برترین 6 بازی مشابه به Low Carb Diet Recipes Guide

Grip op Koolhydraten
De Grip op Koolhydraten-App helpt je methetsamenstellen van je persoonlijke koolhydraatbeperktedieet.Controleer en corrigeer jezelf. Uit de eet-geschiedenis isteherleiden waarom je gewicht verliest of juist niet.Bekijk je vooruitgang van week tot week!De GOK-App bevat 5 app’s ineen:1. Boodschappencoach: Met meer dan 1600 producten ingedeeldinGOK-groen/oranje/rood.2. Receptencoach: Voorbeeldrecepten ingedeeld op kleur.Debasis-app bevat 3 weekmenu’s en 105 recepten.Dezevoorbeeldweekmenu’s kunnen keer op keer ingeladen worden indekalender. Ze vormen het uitgangspunt voor een nieuwe week.Zelfrecepten en weekmenu’s samenstellen gaat erg makkelijk metdezeapp.3. Menucoach: Menuplanner voor dag- en weekmenu’s. Uitdeeet-geschiedenis is je vooruitgang van week tot weekteherleiden.4. Inkopencoach: Handige boodschappenlijst met emailfunctie.5. Personal coach: Met o.a. een weeg- en meet app, met lijstenengrafieken.Wat kun je met deze GOK-app?- Dag- en weekmenu’s samenstellen vanuit meer dan1600producten.- Producten zoeken en vaststellen of het een ‘groen’, ‘oranje’of‘rood’ product is. Om van te leren en vooral handig indesupermarkt. Een handige boodschappencoach op je mobiel engeeninternetverbinding nodig.- Voorbeeldrecepten gebruiken en in de kalender naar wensaanpassendoor andere recepten of producten te kiezen.- Eigen recepten (met foto) toevoegen en toepassen indeweekmenu’s.- Eigen voorbeeldmenu’s samenstellen.- Boodschappenlijst samenstellen aan de hand van de menu’s endegekozen dagen. Ook het toevoegen van overige producten, zoalsbijv.afwasmiddel, is mogelijk.- Met een emailfunctie van het boodschappenlijstje.- Weeg- en meetgegevens bijhouden en weergeven in eengrafiek.- Ontvangen van motiverende of inhoudelijke berichten.- Een koolhydratentest. Test jezelf of laat anderen detestdoen.- De 10 richtlijnen van Grip op Koolhydraten lezenentoepassen.- Alleen voor updates is er internetverbinding nodig.Wat is Grip op Koolhydraten (GOK)?Grip op Koolhydraten (GOK), ontwikkeld door diëtisteYvonneLemmers, is sinds 2009 een succesvol voedingsprogrammabestaandeuit een basisboek en twee kookboeken.De kern van het dieet: Grip op Koolhydraten helpt jeomkoolhydraatbeperkt te eten en van je eetverslaving af te komen.Hethelpt je uit de vicieuze cirkel van honger en overeten te komen.Omhet je nog gemakkelijker te maken is er deze App ontwikkeld. Zohebje je eigen eetcoach altijd bij de hand.Wanneer je boodschappen doet of op de App een menusamenstelt,kun je eenvoudig zien of je de goede kleur productengebruikt. Deuitgebreide productenlijst met handige zoekfunctiehelpt je daarbij: ‘Doperwtjes, was dat nou groen of oranje?’Met de ingebouwde kalender kun je terugkijken in de tijd.Zocontroleer en corrigeer je jezelf. Veel rood en oranje duidtimmersop een minder goede lijnweek.Met deze App ontwikkel je een persoonlijk dieetplan dat pastinje eigen leef- en werkregime en daarom jarenlang vol tehoudenis.Je kunt de App helemaal naar eigen wens inrichten door jeeigenfavoriete recepten toe te voegen aan de weekmenu’s. Lust jegeenkaas of eet je vegetarisch, dan pas je de App daar op aan.Zobreidt de App zich steeds meer uit en heb je er jarenpleziervan.Tevens heb je met deze App de mogelijkheid je eigen weeg-enmeetgegevens bij te houden en boodschappenlijstjes samentestellen. De voorbeeldweekmenu’s kunnen keer op keeringeladenworden in de kalender. Ze vormen het uitgangspunt voor eennieuweweek. Zelf recepten en weekmenu’s samenstellen gaat ergmakkelijkmet deze app.The Grip onCarbohydratesApp helps you to compile your personal carb diet.Check and correctyourself. From the dining history can be tracedwhy you lose weightor not.Check your progress from week to week!The GOK App contains 5 app's collapse:1 Shopping Coach: With over 1,600 products classified inGOKgreen / orange / red.Recipe 2 Coach: Sample Recipes classified by color. The basicappincludes three weekly menus and 105 recipes. This sampleweeklymenus can be loaded every time the calendar. They form thebasisfor a new week. Self recipes and weekly menus composing isveryeasy with this app.3 Coach Menu: Menu Planner for daily and weekly menus. Thediningis your history can be traced. Progress from week toweek4 Purchasing Coach: Helpful list with email function.5. Personal coach: Feature a weighing and measuring app,withtables and graphs.What can you do with this EOP app?- Daily and weekly menus together from more than1600products.- Search for products and determine whether it is a 'green','amber'or 'red' product. To learn and especially useful in thesupermarket.A handy shopping coach on your phone and no internetconnectionneeded.- Using Sample Recipes and also customize the calendar bychoosingother recipes or products.- Own recipes (with photo) to add and apply the weekly menus.- Customising sample menus.- Shopping list compilation on the basis of the menus andtheselected days. Also, the addition of other products, eg.Detergent,is possible.- With an email function of the shopping list.- Weighing and track data and display it in a graph.- Receiving motivational messages or content.- A carbohydrate test. Test yourself or allow others to dothetest.- Read the 10 guidelines Grip on Carbohydrates and apply.- For updates internet connection is needed.What's Grip on Carbohydrates (GOK)?Grip on Carbohydrates (GOK), developed by dietitianYvonneLemmers, since 2009 a successful nutrition program consistingof abasic book and two cookbooks.The core of the diet: Grip on Carbohydrates helps you toeatlow-carb and get rid of your food addiction. It helps you tocomeout. The vicious circle of hunger and overeating To make iteveneasier for you to do is this App developed. So you always haveyourown eetcoach at hand.When you go shopping or on the App together a menu, youcaneasily see if you use the right color products. Theextensiveproduct list with convenient search function helps youwith that,"Peas, which was now green or orange?"With built-in calendar you can look back in time. So checkandyou correct yourself. Lots of red and orange indicates indeedaless good line week.With this app you develop a personalized diet plan that fitsintoyour life and work regime and therefore to sustain foryears.You can use the app to buy furnish all the way throughyourfavorite recipes to add to the weekly menus. Hope you likecheeseor eat vegetarian, you pass the App these same principles. SotheApp increasingly expanding and have years of enjoyment.You also have to keep up with this app the possibilityyourweighing and measurement data and to draw. Grocery liststogetherThe sample weekly menus can be loaded every time thecalendar. Theyform the basis for a new week. Self recipes andweekly menuscomposing is very easy with this app.
Low Carb Meal Planner 1.1
Low carb dieters often face two issues thatcanmake the diet more difficult than it needs to be. The firstissue isthat many tools are designed for calorie planning anddon’t focus oncarbs. The second issue is that you run out of foodideas andrepeating the same foods can make staying on the dietdifficult.That’s why we developed Low Carb Meal Planner, a toolthat lets youdevelop low carb meal plans with ease while alsogiving you greatnew low carb meal ideas.- Over 100 foods mean millions of possibledailycombinations- Add your own foods to incorporate into your plans- Colorful and easy to use
Low Carb Foods 1.4
If you're like many low carbdieters,yourbiggest challenge is finding new foods that are lowcarbfriendly.Now you have over 100 low carb foods and over 45 lowcarbmeals atyour fingertips! Each entry has a photo and you cansaveyourfavorite items for easy access. When you need low carbfoodideas,this program is for you!
Low carb diet desserts recipes 1.1
Low carb diets are one of themostcontroversial topics relating to diabetes diet. Low carb dietscanhelp to maintain low and stable blood glucose levels. There areanumber of benefits of low carb diets which can beparticularlybeneficial for people with diabetes. Improved bloodglucoselevels,Reducing risk of complications,Increasedenergy,Improvedclarity of thinking,Reduce reliance onmedication,etc. Low Carbdiet Desserts recipes application is aboutDesserts recipes but itsLow Carb. This application have how to makeand vdo to learn makedesserts about following:-Cream Cheese Tart Shells-Pumpkin Pie Spice-Sugar-Free Frosting-Luscious Chocolate Truffles-Cream Puff Shells-Sugar Free Brownies-Low Carb Pancake Crepes-Rosettes
Low Carb Fruits 1.3
Siva Kris
Low Carb FruitsAs everyone knows fruits are full of minerals and vitamins anditreally is also the sort of food items you should take extra ifyouwould like to shed far more bodyweight. In the event you willonlyconsume much more of the meals you might feel significantlylesshungry and you may accomplish flawless pores and skin at thesametime. But were you aware that there are some fruits you oughttoabsorb less plus some in reasonable due to the fact of itshighsugar articles? In this write-up you might understand and knowmanyof the very low carb fruits you'll be able to consume just asmuchas you want.There is nothing at all incorrect for those who willtakeservings from this record but be sure that you're going togetmoderate servings through the large sugar checklist of fruits tobecertain that you are finding excessive fat and sugar.Individualswho transpire to get some insulin issue should reallyconsiderfurther precautions when consuming those people fruitssuperior insugar. Mainly because should they is not going to itcould lead onthem for his or her glucose amount to shoot up and itwon’t do themany excellent.Download this excellent Low Carb Fruits Android App forfree!
Diabetic Low Carb Recipes 1.0
Diabetic Low-Carb Recipes contains food forahealthier and thinner life. The Low Carb diet can be describedasthe optimal diet for people who want to reduce theircarbohydrateintake but not completely eliminate carbs from theirdaily life.With this diet you'll find it's easier to exercise andkeep yourspirits up. There are enough carbohydrates to satisfy youandgenerate enough energy for both physical andintellectualchallenges. The Low Carb diet is not something youshould have toendure, it's something you should enjoy! That meansyou can allowcoffee, tea, red wine as long as they are consumed inreasonableamounts. Regardless of which type of diabetes you sufferfrom theselow carb recipes are diabetic friendly. The combinationof lowlevels of carbs and low glycemic index automatically reducestheamount of blood sugar you have to deal with!Features:• Offline browsing of many diabetic low carb recipes(Breakfast,Soups, Salads, Fish and Seafood, Meat and Poultry,VegetarianMeals, Desserts)• Video Recipes / Regularly updated daily low carb recipes• Cooking Conversion Calculator• Save your notes inside the app