برترین 47 برنامه مشابه به 中医自测

中医针灸 4.2.1
Impression Mobile
A professional and practical applications of acupuncture,includingthe introduction of over four hundred points, providingaconvenient search function
中藥典 - 查詢藥材 1.17
Luncky Studio
The Chinese Pharmacopoeia contains more than 900 common herbsandprescriptions.
中華上下五千年 1.8.0
ShaSha Ltd
"China five thousand years," covers the vast land of ChinafromPangu to five years down the development process late QingDynasty.
Chinese Medicine Life 1.10
This software is designed to facilitate the need to query theusersof traditional Chinese medicine. The most content of softwarecomesfrom the Internet, books, and Chinese medicine practitioners,allcontent just for reference only; If the disease-relatedissuesplease contact the nearest to seek Chinese medicinepractitionersfor medical treatment, please do not to delay thedisease. Thestarting point of this software is not purelyprofit-makingpurposes, and the software from advertising revenuewill be donatedto charitable organizations. The exchange foradvertising revenuereceipts will from time to time posted on thewebsite, thanks foryour selfless sponsorship. If you have furthercooperation needsplease contact us by alemocni@gmail.com Website:http://chinesemedicinelife.blogspot.com ReferenceSource:http://yibian.hopto.org
acupuncturepoint 3.0.1
Studio Hamanasu
learn efficiently acupuncture points by using flash cardsandquizzes
中医中药 4.2.1
Impression Mobile
A professional and practical Chinese medicine applicationsoftwarethat introduces more than 500 Chinese herbal medicines indetailand provides convenient interactive query functions
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读书时注释和古文不好对应?“读典籍”阅读器充分利用手机/平板方便的交互方式,让阅读典籍变得更简单!受排版限制并未包括所有史记和汉书篇章(如表等),但包括了绝大多数文本篇章。如果您有改进意见,欢迎与作者联系。特别欢迎以下话题:* 添加史记、汉书以外的其它书籍的建议* 澄清当代注释的版权* 帮助校对文本或更准确的文本来源更多书籍请访问 http://www.dudianji.com/
般若文海 1.2
Cong Wang
道德經(又稱老子、道德真經、五千言、老子五千文) 2.2.0
達摩祖師悟性論 1.4
C Want
Thank Grace morality, good books, completely free, and thecontentis not embedded in any advertising!
佛教入門叢書 1.7
你想認識佛教嗎?你想了解佛法嗎? 有了它們,即使是佛教門外漢,也能一窺佛門堂奧。 通曉佛學的教材,了解佛法的資糧。
大藏经 1.2
Cong Wang
太上感應篇 2.0
C Want
太上曰:「禍福無門,惟人自召;善惡之報,如影隨形。」是以天地有司過之神,依人所犯輕重,以奪人算。算減則貧耗,多逢憂患;人皆惡之,刑禍隨之,吉慶避之,惡星災之;算盡則死。又有三台北斗神君,在人頭上,錄人罪惡,奪其紀算。又有三尸神,在人身中,每到庚申日,輒上詣天曹,言人罪過。月晦之日,灶神亦然。凡人有過,大則奪紀,小則奪算。其過大小,有數百事,欲求長生者,先須避之。是道則進,非道則退。不履邪徑,不欺暗室;積德累功,慈心於物;忠孝友悌,正己化人;矜孤恤寡,敬老懷幼;昆蟲草木,猶不可傷。宜憫人之凶,樂人之善;濟人之急,救人之危。見人之得,如己之得;見人之失,如己之失。不彰人短,不炫己長;遏惡揚善,推多取少。受辱不怨,受寵若驚;施恩不求報,與人不追悔。太上曰:「禍福無門,惟人自召;善惡之報,如影隨形。」是以天地有司過之神,依人所犯輕重,以奪人算。算減則貧耗,多逢憂患;人皆惡之,刑禍隨之,吉慶避之,惡星災之;算盡則死。又有三台北斗神君,在人頭上,錄人罪惡,奪其紀算。又有三尸神,在人身中,每到庚申日,輒上詣天曹,言人罪過。月晦之日,灶神亦然。凡人有過,大則奪紀,小則奪算。其過大小,有數百事,欲求長生者,先須避之。是道則進,非道則退。不履邪徑,不欺暗室;積德累功,慈心於物;忠孝友悌,正己化人;矜孤恤寡,敬老懷幼;昆蟲草木,猶不可傷。宜憫人之凶,樂人之善;濟人之急,救人之危。見人之得,如己之得;見人之失,如己之失。不彰人短,不炫己長;遏惡揚善,推多取少。受辱不怨,受寵若驚;施恩不求報,與人不追悔。.....感謝天恩師德,善書,完全免費,並且內容不嵌入任何廣告!更多結緣的電子書,請參考善書緣 https://sites.google.com/site/shanshuge/ 謝謝發一天元德煜Too Said:"fortunenowhere, but people from the church; good and evilnewspaper, gohand in hand." Is a division of the world through God, according to the severityofpeople committed to seize people count. Operator Save thepoorconsume, more than every hardship; everyone evil, evilpunishmentfollowed, auspicious avoid the evil star of the disaster;tricksare dead. Compass have three gods in human head, recording people sin,andtook the record count. Three more dead God, in person, andeveryday Gengshen, Noir on the day Cao Yi, spokesman sin. DayMonthdark, the Kitchen God and vice versa. Mortals have had bigwinsthen discipline, then the small wins count. The over size,severalPepsi, desires longevity, they first must be avoided. Is the road forward, non-road is back. Non-compliance evilpath,Buqianshi; Jide tired power, compassion in the matter;ZhongxiaoFriends of Ti, n-hexyl-oriented people; lone-shirts boastwidowed,elderly pregnant juvenile; insects, vegetation, still cannot hurt.Benjamin should person fierce, musicians of the good;theFranciscans were anxious, rescue of the crisis. Seewho'savailable, such as our own too; see the loss of people, suchas ourown loss. Not been apparent short people do not havelong-hyun;stop evil and promote good, pushing to take on more andless. Donot complain insulted, flattered; not seeking mercynewspaper, andpeople do not repent.Too Said: "fortune nowhere, but people from the church; goodandevil newspaper, go hand in hand." Is a division of the world through God, according to the severityofpeople committed to seize people count. Operator Save thepoorconsume, more than every hardship; everyone evil, evilpunishmentfollowed, auspicious avoid the evil star of the disaster;tricksare dead. Compass have three gods in human head, recording people sin,andtook the record count. Three more dead God, in person, andeveryday Gengshen, Noir on the day Cao Yi, spokesman sin. DayMonthdark, the Kitchen God and vice versa. Mortals have had bigwinsthen discipline, then the small wins count. The over size,severalPepsi, desires longevity, they first must be avoided. Is the road forward, non-road is back. Non-compliance evilpath,Buqianshi; Jide tired power, compassion in the matter;ZhongxiaoFriends of Ti, n-hexyl-oriented people; lone-shirts boastwidowed,elderly pregnant juvenile; insects, vegetation, still cannot hurt.Benjamin should person fierce, musicians of the good;theFranciscans were anxious, rescue of the crisis. Seewho'savailable, such as our own too; see the loss of people, suchas ourown loss. Not been apparent short people do not havelong-hyun;stop evil and promote good, pushing to take on more andless. Donot complain insulted, flattered; not seeking mercynewspaper, andpeople do not repent......Thank Grace morality, good books, completely free, andthecontent is not embedded in any advertising!More lasting bonds of books, please refer to the bookedgehttps://sites.google.com/site/shanshuge/ thank goodnessDe Yuan Yu made one day
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唐詩三百首 2.3.1
Appreciation classic poem, relive the charm of the treasuresofancient Chinese literature, ancient literature of profoundfeeling!
六壬 C6R_20230608_2330
Three type the most, elected Liuren
唐詩大全 2.0.0
Tang Daquan is a more complete than Tang Poems Tang Dynastypoetryworks, works co-opt the Tang Dynasty poet, more than 1600,morethan 2000 poems.
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jiaxue tool team
Learn Chinese traditional culture, Tang poetry, Song poetryandother ancient poems
正一經書 ZYB_20231028_2330
Asked the first choice is by the book
學佛入門 2.0
Dharma Drum Mountain
佛教念诵合集 - 观世音菩萨「心灵法门」 1.12
改变您的命运通过心灵法门三大法宝:念经、许愿、放生。“心灵法门”是:净化心灵,离苦得乐,超脱烦恼,消除孽障,超度有缘,还清冤债,广度众生,同登极乐,共攀四圣。“心灵法门”是末法时期观世音菩萨为救众生之苦,应世而生消业最快见效最明显的最方便法门。适宜每一位在家居士自修、全家共修。以念经、许愿、放生三大法宝帮助众生提早清还业债,超度灵性,增加功德,成就圆满。此法门中的小房子更是举世无双的灵丹妙药,一试便知道!备注:小房子是由四种经文组成,用於超度身上的要经者,治疗灵性病,消除身上的业障,化解人际恶缘,改善家里的气场等等神奇功效,这些都是非卖品,需要靠着自己诚心念诵,才能得到最好的效果。一切关於小房子的详情,请与邻近的“心灵法门”共修会联系。“卢军宏台长”所弘扬的观世音菩萨“心灵法门”,让信众树立正信正念,通过学习读诵正统佛教经文来解决生活中的困难。到目前为止,心灵法门全球已有超过1000万信众。***Live佛法开示***- 七年轮椅,一朝站起!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO5x7sOMGmI -【2014年香港】卢军宏台长看图腾https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPbWE2gI66U-【推荐】386个卢军宏台长现场看图腾精彩集锦视频播放列表(普通话)http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpVmXs_kezpmL5-zJBqc0cgTKr0n4poZWAPP佛教经文:-净口业真言 -千手千眼无碍大悲心陀罗尼 -般若波罗蜜多心经 -准提神咒 -消灾吉祥神咒 -礼佛大忏悔文 -往生咒-解结咒-七佛灭罪真言 -补阙真言 为什么要念经?-要改善生活,改善目前的生活状况/情况的质量。诵经并不需要一个人花一分一毫。你只需要坚持花一些时间每天的基础上,以实现家庭和睦,良好的关系,明亮,健康的孩子,事业有成,生意兴隆,健康和长寿老人和分散灾害和疾病(例如癌症)。-佛教咒语是菩萨的所有对白。咒语是由我们真诚的忏悔。它还包含菩萨及各种神灵'的祝福和保护。这就是为什么呗能够消除过去的业障,并提高我们的祝福。-增进智慧,让我们看起来更加愉快和平静。我们的心脏会更有同情心,包容性强。观世音菩萨,又称观世音菩萨在梵文,是大悲观世音菩萨。她在世界各地广泛崇敬。她成了无数佛亿万年前,但她的慈悲大愿,她回到了世界解救众生于苦难。世界各国包括新加坡,马来西亚,中国和澳大利亚各地的超过1000万的人已经从这个奇迹而有效的练习中受益没法比。***什么是小房子***(1)小房子是一套经文的组合(包括27遍大悲咒,49遍心经,84遍往生咒,87遍七佛灭罪真言)。整个外形看起来像房子的有斜屋顶的侧面。所以叫「小房子」形象好记。(2)小房子是专门用来超度灵性的,也可以用来超度过世的人。人有两种病,一种是肉体病,另一种是灵性病,灵性病是医生看不好的。灵性就是俗称的“鬼”,在阳人身上通常是过世的亲人,打胎流产的孩子,关系好的朋友,或曾有过节的,或者房子里的鬼。灵性在人身上时间长了,人会生肉体病,发脾气,背运,生意,学习不好。(3)小房子在灵界相当于金钱和能量,(往生咒在下面是非常值钱的,心经要比往生咒功效大得多)小房子是用这套组合经文来求观世音菩萨超度灵性,所以灵验.小房子超度法真的是大慈大悲救苦救难观世音菩萨给我们的很灵验的法宝。灵性(我们的冤亲债主)拿到小房子,可以得到超拔,我们还了债,冤亲债主就不会再纠缠我们,让我们生病、痛苦、不顺利。小房子和其他材料可以免费在您附近获得任意观音堂。***其它电子书(普通话及英语)*** -https://ebooks.xinlingfamen.info***有用的网站链接(有梦的解释)*** -https://xlfmlink.com/xlchapp ***其他渠道***-https://www.facebook.com/guanyinxlfm-https://www.facebook.com/richard.lujunhong/-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkotsUsO0_wguHXvIeQFQGg-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPDI_GKjDpKV1mzFnLwyC5w-https://www.youtube.com/user/GuanYinPH-https://www.youtube.com/user/GYCDD 注:一切书籍与资料皆是免费结缘-心灵法门共修会地址:http://xlfmlink.com/locations
念佛助手 1.5(1211a)p
Intelligent counter, recording your daily reading of the numberoftimes chanted, and carried back to share. Amitabha!
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I am familiar with the 300 poems of Tang poetry.
易爻(实用) CY_20240118_2330
Professional divination software combining the Plum BlossomEasyNumber and the Six-Yao Principle
HealthMe 食療快查 9.3a
Joe SC Wong
Food as therapy - What kind of food can benefit your health?
星雲大師全集 1.5.7
Fo Guang Shan
古詩詞大全 4.1.1
This is a rescue literary degeneration of ancient poetry APP,tohelp you learn ancient poetry.
中餐西餐菜譜大全 2.5.1
Delicious homemade food, all in Chinese Western recipes Daquan
iDaily · 每日环球视野 0.2.7
Clover Team
3000px ultra-clear visual experience
奇門(實用) QM_20231030_2330
Men learn to escape, do not ask to come.
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Alan Suhe
I Ching tools for divination and learning
易璇八字 1.3.8
Unified Yi Jing Academy
超級生命密碼夢想舞臺 1.9.5
The Super Life Code Dream Stage is open to friends who aredestined.As long as you are interested in discussion andspiritualimprovement, you can quickly and easily explore the ideasandteachings of Sun Shengde teachers through this application.
「盧軍宏台長」觀世音菩薩「心靈法門」 2.5.9
“心靈法門”App包括以下內容:●初學入門【功課經文,許願還願,放生儀式,經典組合,佛台供設,各類昇文,直播熱線,法會信息,專題聚合】 ● 法門簡介●每日精選【每日精選,心靈視聽,白話佛法】 ● 節目錄音【問答說話,白話佛法,玄藝綜述,師父開示,直話直說,玄藝問答】 ● 佛經教念●弘法視頻【法會開示,歷年法會,圖騰精選,相關報導】 ● 玄學問答【玄藝問答,問答分類,玄藝綜述,最新問答】 ● 台長博客●佛法書籍【白話佛法,玄藝綜述,開示合集】 ●疑問搜索“心靈法門”是末法時期“觀世音菩薩”為救眾生之苦,應世而生消業最快見效最明顯的最方便法門。適宜每一位在家居士自修、全家共修。以“念經”、“許願”、“放生”三大法寶幫助眾生提早清還業債,超度靈性,增加功德,成就圓滿。此法門中的“小房子”更是舉世無雙的靈丹妙藥,一試便知道!“盧台長”在全世界巡迴弘法,已舉辦了數百場大型的現場解答會,足跡遍布:馬來西亞、新加坡、香港、澳門、澳洲、美國、德國、英國、法國、丹麥等。備注:“小房子”是由四種經文組成,用於超度身上的要經者,治療靈性病,消除身上的業障,化解人際惡緣,改善家裡的氣場等等神奇功效,這些都是非賣品,需要靠著自己誠心念誦,才能得到最好的效果。一切關於“小房子”的詳情,請與鄰近的“心靈法門”共修會聯繫。功能:圖文並茂,簡潔明了,學佛入門必備:初學入門,法門簡介,每日精選,節目錄音,弘法視頻,玄學問答,台長博客,佛法書籍,疑問搜索。注:一切書籍與資料皆是免費結緣- “心靈法門”共修會地址:http://xlfmlink.com/locations
每日环球展览 · iMuseum 0.2.5
Clover Team
A lifestyle app that focuses on global art exhibitions andmuseumactivities, so that you can always know the best exhibitionsaroundyou, make your own exhibition plan, record and shareyourexhibition photos.
《心經》詳解 1.7
佛梅電子大藏經 2.0 1.0f
現上載《佛梅電子大藏經 2.0》普及版可提供經文大小字型及版面橫排直排的選擇,法喜大家,閱藏知津,學佛修行 !
Mahayana Buddhist Sutras - 佛经 1.9.4
J Walker
Mahayana Buddhist Sutra & Mantras in English, SimplifiedandTraditional Chinese
Buddhist Sutras《佛经》- “Guan Yin 1.0.407
This app contains 17 Mahayana Buddhist Sutras with Pinyin andTallyCounter.
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Clover Team
The most influential Chinese jewelry magazine
The authentic Guanyin spiritual lottery provides documentsandrecords for requesting, checking and resolving signatures. MZTIT
ExpressReader 2.9.1
ExpressReader, Read China’s News At Once
译学馆 2.5.1
Knowledge without borders
澈見幸福 4.11.13
Lucidity Media Co., Ltd.
Find the happiness of life with Chejian. Extensivediscussion,chanting, praise, endorsement, and learning together,unify allyour needs, and create a learning course that is unique toyou. Chesee happiness helps you to the top of the pyramid!
六壬(实用) C6R_20230608_2330
Three type the most, elected Liuren
梵唱大悲咒 MP3 1.0
Chanting Compassion