برترین 10 برنامه مشابه به SMS-Biljett Göteborg

Gothenburg – Visitor Guide 2.0.1
Göteborg & Co.
The Official Visitor Guide toGothenburgguidesyou to the best that the city has to offer. In theapp youwill finda wide selection of restaurants, bars, events,topattractions andmore.Your search results will be based on geographic locationandtime.Fish restaurants nearby? Concerts tonight? Familyoutings?Let thisapp guide you to a new favorite spot inGothenburg!
Tram Sightseeing 1.7.8
Now you can have a guided tour inGothenburgwhenever you like. And the only thing you have to pay foris a tramticket.This is how it works: The app guides you to the nearest tramstopand selects a suitable route and departure. Once you get on,thesightseeing begins. All tours go along a preset route and takelessthan an hour. You get all the information read to you inyourheadphones. All you have to do is sit down and look out thewindow.(And change tram when the voice tells you to, of course...). Alltours end at the same stop they start from.Features:- A voice tells you about the sights that pass outside thetramwindow.- You get clear instructions about what tram you should get onandchange to.- If you don’t have a ticket, the app can help with thistoo.Firstly, by informing you about suitable tickets, partly byguidingyou to the nearest ticket seller.- After the tour you can share your experience on Facebook.- The app speaks both Swedish and English.Have a great trip!
Trafikradion.se 1.00.130522
Traffic information around the clock throughoutSweden.Automatically updated every minute.
Parkering Göteborg - Betala P 1.2.2
Snabb, enkel och bekväm betalning avparkeringvia mobilen. Inga köer vid biljettautomaten. Ingafleröverbetalningar och aldrig brist på växel. Koppla av ochanvändappen. På automaten finns en platskod angiven som ska angesnär duparkerar.Du kan registrera upp till fyra bilar. Familjenoch/ellerföretaget kan samla alla parkeringar på ett ochsammabetalkort.Med Parkering Göteborg kan du hantera dina parkeringar påettsmidigt sätt.- Registrera konto- Starta och avsluta dina parkeringar- Se din parkeringshistorik- Lägg till eller ta bort fordon- Ändra betalkortFast, easy andconvenientpayment of parking via mobile phone. No queues at theticketmachine. No more over payments and never a shortage of gear.Relaxand use the app. The vending machine is a given location codeto beentered when you park.You can register up to four cars. Family and / or companycangather all the car parks on the same debit card.With Parking Gothenburg, you can manage your parking in asmoothmanner.- Create an Account- Start and end your parking lots- See your parking history- Add or remove vehicles- Change the debit card
Gothenburg Offline mappa Map 1.13
My Native Guide
The offline mappa map helps you make themostof Gothenburg in Sweden with a POI database and search builtin.This is the mappa map for Gothenburg (Swedish: Göteborg)thesecond largest city in Sweden, situated on Sweden's west coastatthe outlet of the Göta river.Gothenburg is served by Gothenburg-Landvetter Airport, located30km southeast of the city centre and by Gothenburg CityAirport,located 15 km from the city centre.The Gothenburg Metropolitan Area (Stor-Göteborg) includesAle,Härryda, Kungälv, Lerum, Mölndal, Partille, Stenungsund,Tjörn,Öckerö in Västra Götaland County and Kungsbacka inHallandCounty.Top 5 reasons to get your offline mappa map forGothenburg,Sweden:1. SIMPLE - No geeky features. It’s a map!2. ENTIRE LOCATION AVAILABLE OFFLINE - download the entire cityandPOI database to your phone and travel without anInternetconnection. You won’t get any nasty roaming charges. Yourmap willwork anywhere.3. VECTOR DATA - means that you get maximum detail, maximum zoomandmaximum coverage with a tiny map file that takes moments todownloadand uses hardly any space on your phone.4. POINT OF INTEREST DATABASE BUILT-IN - Search a dozencategoriesincluding, restaurants, bars and hotels, also handyplaces such ashospitals, taxi ranks and public transport stops.We’ve alsoincluded a fuzzy partial search for POI and street namesto make itfast and easy.5. EXCELLENT COVERAGE - Maps are the very latest OpenStreetMapwithsuperb coverage and detail. And you will get free updates totheapp and map forever as long as we add new versions.Install your offline mappa map for Gothenburg now!Follow us @Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mappa.offline.mapsTwitter: https://twitter.com/mymappaBlog: http://www.MyMappa.com
På Språng för Västtrafik 2.1.11
Res enklare med Västtrafik iGöteborgochVästra Götaland!Använd På Språng om du vill slippa krångliga ochkryptiskaappar.Med en stilren och enkel design kan du ta framavgångar näradig ochplanera resor med få tryck. På Språng förenklarditt sättatt resamed Västtrafik.Reseplaneraren är anpassad för att vara så enkeldetbaragår. Med några få tryck får du framreseförslag.Reseförslagenpresenterar tydligt hur du ska resa ochvilka byten duska göra föratt komma fram till din destination. Dethar aldrigvarit enklareatt resa kollektivt!Nästa tur funktionen ger dig en god översiktöverdeavgångar du är intresserad av. Vill du ha merkontrollöverinformationen som visas kan du alltid gruppera deavgångarsomintresserar dig så att du alltid har dem synliga. Dukanenkeltfiltrera bort andra transporttyper för att hitta justdebussar,spårvagnar, tåg eller färjor som intresserardig.På Språng anpassar sig till alla dina enheter,litensomstor.Funktioner• Smart och robust Nästa tur som tar fram hållplatsernäradig.• Samla linjer som intresserar dig i olika grupper, smidigtfördigsom reser mycket.• Reseplanerare som är enkel att använda och översiktlig(Köpesiappen).• Även designad för stora enheter som exempelvis GalaxyNoteochsurfplattor/tablets.ReseasierwithVästtrafik in Gothenburg and Västra Götaland:Use On Springboard if you want to avoid complicatedandcrypticapps. With a clean and simple design, you canproducedepartures nearyou and plan trips with little pressure. OnLeapsimplify your way oftraveling with Västtrafik.Trip Planner is designed to be as simple as possible.Withafew taps, you get up the route. Travel Proposalspresentsclearlyhow you are going and what changes you should maketo get toyourdestination. It's never been easier tousepublictransport,next tour function gives you a good overview ofthedestinationyou're interested. If you want more control overtheinformationdisplayed can always group the departures interestsyouso you alwayshave them visible. You can easily filter outothertransport types tofind just the buses, trams, trains orferriesthat interestyou.On Leap adapts to all your devices, bigorsmall.Features• Smart and rugged Next tour that brings out thestopsnearyou.• Gather lines that interest you in different groups,smoothlyforyou who travel a lot.• Trip planner that is easy to use and clear(in-apppurchase).• Although designed for large devices like the GalaxyNoteandtablets / tablets.
Pubba 1.3
Simon Andersson
Pubba! Features over 450 pubs and clubs inandaround Gothenburg and Jönköping!Pubba! The ultimate companion to get your weekend started - evenonweekdays!Pubba! Lets you find the best place to have a good time whenandwherever you are!Pubba! Is a pub guide for Gothenburg and Jönköping.☆ Find a nice spot to have a beer in the sun!Pubba lets you search for pubs that have an open-air bar!☆ Get to know new places that feature after work + pub quiz+live music and are open until sunrise because that’s exactlywhatyou want!Pubba lets you check if a pub / club is the right match foryou!☆ Know whether a place is overly expensive!Pubba tells you where to get that beer cheap!☆ Know where to watch that awesome game!Pubba lists all sports bars in your surrounding!☆ The application is 100% free☆ Available in English and Swedish!☆ And much more...Visit our website at http://www.pubba.seThanks to Alexander Radway, Jonas Scholander andRobertMoberg.
CityBikes 1.4.6
Awesome Enterprises
CityBikes is a bike sharing networkaggregator.It shows the status and availability of stations andbikes in yourcity, in an intuitive and fancy way, and supportsmore than 170cities so far!This is a Free Software Project. For more informationcheckhttp://www.citybik.es or @ctbikesAustralia├ Brisbane (CityCycle)├ Melbourne (Melbourne Bike Share)Austria├ Wien (Citybike Wien)Belgium├ Bruxelles (villo)├ Namur (Li bia velo)Brasil├ Brasília (BikeBrasilia)├ Petrolina (BikePetrolina)├ Porto Alegre (BikePOA)├ Recife (BikeRecife)├ Rio de Janeiro (BikeRio)├ Salvador (BikeSalvador)├ Santos (BikeSantos)├ São Paulo (BikeSampa)├ Sorocaba (BikeSorocaba)├ São Paulo (Ciclosampa)Canada├ Montreal, QC (Bixi)├ Ottawa, ON (Capital BIXI)├ Toronto, ON (BIXI Toronto)Chile├ Santiago (Bikesantiago)├ Ottawa, ON (Capital BIXI)├ Toronto, ON (BIXI Toronto)France├ Amiens (Velam)├ Besançon, Mulhouse (VéloCité)├ Cergy (Velo2)├ Créteil (Cristolib)├ Lille (V'lille)├ Lyon (Vélo'V)├ Marseille (Le vélo)├ Nancy (vélOstan'lib)├ Nantes (Bicloo)├ Paris (Velib)├ Rouen (cy'clic)├ Toulouse (Vélô)├ Pau (IDECycle)Finland├ Helsinki (CityBikeFinland)Hungary├ Budapest (MOL Bubi)Ireland├ Dublin (dublinbikes)Italy├ Bicincitta: Alba,Andria,ARbike,Ascoli Piceno,Bari inBici,Bassanodel Grappa,BiGi,Biella,Bra,BiciinBusto,Cagliari,BICIamo,Casalmaggiore,MeglioinBici,Chivasso,BICI&CO,Cuneo,Fossano,FReeBikesharing,Parkinbici,JesinBici,Speziainbici,Lecce,Lecco,ManerbainBici,Mantova,Mar eBici,Novara,NoviLigure,Oderzo,GoodBike,Parma,Pavia inbici,BiciPerugia,Piacenza,Pinerolo,PistoiainBici,Pontedera,Prato,ReggioEmilia,Rimini,Roma'n'Bike,Saluzzo,SanDonà di Piave,Portofino Parkand Bike,Comunita' MontanaVallidell'Ossola,Savigliano,Savona,BiciSchio,Tigullionbike,SettimoTorinese,GoBike,Sondrio,Terni,TiranoinBici,[TO]BIKE,Treviso,Udine,Ustica,Venezia,Vercelli,Villorba,Mobike,BikeMi,Ciclopi├ Napoli (bike sharing napoli)Japan├ Toyama 富山市 (cyclocity)Lithuania├ Vilnius (Cyclocity)Luxembourg├ Luxembourg (Veloh)Mexico├ Ciudad de México (EcoBici)Norway├ Lillestrøm (Bysykkel)Russian Federation├ Kazan Казань (Veli'k)├ Moscow (Velobike)Slovenia├ Ljubljana (Bicikelj )Spain├ Altea (Bicialtea)├ Barcelona (Bicing)├ Benidorm (Bicidorm)├ Gandía (SaforBici)├ Getafe (Gbici)├ Girona (Girocleta)├ Madrid (BiciMAD)├ Murcia (MuyBici)├ Palma (Bicipalma)├ Pamplona (nbici)├ Ponferrada (PonfeMobi)├ Santander (Tusbic)├ Sevilla (SEVICI)├ Valencia (Valenbisi)├ Zaragoza (Bizi)Sweden├ Göteborg (Styr & Ställ)├ Stockholm (Cyclocity)├ Malmö (Malmö by bike)├ Lund (Lundahoj)Thailand├ Bangkok (Pun Pun Bike Share)United Kingdom├ Bath (Bike in Bath)├ London (Barclays Cycle Hire)├ Belfast (Belfast bikes)United States├ B-cycle: Austin, Boulder, Broward, Charlotte, Denver, DesMoines,FortWorth, Greenville, Houston, Madison, San Antonio,Omaha,Spartanburg, Kailua,Kansas City, Nashville├ Boston Hubway├ Chattanooga Bike Chattanooga├ Chicago Divvy├ DecoBike Long Beach├ DecoBike Miami Beach├ DecoBike San Diego├ Minneapolis Nice Ride├ New York Citi Bike├ Salt Lake City SLC Bike Share├ San Francisco Bay Area Bike Share├ Washington Capital BikeShareUruguay├ Montevideo (Movete)
Gbg SMS 2.1
Adam Nybäck
Obs! Från och med 1 februari 2013 så måstemanregistrera sig för att köpa sms-biljetter. Du registrerar digpåwww.vasttrafik.se/smsmobil.Beställ enkelt SMS-biljetter för lokaltrafiken iGöteborg,Mölndal, Partille och Kungsbacka tätort.Välj område och prisklass så ser du vad det kommer kosta(exkl.operatörsavgifter). Biljetten visas direkt i appen ochhamnarförstås också bland dina mottagna SMS.För resten av Västtrafik rekommenderas officiellaVästtrafiksSMS-Biljetthttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.anyro.vtsms.Vissa SMS-appar (t ex Handcent SMS och GO SMS Pro) kan hindraattbiljetten visas direkt i appen. Titta i så fall bland dinamottagnaSMS som vanligt istället. I GO SMS lär man dock kunnastänga avdetta udda beteende i "inställningar/inställningarförmottagande/Disable other message notification".
Talk Swedish (Free) 1.1
Hear, Read and Learn the most importantspokenSwedish phrases! Save time and money by focusing onintelligentlypreselected phrases. Most Apps or classes try to teachyou 1000s ofwords you will never need. This App shows & playsphrases thatyou will very likely need! Quick, fun and useful! TalkSwedish!FEATURES:+ clear audio recordings of a native Swedish girl+ with text output (translations)+ organized in three categories+ very easy to use+ App2SD supported+ No internet required! Works offline!+ compressed audio filestags: Sweden, Swedish, IKEA, Stockholm, uio, Vikings,blonde,Scandinavia, Gothenburg, Malmö, Volvo, Ericsson, Vattenfall,Deathmetal, In Flames