برترین 13 برنامه مشابه به Kids Live Safe

Background Check | Instant Checkmate 2.9.0
Instant Checkmate
Background Check & People Search - Lookup anyone by nametoreveal shocking info
Arkansas Sex Offender Search 1.0.1
NIC Inc.
The Arkansas Crime Information Center(ACIC)ispleased to provide the Sex Offender Registry Search forthecitizensof Arkansas. The registry is updated as offenderaddressesand otheroffender information is updated in our office.You cansearch foroffenders by address, city, county or zip code andseeinformationon the publishable offenders within the map view oftheaddress youenter. You can also search for an offender bynameifapplicable.We also offer Email and Phone Notifications of updatesofoffenderaddresses. You can subscribe for notifications on asmanyaddressesas you like and we will notify you if an offendermovesinto thespecified radius of the address submitted.
TruthFinder Background Check 1.35.0
Enter any name, phone #, or email and get background checks,names,etc.
Life360: Live Location Sharing 23.43.0
Comprehensive family safety membership plans for busy, modern life.
Be Safe-The Women Safety App 1.0
Women Safety has always been a majorconcernfor everyone.Today’s women are well educated, self-dependent and haveequalstatus to men in society however when we talk about womensafety,the topic has always been alarming.F.I.R to family person.Looking at the scenario of sexual crimes, robbery etc.againstwomen there raises extreme need of safety measures forwomen.“Precaution is better than cure” So let us take a step tobeprecautious and put a fight against crime.“Be Safe” app is must download app for all the women whodeservesafety. Be Safe allows you to save 4 contacts you may wantto alertin case of emergency. Whenever you feel you are in danger,justpress the SOS button and it will send SMS to your contactswithyour current location. It also provides the facility to sendSMS tothe emergency contacts by pressing the power button twice orvolumebutton or just by shaking your phone. It also has otherfeaturesalong with safety tips.The application is a step taken to make women feel safe andhelpthem in emergency situations.Download the application and always stay alert!
GroupMe 9.0.28
Stay in touch with the people who matter most.
Powerful Flashlight HD with FX 3.3.0
Safe Neighborhood Adfree
Do you know who the sex offenders are inyourneighborhood and where they live? With Safe Neighborhood, youhaveaccess the National Sex Offender Registry right in the palm ofyourhand. Keep your family safe and informed, using GPS technologytolocate all the sex offenders in your area.New features including list, and more results (up to 100).Search by your address or current location(US Only) to see ifanysex offenders are registered in the area. View on a map andseetheir personal info + photos.Safe Neighborhood is dependent on existing sexoffenderregistries and cannot guarantee accuracy of data. Ifsomething isincorrect please contact us and we will attempt tocorrect arecord.Coming Soon: ability to share offenders other parties, andsearchby name.
image search for google 4.3
app change=>https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=kr.kkh.image_search3
Texas DPS 2.0.1
Explore the state’s Sex Offender Registry, Texas 10 MostWantedlists, and more.
Safeprotectrack 1.0.3
SafeprotectrackViolence … threat ... robbery ... bullying...unwanted'harassment' ... humiliation ... abuse ... You hopenevertoexperience it. But if it does happen? Or is likely tohappen?Whatare you doing then? What can you do? A question to thinkaboutitcarefully. For everyone. Because we can all bewitnessesofaggression. Or victim.Safeprotectrack (SPT) increases your personal safety. Notonlythesense of security, but real. The app gives citizenstheopportunityto protect themselves and each other.While the app records video and audio, it sends the recordingtoalive server, along with the time and location. He alertsatthesame time the picture is taken yourSPTcontacts(safe-friends).SPT on your phone you are no longer powerless to aggression.Also, you are no longer a trace. Because thanks tothetrackfunction you know where your spouse / child / friend (s)whohasSPT is located. And vice versa. If you aretogetherthat'ssafer.Offenders no longer anonymous.Abusers and bullies can go ahead as long as theyremainanonymous.SPT makes an end to anonymity. Irrevocable,becauseincriminatingmaterial goes live to the cloud and to yourSAFEfriends. Theimages are now available and soon to view. Also,thesame timealarm is beaten.With the app you stop loutish behavior: "STOP, nofurther!Pictureand sound have already been forwarded. So you'realreadyfamiliar.More stupid things make it for you worse. Keep sonow!"Also warn afterwards: “The visual material is spread, keepmystuffvery and give them back”_____Take it on for another.SPT for yourself and for others. If you witness aggressionorotherundesirable behavior, use SPT! Because youincriminatingevidenceis available, you help though. The victims andtheauthorities getthe shots made by your SPT._____No one can get around it.With Safeprotectrack you stand stronger against thepolicemanagementor the school board. No one can ignore therecordings.The cover-upis not an option anymore. The app helps youto betakenseriously._____For whom? Family, relatives, friends, conductors, busandtruckdrivers, paramedics, teachers.Pupils, entertainment public, shop workers,cyclists,bulliedchildren or employees ..._____How does it work?App, register and add SAFE friends, mobile numbers that theappwillsend the video link to. You can invite family, friendsandgoodrelationships to be SAFE friend. They only needtodownloadSPT._____Unlimited use.After downloading the app, you can use unlimited. Therearenosubscription fees! Read the terms and conditionscarefully.Abuseof the app creates a blockage._____Additional advantages over your regular smartphone camera:* Never 'insufficient memory': The recordings are storedinthecloud, i.p.v. on your own device. So always storage!* Telephone destroyed or taken away? Images and soundhavealreadybeen sent and remain available.
Calcula tu Pena (Gratuita) 1.2
Se trata de unaaplicacióninformáticaespecialmente dirigida a Abogados, perotambién aJueces, Fiscaleso a cualquier otro operador jurídico quetengarelación con laJurisdicción Penal, que necesite obtener rápidayfácilmente laspenas máximas y mínimas en los delitosmashabituales.Mediante la referida aplicación el operador, trasseleccionareldelito correspondiente de un listado, recibirádirectamenteenpantalla la pena tipo del referido delito. A su vezpodrá verlaspenas máximas y mínimas tanto de la mitad inferior comode lamitadsuperior. Finalmente podrá calcular los grados superioreinferiorde las referidas penas, distinguiendo siempre laspenasmáximas ymínimas en cada caso.Además la aplicación calcula -en euros- las cuantíasdelasmultas, cuando el delito tenga este tipo de pena, yfinalmenteharálos cálculos correspondientes para cuando se tratedeconformidadesde Juicios Rápidos en el Juzgado de Guardia.Versión gratuita de la aplicación, con acceso a la consultadelossiguientes delitos:- Conducción etílica- Simulación de delito- Agresión sexual- Alzamiento de bienesVersión completadisponibleen:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.svabogados.androidIt isparticularlydirectedto computer application lawyers, but alsojudges,prosecutors orother legal operator that is relevant tothecriminal, you need toquickly and easily maximum andminimumpenalties in all commoncrimes.By the aforementioned application the operator,afterselectingthe corresponding offense list, receive directly onscreentypepenalty for the crime concerned. In turn you will seethemaximumand minimum penalties from both the lower half and theupperhalf.Finally you can calculate the upper and lower levelsoftheaforementioned penalties, always distinguishing betweenthemaximumand minimum penalties in each case.The application also calculates the amounts in euros-inpenaltieswhen the offense is this penalty, and ultimatelymakethecalculations for the case of Speedy Trial conformitiesinthePolice Court.free version of the application, with access totheconsultationof the following offenses:- Alcohol Driving- Simulation of crime- Sexual Assault- Rise of goodsFull versionavailableat:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.svabogados.android
Checklist App for Scene Exam 1.1.6
The Forensic Institute for ResearchandEducation (FIRE) has developed a smartphone app forfirstresponding officers on crime scenes called CASE (Checklist AppforScene Examination). The most pristine a crime scene will ever beiswhen the first responder arrives, and the CASE app uses achecklistapproach with smartphone technology to document evidenceat risk toloss or alteration before proper processing.The app was developed under the direction of seasoned crimesceneinvestigators from across the nation with dozens of yearsofcombined experience. Additionally, LifeWings Partners, LLC,usedover two decades of demonstrated expertise in checklistdevelopmentfor high consequence industries to provide guidance. Thenewlyrevised 2013 Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for LawEnforcementserved as a reference for the app checklist definitions.WillowTreeApps, Inc., known for creating award-winning apps acrossmultipleindustries, designed the CASE app for iPhone and Androiduse.The CASE app provides law enforcement a well-thought-out aidthatcan systematically guide them through the often chaoticsetting of acrime scene while providing smartphone technologyneeded fordocumentation. Text, photography, video, and audio areavailablealong with the ability to ascribe date, time, and GPSinformation.All documentation is for each crime scene is bundledand exportedvia USB cable to an external device. After 72 hours,all data isdeleted automatically from the phone.For more information about the CASE app, development team,theForensic Institute for Research and Education (FIRE), orFIREdirector Dr. Hugh Berryman, D-ABFA, go towww.csimtsu.com.This project was supported by Grant No. 2011-DB-BX-0102 awardedbythe Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of JusticeAssistanceis a component of the Office of Justice Programs, whichalsoincludes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the NationalInstituteof Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice andDelinquencyPrevention, the Office for Victims of Crime, theCommunity CapacityDevelopment Office, and the Office of SexOffender Sentencing,Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, andTracking. Points of viewor opinions in this document are those ofthe author and do notnecessarily represent the official position orpolicies of the U.S.Department of Justice.This app is for first responding officers. It is neitherintendedfor nor should be used to replace crime scene processingunits.Additionally, all departmental, jurisdictional, andgovernmentalpolicies and procedures should supersede appchecklistprocedures.