برترین 15 برنامه مشابه به Charlie Charlie

Charlie Charlie The Challenge 24.0
Gallcorp Enterprises LLC
Summon the spirit of Charlie to hauntyourphone in the scariest game of 2015!FEEDBACKSince we released this app we have heard about strangethingshappening. Below is a compilation of some of our recentfeedback.(Please contact us with your own stories!)"At times the app opens and the pencils move all bythemselves,and interrupts me when i'm having a conversation...Iwant tobelieve it's a glitch" - Martha"I've tried deleting it 3 times already, it justrandomlyre-appears on my screen" - Joe"It's been YES sending responses in all NO my messages!Somebodyhelp me!!! NO" - Louisa"I asked Charlie if he could prove he was real and myphoneturned red and froze. There is no way that was part of theapp.This should be taken down." - CynthiaIf you dare, invoke the spirit of Charlie Charlie in the bestandSCARIEST new mobile version of the viral game, Charlie CharlietheChallenge!INSTRUCTIONS:Begin by chanting the phrase 'Charlie Charlie are youthere?'Then, when the ghost of Charlie responds, askyourquestions...You may be surprised by the answers youreceive.Play at your own risk...The story of Charlie is only just beginning to surface. Thetalegoes that a little boy named Charlie has died and his soulhasremained trapped on Earth. Charlie's spirit can be summonedbycrossing two pens or pencils to create a grid (withsectorslabelled "yes" and "no") and then asking questions of"Charlie".The upper pencil is then expected to rotate to indicatethe answerto such questions. But, the main question everyone asksis "can weplay Charlie Charlie."This novelty app will be sure to provide you with hours offunand can liven up any occasion.NOTE:Charlie Charlie the Challenge is a novelty app and thefunctionof voice recognition is non-functioning and intendedforentertainment purposes only. No spirits were harmed initsmaking. MORE INFO: The "Charlie Charlie" Challenge (Also referred to as the"CharlieCharlie" Game) is a game which was popularised through theInternetin 2015, partly through the hashtag#CharlieCharlieChallenge.Charlie Charlie may have originated from a playground gameinSpanish-speaking countries known as Juego de la Lapicera ("Gameofthe Pens"), although it has also been linked to a 2008YouTubevideo entitled "Jugando Charly Charlie".In 2015 it became popular in the Dominican Republic, andtrendedon Twitter. It was subsequently revealed to have beenderived froma scene in the film The Gallows and was part of a viralmarketingcampaign.Some claim the phenomenon of the pencil's movement hasbeenexplained as an effect of the relative positions of thepencils;the cross arrangement providing an effective pivot on whichtheupper pencil can easily move due to very slightenvironmentalchanges. Others claim a more sinister explanation isat play.According to Caitlyn Dewey of The Washington Post, this gameisvaluable as an example of cross-cultural viral trends:"Charliemakes a killer case study in virality and how things movein andout of languages and cultures online. You’ll notice, forinstance,a lot of players and reporters talking about the game asif it werenew, when it’s actually — and more interestingly, I think— an oldgame that has just recently crossed the languagedivide."
Charlie Charlie 1.1
Quieres jugar con el espíritu deCharlie,conesta aplicación podrás invocarlo desde tu celular.You want to playwiththespirit of Charlie, with this application you can call itfromyourphone.
Charlie Charlie
Summon Charlie if you dare, in this spooky pencil game. Areyouthere, Charlie?
Charlie Charlie REAL HD 2.0
Charlie Charlie or#CharlieCharlieChallengeisan ancient legend most historians believeoriginated in Mexico.Ask"Charlie Charlie are you there?" to see thepencils magicallymove,follow up with your own questions. Charliecan hear youthroughyour device's microphone!you should ask this way, "Charlie, CHARLIE are you here?"BEWARE! Charlie Charlie can become angry depending onthequestionsyou ask! Take the challenge!This Charlie Charlie app was submitted to us for publication bya14year developer from Ecuador named Pao Gutierrez.Shortlyaftersubmitting the app, Pao died from medicalcomplications. Thisappis in memory of Pao.The Charlie Charlie Challenge or #CharlieCharlieChallenge isaOuijaboard-inspired craze is taking the internet by stormPlay this ancient Mexican tradition from the comfort ofyourmobilephoneTwo pencils are placed on a piece of paper in the shape ofacross,with the words yes and no in the corners of the paperDare you summon the demon?repeat the words "Charlie, Charlie are you here" and see ifyoucanmake contact with CharlieAsk the demon questions and get a replyExperience this scary new craze now!
Charlie Charlie 1.2
Floken Software
Are you ready to take theCharlieCharliechallenge?Do you have existential doubts about the world around you?Ask Charlie and he will answer "Yes" or "No" to yourquestions,ifhe's in the mood :)Note: When you're done, just say goodbye to Charlie andhewillleave... he is kind of busy lately.
Charlie Charlie! 1.0
Camilo Medina
Say Charlie Charlie to ask himwhateveryouwant. Improved experience with an internetconnection.
The Charlie Game 1.0.0
Charlie Charlie ¿estas alli?Lee las instrucciones para jugarlo y charlie te responderá...Si tienes problemas para iniciar la aplicación apagaelBuletoothEsta aplicación es para hacer preguntas a "CharlieCharlie"porfavor lee las instrucciones de uso parapoderdisfrutarcompletamente de la aplicaciónReglas1.-Una vez iniciado el juego no separes los dedos delapantallaya que el juego terminaráInstrucciones de uso:1.-Espera a que aparezca el botón "Put your finger"2.-Cuando esta aya aparecido presiona el botón ubicado enlapartederecha-abajo y mantelo presionado , pues será el quedecidahaciadonde apuntará el lápiz3.- Haz que un amigo presione los otros 3 botones parainiciareljuego4.-Haz una pregunta5.-Para mover el lápiz hacia "Yes" Levanta eldedosutilmente,ubicado en derecha -abajo y ponlo de nuevo allí ,ellápiz semoverá despues de 3 seg.6.-Para mover el lápiz hacia "No" Desliza un poco eldedoubicadoen derecha- abajo hacia la derecha y deslizado denuevohacia dondeestaba, el lápiz se moverá despues de 3 seg.7.-Para salir del juego desliza el dedo ubicado enderecha-abajohacia la izquierda , despues de 5 seg la pantalla seapagaráy eljuego se cerrará8.-Recuerda que entre mas pequeño sea el dispositivomassensibleserá al movimiento de tu dedo9.-Disfruta de el juegoRodolfo Muñoz.Charlie Charlieareyouthere?Read the instructions to play and charlie will answer ...If you have problems to start the application off the BuletoothThis application is to ask questions of "CharlieCharlie"pleaseread the instructions in order to fully enjoytheapplicationRules1. After starting-not separate the fingers of the gamescreenasthe game endsInstructions:1-Waiting to display the "Put your finger" button2. When the nurse appeared press the button atthebottomright-hand and pressed mantelo then will decide wheretopoint thepencil3. Get a friend press the other 3 buttons to start the game4. Ask a Question5. To move the pencil to "Yes" Lift your finger subtlylocatedinright-down and put it back there, the pen will move after3sec.6. To move the pencil to "No" Slide your fingerslightlylocatedin right-bottom right and slipped back to where itwas, thepenwill move after 3 sec.7. To exit the game swipe-down located in right to left,after5seconds the display will turn off and the game is closed8. Remember that the smaller the device will be moresensitivetothe movement of your finger9. Enjoy the gameRodolfo Muñoz.
Charlie Charlie Challenge 1.0
CHARLIE CHARLIE CHALLENGE!INSTRUCTIONS:- Choose videos of "Charlie Challenge" on your mobiledeviceorask Charlie what you want.- To ask you press "Play"- Press once on the "Green microphone" to start your question- Click on the "Red microphone" Once finished askandanswerCharlie.- To ask again repeat steps.
Charlie Charlie Challenge
The Party Boss
The #CharlieCharlieChallenge isthenewesttrend, now do it on your phone with this simple app.Simplyask aquestion, and see what Charlie answers. It's just likethepencilgame! Don't forget to say Goodbye to charlie, youwouldn'twant toanger him!! You can either press the button to get aRandomanswer,or press the Volume Up button for Yes and Volume DownforNo. Agreat way to trick your friends!!!
Charlie Charlie Challenge News 1.0
CHARLIE CHARLIE CHALLENGE NEWS!- Find out the latest news about "Charlie" and downloadtoyourAndroid and PC games !!- Have fun with your videos, news, and more horror stories !!Find out if "Charlie" is really a demon .... or not?already you know !! go ahead and DOWNLOAD IT !!!
Charlie Charlie Challenge - of 1.1.9
First Class Media B.V.
Forget about spirit boards and ghost radars... Ask Charlieanythingyou want!
Guide For Charlie Charlie 1.0
TradeMax Apps
Learn how to play this game so easy. Wetellthetechnique used to play this game the right way.*** Disclaimer/Legal Notice ***This is NOT an Official Guide. The application name isthepropertyof their respective owners. This is NOT a Cheats forthegame, NOTan Official App. We made this App only as a FREE FANAPPwith nocheats, only for those who wants to enjoy the Game. Ifthereis anytrademark or copyright violation that does not followwithintheFair Use, please contact us and we will immediately takeactiononit.
Charlie Brown's All Stars! 1.9
A classic story of team spirit and friendship for a newgenerationof underdogs!
Charlie Chaplin Videos 1.6
Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin, KBE(16April 1889 – 25 December 1977) was an English comicactor,filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the silent era.Chaplinbecame a worldwide icon through his screen persona "theTramp" andis considered one of the most important figures in thehistory ofthe film industry. His career spanned more than 75 years,fromchildhood in the Victorian era until a year before his deathin1977, and encompassed both adulation and controversy.Chaplin's childhood in London was defined by povertyandhardship. As his father was absent and his motherstruggledfinancially, he was sent to a workhouse twice before theage ofnine. When he was 14, his mother was committed to a mentalasylum.Chaplin began performing at an early age, touring musichalls andlater working as a stage actor and comedian. At 19 he wassigned tothe prestigious Fred Karno company, which took him toAmerica.Chaplin was scouted for the film industry, and beganappearing in1914 for Keystone Studios. He soon developed the Tramppersona andformed a large fan base. Chaplin directed his own filmsfrom anearly stage, and continued to hone his craft as he moved totheEssanay, Mutual, and First National corporations. By 1918, hewasone of the best known figures in the world.In 1919, Chaplin co-founded the distribution companyUnitedArtists, which gave him complete control over his films. Hisfirstfeature-length was The Kid (1921), followed by A Woman ofParis(1923), The Gold Rush (1925), and The Circus (1928). Herefused tomove to sound films in the 1930s, instead producing CityLights(1931) and Modern Times (1936) without dialogue. Chaplinbecameincreasingly political, and his next film, The GreatDictator(1940), satirised Adolf Hitler. The 1940s were a decademarked withcontroversy for Chaplin, and his popularity declinedrapidly. Hewas accused of communist sympathies, while hisinvolvement in apaternity suit and marriages to much younger womencaused scandal.An FBI investigation was opened, and Chaplin wasforced to leavethe United States and settle in Switzerland. Heabandoned the Trampin his later films, which include MonsieurVerdoux (1947),Limelight (1952), A King in New York (1957), and ACountess fromHong Kong (1967).Chaplin wrote, directed, produced, edited, starred in,andcomposed the music for most of his films. He was aperfectionist,and his financial independence enabled him to spendyears on thedevelopment and production of a picture. His filmsarecharacterised by slapstick combined with pathos, typified intheTramp's struggles against adversity. Many contain socialandpolitical themes, as well as autobiographical elements. In 1972,aspart of a renewed appreciation for his work, Chaplin receivedanHonorary Academy Award for "the incalculable effect he has hadinmaking motion pictures the art form of this century". Hecontinuesto be held in high regard, with The Gold Rush, CityLights, ModernTimes, and The Great Dictator often ranked onindustry lists of thegreatest films of all time.
Charlie das Einhorn Soundboard 1.0.5
Polymorphic Dissociation
Diese App ist eine ZusammenstellungvonSoundClips aus den Videos Charlie das Einhorn 1, 2 und 3.Selbstverständlich sind die 3 Songs auch dabei ;-)Klicke einen Button um den Sound zu hören, lange gedrückthaltenumden Sound als Klingelton, BenachrichtigungoderWeckereinzustellen.Über das Menu lassen sich die Sounds stoppen.Die Sounds sind auf der SD-Karte imOrdner"CharlieSoundboard"gespeichert.This app is acollectionofsound clips from the videos Charlie the Unicorn 1, 2and3.FIG.Of course, the 3 songs are also included;-)Click a button to listen to the sound, long press hold thesoundasringtone, notification or alarm clock is set.About the Menu can stop the sound.The sounds are stored on the SD card in thefolder"CharlieSoundboard".