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Cuentas Plan General Contable 1.0.1
Detallado cuadro de cuentas del actualPlanGeneral de Contabilidad con inclusión de las definicionesyrelaciones contables de cada cuenta y subgrupo contable.La herramienta esta respaldada por elportalwww.plangeneralcontable.com, uno de los portales dereferencia paraprofesionales de la contabilidad, donde cualquierusuario tiene asu disposición información adicional sobre losprocedimientos decontabilización.Detalle de cada cuenta contable:- Código contable- Título- Descripción- Movimientos al debe- Movimientos al haber- Cuentas relacionadas, por ejemplo desde la 430 podemos saltar alacuenta 705 directamente- Marcado o desmarcado de una cuenta como favorita,posteriormentepodremos acceder directamente a dicha cuenta desde lasección defavoritas.- Acceso directo a más información en la webAcceso a la información de cada cuenta:a) Navegando a través de los grupos y subgrupos contables.b) Si la hemos marcado como una cuenta favorita desde el listadodefavoritas.c) Utilizando el sistema de búsqueda que permite localizarunadeterminada cuenta a partir de su nombre o de sucódigocontable.Otras características:- Asesorías de proximidad, la aplicación integra los datosdecontacto de la red de asesorías de proximidad integradas enelentorno área de pymes. Partiendo de la informacióndegeolocalización del terminal se muestra la información decontactoda la asesoría más cercana.- Alertas de interés, la aplicación esta preparada pararecibiralertas del entorno Área de Pymes – abanfin.com –areadepymes.com –plangenralcontable.com – de interés en el ámbitode la gestión depequeñas y medianas empresas.Detailed accounts ofthecurrent box General Accounting Plan including definitionsandaccounting records of each account and sub-accounts.The tool is supported by the portalwww.plangeneralcontable.com,one of the portals of reference foraccounting professionals, whereany user has available informationon accounting procedures.Detail of each ledger account:- Accounting Code- Title- Description- Movements to be- Movements to be- Related Accounts, for example can jump from 430 to 705directlyaccount- Marked or unmarked as favorite an account, then we can godirectlyto that account from favorite section.- Direct access to more information on the webAccess to information for each account:a) Navigating through accounting groups and subgroups.b) If we have marked as favorite account from the listoffavorites.c) Using the search system to locate a specific account fromyourname or account code.Other Features:- Advising of proximity, the application integrates datafromcontact proximity advisory network integrated into theenvironmentSME area. Based on the location information of theterminaldisplays contact information gives the nearestcounseling.- Alerts of interest, the application is ready to receivealertsarea SMEs environment - abanfin.com - areadepymes.com-plangenralcontable.com - of interest in the field of managementofsmall and medium enterprises.
Notas U Pro: School Planner 13.2.0
Jorge de la Hoz
Enjoy the Notas U experience without ads.
Expenless! Money Manager and Budget Planner 2.1.3
Having good control of your finances and knowing allyourexpenses,income and having budgets is necessary for yourfinancialhealth.Undoubtedly an ideal application to help youachieve yourfinancialfreedom. Expenlesss! is a super simple andintuitive tool.You willbe able to achieve total control of yourpersonal financesbycarrying monthly and annual budgets. 📈MUCH MORETHAN A CONTROLOFPERSONAL EXPENSES AND FINANCE It has an analysisscreen whereyoucan see and understand where your money is going,allowing youtocompare with previous periods, and thus be able tooptimizeyourexpenses. Characteristics of an effective accountingrecord:✅Allows you to attach files and photos to your incomeandexpenses.✅ Categorize your expenses into categoriesandsubcategories. ✅ Itpresents interactive charts ideal foranalyzingand maintainingcorrect financial control. ✅ It offerssimplicityand speed when itcomes to organizing day-to-day expenses.✅ Filtersto organizeexpenses, in a better way. ✅ Create monthly andannualbudgets. ✅Create automatic budgets based on previousexpenses. ✅Excel reportof your expenses. ✅ Daily tips and famousphrases thatwillmotivate you to achieve your financial freedom. ✅Reminderfordon't forgetting to enter your expenses ✅ No annoyingads!WithExpenless! You can forget about those complicated waysofmanagingyour savings and budgets, as a spending template, sincenotonlywill you be able to select the categories in which you wanttosavebut also, you will keep track of your money, both incomeanddailyexpenses. With Expenless, you don't need to be anexpertincontrolling expenses and your personal finances asExpenlesswilldo it for you! Try Expenless! And achieve efficientmanagementofyour money. Good luck!
Monthly Expenses: Expenses Calculator 4.9.25
Bablu Baruah
Track your Monthly and Daily Expenses with our ExpensesCalculatorand Monthly Budget Planner. Get XLS or PDF Report on yourDailyExpenses at your finger tips to keep your income and expenseoncheck and plan your monthly budget ahead. ★★★Manage yourDailyExpenses with this Daily Expense Manager and Plan your budgetandSAVE MONEY ★★★Download this user friendly Expense Calculatorforfree. ★ Features ★ --------------- ★Add Expense - Theapplicationhelps you to add your expense,income and transferdetails from oneaccount to another ★Budget Planner - You can adddaily, weekly,monthly and annual spending budgets for your expensecategories -The budgets are archived and you can compare yourprevious andcurrent expenses for the expense categories ★Customcategory -Monthly Expenses comes with all possible expense andincomecategories that you would possibly need for your dailyexpenses orhousehold spending - You can add/edit additional expensecategoriesas per your needs and select graphic symbol for yournewlyadded/edited category from our rich set of symbol archive★SpendingBill reminder - The application lets you add all yourbills and thebill dates will be identified by the alarm symbol inexpensecalendar for your date of spending - The application willalso sendtracking notification regarding your spending bills evenif you donot open the application ★Schedule Expense - MonthlyExpenses helpsyou to schedule your re-occurring expenses andincomes so that youdo not have to add them manually each time -Just schedule yourexpense and income and the spending record willbe automaticallyadded ★Expense Report - You have the option to viewyour dailyexpenses or income report by date or by category wise -You canview detailed report of your expenses - item wise, daily,monthlyor yearly ★Favorite category - You can set the expensecategoriesthat you commonly use as the Favorite spending category -Thishelps you to limit your search space while adding an expense -Youcan also separately view spending reports for your Favoriteexpensecategories ★Upload Expense report - You can manage yourexpensereports by storing them in your device, sending throughemail anduploading them in Google drive, Dropbox etc. ★Passwordprotection -Insecure about exposing your financial details ? - Theapplicationhelps you to password protect all your information - Youcan setpassword in the application and nobody else would be able toviewyour spending details - You have the password recovery, in caseyouforget your password ★Backup database - Insecure about data loss?- The application takes backup of your spending database eachdayand stores it in your device - The application only keeps 7latestdatabase backups - Old expense backups are automaticallydeleted -However you can turn this feature off and you can alsomanuallytake backup whenever you want ★Multiple Expense Accounts -You canadd your accounts and cards and get detail expense report onyourspending for each of your accounts in daily, monthly, yearlyoritem wise ★Permission Explanation★ - Storage : Save your reportsinsdcard and external storage - GET_ACCOUNTS : Upload reportstogoogle drive
Expense Manager- Ledger & Invoice Maker 2.0
Familia Apps Developers
Isn’t it a headache managing our daily expenses and accountsmostofthe time? Let Expense Manager- Ledger & Invoice Makermakethata thing of the past. Whether it’s a personal account oracommercialone, Expense Manager- Ledger & Invoice Makerwillhelp youadvance in your day to day inventory; cashdebitentries,transactions and records. Do you find that you’reconfusedandforgetful as to where your money has gone and to whom?Doyouwonder where and when you’ve spent your money? Why notletExpenseManager- Ledger & Invoice Maker be yourpersonalaccountmanager, balance your day to day expenditure, andhelp youorganizeyour daily cash flow and expense inventory?ExpenseManager- Ledger& Invoice Maker is a free account managerapp,and lets you addand monitor your budget and cash flow, whereveritgoes. So howdoes Expense Manager- Ledger & Invoice Makerappwork? • Simplycreate a memo by adding the name/contact name,addthe credit debitamount and Expense Manager- Ledger &InvoiceMaker creates abalance record. Expense Manager- Ledger&Invoice Maker managesthe inventory of your cash in and cashoutrecord details andbalance. • Expense Manager- Ledger &InvoiceMaker allows youto add and record all your outgoing andincomingcash flow andtransactions. Create memos or business cardswithExpense Manager-Ledger & Invoice Maker. • Add the desiredandspecific categorythat your cash memo comes under – whether itisbills, money spenton transport, on children, on clothes,onentertainment, on food,fun, leisure, house, salary/salaries,onshopping, sports,vacations, or others as part of your day todayinventory. • Setpayment reminders with Expense Manager-Ledger& Invoice Makerand it will automatically send youanotification to remind you. MyAccount - Ledger AccountManagement& Invoice Maker ensures youdon’t forget any creditdebit, cashin or cash out, and all othertransactions you may have.• ExpenseManager- Ledger & InvoiceMaker makes it easier for youandgives you the option to sort allyour memos in name ascending,namedescending, balance ascendingand balance descending order, soyouhave a nice and organizedinvoice generator and inventory atyourdisposal. You could evenchange to dark mode depending on thelookyou want. ExpenseManager- Ledger & Invoice Maker isyourperfect invoicegenerator, transaction manager and yourultimateaccount manager –download the app today and let it manageyour dayto day inventory,advance your cash flow managing with easeandwithout hassle.
N2F - Expense Reports 1.22.5
N2F is the solution that will take the headache out ofmanagingyourexpense reports! Just take a picture of your receipt,thesmart scanextracts all important data and fills in yourexpensereport in aflash (date, amount, currency, taxes... areinstantlycompletedwithout any manual entry!) With the legalarchivingoption, you nolonger need to keep your paper receipts. N2Falsoknows how tomanage your supplier invoices (Uber,Easyjet,Hotels.com, Amazon,PayByPhone, etc.), you just need to sendthemby email ton2f@n2f.com and they will automatically be addedtoyour expensereport. The app works on both smartphonesandcomputers with our webapp and saves time for everyone:Employees:✓ Save your expenses inless than 5 seconds through themobile app✓ Go paperless by takingphotos of your receipts ✓ Yourmileageallowances are calculatedautomatically (tax or personalizedscale)✓ Easily print yourexpense report in a clear, customizablePDF orExcel summary ✓Organize your expenses per month, per project,percustomer, pertrip ... ✓ In a hurry? Just enter theminimuminformation, and N2Fwill remind you that your expenseisincomplete Managers: ✓ Approveyour team's expense reportsthrougha customizable workflow ✓ Savetime with an easy-to-readdashboardfor business expenses ✓ Quicklysee expenses that wentoverauthorized limits ✓ Invoice your clientsmore easily: N2F doesthejob for you! Accounting and AdministrativeServices: ✓ Nomoredouble entries! N2F generates the output filefor youraccountingsoftware ✓ N2F automatically calculates therecoverableVAT ✓ Setthe appropriate limits for your business(expense policy) ✓Checkreceipts in no time from the web dashboard✓ Quicklyreimburseemployees with SEPA export or accountingsoftware import✓Effectively track your fleet of vehiclesExecutives: ✓ Saveyourstaff time by choosing N2F ✓ Track thebudget for businesstripswith our powerful reporting tool ✓Optimize business expensesandmileage allowances ✓ Save on yourtravel expense budget! Wantmore?✓ Log in to the web app to makemass entries or accessthereporting module ✓ All internationalcurrencies are available(atautomatically updated rates) ✓ Manageyour projects,yourcustomers, your business, your travel expenses ✓Create yourownanalytical axes and determine their display bycategory ✓ Viewthe'my expense reports' list for a quick summary ✓Track yourmileageand travel expenses per vehicle and period WithN2F, yourbusinessexpenses, travel expenses and mileage allowanceswill(finally) bemanaged effectively! Easy integration withaccountingsoftware,ERP, IMP and other softwares: Sage, Cegid, SAP,Quadra,Quadratus,Loop, Ibiza, EBP, Divalto, QuickBooks, Oracle,JDEdwards,PeopleSoft, Workday, Microsoft Office 365, SSO, FTP.N2FhasAPI/web services to connect your IS. Move easily fromyouroldexpense management application (Expensya, Xpenditure,SAPConcur,ExpenSify, Expense It, JenJi, CleEmy, notilus InOne,Rio,Captio,Zaho, Spendesk, certify, etc.) to N2F. If a featureseems tobemissing, if you have ideas for improvement, if you wouldlikeademonstration, please contact us!
AgendaPro Business 2.75.0
Online agenda for your business subscribed to AgendaPro
Free Expense Tracker & Budget Planner - Bookipi
Brought to you by the #1 award winning app. WelcometoBookipiExpense your brand new FREE budgeting and expensetracker.Trustedby over 400,000 small business owners andfreelancers in179countries, Bookipi is now delivering the FULLexperience.Keeptrack of ALL your income, items, & expenses.Become amaster offinancial planning and SAVE MONEY TODAY. KEYFEATURES:FREEUnlimited Wallets Users are able to track all oftheirfinancialactivity with ease; using multiple wallets formultipleoccasions,you’re guaranteed to never lose track of yourspending.BudgetPlanning Easily create monthly or weekly budgets togo by,receivenotifications for when you are nearing yourlimit.UniqueCategorisation Users are able to log and categoriseeachentry aseither an expense or income; complete with uniqueiconassigning.Charts & Breakdowns Each wallet has a uniquedailybreakdown ofmonthly income & expenses; enabling you toanalyzeyour monthlyfinancial activity with ease. Receipt StorageUsers areable totake photographs of receipts to store on oursecuredatabases. Thisis done to ensure ease of retrieval. DataExportingGenerateinstant summaries of your wallets with a tapthrough ourCSVexporting feature. Automatic Bookipi InvoicingDataSynchronisingBookipi Invoice users are rewarded with automaticdatasyncing.Allowing you to keep track of all of your incomeandexpenses inone seamless process. Other outstanding features:In-AppChatSupport 129 Global Currency support Intuitive UIDesignFrequentlyupdated video tutorials Help us improve the appSince theapp isstill in beta, we'd love to hear from you. Go tosettings>Support and chat with us live and let us know how toimprove.
Notas U: School Planner 13.3.0
Jorge de la Hoz
Class schedule, homework, grades and everything a student needs.
myBills with sync
r6 apps
You no longer have to pay latefee.Get"myBills" to keep track of your bills due dates and avoidlatefee.Download "myBills" now and get daily reminders of MonthlyorWeeklybills."myBills" notify you daily about upcoming MonthlyorWeeklybills. Now you don't have to worry about forgetting topayyourbills while you go about your busy schedule!. "myBills "savesyourtime in checking unpaid bills by providing quick summaryofunpaidbills in home screenKey Features:--- Calendar View of Bills.--- See Over due,Today, This Week and This month’s bills whentheappstarts up.--- Identify the state of bills by individual marker ondates.--- Widget showing no. of Overdue,Today,This Week Bills.--- Get full details of bills in Pie chart.--- Reminder Type(Notification type or Bills OverviewPopuporBoth).--- Set Reminder for Payable Bills Only or Receivable BillsOnlyorBoth.--- Easy access. No internet connection required.--- Add,Edit and Delete Recurrent Bills.--- Use the built-in calculator to quicklycalculatebillamounts.--- Add bills with categories, amount, due date, repeatbill,amount,notes.--- Reminder about upcoming Monthly or Weekly bills.--- Share Bill-- Upload backup to Dropbox. ( This is CompatiblewithAndroid4.0+)-- Restore backup from Dropbox. ( This is CompatiblewithAndroid4.0+)-- Sync bills between Android devices. ( This isCompatiblewithAndroid 4.0+)--- Shows this month total paid amount,unpaid amountandtotalamount.--- Shows this month payable amount and receivable amount.--- Select when to receive notification ,i.e on due date,1daybefore, 2 days before or 3 days before bill due date--- Change Reminder sound i.e Notification, Alarm,orRingtone.--- Simple and Easy to use.--- Easy data entry.--- Backup and Restore.
Notes Notepad App 2.6
Marco Meyer
Make different notes with our notepad app and homescreen widgets
Ganvent: Crea tu tienda online
Ganvent SAC
Crea tu tienda online gratis, gestiona tu negocio y aumentatusventas
Digital Collection 5.1
With the application Digital Collection you can keep anaccuraterecord of the charges you make to your customers. As ofversion1.1, the function of generating billing reports (in .pdfformat) isadded, with the possibility of sharing them with yourclients.Thanks for using the app. Support: info@ineriam.com
Invoice, estimates , receipts. Tropic Invoice Free 2.61 (2020)
Rafael Quintana
Create invoices and quotes on the spot—no need to wait until yougetback to the office With Tropic Invoice, you have in your handstheability to create bills and estimates for your clients in asimpleway, with absolutely professional results that will leave agreatimpression. Refrigeration technicians, customs arrangements,civilengineering, lawyers, small businesses, various creditsales...thepossibilities are endless. Invoices and quotes aresimilar to thosecreated by traditional systems, but now you cancarry them with you,create new ones quickly, and send them to yourclients or even printthem on the spot. By combining the multimediapower of your devicewith the billing system, not only do you getenriched multimediadocuments, but also a completeaccounts-receivable helper (included)like the ones used intraditional accounting systems. - Invoices,Quotes/Estimates andAccount Receivable in one program - Produce aninvoice, quote orestimate, send it to the client by email,messaging etc. withoutreturning to the office - Easily send accountstatements to clients- Attach pictures or audio notes to invoices,client and estimates.Speed up your operations without writing longnotes - Send photosor multimedia files to the client - Print inbluetooth wirelessprinters (ESC/POS standard required) -Statements, balance agingreports, transactions and other accountsreceivable reports. -Support for debits and credits - Multiplecurrencies formats, datesand amounts - Backup, Restore, Import andExport Data - Severallanguages available - Manage several companiesin the same program- Contact the customer with ease using the meansavailable to yourdevice - Assign a geographical GPS point to aclient, allowing theuse of services installed in the device (Maps®,Waze® etc) - Designyour logo and stamps in simple form - Capturecustomer signatureusing the computer screen *Languages. English,Español, 中國傳統的,kreyòl ayisyen. *Incluye NCF para RepublicaDominicana fakti ,bòdwo. Languages supported for Haiti
Xpenditure Expense Management
Join 100,000+ professionals across 60countrieswho manage their expenses with Xpenditure.Simply snap your receipt, submit in real-time and manage andexportyour expense reports in just a few clicks. Withseamlessintegration with your accounting or ERP package, expensemanagementhas never been easier!How Xpenditure Transforms Your Expenses:• Capture and Digitize Receipts: snap your receipts and never loseareceipt again• Submit Expenses on the Go: submit expenses and receipts viaemail,webcam, Dropbox, Evernote, manually or the Xpendituremobileapp• Save Time with Smart Scanning: our OCR tech reads and extractsallthe relevant info from your receipts• Create Expenses: Xpenditure automatically creates expenseswhenscanning receipts. Just add extra info such as project,category,payment method and more• Track Mileage: easily track your travel with our GoogleMapsintegration• Match Credit Card Statements: simply snap your creditcardstatement and our smart tech will match expenseswithtransactions• Easy & Secure Approvals: add your approvers, controllersandCFOs for an integrated and secure approval flow.• Set Compliancy Rules: Create categories, projects, tripsandexpense rules for your employees for more accurateexpensemanagement• Analyse Expenses in Real-Time: with detailed andcustomizableexpense reports that you can download• Integrate with Accounting: seamlessly integrate withyouraccounting software including QuickBooks Online, Sage One,Xero,Exact, FreshBooks, Debitoor and more• Integrate with ERP: including SAP, Oracle, MicrosoftDynamics& Navision, JD Edwards, Netsuite• Migrate from other expense apps: Easily switch from yourcurrentexpense management system (such as Excel, Concur, Expensify,..) toXpenditure
My Personal Agenda Pro v.225 Pro 10/2023 Powered by Tambucho
The most complete Organizer that you will find for yourAndroiddevice.
Bills Reminder - Track Payment 2.6
App Masons
Get timely reminders of your bills. Track bill payments. ManageyourExpenses.
LoGasto. Control your expenses and budgets. 1.0.25
Know where your money goes! LoGasto offers a friedly overviewofyourexpenses. Stop spending long time looking at yourlargetransactionslist from your bank account. We usually trusttheautomaticclassification offered by our bank account app, butitmight not fitour needs or represent our spending habits, wecanbuy groceries andbeers for a party in the same supermarket, butwewant the beers tobe in a party category, rather than in agenericsupermarketscategory. LoGasto lets you define your owncategoriesto accuratelyclassify your expenes. The featuresincluded in theapp are detailedbelow: · Let us talk about yourprivacy firstLoGasto does notsynchronized your data by default, soall the datayou enter will bestored only in your device and youwill be theonly owner. The datawill be removed by cleaning theapplicationdata from the devicesettings. · Still do you want asecuritybackup? You will have theoption to activate thesynchronization ofyour data to save it in ourservers. Cloudsynchronization will letyou replace your devicewithout losing yourdata, or even recoverit after you removed theapplication data byaccident. · Customcategories You do not reallylike the automaticclassificationoffered by your bank account app?LoGasto allows youto create yourown categories with custom iconsand colors. Colorswill be presentthroughout the application, sothat you can identifyyour expensesat a glance. We provide someexample categories foryou to quickystart using the application. ·Keep track of yourexpenses LoGastooffers an intuitive way tokeeping track of yourexpenses through afluid interface and usefullcategory buttons.Just press your'Food' button, type an amount,optionally type adescription andyou are done. Did you have the sameexpensepreviously? Do notworry, we will show the previous expensesfor youto easily pickand repeat it. · Do you want to save money?Now iswhen budgetscome in. Plan and estimate your budgets for agivenperiod of time,type the estimated amount you are planning tospendper category.Your daily evolution is displayed by intuitivecharts,so you willalways know if your expenses fit the budget. · Ihavesomerecurring expenses like the car fee LoGasto letsyouconfigurerecurring expenses and choose how often they repeat.Anotificationwill be shown for you inside the app that letyoueither add theexpense of decline it. Forget about anoying popupnotificationsthat fills up your top bar. Do not forget anyexpense!· Offlineusage Once you have created your account,Internetconection is notrequired to use the application. On theother hand,it becomesrequired is you activate the synchronization.· Would youlike toanalyse your expenses? LoGasto offers a widevariety oftools foranalysing: - Filters: you will be able to filteryourexpenses byfields like category, year, month, day, timeordescription -Grouped by category. A pie chart will show agreatinsight abouthow much you are spending per category. - Day byday.In the day byday chart, your expenses habits are shown. Hereyoucan see howfast you are spending the money during the month,andcompare itwith previous months. Detecting the days when youspentthe most isalso possible by looking at the highest peaks inthecurve. -Monthly. Here you will have a bar chart to compareyourexpensesbetween different months. I.e. you might want tocompareyourelectricity bill during the whole year. · How can Istart? Afirstuse tour will teach you how to use the tool once youhaveloggedin. You will start with some demo data for aquickonboarding. Thetour can be initiated whenever you from thehelpbutton. · Help usto fit your needs and grow! Please do nothesitateto share yourfeedback with us by sending an emailtoaccounts@logasto.com.
learningCloud New Generation 6.2.0
Take Your Learning With You 🚀
Simple Shopping Calculator 1.2.0
Zillion Software
Simple Shopping Calculator allows you to quickly create theshoppinglist and keep track of your total amount as you shop. Itcalculatesthe total of your shopping list based on the item priceandquantity. You can also enter the discount rate and the salestaxrate for each item. It supports multiple shopping regions thatcanhave localized currency format and sales tax rate fordifferentstate, province, country or region. Main Features -Calculate theshopping total amount - Calculate the sales tax -Calculate thediscount amount by percentage off or input amountdirectly - Takephoto for each purchased item - Modify/Delete theexistingpurchased item - Create up to five shopping regions forfree -Support multiple themes with different colors In-App Purchase-Create unlimited shopping regions - Remove the Ads - UnlockAllFeatures
Smart Receipts Plus
Turn your phone into a receipt scanner,mileagetracker, and expense report generator with SmartReceipts!Smart Receipts is perfect for both individualsandbusinesses!With fully customizable PDF, CSV, and ZIP reports, you cancreateprofessional reports for both your personal finance trackingandyour employer’s needs. Smart Receipts allows you to selectfromover 20 different default data types (including dates, price,tax,receipt categories, comments, payment methods, etc.) to helpyougenerate the perfect report, saving you hours of timedoingexpenses and getting you back to things you actuallycareabout.Tired of spending hours scanning receipts?Join over 400,000 users, who save hours each week usingSmartReceipts to manage their expenses and generate expensereports.Smart Receipts was designed by a traveling consultant, soit isbuilt for both efficiency and flexibility.Trusted and SecureSmart Receipts is an open source, so you can be trust thatyourexpense data remains yours and won't be secretly soldtothird-party advertisers.Features:• Create expense report "folders" to categorize your receipts• Take receipt photos with your camera's phone• Import existing pictures on your device• Import PDF receipts• Save receipt price, tax, and currency• Tag receipt names, categories, payment method, comments, andothermetadata• Create/edit/delete all receipt categories• Track distance traveled for mileage reimbursement• Automatic exchange rate processing• Smart prediction based on past receipts• Generate PDF, CSV, & ZIP reports• Fully customizable report output• Automatic backup support via Google DriveComing Soon:• OCR support for receipt scans• Graphical breakdowns of spending per category• Any many more...License:Smart Receipts is open-source and licensed under theAGPL(https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html).This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,butWITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrantyofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNUAffero General Public License for more details.
Banana Split, Bill Splitter 3.0.2
Split bill, Sharing & splitting, easy way to track your bills.Iowe you
Deptors Plus Intelligent 13
Perla Technology
Debtors Plus performs 95% of your commercial tasks inasingleapplication, based on the following: 1-Data security.Beaware ofour online database that keeps your information intactnomatteryou lose your device, thanks to a login from yourfavoriteemailaddress. Have your data always safe without having topay moreforeach backup. 2-Better intuitive. Delicious interfacewithmanyfacilities, being tested by different clients who call itfirstinthe list of the most intuitive in its field. 3-Graphiccomfort.Avery fluid application, without slowdowns, withoutads,orcontrasts that delay your work. We know that sometimes weneedfastaccounts, so Debtors Plus is ready to take it.4-Customizeyourclients. You will have the option to require thedata you want,andeven change your profile photo and a red alert toremindcustomerswith incidents. What can we do with Debtors Plus ?:Wehave manymore functions taking into account theimprovementsrequested bycustomers in our predecessor application:DebtorsControl. DOWNLOADIT TO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE.
Expensify - Expense Reports
With over four million usersworldwide,Expensify is the #1 tool for expense report management,receipttracking, and business travel. Snap a photo of your receiptusingSmartScan and Expensify takes care of the rest! Designed forsmallbusinesses, accountants, and individuals who are sick ofwastingtime with spreadsheets, Expensify streamlines businesstravel andtax compliance with expense reports that don’tsuck!"The Best Business Travel App" - Business Insider"Expensify is like a virtual accountant" - Wall StreetJournal"A mobile app that helps you run your business" - ForbesNamed one of the hottest startups by Forbes, voted a Top 10MostInnovative Company by Fast Company, and endorsed by the AICPAandCPA.com, Expensify has been widely acknowledged as the besttoolfor business travelers. If you’re a small business orsolopreneurlooking for simple receipt capture, Expensify’s patentedSmartScanOCR technology eliminates manual data entry and makes iteasy tokeep track of receipts on-the-go. If you’re looking formorecomplex functionality for a larger company, Expensify takescare ofall of your expense management needs: expense reports,multi-levelapproval workflows, automatic credit cardreconciliation, companycard management, next-day rapidreimbursement, integrations withaccounting and HR softwares, and somuch more.Features:- Automatically record, report, and submit expenses withrealtimeexpense reports- Easy receipt capture- User-friendly mobile and web apps- Mileage and time tracking- Automatic credit card import- Corporate card reconciliation- Next-day direct deposit reimbursement- Candidate reimbursement- Per diem functionality- Global currency compatibility- Accounting integrations (QuickBooks, Xero, NetSuite,Intacct,Oracle, Sage, etc.)Awards:- Endorsed by the AICPA and CPA.com- Best 100 Cloud Companies Worldwide -Forbes, 2016- Top 10 Most Innovative Companies - Fast Company, 2015- Small Business of the Year -Business IntelligenceGroup,2015- Fastest Growing Expense Management Company -GartnerReport,2015Visit use.expensify.com or email sales@expensify.com tolearnmore.Download Expensify to save time and streamline your businesstraveland receipt management process today!
Invoice Maker | Bill clients | Estimate & Receipt 3.1.32
Invoice Bee
Invoice Bee: Simple Estimate & Billing to Go - BestInvoicing& Billing Generator! Get started for Free! Looking foraninvoicing app with incredible features to help you organizeyourbusiness billings? Invoice Bee will help you to keep track ofallthe expenses in a very easy and simple way. Bill your clientswithInvoice Bee's invoice maker, receipt maker and estimatemaker!1.Receiving Client’s signature: Clients can sign eitherdirectly onthe device screen or via email. The signed documents aresaved incloud system for retrieval. 2.Advanced and organizedsummary page:View invoice / estimate / payment summary by month, bycustomer orby item. 3.Sending receipt of payment to clients: It isvery easyto send receipts to clients after recording payment.4.ImposingCredit Card surcharge to clients: You can choose toimpose creditcard surcharge to your clients. 5.Active app support:We promptlyreply within 12 hours of any inquiry. 7. Overduereminder: Sendoverdue reminders by a simple tap Other OutstandingFeatures •Desktop stand-alone version • Excellent customizingoptions •Notification when clients open the invoice • Credit cardpayment •Automatic synchronization across devices • Importingcustomerdetails from the contact list • Making a call or emaildirectlyfrom the customer list • Directly converting from estimateintoinvoices Download Invoice Bee to start organizing yourinvoicesNOW! https://invoicebee.net/
Finance Tracker 4.5
Finance Tracker makes managing personal finances easy. Itssimpledesign makes it lightweight, straightforward and very easy touse.Now easily record your personal and businessfinancialtransactions, generate spending reports, review yourfinancial dataand manage your budget. No matter where you are justa couple oftaps will save your expense. Features: • Multipleaccounts inmultiple currencies. • Add single/recurring entries likeincome,expense, account transfer and bills. • Track your Incomes,Expensesand Bills more effectively. • Budget with rollover. (Carryingcurrent month left budget amount to next month). • Budgetformultiple currencies. • Recurring with no end dates. • Addpaymentsof income, expense and account transfer type. • Schedulethepayments and recurring payments • Take a picture of receipt•Payment alerts • Dropbox integration. • Income budget ( You canuseit as savings tracker ). • Expense budget (You can setcustomaccounts and categories for tracking budget). • Add tagsfortransactions. • Add transaction status, payment method foreachtransaction. • Synchronizing data between devices. •Passwordprotection. • Backup/Restore Database. • Identifytransactionstatus by color. • Search and reports. • Export accountactivitiesinto CSV or XLS for desktop. • Import .csv •Customizecategories/subcategories, payer/payer, tags, date format,amountformat, themes. • Account transfer between same anddifferentcurrency account. • Charts • More awesome features.