برترین 2 بازی مشابه به Indonesian Culture Dress Up

Dham Dham Jawa 1.0
AGD Games
game tradisional ini dibuatsebagaimediainformasi bagi generasi bangsa saat ini bahwa adasebuah gameyangsudah cukup ditinggalkan. Game ini juga memilikitantanganyangmengharuskan pemain untuk berfikir bagai mana bisamemenangkangamehanya dengan dua kali langkah saja dengan pionteracak,sehinggamelatih daya berfikir. game Dham Dham Jawa adalahgametradisionalyang sudah cukup ditinggalkan di Indonesia. dansekaranggame inidikemas ulang dengan bentuk permainan digitaldengan aturanyangsama dan dikemas lebih menarik.This traditionalgameiscreated as a medium of information for generation ofpeopletodaythat there is a game that is quite abandoned. This gamealsohaschallenges that require players to think like where canwinthegame with only two steps to the pawn is scrambled, sothatthepower train of thinking. Dham Dham Java game is atraditionalgamethat has enough left in Indonesia. and now the gameisrepackagedform of digital game by the same rules andpackedmoreattractive.
Kokoro No Tomo: Hidden Journey 1.2.1
Step into the world of Kokoro and Tomo andbeamazed of the diversity between their worlds! Kokoro will showyouher hometown, Japan, from the famous tourist places to herownlittle cute room in Tokyo, while Tomo will bring you fromthetraditional markets in Indonesia to his very own messy room!Throughout the journey of the two worlds, help them to findthehidden items within the scenes and you will get a chance tocollectthe found items to shelf them at your very own Collector’sAlbum!You will learn and be surprised when Kokoro and Tomo explainto youabout each unique item displayed in your collector’s cabinet!Andin the real world, you will get a chance to win a FREE TICKETTOJAPAN!• EXPLORE a variety of locations, from the Ninja Theme ParkinJapan to the Traditional Wet Market in Jakarta!• FIND hidden objects in amazing hand-drawn scenes of KokoroandTomo’s world!• EARN points from each item you find, the faster you findthemore points you get!• MULTIPLY your points by the ‘double up points’ you canpurchasefrom in-apps items• UNLOCK the locked levels by purchasing from the In-App Storetoearn your chance for the Grand Prize – free ticket to Japan• FILL UP your Collector’s cabinet by all unique items tobefound within the play scenes• REACH 10,000 points and you get an instant reward – aluckydraw ticket to win the Grand Prize - free air ticket toJapan.Every multiple of 10,000 points earn a lucky draw ticket.• REDEEM your points to attractive prizes inTouchtenPlatform• ASK your friends in Facebook to give you more Hearts whenyouuse up your own Hearts or you can purchase more Hearts intheIn-App StoreCan you help Kokoro and Tomo to find the hidden items andcollectall the unique items in your Collector’s Album? Find out byplayingthe ‘Kokoronotomo Hidden Journey’ Game for your Androiddevices!Enjoy all the amazing scenes and challenge yourself to findtheHidden items in the shortest time possible! And win yourself aFreeTicket to Japan!Please note that you will need to play the ‘locked’ levelsandcomplete the Collector’s Album to earn the lucky draw ticket towinthe grand prize – free ticket to Japan!In addition, this game may link to social media services, suchasFacebook, will have access to your information throughsuchservices.*Only Indonesia domiciled players can be the Prize Winners