برترین 30 برنامه مشابه به Human Physiology - I

Human Physiology 1.0.1
Diablo Code
physiology concepts in your hand
Basic Physiology 1.0
Salina Akter
All the important topics of Basic Physiology are described inthisapp.
Physiology Quiz II 1.0
Physiology Quiz II App - MCQs inphysiologyforphysician and medical aspirants.Physiology is the scientific study of normalfunctionwithinliving creatures. Physiology is a sub-section ofbiology,coveringa myriad of topics including organs, anatomy,cells,biologicalcompounds and how they interact together to makelifepossible.Physiology is the study of life. Physiology asksquestionsaboutthe internal workings of organisms and how theyinteract withtheworld around them. Physiology tests how organs andsystemswithinthe body work, how they speak to each other and howtheycombinetheir efforts to make conditions favorable forsurvival.Physiology is vast and can be divided into,animalphysiology(which includes that of humans), plantphysiology,cellularphysiology, microbial physiology, bacterialphysiology, andviralphysiology.What this Physiology Quiz II App offers?- Physiology quiz app is offering qualityquestionsinphysiology- All the questions of physiology quiz app in MCQ format- Physiology quiz will benefit most to a medicalaspirantswhowants to learn the basics of physiology- This physiology app will help students in theirentrylevelcompetitive exams of physiology- It benefits physician who wish to brush up theirbasicsinphysiology- Physiology Quiz II app is a comprehensive educational app- The quiz format of physiology app helps you rememberwhatyoulearn- MCQ style questions helps you inlogicallyunderstandingconcepts of physiology with ease- To add interest in learning physiology, on everyquestionyoucan check the number of guesses you made and the successrateorcorrect percentage you got- Everything has been put together in this physiology appinwayso that your learning curve is short and youacceleratelearningquestions more efficiently-Whether you are a student, a physician or aphysiologyaspirant,you may be at any level, this physiology quizapp willadd up toyour resources.-We wish you good luck, much success and knowledge gainfromyourlearning.This free version of Psychology Quiz Apprequiresinternetconnection.For tech support or any feedback, feel free to drop us anemailathelpdesk.showartzz@gmail.comWe totally appreciate for your continuous feedbackandchoosingour physiology app.
Anatomy & Physiology 6.2.00
Visible Body
A visually stunning, step-by-step, introduction to each humanbodysystem.
Anatomy & Physiology 1.46.45
Open Education
Anatomy & Physiology Study App - Lessons, Quizzes,Flashcards,Glossaries
Anatomy And Physiology 4.1
American Studies Inc.
2500+ Anatomy& Physiology Exam multiple choice questions Bank
Light of Learning
Notes of HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY-II to lean in easy way.It almost coverallimportant topics of HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY-II which are given belowUNIT –I. NERVOUS SYSTEM Central Nervous System Brain and spinalcordCerebrospinal fluid Peripheral Nervous System Autonomicnervoussystem Conduction of nerve impulse UNIT – II. SENSE ORGANSStructureand functions of eye Physiology of vision Defects invision – myopiaand hypermetropia, astigmatism Eye DiseasesStructure and functionsof Ear Structure and functions of noseSinusitis UNIT – III.ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Hormone Endocrine GlandsStructure and functions ofAdrenal Gland UNIT – IV. REPRODUCTIVESYSTEM Male reproductivesystem Spermatogonia Female reproductivesystem Oogenesis Menstrualcycle Menopause Fertilization &Development of fertilized ovumPlacenta and its functions &Parturition Abortion Test tube baby- IVF,ETT & GIFT. UNIT – V.MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Skeletalsystem & its functions Joints –Types of joints Muscular system– Functions of the musclesDisorders
Human body (male) educational VR 3D 1.26
Mozaik Education
Human body (male) This animation introduces the most importantorgansystems of the human body. Our 3D scenes have been designedforstudents between 8 and 18 years of age but can be interestingforeveryone. Available languages: English, American English,Deutsch,Français, Español, Русский, العربية, 日本語, 中文, 한국어,Italiano,Português, Svenska, Türkçe, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski,Magyar Withthe mozaik3D App, available in the Google Play store,you can accessmore than 1200 similar 3D scenes. Mozaik Interactive3D Our fullyinteractive scenes can be rotated, enlarged or viewedfrom pre-setangles. With the predefined views, you can easilynavigate throughthe complex scenes. Some of the 3D scenes containa Walk mode,enabling you to explore the scene yourself. Most ofour 3D scenesinclude narrations and built-in animations. They alsocontaincaptions, entertaining animated quizzes and other visualelements.The 3D scenes are available in several languages, whichalso offersan opportunity to learn and practice foreign languages.Usage andnavigation Rotate the scene by dragging your finger. Zoomthe scenein or out by pinching with your fingers. Pan the view bydraggingwith three fingers. Tap the buttons at the bottom toswitch betweenpredefined views. You can change the language andset otherfunctions in the context menu. The context menu can beaccessed bytouching the bottom corners. Activate VR mode bypressing the VRgoggles icon in the bottom right corner. In VRmode, tilt your headto right or left display the navigation panel.
Anatomy & Physiology Textbook 2.1.1
Anatomy & Physiology Textbook by OpenStax plus MCQ,EssayQuestions & Key Terms
PhysioApp 1.0
PhysioApp is about respiratory & cardiovascular systemsinresponse to exercise.
Physiology Exam Prep 2018 Edition 7.6.2
This app contains over 1000 practice questions withDETAILEDRATIONALES, vocabularies, study cards, terms & conceptsforself learning & exam preparation on the topic ofPhysiology.With our Advanced Smart Learning Technology, you canmaster thelearning materials quickly by studying, practicing andplaying atlunch, between classes or while waiting in line.Physiology ExamPrep uses proven study and test-taking strategies sothat you’llfeel confident and ready to go when you have to take thephysiologyExam. Main Features: +) Learning materials are preparedby EXPERTSin this field for the most current exam. +) AutomaticallyFILTERyour most difficult terms and questions. +) Learn moreefficientlyby PLAYING games with time constraint. +) TRACK yourprogress onevery small set you've studied. Physiology is the branchof biologythat deals with the normal functions of living organismsand theirparts. Be prepared to work with a team of healthcareprofessionalswho impact patient quality of life on a daily basis –and counselclients, too – by becoming an ACSM Registered ClinicalExercisePhysiologist® (RCEP). ACSM Certified ClinicalExercisePhysiologists® (CEP) provide exercise-related consulting,andconduct assessments and individualized training to guideandstrengthen the lifestyles of those with cardiovascular,pulmonary,and metabolic diseases and disorders. Becoming an ACSMCertifiedExercise Physiologist means you can master the skills topursue acareer devoted to helping others. Disclaimer: This app isnotaffiliated with or endorsed by any testing organization.Allorganizational and test names are trademarks of theirrespectiveowners.
Nursing Anatomy & Physiology 2.2
- Specially targeted for NCLEX (RN) and NCLEX (PN) - Usefulforalllevels of Nursing studies including Bachelor of ScienceinNursing,Diploma in Nursing and for APRN, Registered Nurse -RN,LPN, CNA ,Nurse practitioner, NMBA exams of Australia etc. -Morethan 400questions covering all the basic and important concepts-Arrangedchapter-wise: General Anatomy and Physiology,Endocrinesystem,Cardiovascular system, Histology and Hematology,Nervoussystem,Musculoskeletal system, Reproductive system,Renalsystem,Gastrointestinal system, Respiratory system - Randommodealsoavailable
Cardiovascular System 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Delineate the structure andfunctionof heart and vascular system. List the major components ofhumanheart, including the four chambers and four valves.Distinguish thestructure and functions of arteries, veins, andcapillaries.Examine how the sequential pattern of contraction andrelaxation inthe heart results in a normal pattern of blood flow.Systematizethe path of oxygenated and de‐oxygenated blood flowbetween heartand lungs. Define “cardiac cycle” and understand themechanism ofblood circulation in the heart. Define “pacemaker ofthe heart” anddiscuss how the SA and AV nodes control thecontractions of theheart muscle. Describe the way theelectrocardiogram (ECG) isrecorded, the waves of the ECG, and therelationship of the ECG tothe electrical axis of the heart. Namethe common cardiacarrhythmias and describe the processes thatproduce them.Understand the basis of disease states wherecomponents of bloodand vasculature are abnormal or dysregulated.Explore the differentdiagnostic resources available for treatingcardiovasculardiseases. More details please visithttp://www.wonderwhizkids.com/"Wonderwhizkids.com" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths &Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented,visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. Thecontent is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problemsolving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designingengaging learning experiences. Parentsalso can activelyparticipate in their child's development throughWWK". This topiccovers under Biology subject as a part of the HumanPhysiologytopic and this topic contains following sub topicsCardiovascularSystem Blood Vessels - Intricate networks HeartDiseases
Immune System 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Compare and contrast innateandacquired immunity and explore how immune system protectsorganismsfrom infection with layered defenses of increasingspecificity.Explore the major functions of innate immunity and listdifferenttypes of cells involved in it. Define and discuss theterm"inflammation" and explore the mechanism involved in triggeringaninflammatory response. Describe complementary system andanalyzehow this system helps to clear pathogens from an organism.List anddiscuss the different types of cellular barriers of theinnatesystem. Name the different types of lymphocytes that protectthebody from invading microorganisms. Compare and contrastthefunctional activities of T cells and B cells. Explore howhumoraland cell-mediated immunity defend against different typesofthreats. Describe the basic structure of antibody andunderstandthe mechanisms of antibody mediated antigen disposal.More detailsplease visit http://www.wonderwhizkids.com/"Wonderwhizkids.com"hosts concept oriented content in Maths &Sciences speciallydesigned for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented,visually richcontent which is simple and easy to understand. Thecontent isaligned to best practices of learning and teaching.Students candevelop strong basics, critical thinking and problemsolving skillsto do well in school and beyond. Teachers can use WWKas areference material to be more creative in designingengaginglearning experiences. Parents also can actively participateintheir child's development through WWK". This topic coversunderBiology subject as a part of the Human Physiology topic andthistopic contains following sub topics Immune System InnateImmunityDiversity of leukocytes Adaptive Immunity Receptors Humoralandcell-mediated Immunity
Renal System 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Describe the morphology and anatomyofhuman kidney and explore its functions. Illustrate howkidneysmaintain acid–base concentration. Discuss and understandhowkidneys influence blood pressure. Systematize the sequentialstepsinvolved in the formation of urine. List the hormones thataresecreted from the kidneys and explore their key roles. Identifytherisk factors that are associated with kidney disease. List someofthe kidney disorders. Define “diuretics” and explore howtheyoperate to increase urine flow. Discuss and explore thedifferenttreatment options available till date for renal failure.Moredetails please visithttp://www.wonderwhizkids.com/"Wonderwhizkids.com" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths &Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented,visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. Thecontent is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problemsolving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designingengaging learning experiences. Parentsalso can activelyparticipate in their child's development throughWWK". This topiccovers under Biology subject as a part of the HumanPhysiologytopic and this topic contains following sub topics RenalSystemFunction of Kidneys Kidneys maintain acid–baseconcentrationConstituents of Urine Excretion Risk Factors forKidney DiseaseDiagnosis and treatment
Respiratory System 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Delineate the structuresofrespiratorysystem and their functions. Describe thebasicstructure and functionof human lungs. Define "respiratorycycle"and distinguish betweeninspiration and expiration.Understand andexplore the mechanism ofbreathing control in lungs.Explore howgases are exchanged duringbreathing. Systematize thepath of amolecule of oxygen as it passesfrom the human nose to analveolus.List some of thediseases/conditions that badly influencethemechanism of breathing.Classify several commonrespiratorydisorders according to theircausative agents. Moredetails pleasevisithttp://www.wonderwhizkids.com/"Wonderwhizkids.com" hostsconceptoriented content in Maths &Sciences specially designedfor K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enables students toenjoylearning with application oriented,visually rich contentwhich issimple and easy to understand. Thecontent is aligned tobestpractices of learning and teaching.Students can developstrongbasics, critical thinking and problemsolving skills to dowell inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWKas a referencematerial to bemore creative in designing engaginglearningexperiences. Parentsalso can actively participate in theirchild'sdevelopment throughWWK". This topic covers under Biologysubjectas a part of the HumanPhysiology topic and this topiccontainsfollowing sub topicsRespiratory System Respiratory CycleBreathingControl Lung DiseasesRespiratory Disorders
HumanAnatomy-RespiratorySystem 1.1
Human Anatomy Explorer app is a quick reference app thatcontainsinformation about the ten different biological systemspresent inthe human body in a visual and engaging manner.Respiratory systemincludes animations to explain the functions ofrespiratory organsand what happens inside the body when we breathe.It includes 3Dview of the respiratory system, which can be rotated,zoomed in,seen in cross section and transparent view. It alsoincludessimulations, interactivities and quizzes. You can alsoviewinformation about the respiratory diseases and theirpreventivemeasures.
NCLEX Respiratory System exam 1.0
This NCLEX Respiratory Systemapplicationcontains over 1200 Study notes & NCLEX Quiz &cases.Main Features:- +1200 exam questions and study notes- 5 study modes- Shareable content- Settings: with flexibility to change font size &backgroundcontrolNCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination) is an examinationforthe licensing of nurses in the United States and Canada. Therearetwo types, the NCLEX-RN and the NCLEX-PN. After graduation fromaschool of nursing, one takes the NCLEX exam to receive his orhernursing license. A nursing license gives an individualthepermission to practice nursing, granted by the state where heorshe met the requirements.NCLEX examinations are developed and owned by the NationalCouncilof State Boards of Nursing, Inc. (NCSBN). The NCSBNadministersthese examinations on behalf of its member boards whichconsist ofthe boards of nursing in the 50 states, the District ofColumbia,and four U.S. territories, American Samoa, Guam, NorthernMarianaIslands and the Virgin Islands.To ensure public protection, each board of nursing requiresacandidate for licensure to pass the appropriate NCLEXexamination,NCLEX-RN for registered nurses and the NCLEX-PN forvocational orpractical nurses. NCLEX examinations are designed totest theknowledge, skills and abilities essential for the safeandeffective practice of nursing at the entry-level.NCLEX examinations are provided in a computerized adaptivetesting(CAT) format and are presently administered by Pearson VUEin theirnetwork of Pearson Professional Centers (PPC). individualwill bescored by their ability to think critically aboutdecisionsinvolving nursing careThis app is also suitable for students, researchers,resident,doctors, Anatomy & physiology specialists, nurses andmedicalprofessionals and of course Medical lecturers, teachersandprofessors.Get a better score in your USMLE (step1, step2 CS & CK),PANCE,MCAT, DAT, COMLEX,CNA, OAT, NBDE, or PCAT exam, and themostimportant is to fall in love with the material, it worth alltheattention.This educational & medical application is intended toNCLEXRespiratory System Candidates but also for:CNA,ANP - Adult Nurse PractitionerFNP - Family Nurse PractitionerA-GNP - Adult-Gero Primary Nurse PractitionerANP-BC Adult Nurse PractitionerFNP-BC Family Nurse PractitionerPNP-BC Pediatric Nurse PractitionerACNP-BC Acute Care Nurse PractitionerGNP - BC Gerontological Nurse PractitionerPMHNP-BC Adult Psychiatric and Mental HealthNursePractitionerPMHNP-BC Family Psychiatric and Mental HealthNursePractitionerCNRN®SCRN®and also for USMLE, COMLEX, ANCC Certification Center.This app is also suitable for students, researchers,resident,doctors, Anatomy & physiology specialists, nurses andmedicalprofessionals and of course Medical lecturers, teachersandprofessors.Get a better score in your USMLE (step1, step2 CS & CK),PANCE,MCAT, DAT, COMLEX,CNA, OAT, NBDE, or PCAT exam, and themostimportant is to fall in love with the material, it worth alltheattention.
SUZ Blog
Dmitry Shamenkov
Блог доктора Дмитрия Шаменкова (Блог СУЗ) -этопоток информации, которая способствует восстановлениюздоровьячеловека во всех отношениях.Система управления здоровьем (СУЗ) — этонаучно-обоснованнаякогнитивная технология восстановления здоровья ипрофилактики егорасстройства во всех сферах жизни — физической,психической,социальной, экономической, духовной.Система управления здоровьем создана в 2004 году. СУЗ основананаработах авторитетных, выдающихся ученых России:физиолога,основателя физиологической школы, антрополога,психолога,основоположника наук о мозге Ивана Михайловича Сеченова,физиолога,психолога, создателя науки о высшей нервной деятельности,ЛауреатаНобелевской премии в области медицины и физиологии ИванаПетровичаПавлова, физиолога, академика АН СССР, академика АМН СССР,ЛауреатаЛенинской Премии Петра Кузьмича Анохина, физиолога,академика РАМНКонстантина Викторовича Судакова.Автор СУЗ - Дмитрий Шаменков - доктор, специалист посемейноймедицине и осознанному управлению здоровьем.Женат, отец четверых детей, живет на о. Панган в Таиланде.Более20 лет занимается изучением возможностей по управлениюздоровьем.Принимал участие в разработке медицинских нанотехнологий,клеточныхтехнологий, руководил инновационными исследованиями в ЦКБМПС РФ иПервом МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова.- член Экспертной коллегии и ментор Фонда Сколково- член Экспертного совета Фонда содействия инновациям(ФондаБортника)- член Американской Психологической Ассоциации (APA -AmericanPsychological Association)- автор 27 научных публикаций и 18 патентов в сференанотехнологий,клеточных биотехнологий, регенеративной медицины ифизиологиифункциональных систем- основатель и руководитель Школы "Системауправленияздоровьем"- создатель социальной сети SUZ.community- сооснователь центра SUZretreat в ТаиландеBlog Dr. DmitryShamenkova(Blog CPS) - a flow of information, which contributes totherestoration of human health in all respects.Health Management System (BMS) - a science-basedcognitiverehabilitation of health technology and prevention of itsdisordersin all spheres of life - physical, mental, social,spiritual.health management system established in 2004. CPS is based ontheworks of respected, prominent scientists of Russia:physiologist,founder of the school of physiology, anthropology,psychology,founder of Brain Science Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov,physiologist,psychologist, founder of the science of highernervous activity,Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology, IvanPetrovich Pavlov Prize, physiologist, academician of the USSRAcademy of Medical Sciencesof the USSR, Lenin Prize winner PyotrAnokhin, the physiologist,academician Konstantin Sudakov.Author CPS - Dmitry Shamenkov - doctor, a specialist infamilymedicine and health-conscious management.Married, father of four children, lives on about.Phangan,Thailand. More than 20 years has been studying theopportunitiesfor health management. Participated in the developmentof medicalnanotechnology, cellular technologies, innovativeresearch led tothe CDB Railway Ministry and the First MGMU them.THEM.Sechenov.- Member of the Expert Board and mentor SkolkovoFoundation- Member of the Advisory Board of the Foundation topromoteinnovation (Bortnik Fund)- Member of the American Psychological Association (APA -AmericanPsychological Association)- The author of 27 scientific publications and 18 patents inthefield of nanotechnology, cellular biotechnology,regenerativemedicine and physiology of functional systems- Founder and director of the School of "healthmanagementsystem"- A social network created SUZ.community- Co-founder SUZretreat center in Thailand
Animal Physiology 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
Animal Physiology Simplyscience
Human Anatomy Learning 1.00
Learn Things Apps
Human Body Learning is one of the most complete app abouthumananatomy with the essential information about human body organsandhuman physiology. This application is an educational toolforstudents, doctors, nurses, physiotherapist and allpeopleinterested in the anatomical aspects of human body. With acompleteselection of videos, this anatomy guide allows you tovisualizedetailed areas of human body organs. You will findinformationabout following body systems: Skeletal System (overview,skull,bones of hands and feet) Muscular System (overview, head,arms andfeet muscles) Cardiovascular System Digestive SystemEndocrineSystem Nervous System (overview, brain) Respiratory SystemImmuneSystem Urinary System Download now this free app and learnallabout anatomy and physiology, it's very easy!
PhD Valent 2.0.0
Generation anddistributionofendothelium-derived contractile forces and theirimpact onvascularpermeabilityErik ValentDepartment of Physiology VUmc AmsterdamThe interactive PhD App contains:- Background information on the performed research as wellastheinvolved departments- Videos section- PubMed database references- GPS Location and navigation ceremony- ResearchGate & LinkedIn integration- The full PhD thesis- Questions formThis PhD App was provided by the Department ofPhysiology,VUUniversity Medical Center, Amsterdam, TheNetherlands.Generationanddistributionof endothelium-derived contractile forces andTheirImpact onvascular permeabilityEric ValentDepartment of Physiology VU UniversityMedicalCenterAmsterdamThe interactive PhD App contains:- Background information on the ormed research as wellasthedepartments Involved- Videos section- PubMed database references- GPS Location and navigation ceremony- ResearchGate & LinkedIn integration- The full PhD thesis- Questions formThis PhD app was provided by the Department ofPhysiology,VUUniversity Medical Center, Amsterdam, TheNetherlands.
Psychology HIndi - मनोविज्ञान 2.3
Mahendra Seera
Educational Psychology Hindi App for AllB.ed,Teacher recruitment exam, CTET, RTET, REET, HTET andLecturer,Second Grade Teacher and Third Grade Teacher Exam.Categories in this App ::: असामान्य मनोविज्ञान (Abnormal psychology):: जीववैज्ञानिक मनोविज्ञान (Biological psychology):: नैदानिक मनोविज्ञान (Clinical psychology):: संज्ञानात्मक मनोविज्ञान (Cognitive psychology):: सामुदायिक मनोविज्ञान (Community Psychology):: तुलनात्मक मनोविज्ञान (Comparative psychology):: परामर्श मनोविज्ञान (Counseling psychology):: आलोचनात्मक मनोविज्ञान (Critical psychology):: विकासात्मक मनोविज्ञान (Developmental psychology):: शैक्षिक \ शिक्षा मनोविज्ञान (Educational psychology):: विकासात्मक मनोविज्ञान (Evolutionary psychology):: आपराधिक मनोविज्ञान (Forensic psychology):: वैश्विक मनोविज्ञान (Global psychology):: स्वास्थ्य मनोविज्ञान (Health psychology):: औद्योगिक एवं संगठनात्मक मनोविज्ञान (Industrial andorganizationalpsychology (I/O):: विधिक मनोविज्ञान (Legal psychology):: व्यावसायिक स्वास्थ्य मनोविज्ञान (Occupational healthpsychology(OHP):: व्यक्तित्व मनोविज्ञान (Personality psychology):: संख्यात्मक मनोविज्ञान (Quantitative psychology):: मनोमिति (Psychometrics):: गणितीय मनोविज्ञान (Mathematical psychology):: सामाजिक मनोविज्ञान (Social psychology):: विद्यालयीन मनोविज्ञान (School psychology):: पर्यावरणीय मनोविज्ञान (Environmental psychology):: योग मनोविज्ञान (Yoga Psychology)if you Like This App plz Support me by Rate This App WithFiveStar
Health and Diseases 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
Health and Diseases Wonder Whizkids
Common Health Problems 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Identify the basic differencebetweena disease and a disorder. Analyze common health disordersandprovide examples of how different diagnostic tools effectivelyhelpto reduce these health problems. Define anemia and illustratethecauses, types , symptoms and treatment options for thisdisorder.Understand the mechanism of treating anemia withrecombinanterythropoietin. Discuss some of the risk factorsassociated withhypertension and list some of the drugs that reduceblood pressure.Explore how cholesterol levels in the blooddrastically effects thehealth of an individual and illustrate someof the risk factors.Define “Hypothermia”and discuss some of therewarming programmesdepending upon the patient′s condition. Definethe term “BMI” anddiscuss some of the risk factors, metabolicdisorders and treatmentoptions for obesity. Define “diabetes” anddistinguish between typeI and type II diabetes. Identify the causesof inflammation inSystemic lupus erythematosus and explore therecent researchassociated with it. List different types of bloodtests availablefor monitoring blood–glucose levels in diabeticpatients. Moredetails please visithttp://www.wonderwhizkids.com/"Wonderwhizkids.com" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths &Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented,visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. Thecontent is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problemsolving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designingengaging learning experiences. Parentsalso can activelyparticipate in their child's development throughWWK". This topiccovers under Biology subject as a part of the HumanPhysiologytopic and this topic contains following sub topics CommonHealthProblems Hypertension Cholesterol Hypothermia Obesity
Organization of cells 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn :Define the term “Human Physiology” and explore how humanbodyworks.Explore the concepts of cellular differentiation, totipotencyandpluripotency.List the specialized cells of the human body and illustrate thefourgeneral classes of human tissues.Name the different organ and organ systems of the human bodyandanalyze how they work together as one unit and summarizethefunctions of human body systems.Define homeostasis, and explore its general characteristics.Understand the concepts of positive and negativefeed–backmechanisms.Identify some of the risk factors associated withhomeostaticimbalance.Understand the concepts of diffusion and osmosis and identifyinwhich physiological process these two phenomena occur in thehumanbody.More details please visit http://www.wonderwhizkids.com/"Wonderwhizkids.com" hosts concept oriented content in Maths&Sciencesspecially designed for K-8 to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK)enablesstudents to enjoy learning with application oriented,visuallyrichcontent which is simple and easy to understand. The contentisaligned tobest practices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strong basics, critical thinkingandproblemsolving skills to do well in school and beyond. Teachers can useWWKas areference material to be more creative in designingengaginglearningexperiences. Parents also can actively participate intheirchild'sdevelopment through WWK".This topic covers under Biology subject as a part of theHumanPhysiology topicand this topic contains following sub topicsOraganisation Of CellsHuman CellsTissuesGeneral PrinciplesDiffusion & Osmosis
Human Anatomy Full 1.0
iMad Soft Tech
This application contains fulldescriptionofhuman body especially designed for medical students.Thisappcontains human body organs with their functions anddiseases.Itincluding the following human body organs in fulldetails.AdrenalGlands 
Gall Bladder 
Large Intestine 
Larynx (voice box) 
Lymph Nodes 
Parathyroid Glands 
Pituitary Gland 
Salivary Glands 
Small Intestine 
Spinal Cord 
Thymus Gland 
Modern Notes Lite 0.0.3
Short notes based on Modern Subjectsessentialfor post graduate Ayurved entrance Exams.this App contains notes on following subject1.Anatomy2.Physiology3.Jurisprudence4.Toxicology5.Pediatrics6.Biochemistry7.Pharmacologyin future updates may more subjects will be added withmanytopics.
Circulatory System 3D 1.0
Circulatory System 3D isrevolutionarylearningthat allows you to fly through the CirculatorySystem in areal-timevirtual reality environment.Key Learning Concepts in the App:Circulatory SystemHeartCirculationBloodBody SystemsHuman AnatomyMovementUse the Right joystick to moveUse the Left joystick to rotate and look aroundTouch any sign for informationFor ease of travel you can go through most objectsincludingthegroundAbout Virtual RealityVirtual Reality (VR) is a technology that allows us to stepinto3Dinteractive environments where everything is possible:visitingNewYork, exploring the human cell, flying through the SolarSystem,ortraveling back in time to Ancient Egypt. From a PC,Tablet,phone,or headset users have a first person, self-guidedexperiencewithconcepts. We step inside of a molecule to understanditsstructure.We travel through an iPhone to learn how it operates.Webecome apart of a subject; this is the magic of VR.For the complete list of 200+ VR learning programsinScience,Anatomy, World Landmarks, Astronomy, History,Technology,Art &Culture, Current Events, Geography, and NaturalFeatures,please goto http://www.sunrisevr.com/programsLesson PlansLesson Plans for virtual learning programs areavailableathttp://www.sunrisevr.com/programsTeachers: Classroom 3D DirectImagine a classroom where the world's most advancedlearningisdelivered to teachers every week, hours after itwascompleted.Free. This is instant access 3D, virtuallearningprograms based onthe most important topics of the week thatyou canshare with yourstudents. Classroom 3D Direct deliversweeklyprograms straight toyour email inbox complete with lessonplans,videos, and topicallinks to help you easily integrate 3D intoyourclass. One clicktakes your students into the virtual world. Tosignup for the freeClassroom 3D Direct, simply enter your emailaddressathttp://www.sunrisevr.com/classroom-3d-directAbout this AppSUNRISE Virtual Reality takes learning into3D.SUNRISE(www.sunrisevr.com) is the world leader invirtuallearning,providing easily accessed programs that featurelearningthrough 3Dgraphics and personal interaction. Click. Smile.Explore.It’s thateasy. Anyone can use programs free of charge.SUNRISEtakeslearning seriously: American children havenumerousandwell-documented deficiencies in many subjectareas,especiallyscience, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).Thecompany seesvirtual learning as an important part of thenationaleffort toimprove education and help students“UnderstandEverything.”Learning can be more.