برترین 4 برنامه مشابه به IBMT

NSHM Business School (NSHMBS) offers MBA,PGDMcourses and was established in 1996 as a unit of NSHMKnowledgeCampus. NSHM knowledge Campus is all about experientiallearningand building an ever-expanding base that involvesknowledgepartners and communities. NSHM has created an interactiveandstimulating learning environment for providing quality educationtothe students. And this environment has been achieved byencouragingstudent's activities, work-shops, events, seminars,festivities,gym, competitions, recreational facilities, therebymakingeducation a 360 degree learning experience for students.PresentlyNSHM Knowledge Campus has 6 institutes under it, namelyNSHM Schoolof Hotel Management, NSHM Business School, NSHMInstitute of Mediaand Communication, NSHM PharmaceuticalTechnology, NSHM College ofManagement & Technology and NSHMFaculty of Engineering andTechnology. All NSHM courses arefuturistic in nature and in syncwith the needs of the globalindustry and delivered by topfaculties using world-classinfrastructure that combines practicalhands-on training, classroomteaching and e-learning tools andextra-curricular activities. NSHMB School is working towardsequipping the future managers anddeveloping business leaderscapable of responding to changes andchallenges in the emergingmarkets. Industry-interface is animportant ingredient in thetraining process. NBS offers not only ascholarly and professionalambience, but also a fulfilling campuslife necessary for all-rounddevelopment of the student.
Maeers MIT Institute of Design 1.0.1702132342
Ensure KARMAN the process is right inactionLeave PHALAM the product to evolve by itselfMAEER's MIT Institute of Design started its operations inAugust2006, guided by the days leading minds in the Indiandesigneducation, with a plan to develop its identity as a research&training institution of highest international quality.MIT Institute of Design is a constituent of proposed" MIT ART DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY " a self-financedstateprivate university as per Act passed by Government ofMaharashtrapublished in the Gazette dated 21st August 2015.The University is under final compliance process, on completionofthe compliance process and final approval the Institutewillannounce B.Des & M.Des programmes.In pursuance of one of our future aspirations, we at the MAEER'sMITInstitute of Design added a further dimension to the programmesofdesign learning at our campus. The concept of Design Habitat isinfact a logical and organic extension of our stated philosophythatensures a total generalist ambience to enable design learning.Itwould evolve as an overarching concept around thefunctionalframework of the Design Institute which remains anintegralcomponent of the Habitat.It is into this kind of stimulating and inspirationalenvironmentthat mentors from various design related disciplines areinvited tointeract with the design learners and challenge theiryoung mindsto explore newer territories that should complement andreinforcetheir ongoing design learning. Here are some of thedisciplinesfrom which these mentors would be selected:biomechanics,alternative energy systems, linguistics (semiotics),performingarts, plastic arts, design anthropology, sociology,perception andcognitive psychologies and several more. The mentorswould ensurethat the level of interaction is such that iteventually leads to alearning that is comprehensive, sustained andfocused in depth, anddirectly or indirectly design related.Distributing the course contents in form of projects is anobviousand time tested method. Each project would be formulated soas tonecessitate participation of a mentor and one or twoyoungaspirants pursuing the same discipline as the participatingmentor.The team thus formed would be led by a member of thepermanentfaculty of the Institute. Sometimes the project might besodesigned as to the participation of mentors from more thanonediscipline if needed. The enhanced scope of activities attheDesign Habitat would also mean that we reinforce, withinthepresent areas of learning at the Institute. To this effect, twonewcenters of advanced learning are being envisaged for thenearfuture. The first is the Faculty of Architecture. Themajoremphasis here would be on humane and logical application ofTwentyFirst Century technologies, arts and sciences toward solvingtheproblems of human habitat in India. The second is a CentreforTheatre and Body Language. Even though it might seem to havebeeninspired by the Bauhaus Theatre of the 1930's, its majorthrustwould be on exploring the worlds of light and sound effectsandways of communication by means of body language.
GIBS Business School 1.0.1702132323
Global Institute of Business Studies (GIBS),AnInstitute of International educational standards, hassuccessfullybuilt its own reputation as one of the best BusinessSchools inBangalore in terms of pioneering refined quality oflearning, moralupkeep and intellectual support across theall-encompassing span ofadvanced education in India.Institution was set up under the aegis of Goyal EducationalTrustenvisioned as an institute of high academic standards. GIBSisranked among the top Business Schools in the Country. TheInstitutehas achieved a status of distinction by following thepathenvisioned by its founders.GIBS as a renowned Institution indulged in providinginnovative& globally accepted programs for individuals whoEndeavour tocontribute to the sustained development and inclusivegrowth of thenation and the world at large, by preparing managersimbued with aspirit of innovation and entrepreneurship. TheInstitution has beenrecognized by the University Grants Commission(UGC).World-class companies are always on the lookout for employeeswithoutstanding leadership, communication, and projectmanagementabilities, and our recent research confirms that fact. AGIBS MBAdegree is an investment with the best returns. Our MBA +PGPMcourses are designed in such a way that a massivetransformation ispossible in one’s life through leadership,excellent communicationskills, hands on with latest additionalskills and overallpersonality development. These attributes make ustop MBA institutein India.As a top MBA institute in India, GIBS transforms its studentsintoleaders of the future & provide a congenial atmosphereforstudies with our 4.5 acres world-class Lush GreeneryResidentialcampus, air conditioned classrooms; our owntransportationfacilities are few to count.We are highly obliged to welcome you to join the 2016-2018Batch,and wish your academic journey with a grand success.
SDMIMD Mysore 1.0.1702132356
Honouring the commitmentShri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute forManagementDevelopment (SDMIMD), management, offers courses inthe fieldof management. SDMIMD was established in the year1993. Thecollege is affiliated to AICTE, and has been approved byNBA aswell. The college has been striving for excellence and hasbeenranked 11th under the Top B-School of Excellence Category.Theinstitute envisions to be internationally known as auniquemanagement institution that has pioneered a philosophyofmanagement education and governance that is Indian in ethosandcharacter and global in relevance. The institute is promoted bytheShree Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara Educational Trust. Themissionstatement of the college is "SDMIMD will createinspirationalbusiness leaders and entrepreneurs who willrelentlessly pursueindividual and organizational excellence withcreative tenacity,intellectual maturity, and socialresponsibility." The campushas won many architectural andlandscape awards and provides agreat environment for learning andgermination of managerialintellect. The institute has beenconferred A** Rating at NationalLevelby CRISIL. The SDMIMD’s researchunit- SDM Research Centre for ManagementStudies’(SDM RCMS), publications ‘Cases in Management’,‘ContemporaryResearch in Management’, ‘Excerpts of Select SummerInternshipReports’, have come in for praise from the world ofacademics. Theinstitute’s journal ‘SDMIMD Journal ofManagement’indexed inEBSCO and iScholar has evolvedas aprestigious publication well known for the quality of thepapers,therein.