برترین 19 بازی مشابه به Pallavolo Mezzojuso

Volley Pipe 1.0.5
Federico Salvetti
Volley Pipe ti permette di rimaneresempreaggiornato sulla tua squadra di pallavolo preferita!Grazie a Volley Pipe potrai conoscere in pochi click i risultatiintempo reale della tua squadra preferita, scoprirne iprossimiincontri presenti in calendario e visionarne laclassifica.Funzionalità:- Segui i campionati regionali e provinciali di tutta Italia- Maschile e femminile- Serie C, Serie D, Prima/Seconda/Terza Divisione e giovanili- Tutti i risultati, i parziali e le prossime gare- Consulta le classifiche complete dei dati relativi a promozionieretrocessioni- Controlla luogo e orario delle gare- Apri l'indirizzo della palestra direttamente su google maps- Aggiungi i preferiti per visualizzare subito ituoicampionatiVolley Pipe allows youtostay up to date on your favorite volleyball team!Thank Volley Pipe'll know in a few clicks results in real timeofyour favorite team, discover its next meetings on the calendarandpresent visionarne ranking.Functionality:- Follow the regional championships and provincialacrossItaly- Male and female- Series C, Series D, First / Second / Third Divisionandyouth- All results, the partial and the next races- Consult the complete results of the data relating to promotionandrelegation- Check location and times of races- Open the address of the gym directly on google maps- Add bookmarks to quickly your championships
The Order of AHEPA
Volleyball Scout Team 1.2
VolleyScout Team allows you to collectdataduring volleyball matches for a whole team. You have to definetheteam players, first. Five skills (serve, reception, attack,dig,block) can be evaluated using four levels.The app reports per match / per player statistics that canbeanalyzed locally or can be sent via email.
Play Volleyball 1.1
We will teach you the basics of how toplayvolleyball!Learn how to play beach volleyball from the most famousplayersin these application videos.In this application we will help you to learn step by step HowtoPlay Volleyball:1- How to Do a Jump Float Volleyball Serve2- How to Serve a Volleyball3- How to Jump Serve a Volleyball4- How to Float Serve in Volleyball5- How to Overhand Serve a Volleyball6- How to Spike a Volleyball7- How to Dig a Spike in Volleyball8- How to Dress to Play Volleyball9- 7 Safety Tips for Volleyball10- Volleyball Slang Terms11- How to Set Up a Volleyball Court12- What Signals Does a Volleyball Referee Use?13- How to Start Playing Volleyball14- How to Keep Score in Volleyball15- How to Practice Volleyball Fundamentals16- How to Train for Volleyball17- How to Play Offense in Volleyball18- How to Play Defense in Volleyball19- How to Block a Volleyball20- How to Pass Bump / Bump a Volleyball21- How to Set a Volleyball22- How to Get in Shape to Play Sand Volleyball23- How to Protect Your Fingers during Volleyball24- How to Do a Volleyball Jousting Drill25- How to Do a Volleyball Pokey26- How to Do a Volleyball Roll Shot27- How to Dive for a Volleyball28- What Is a Volleyball Seam?29- Volleyball Court Positions30- Rules of Beach Volleyball31- How to Play Volleyball w/ Aurora Skarra-GallagherDownload it for free! you'll be ready to set, serveandspike!*** If you like it, please support us by rating it★★★★★***** Leave us comments and suggestions **
MyPunteggio Volley 1.2
MyPunteggio Volley ti permette di tenereilconteggio di una partita di pallavolo.Utile quando non hai a disposizione il segnapunti.Prevede la possibilità di esprimere a voce il punteggio,dichiarandoper primo il punteggio della squadra in battuta.Il punteggio viene dichiarato ad ogni punto oppure arichiestaAggiorna il numero dei set vinti e gestisce il cambiodicampo.Tiene il conto anche dei time out.Tiene traccia del risultato dei setMyPunteggioVolleyballlets you keep counting a game of volleyball.Useful when you're away from the scorer.It provides the opportunity to express verbally the score,declaringfor the first score of the batting.The score is declared at any point or at the requestRefresh the number of sets won and manages the change ofends.It holds account of the time out.It keeps track of the result sets
Volleyball training 1.40
In this app you'll find the best workouts of volleyball,bothtechnical and physical. Workout routines that will improveyourphysical ability to be able to be at the highest level andenjoythe sport of volleyball. You will also find sessions tacticswithall types of moves. Specific training for the differentpositions:libero, setter, opposite hitters and outside hitters.You'll beable to work shifts. With this app you'll be able toimprove theservice, so important in the development of the game,your jumpability to be able to make locks and finials. Exercisesdesignedfor all levels of play. In a short time you will haveimproved yourphysical abilities and your skills as to play volleyball, do nothesitate and download this full app. Volleyballtraining caller IDhelps you identify numbers real-time while thecall is happening.Said not the unknown numbers. If your want tocall for some foodand yuor abitual phone did not answer i willsuggest alternativeplaces.
European Volleyball
The CEV App is the official app of the EuropeanVolleyballConfederation (CEV)
Lega Volley Maschile 1.0
Marco Garatti
Lega Volley Maschile è l'applicazioneufficialedella Lega Pallavolo Serie A che permette di votare ilmigliorgiocatore della partita indicata.La preferenza è gratuita e anonima. Fra tutti i partecipantialvoto che si trovano al palasport ad assistere all’incontroverràestratto un vincitore.Votare è semplicissimo. Quando lo speaker dell’incontroannuncial'apertura delle votazioni è sufficiente scaricaregratuitamente laapp Lega Volley Maschile e votare il propriogiocatore preferito.Si riceverà il codice di partecipazione perl’estrazione. Il votopuò essere cambiato in qualunque momento.Men's Volleyball Leagueisthe official application of Volleyball League that allows youtovote for the best player of the match indicated.Preference is free and anonymous. Among all participants inthesports hall to vote who are to attend the meeting will extractawinner.Voting is easy. When the announcer announces the opening ofthemeeting of voting simply download the free app VolleyballLeagueMen and vote for their favorite player. You will receiveaparticipation code for extraction. The vote may be changed atanytime.
Ligue nationale de volley 1.0
Ligue Nationale de Volley
Téléchargezgratuitementl’applicationofficielle de la Ligue Nationale deVolley.Retrouvez toute l’actualité des Ligue A Masculine,LigueAFéminine et Ligue B Masculine sur l’application LNV.Matchs en live vidéo, statistiques, effectifs,choisissezvotreéquipe favorite et suivez-la partout où vousallez.L’application LNV vous propose :-Les 535 matchs par saison en live score et live vidéo-Les statistiques détaillées en live de chaque rencontre-Un panorama complet des 40 clubs des 3 divisions de laLNV(LigueAM, Ligue AF et Ligue BM)-Toutes les actualités, classements, calendriers, résultats-Un lien vers la billetterie électronique des clubsGet the official appoftheNational League Volleyball.For all the news League A Masculine, Feminine and LeagueALeagueB Men on LNV application.Live video games, statistics, numbers, choose your favoriteteamandfollow it wherever you go.The application offers you LNV:-The 535 games per season live score and live video-The Live detailed statistics of each game-A Comprehensive overview of the 40 clubs of the 3 divisionsofLNV(AM League, FA and League League WB)-All News, rankings, schedules, results-A Link to electronic ticketing clubs
Beach Volleyball 1.5
Sports & Fitness Studio
"★★★ Download it for free ★★★Ready to Learn How to Play Volleyball?Learn how to play volleyball and answer allyourvolleyballquestions about the basics of the game.We will help beginning volleyball players to learn themostimportantaspects of each skill.Learn & Play Beach Volleyball! Get fit, have funandmeetfriends!*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"
Volley Point 1.0
Project Apps & Wallpapers
Cool app "Volley Point Counter" usedtocountthe scores of a volley match,taking the time and other information.
Beach Volley Scout 4.0.0
FAB Apps
"Excellent. Created by a playerforplayers!Suggested" Filippo Romani, Italian indoorbeachvolleyballchampionA simple and immediate way to write down all the shots ofabeachvolleyball match: draw the trajectory, select the kindofshotperformed and its outcome, and Beach Volley Scout willrecorditfor you!Moreover, you'll be provided not only with basic statistics(ace%etc.) but also with a precise categorization ofsomeone'sfavoriteshots based on score situation, wind intensity andotherparameters(both in numerical and graphical form).Completely offline."Excellent. Createdbyaplayer for players! Suggested" Philip Romans, Italianindoorbeachvolleyball champion A simple and immediate way to write down all the shots ofabeachvolleyball match: draw the trajectory, select the kindofshotperformed and its outcome, and Beach Volleyball Scoutwillrecordit for you!Moreover, you'll be provided not only with basicstatistics(ace%etc.) but anche with a precise categorization ofsomeone'sfavoriteshots based on score situation, wind intensity andotherparameters(both in numerical and graphical form).Completely offline.
Volley Ball Laws 1.0
Yashpal Panwar
Are You A Fan of Volley Ball? Then Thisappwillbe perfect for you. In Volley Ball App, you can see thebasicsofVolley Ball rule, learn how to play the sport well, VolleyBallisa world known sport, and We know you will lovethis app.
Pallavolo C9 1.5.4
Pallavolo C9 Arco Riva
Keep up to date on the results of the matches of the Volleyball C9
A-Volleyball Scoreboard Pro 1.0
Avocado Shaker
Keep track of volleyball scores during games.Tap on the number inside the court area to add points.Mistakes can be fixed by taping on the red undo arrows onthesidesof the court.New Features:Switch Sides on demand at anytime during the game.Play multiple sets and keep track of scores.Allows for multiple sets and matches.Special Features:A volleyball appears besides the team that is serving.Score output once a team wins.Default settings:Settings are set to "Fédération Internationale deVolleyball"FIVBstandards; games up to 25 to a max of 30 points.Options:- Modify Team Names- Modify maximum points to games- Modify game capMetadata: volleyball, scorecard, scoreboard, scoreboard,beachvolleyball, track scores
Volley Mobil 1.4
A. Sachs
Mit der App können Sie Volleyballergebnissevonvolley.de. abrufen. Zum bequemen Abruf können Sie einzelneLigenoder Teams zu Ihren Favoriten hinzufügen. Bei neuenSpielergebnissen(von der ganzen Liga oder nur von einzelnen Teams)werden Sieautomatisch benachrichtigt.Weitere Informationen: http://www.volley.de/service/appWith the app you canplayvolleyball results of volley.de. to retrieve. For easyretrievalYou can add individual leagues or teams to your favorites.With newgames results (from around the league or just by individualteams)you will be automatically notified.For more information: http://www.volley.de/service/app
Risultati Live 1.1.2
Risultati in tempo reale di tutti glisportpiùfamosi: Calcio, Tennis, Basket, Hockey, Baseball,PallamanoePallavolo.Aggiornamenti sempre in Real Time di tutti i campionati,compresoleserie minori.I più importanti campionati di calcio: Serie A, Serie B,LegaPro,Premier League, Bundesliga, Liga Spagnola,CampionatoFrancese,Champions League, Europa League e tutte lecoppeNazionali.I più Importanti campionati di basket:EuroCup,NBA,EuroLeague.I match più importanti di Tennis e Pallavolo.Sono presenti anche le statistiche dei match, prima edopolosvolgimento.N.B.: L'applicazione non è ufficiale, fornisce uncollegamentoalsito m.risultati.it.Tutti i marchi rappresentati appartengonoailegittimiproprietari.Real-time resultsofallthe most popular sports: Soccer, Tennis,Basketball,Hockey,Baseball, Handball and Volleyball.Updates in Real Time for all leagues, including the minor leagues.The most important football leagues: Serie A, Serie B,LegaPro,Premier League, Bundesliga, La Liga, FrenchLeague,ChampionsLeague, Europa League and all the cupsNationals.Most Important basketball leagues: Eurocup, NBA, EuroLeague.The most important match of Tennis and Volleyball.There are also statistics of the match, before andaftertheperformance.NB: The application is not official, provides a link tothesitem.risultati.it.All trademarks shown belong to their respective owners.
Volley Sys Free 4.0.0
VolleySys FreeApp para entrenadores y auxiliares de voleibol.* MultiEquipos.* Jugadores por Equipo.* Fácil e Intuitivo.AHORA COMPATIBLE EN TU TABLET!La versión Libre no muestra estadísticas.Free VolleySysApp for volleyball coaches and assistants.* Multiequipos.* Players per Team.* Easy and Intuitive.NOW COMPATIBLE IN YOUR TABLET!The free version does not show statistics.
ProVolley-fr 1.4.0
Christophe Bothamy
The first app dedicated volleyball professonel in France