morethan ten years of glory, millions of guilds, millions ofbrothers,all respond to each other, and then fight againstShacheng! Theoriginal re-enactment of the classic settings of theend game, thepicture quality has been fully upgraded, the threetactics of theroad, the treasure, the explosive, the bloody sand,and the richand new challenges are waiting for you to sing your ownwar song! ◆PK explosive equipment Free team, passion PK, bloody redname,killing explosives, bloody stimulation! Black Dragon Temple,dartescort, martial arts hegemony, Wangcheng competition ... RichPvPgameplay, deep optimization of PK system, super smoothoperationfeel, ignite fingertip passion, join hands with brotherstodominate the world! ◆ Call of war pets, artifact blessing Warpetswill accompany you to help you fight every PK. Massive petswith avariety of attributes and skills, have a powerful assistantin thegame, one response, let you focus on each battle! ◆ Bossfighting,God filled the ground The game has a unique BOSS system,team upwith brothers to play BOSS, experience the super highexplosionrate, the thrill of crazy harvest, so that you no longerworryabout equipment and resources! Rich and varied BOSSgameplay,experience the thrill of crazy brushing BOSS; PK willexplode in adazzling outfit, bringing you a familiar legendaryexperience! ◆Domineering title, Divine Wing body protector Thepowerfulattributes and glorious glory are proof of the identity ofthestrong! Pull the wind god wings, a combination of strengthandshape! The title above the head, spread the god wings, becometalland handsome in one second, show off the audience, andbeworshipped by all the people in the whole service! ◆ Thousandsofpeople attack the city Classically restore bloody siegegameplay,tens of thousands of people on the same screen bloodysand,built-in voice command barrier-free communication, one-clicklockaccurate killing, find the enemy to get the enemy first! Letyoureturn to that passionate youthful years and lead the brotherstosweep the thousand troops! Fight for hegemony in Sand City andTenThousand Imperial City with bloody battle, use unlimited PKtodefend your glory! ◆ Passionate passion, free trading In thespringof scattered people, super passionate treasure playingexperience,the best equipment and advanced skills to fightmonsters, freetrading as you like. Guilds, red envelopes and otherdiversifiedsocial games, you are not fighting alone! ◆Cross-service battles,diverse gameplay Cross-service six-worldbattlefield, human, god,demon, ghost, and six-world battle tocreate a differentcross-service battlefield!
御俠客M 1.0.15
趣味武俠單機,讀書練武、打工泡湯自由養成。 群俠亂鬥江湖,搞笑對話插科打諢,笑料百出。 攻略男女後宮,各種臉紅心跳橋段,一秒淪陷。