برترین 18 بازی مشابه به WordNet Graph

Graph 89 - (with TI84 support) 1.1.3c
Dritan Hashorva
Emulates TI89, V200 featuring Computer Algebra System (CAS)andTI84+ SE
Graphing Calculator Pro + Symb 5.4.1
Graphing calculator for math class. 2D & 3D graph,algebra,calculus and more.
Desmos Graphing Calculator
Desmos Inc
Explore math with Desmos! Plot functions, create tables,addsliders, and more.
Simple Graph Drawer Full 1.22
Andrew Tishch
The program allows draw functions graphs in specified area. Theareais defined by the X min, X max, Y min, Y max values anddivisionvalues for X and for Y. Functions are defined by theexpressionstring and color. You should click on function string inthe tableto edit it. Only "x" symbol should be used as a varible.After areaand functions data input click "Redraw" button to drawit. On phonesgraph is drawn on a full screen. Via the menu You canmaximize graphon the full screen, get help about functions, aboutprogram, savethe graph as a picture or sent e-mail with it (withhelp of mailclient app,such as gmail). The advertisement will beshown after the5 redraws, and may be closed via the menu (orshown). And please,sometimes click advertisement - it may help fordeveloper))).
Graphing Calculator + Symbolic 5.4.1
Graphing calculator for math class. 2D & 3D graph,algebra,calculus and more.
Andie Graph 9
Doug Melton
Get a TI-82, TI-83, TI-83+, TI-85, ANDTI-86emulator for your phone!Andie Graph is an Android port of the AlmostTI emulator byMaratFayzullin - http://fms.komkon.org/*** ROM not included. Why? http://dgmltn.com/roms ***The TI-8X series of calculators work great asstandalonecalculators, showing 8 lines of history, usingstandardmathematical notation. Each model was designed with morespecificpurposes in mind:The TI-82 is designed for algebra and trigonometry. Graphandcompare functions, perform variable substitution, and solvesinglevariable equations.The TI-83 is designed for statistics and trigonometry. Graphandcompare functions, and perform data plotting and analysis.The TI-85 is great for engineering and computer science.Graphand compare functions, perform bit manipulation and convertbetweennumeric bases.The TI-86 is great for engineering and calculus. Graphandcompare functions, perform bit manipulation and convertbetweennumeric bases. Solve differential equations, plotvectorfields.All models allow you to write programs in TI-BASIC andperformbasic scientific calculator operations.Follow @dgmltn for updates!
3D Functions Graph Plotter 1.9
Botanic Software
3D Functions Graph plotter can renderfunctionsin 3D space. This free app can generate graphs torepresentfunctions defined using a function in the form f(x,y) orparametricsurfaces defined as x=fx(u,v), y=fy(u,v), z=fz(u,v) aswell asspherical coordinates and cylindrical coordinates.The x and y or u and v ranges to use when graphing thefunctioncan be modified.There is an option to plot the x,y and z axis.The function graph can be manipulated using pinch to zoomandrotated using touch screen movements.Function definitions as well as a preview thumbnail can besavedin the My Graphs section of the application for laterviewing.The graph rendering screen has a button to share the graph(e.g.via email, google drive, dropbox etc). This is a great featureifyou want to export a graph and include it in an externaldocumentor share it with another person.3D Functions Graph Plotter also has a Gallery section wheresomeinteresting graphs are already defined with anaccompanyingthumbnail. The gallery contains graphs to representgeometricalshapes such as a cone, sphere, horn etc
MalMath: Step by step solver 20.0.10
Solve and understand math problems
Graph It! 2.2
Draw any mathematical function in a Cartesian plane with Graph It!
English WordNet Dictionary 1.1
Orange Team
* Based on compilation of PrincetonUniversity,New Jersey, United States we want to bring you the theEnglishWordNet Dictionary, the thesaurus and encyclopaedia aboutwords inEnglish language. And day by day we are taking the effortto developand make the application better and useful.* With this dictionary you can find detail information ofanyword in English like:- All different senses and definitions of a word withexamplesentences.- All word forms of a word, for example Noun, Verb, AdjectiveandAdverb.- Synonyms (the words that have the same meaning).- Hyponyms (the words or phrases whose meaning is included inthatof another word).- Troponyms (the words has the possible ‘”manner” relations).* Besides, dictionary gives us a good view about history ofsearchedwords and sort them by date or alphabet.* English WordNet Dictionary offers thousands of words,phrases,and meanings, giving the most complete and accurate pictureof theEnglish language today
GeoGebra Classic
GeoGebra Classic with geometry, 3D, CAS, spreadsheet andprobabilitycalculator!
Graph 89 Free 1.1.3c
Dritan Hashorva
Android TI-89 Emulator
WordNet - Offline Dictionary 1.2
Grupa NLP G4.19
Mobile plWordNet is used to browsePolishWordnet and Princeton Wordnet. It provides Thesaurus,descriptionof the semantic relations between words, definitions ofmeaning. Itis a part of Słowosieć project. Application allowssearching wordsand also following the word connections. All wordsare connected byten types of relations. You can browse twodictionaries: PolishSłowosieć and Princeton Wordnet.Mobile plWordNet can be used OFFLINE but it is necessarytodownload database. It is recommended to have the newest versionofdatabase (app provides updates). It requires 85MB of data tobedownloaded and 223MB after unpacking on your device.NOTE! Database for Mobile plWordNet is quite big, wesuggestusing stable connection (like WiFi)!Some statistics: http://plwordnet.pwr.wroc.pl/wordnet/statsBrowser version : http://plwordnet.pwr.wroc.pl/wordnet/Projecthomepage:http://nlp.pwr.wroc.pl/en/projects/plwordnet2Project description:Wordnet is the biggest Polish wordnet. A wordnet is asemanticnetwork, whose nodes are lexical units, while threadsconnectingthe whole - semantic relations between lexical units.Thosesemantic relations are for instancehypernymy/hyponymy = a relation which links a word of amoregeneral meaning (kot – 'cat') with a word of a morespecificmeaning (tygrys – 'tiger') (every tiger belongs to thefelinefamily); meronymy/holonymy = a relation denoting a part andawhole, e.g. zderzak - 'bumper' – samochód - 'car' (carshavebumpers); antonymy - a relation of the semantic opposition,e.g.wejść – 'enter' – wyjść - 'leave', żonaty – 'married' –kawaler-'bachelor' (a detailed list of lexical relations is givenhere[link]. Lexical units which enter the samelexico-semanticrelations (but not the same derivational relations)are treated assynonyms and linked into synsets that is synonymsets.The first ever wordnet (WordNet) was built in 1980s atPrincetonUniversity. Since that time hundreds of research teamshave startedthe construction of wordnets for different languages,and amongthem our Languages Technologies Research Group G.4.19 atWrocławUniversity of Technology. In 2009 the first version ofplWordNetwas made available on the Internet. Similarly to itspredecessor –Princeton WordNet – the current 2.0 version ofplWordNet isavailable on the open licence
Data & Graphs - Math 1st grade 1.0.2
Zebra Group
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Data and Graphs - Math1stgrade* This is the useful application with lessonsdesignedscientifically and suitable for 1st grade kids.* Lessons are illustrated with lively sounds as well as imagestoenhance kids’ concentration.* Lessons are classified according to topics and arranged fromtheeasiest to hardest so it’s convenient for kids to study.* Lessons are shown as a play so it raises kids’ inspirationmorethan worksheet.* Lovely and simple interface helps kids to easily studybythemselves.
Undirected Graph 1.0
Application implements some simplealgorithmsfor nonoriented graphs, e.g. search of shortest way,search ofgraph frame, search of bridges and cutpoints and soon.- Frame search in width- Frame search in depth- Shortest way search- Connected components count- Graph bridges- Graph cutpointsProgram interface is accessible in two languages: englishandrussian.
Parametric Graph Calculator 1.0
Dr Mark Jones (PhD Maths)
Hi Guys,Enter any parametric function and this generates the plot.Itbasically does just what it says on the tin. So if youhavehomework that you need to check the parametric plots for, thenlookno further.The widget tool is taken from the selection of tools thatappearson my live worksheet app entitled Implicit andParametricDifferentiation, that appears on my developer page.Hope it proves helpful.Cheers,Mark
Graph Theory 6.0
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Graph Theorywhichcoversimportant topics, notes, materials & news onthecourse.Download the App as a reference material & digitalbookforComputer science engineering, IT, softwareengineeringprograms& Mathematics & Combinatorial Theorydegreecourses. Thisuseful App lists 100 topics with detailednotes,diagrams,equations, formulas & course material, thetopics arelisted in5 chapters. The app is must have for all theengineeringsciencestudents & professionals. The app providesquickrevision andreference to the important topics like a detailedflashcard notes,it makes it easy & useful for the student oraprofessional tocover the course syllabus quickly just beforeanexams or jobinterviews. Also get the hottestinternationalengineering &technology news on your app poweredby Google newsfeeds. We havecustomised it so that you get regularupdates onsubject frominternational/national colleges,universities,research, industry,applications, engineering, tech,articles &innovation. This isthe best application to remainupdated on yourfav. subject. Usethis useful engineering app as youreducationtool, utility,tutorial, book, a reference guide forsyllabus andexplore studycourse material, aptitude tests &project work.Track yourlearning, set reminders, edit, add favoritetopics, sharethetopics on social media. Some of the topics Coveredin the appare:1. Introduction to Graphs 2. Directed and UndirectedGraph 3.BasicTerminologies of Graphs 4. Vertices 5. The HandshakingLemma6.Types of Graphs 7. N-cube 8. Subgraphs 9. GraphIsomorphism10.Operations of Graphs 11. The Problem of Ramsay 12.ConnectedandDisconnected Graph 13. Walks Paths and Circuits 14.EulerialGraphs15. Fluery’s Algorithm 16. Hamiltonian Graphs 17.Dirac’sTheorem18. Ore’s Theorem 19. Problem of seating arrangement20.TravellingSalesman Problem 21. Konigsberg’s Bridge Problem22.Representationof Graphs 23. Combinatorial and Geometric Graphs24.Planer Graphs25. Kuratowaski’s Graph 26. Homeomorphic Graphs27.Region 28.Subdivision Graphs and Inner vertex Sets 29. OuterPlanerGraph 30.Bipertite Graph 31. Euler’s Theorem 32. Threeutilityproblem 33.Kuratowski’s Theorem 34. Detection of Planarityof aGraph 35. Dualof a Planer Graph 36. Graph Coloring 37.ChromaticPolynomial 38.Decomposition theorem 39. Scheduling FinalExams 40.Frequencyassignments and Index registers 41. ColourProblem 42.Introductionto Tree 43. Spanning Tree 44. Rooted Tree45. BinaryTree 46.Traversing Binary Trees 47. Counting Tree 48.TreeTraversal 49.Complete Binary Tree 50. Infix, Prefix andPostfixNotation of anArithmatic Operation 51. Binary Search Tree52.StorageRepresentation of Binary Tree 53. AlgorithmforConstructingSpanning Trees 54. Trees and Sorting 55. WeightedTreeand PrefixCodes 56. Huffman Code 57. More Application of Graph58.ShortestPath Algorithm 59. Dijkstra Algorithm 60. MinimalSpanningTree 61.Prim’s algorithm 62. The labeling algorithm63.Reachability,Distance and diameter, Cut vertex, cut set andbridge64. TransportNetworks 65. Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem 66.MatchingTheory 67.Hall’s Marriage Theorem 68. Cut Vertex 69.Introductionto Matroidsand Transversal Theory 70. Types of Matroid71.Transversal Theory72. Cut Set 73. Types of Enumeration 74.LabeledGraph 75. CountingLabeled tree 76. Rooted Lebeled Tree77.Unlebeled Tree 78.Centroid 79. Permutation 80. PermutationGroup81. Equivalanceclasses of Function 82. Group 83. SymmetricGraph84. Coverings 85.Vertex Covering Each topic is completewithdiagrams, equations andother forms of graphical representationsforbetter learning andquick understanding. Graph theory is partofMathematics, computerscience & software engineeringeducationcourses andinformation technology degree programs ofvariousuniversities.
Hindi WordNet 1.1
Hindi WordNet provides you free access tomorethan one lakh words in its lexical database. The dictionarylikestructure is multilingual, and translations to respectiveotherlanguages and English are also available.It is a system for bringing together different lexical andsemanticrelations between the Hindi words. It organizes thelexicalinformation in terms of word meanings and can be termed asalexicon based on psycholinguistic principles.