برترین 42 بازی مشابه به Бои танчиков: миссии

Braveland 1.6.2
Tortuga Team
A turn-based game inspired by old-school strategies
WarPrice 1.0.97
GAME FEATURES:The greatest arms race in history.5 nations to choose from (USSR, Germany, USA, UK, France)huge variety of tactical decisions in battle4 types of divisions to customizepersonal division customization enables to create one'suniquestrategymore than 450 combat unitsrealistic squads interrelation in battle11 classes of combat units, each having its own uniqueabilityability to play together on a single device in the“battle”modestepwise training helps to quickly understand game basicsIn the tactical turn-based strategy game WarPrice, the world willbeplunged into incessant wars.You'll be able to lead one of the five nations and defeat theenemyalong with the allied army, or acquire dominance alone,fightingagainst the entire world, or ride the world from the threatof warby fighting against the dictator.You'll be at the disposal of all the 1910 – 1970 combat units,eachhaving its own unique characteristics.A brand new turn-based fighting system will never bring adullmoment and will require serious tactical decisions fromyou.The outcome of each battle will depend on you and you only...all on the gamehttp://www.facebook.com/WarPriceOTGs17/
Strategy & Tactics:USSR vs USA 1.0.27
Strategy & Tactics: USSR vs USA a clash of two frenemies!
Braveland Wizard 1.2
Tortuga Team
The old school turn-based strategy game is back!
S&T: Medieval Wars Premium 1.0.8
Strategy & Tactics: Medieval Wars: It’s time to march off!
Heroes : A Grail Quest 1.24
Game Dev Team
Turn-based strategy game in a fantasy world inspired by classicPCgames.
Conquest! Medieval Realms 1.5.3
Conquest!, developed by Illustrious Software and the LordzGamesStudio, is a turn-based game where the objective is to conquerupto 5 opposing players by defeating their armies and capturingtheirlands - to do this you will need to unite all of your lands,buildup a powerful economy, and raise armies to defend the homelandandto take lands from your enemies. The game is set in medievaltimesand has a number of game modes available. Conquest !MedievalRealms, will be packed with hours and hours of cleverfun-packed,brain-bending strategy gaming. Features * Conquest! is asimplegame to learn, but you will need strategy, tactics andcunning ifyou expect to defeat all of your enemies and rule theworld. * Tryyour skill against 5 levels of AI in the conquest orskirmishmodes. * Randomly generated maps give you billions ofpotentialbattlefields to fight on. * 9 different units in 3differentclasses and 7 different buildings in 3 classes
Warhammer 40,000: Regicide
A brutal take on the greatest turn based strategy games of all time
Dark times are imminent: the king’sabductionthrows a once peaceful land into turmoil. Being the chosenoneelected by the king himself you embark on an adventurous journeytofree him from the hands of the evil duke.But time is of the essence!≈≈≈≈≈≈Features≈≈≈≈≈≈- Roguelike turn-based strategy meets RPG on ahexagonalbattlefield.- On every game start the world is rebuilt withdifferentenvironments and encounters;- More than 4 diverse and procedural environments- Hire 9 individual mercenaries to take on bandits, wildlifeandmalevolent knights- Utilise the unique class skills of the archer, wizard, scoutandothers- Gather resources, level-up your companions and collectmightyequipment- Alternative endingsWill you save the king before the time runs out?≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈What the Media says≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈„Crowntakers strikes a really good balance between simplicityandcomplexity. It has just as much pick up and play appeal aslighterroguelike fare while offering a bit more to chew on.“Shaun Musgrave, toucharcade, 4,5/5 stars„Crowntakers is a tough combination of turn based strategyandRoguelike. It's quite satisfying, though.“Jennifer Allen, 148Apps, 4/5 stars„How many acronyms can you cram into a single game? Crowntakers isaPDL TBS RPG (that is, a procedural death labyrinth role-playinggamewith turn-based strategy combat) (…) and it’s really good funif youlike games like Final Fantasy Tactics.“Michelle Star, CNET≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈User Ratings≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈5/5 - If you like turn based tactical medieval rpg's get this.Notas much story/length as final fantasy tactics, but franklyoniDevices I consider that a win. Bite sized battles, winnable inaday on easy, challenging on hard, good replay value. Onlycrashedonce on 1st gen mini5/5 - This is worth your money. You get a polished game,tacticalbattles, and thoughtful choices in exploration. Also bigpoints forsplitting the game into two difficulties. One being sortofroguelike with permadeath and the other much more RPGwithoutpermadeath and with consistent leveling. If you're thinkingaboutthis one, you'll probably thoroughly enjoy it like I do!5/5 - This game should get much more hype. I've been playingitnon-stop in my free time for over a week. Despite some bugs(whichthe dev's have been very quick to address), Each game feelsquitedifferent with the random locations within areas, random lootanddifferent party builds. It's not easy at first, butlearningdifferent strategies as you go is enjoyable. Highlyrecommend thisgame!5/5 - Big fan of this game. The battles are very tactical andthemap navigation is really streamlined and fun to explore. This isagood one for any rogue-like fans. It's not super punishing, butitdoes present a nice challenge on the normal mode (haven't beatenityet, but I hope a hard mode unlocks after doing so).
Бои Элементов: Драконы и Герои 1.0.0
Бои элементов : драконы и герои–станьвластителем могущественных элементов природы.В существование магических элементов природы людиверилииздавна.Античные философы считали, что естьпервоначальныематериальныевещества, из которых состоит окружающиймир. Онивыделили четыреэлемента: это огонь, земля, вода и воздух.Огоньзаставил мракотступить, а земля, вода и воздух, заполнивсобойпустоту, зародилижизнь.Люди верили, что могущественные элементы могут слегкостьюуничтожитьвсе живое, поэтому поклонялись им, подносядары.Каждый элемент связан с целым сонмом духов. Управлятьимимогуттолько те из людей, кто одарен особой силой – маги, герои,онижевластители духов.Бои элементов активно используются в современных играхразногожанра:настольных, мморпг , ммо битвы , рпг ,пошаговыестратегии.Бои элементов : драконы и герои – это новая бесплатная игракликерсэлементами clash mmo rpg, бои и битвы каких вы ещеневидели,эпические сражения, испытать свои силы вкоторойможнобесплатно.Бои и задания:Битвы и сражения происходит не автоматически, аподполнымруководством пользователя. На руках у него 9 элементов.Ониделятсяна несколько категорий: необычные, редкие,эпические,легендарные имифические. На экране видны только по триэлемента уигрока и егопротивника. Выбирать нужно элемент не толькоболеевысокого уровня,чем у врага, но и учитывать его принадлежностькопределеннойстихии. Здесь действуют следующие правила: водаможетпогаситьогонь, огонь в силах сжечь воздух, воздух без трудасдуваетземлю,а она, в свою очередь, засыпает воду. Элементы разноговидананосятболее ощутимый урон друг другу.Одна из приятных особенностей онлайн игры – герой самвыбираетсвоегопротивника и вызывает на бой. Если уровень оппонентавыше,можнонажать кнопку «Искать еще» и продолжить поискиподходящего поуровнюгероя на бой.Кампания и стратегия:Это основная сюжетная часть онлайн игры Бои Элементов :драконыигерои. Пройдя испытания и задания, герой ведет бой сзомбиибоссом. Победа героя в битве приносит в качествебонусаэлементаль.Сражения с боссами можно вести каждые двачаса.Виды элементов и коллекции:Перечислить всех персонажей элементов невозможно, ихслишкоммного.Есть среди них древние и редкие драконы,морскиемонстры,поражающие своими размерами, зомби, лесныечудовища,герои,фантомы, маги, орки и многие другие мифическиесоздания.Бой кланов:Герои онлайн, достигшие 10 уровня, могутприсоединитьсякпонравившейся гильдии и участвовать в еженедельныхвойнах ивестисражения против орков и зомби. Клан даетвозможностьполучатьприятные бонусы и опыт.Бои Элементов : драконы и герои – захватывающая ммоигракликер.Ее по достоинству оценят как поклонникикачественныхлогических игри стратегий, так и любители мморпг битвыи рпгсражения.Fightselements:dragonsand heroes - become the ruler of the powerfulelements ofnature.The existence of the magical elements of nature, peoplebelievedalong time. Ancient philosophers believed that there istheoriginalmaterial substance of which the world around us.Theyidentified fourelements are fire, earth, water and air. Thefireforced the darknessback down, and the earth, water andair,filling the void engenderedlife.People believed that the powerful elements can easilydestroyallliving things, so worship them, bringing gifts.Each element is associated with a whole host of spirits.Canmanageonly those people who are gifted with a special power-magicians,heroes, they are the masters of spirits.Fights elements are widely used in modern games ofdifferentgenres:desktop, MMORPG, MMO Battle RPG, turn-basedstrategy.Fights elements: dragons and heroes - a new free gameclickerwithelements clash mmo rpg, fights and the battle which youhavenotseen, epic battles, to test their strength in which isfree.Fights and tasks:Battle and battle is not automatic, but under full usermanual.Inthe hands of his 9 elements. They are dividedintoseveralcategories: uncommon, rare, epic, legendary andmythical.Thescreen is only visible on the three elements of theplayer andhisopponent. Select the item you want is not only ahigher levelthanthat of the enemy, but also to take account of itsbelonging toaparticular element. Here, the following applies: thewatercanextinguish the fire, the fire burned to power the air, theairiseasily blown off the ground, and she, in turn, fallsasleepwater.Elements of different types of cause more significantdamagetoeach other.One of the nice features of the online game - the herochooseshisopponent and causes a fight. If the level is higherthanyouropponent, you can click "Search More" and to continuethesearchfor a suitable level of the hero to fight.Campaign and strategy:This is the basic story of the online gamesFightingElemental:dragons and heroes. Passing tests andassignments, thehero fightsa battle with zombies and boss. Thevictory of the heroin thebattle brings a bonus Elemental. Battlewith the bosses canbecarried out every two hours.Types of items and collections:List the elements of all the characters is impossible, therearetoomany. Among them are ancient and rare dragons, seamonsters,amazingfor its size, zombies, monster tree, thecharacters,ghosts,wizards, orcs, and many other mythicalcreatures.Battle clans:Heroes online have reached level 10 can join a guild and youliketotake part in the weekly wars and lead the battle againsttheorcsand the undead. Clan allows you to get a nicebonusandexperience.Fighting the Elements: Dragons and Heroes - addictivemmogameclicker. It will be appreciated by fans of highqualitypuzzlegames and strategy, as well as fans of MMORPG battlesandRPGbattles.
War and Magic: Kingdom Reborn
GOAT Games
Holidays Season is coming! Special Events wait you!
Top of War 1.00
Fling yourself into the marvelous andcruelworld of Top War where a battle is about to be triggered.Hordes oforks, whose mind got obfuscated by the under-earth evil,attack theborders of the human land.If the kingdom will survive or fall depends on one of itsbestcommanders: a strong barbarian, an unflinching guard, amercifulclerk and a mighty wizard. Choose the one who is going tobe at thehead of the humans, gather your army and go tofight!You are to accept a battle in the thicket of the forests andunderthe burning sun of the deserts, in the mountains covered withsnowand on the poisoned lands.
Space Kings Стратегия и космос 2.0.8
Space Kings
The best multiplayer space strategy for phones and tablets.
AntiSquad Tactics 2.05
AntiSquad Tactics is a single-playerturn-basedgame. In its campaigns you can use all your tacticalskills.AntiSquad Tactics features cartoony graphics andcharismaticcharacters, that won't let you getting untouched!Everyone can find what he likes the most:- Turn-based tactics- More than 50 missions in different environments- Dozens of abilities and weapons- Various enemies- Fascinating story- Stunning visualsAntiSquad Tactics gives you various missions,includinginfiltration, escape, elimination, assault, and a wholelot more!Sometimes it might even seem like there’s no way out, buttrust us,there’s always a solution! A little bit of cunning is allyou needto beat any foe, no matter what the restrictions are.Of course, AntiSquad Tactics isn't just a lush, excitingactionwith lots of tactical options at your disposal! It’s alsoariveting story reminiscent of movies about spies, mercenaries,andheroic Special Forces squads.Sure, your team consists the good guys, and you'll onlybeshooting bad guys. However, your characters are no angelstoo.They're rugged soldiers with theirown sense of justice. So you can forget about sneaking into anenemycamp with no casualties. Then again, maybe not…Are you ready for such adventure?========Minimum Requirements:- Android 4.0 or higher- 1 GB of RAM or higher- CPU 1000 MHz or higher- at least 200 MB of free space to download game- at least 800 MB of free space to install the game========Old Updates:Version 1.3:* The comics have been added to the game as introduction intothegame;* A new mission has been added into the second packofmissions;* A button leading to items shop has been added to the windowofunit's information which appears during the gameplay;* A button opening the chest has been added to the window ofunit'sinformation which appears during the gameplay;* The button opening chests has been removed from the shop inthemain menu;* Settings of quality have been adjusted;* Memory usage has been optimized;Version 1.4:* New types of weapons have been added for all ofthecharacters;* The support for the stylus in the game has been added formostpopular devices;* The prices of various items have been adjusted downward;* The complexity of the first missions of the first pack hasbeenreduced;* The appearance of several missions has been improved;* The login process for the accounts of social networks hasbeenoptimized;* The game interface has been optimized;Version 1.6:* The new ammunition has been added for all ofthecharacters!* Five new missions have been added into the last packofmissions.* New game ratings have been added.* The partial rebalancing of the game has been made.* Some minor bugs have fixed.* Some levels were improved and optimized.Version 1.8:* 4th pack of missions, - events around Somalia, - hasbeenadded* Skirmish-missions have been added into 4th pack of missions* A new character, - Katerina, - has been added* A separate section of the shop to create new items hasbeenadded* Restoring data from the cloud (when the game data on yourdeviceis damaged) has been fixed* Tutorial parts of missions have been left only on normal andbelownormal difficultyVersion 1.9.0:* Two new Skirmish missions have been added.* The incorrect login to Twitter has been fixed.* Game performance has been improved.* Other minor bugs have been fixed.
Dice Heroes 4.1
Rat Recommends Games
Turn based rpg-strategy game where characters are dice.
Lost Frontier 1.0.5
Mika Mobile
Turn-based Strategy in the Weird West!
Clones Crusade 1.15.0512.2092
Clones’ Crusade is an innovativeturn-basedstrategy game. Explore locations and outwit enemy agents;collectvital clues and rescue war heroes whose identity has beenstolen bytheir exact lookalikes — the clones. By recoveringfragments oftheir memories, you will be able to free the heroesfrom theenemy’s clutches and recruit them in your crusade againstthenefarious clones.The path to victory is fringed with death and destruction, sogetyour guns locked and loaded, and prepare to wreak someseriousmayhem!FEATURES- Play with thousands of other players- Explore cities infested by clones- Recruit characters and manage them in tactical battles- Progress along the multiple-tier weapons and skills system- Battle an army of clones and disrupt their evil plans toconquerthe world ...- ... or just fight like hell for the sheer fun of it!
Legion War - Tactic & Strategy 1.4.8
WY Gaming
Legion War is a turn-based tactics strategy game.
Soldiers of Rel 1.0.5
Stepan Vladimirov
Game for fans of turn-based battles. Youmanagea squad of 6 fighters and battle against other players orAI. Noleveling or grinding, all players are equal.2 game modes:Trial - the battle against waves of monsters.Arena - find opponents online or play hot seat.
Heroes 2 : The Undead King 1.07
Game Dev Team
Turn-based strategy game in a fantasy world inspired by classicPCgames.
Epic Strategy Games 2.8.6
Arcade Games Reviews
Go back to the medieval times when epicwarsand powerful empires exist and build your own kingdom bydevelopingstrategies.Eximious epic strategy games are available in this app. Youviewthe list of the games with their reviews and videos but youcannotplay them directly on this list. If you have internetconnection,with 'install' you will be directed to the androidmarket.Our aim is to offer you an alternative way to access andinstallthe choicest epic strategy games. Our editors are followersof thenew released and latest epic strategy and tower defense gamesinthe android market. The list is updated by being included thenewgames. There are free, paid, and star categories making theaccesseasier and faster.Epic strategy games are different from other strategy andwargames because these games have medieval time settings. Inthem,your aim is to build your empire, civilization, conquerothermedieval kingdoms. It includes defence as well.There are both stone age games with tribe and clan warsandmedieval games with clash of empires and kingdoms. Whicheveryouplay, you will be in a world of wars and battles. Take part inoneof the warring factions or take a role of a commander or a kingtobuild your army and fortress. You find some real-timestrategygames based on historical events like Gallic Wars in Rome.Developstrategy to defend your castle or to come to the throne.Features:- Daily update- A private collection of the choicest games- Free and paid categories enabling you to access free epicstrategygames- A complete list of the Epic Strategy games- Star category including the eximious games chosen bytheeditor- Most popular and new released Epic Strategy games- Screenshots of the games on an introductory basis- All kinds of Epic Strategy games in one app- Ease of access to the latest and most popular Epic Strategygamesof android market- Friendly user interface design- Similar games recommended- File size under 1 megabyte- Fast installing- Compatible with nearly all android versions of phonesandtabletsAbout the games on our list:Please note that these features are not for the each game onourlist but for some of them.- Various kind of weapons and constructions for defenceandconquer- Knights, axemen, archers, catapults, swordsmen to attackyourenemy- Medieval Age settings- Some kinds of tower defense games, RPG and MMO games andturnbased strategy games.- Epic battles with strong kingdoms- Building ancient cities.- Some kind of strategy and tower defence games includingonlinemultiplayer settings- RPG and MMO games with legendary warrior avatars
Little Lords of Twilight® 1.2.2
Bkom Studios
Little Lords of Twilight® is aFreemium,player-versus-player, turn-based strategy game whereplayers leadtheir hero and minions to victory."It’s bright, it’s clever, and with card-collecting mechanicsthrownin as well, there’s an awful lot here to sink your teethinto." -PocketGamerSETTING:It takes place in a fantasy world that is beautiful yetdreadful,radiant yet dark, wonderful yet terrible. It’s a placewhere somefound refuge and where others got lost and trapped. It’sa placewhere day and night are synonymous with good and evil.Each time the Sun hides behind one of the moons of Zikverländandwhen it emerges to shine anew, you will be transformed andlentformidable powers. But listen well Little Lord: although youmustbow to the rule of NightFalls and SunPops, your soul yearns tobefree.FEATURES:1- PvP Turn-Based Strategy Game2- Collect Powerful Madzik Cards3- Turn the pull of Night & Day into Winning Strategies4- Inherit Formidable Powers Thru Strange Metamorphoses5- Play as one of the Legenday Heroes of ZikverländDETAILS:• Little Lords of Twilight®’s uniqueness comes from its multipleday& night cycles mechanics and how they influence theentiregameplay strategies. The changing from day-to-nightandnight-to-day also corresponds to a dramatic mutation inyourhero's’ appearance, their skill and abilities and those oftheirminions. Players are therefore tasked with learning how toadapttheir strategy in order to defeat opponents that can quicklyadoptnew shapes and new offensive and defensive powers.• Little Lords of Twilight® is a combination of turn-basedstrategymechanics, card collectibles and the tactical genre.• The game mechanics are based on skills rather than on luckbylimiting the impact of randomness. No complex calculationseitherto let the player focus on what matters the most: fun andeasy tolearn tactics and strategy.• Win games to earn XP and unlock new hero abilities. As youheroesgain experience, a new skill is unlocked with each newlevelreached. Equip passive and active Nightfalls or SunPopsabilitiesbased on your desired strategy.• While Little Lords of Twilight® is primarily aiming atmid-coregamers that are fans of Tactical RPG games, it also targetsanothermore casual crowd. This title will allow soft-core playerstorapidly ramp up and be competitive while granting layers ofdepthto dive into more complex strategies for themid-coreaudiences.• Completely Free-to-play. Players can access the entiregamecontent without paying. Premium features include cosmetic itemsandblind bags (filled with random Spell Cards and Currency. Can bewonduring normal gameplay).• Our game puts two players in competition (PVP) for the durationofa match. This calls for a well thought architecture that willallowmatchmaking between players as well as a dynamic leaderboardwithperiodic events / tournaments to stimulate replay sessions.Playersalso have the possibility to battle against the computer /AI forsingle-player gameplay in order to practice when testing anew buildor strategy.STORY:At the edges of the known world, hidden in folds of ourreality,rarely and briefly revealed to some of us, always for apurpose,exists a beautiful yet dreadful place; Radiant and dark,wonderfuland terrible. A place where some found refuge, like theAncientKinfolks that fled the conquests of Men, so very long ago. Aplacewhere others got lost and trapped for a lifetime or two. Aplacetraveled by dreamers and haunted by nightmarishcreatures.Zikverländ: where days and nights fight for control overtheliving, the good and the evil.JOIN THE CONVERSATIONS:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LittleLordsofTwilight/Twitter: https://twitter.com/LLoTGameYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LittleLordsofTwilightNEED SUPPORT?:Contact support@llotgame.com
Ancient Empire: Strike Back 2.4.0
"Ancient Empire: Strike Back" - turn based strategy.
Epic Arena 1.5.8
Shadow Masters
Epic Arena is a free-to-play turn-based 3D strategy board gamethatplays like a combat action video game. Deploy your units,powerthem up, and defeat your opponent in epic two-player matches.Jointhe arena now! Epic Arena’s 3D graphics and bone crunchingsoundeffects will excite your senses. The tactical gameplaywillchallenge your mind and test your wits. Engage in thrillingcrossplatform games in Blitz Mode against other players ormaintainmultiple matches at once in asynchronous Duel Mode. EpicArena iseasy to learn but hard to master. Start playing in minutes!Try thesingle player puzzle Missions to train your tactical musclesandlearn winning strategies. Fine-tune your strategies bychallengingfriends. Or engage in ranked matches to climb the ladderof thegame’s best players. Play from everywhere, anytime on anydevice.Epic Arena provides a true cross-platform experience. EpicArena isfree-to-play. Unlock or purchase additional teams to masteryourstrategies. Acquire Power Cards and use their specialtacticsagainst your opponents. Either way, you're guaranteed tohave fun!Key Features: • Free-to-Play turn-based 3D strategy boardgame. •Competitive play against your friends and players around theworld.• 3 Teams: Legion of Chaos, Brotherhood of Order, and PiratesofTortuga Bay, all featuring unique units, spells, and team traits.•2 game modes: Duel Mode (asynchronous play) and BlitzMode(time-limited turn synchronous play). • An array of situationalusePower Cards, granting unlimited tactical options. •Cross-platformplay: play from everywhere, anytime on any device.
Forgotten Heroes Online
Epic Fire
Forgotten Heroes Online - эторолевая,пошаговая онлайн-стратегия, с затягивающим геймплеем,красочнойграфикой и отличной стратегической составляющей, в которойвампредстоит сражаться с другими игроками в режиме реальноговремени.- 27 уникальных героев, со своими характеристикамииумениями!Собери свою непобедимую команду, используя различные комбинацииисвязки, и сокруши врагов!- 80 разнообразных умений, которые сделают сражениядействительнозахватывающими и непредсказуемыми.- Отличная графика, красивая анимация, красочные эффектыиприятная музыка позволят вам окунуться в мир бесконечных сраженийимогущественной магии.- Ежедневные задания, рейтинг игроков, достижения, наградызавход и за место в рейтинге - помогут уразнообразить игровойпроцесси сделать время, проведенное за экраном вашего мобильноготелефона,действительно захватывающим и интересным.Forgotten Heroes Online-it's role-playing, turn-based online strategy, withaddictivegameplay, colorful graphics and excellent strategiccomponent inwhich you have to fight with other players in realtime.- 27 unique characters, with their own characteristicsandabilities!Gather your team invincible, using a variety of combinations,andligaments, and destroy the enemy!- 80 different skills that will make the battle isreallyexciting and unpredictable.- Excellent graphics, beautiful animation, colorful effectsandpleasant music will help you to plunge into the world ofendlessbattles and powerful magic.- Daily quests, players ratings, accomplishments, awardsforinput and for a place in the rankings - help uraznoobrazitgameplayand make the time spent at the screen of your mobile phone,reallyexciting and interesting.
Legend Tactics : Arena Master 2.4.1
* Featured on Google Play Worldwide!(February2017)* A whole new concept of winning through strategy, SRPG!- Attack, HP..? Number of points isn't everything~! A wholenewconcept of winning through strategy, SRPG!- No more simple strategies! Defeat the opponents' knights withyourvery own strategy.★ Arena PvP and Stage modePvP system where you can battle users at the arena in realtime,andstage modes!Enjoy a battle at the breath-taking arena with a user withvarioustactics and strategies!★ Various Knights and SkillsWe didn't know what type you would like, so we made variousknights.Perfect harmony of various unique knights andskills!Please be your knights' new master now!Representative's email: CS@entaro3.comThe Legend tactics application requires the followingpermissionsduring installation:1. Location (optional): Check the user's location to checktheuser's country information, such as country rankings.2. Save (optional): Used to save game data to externalmemory.3. Address Book (optional): Google account is used to createthegaming account and therefore the permission to access theGoogleaccount is required.
Bronze Age
Immerse yourself in the MesopotamianMiddleEast between 6000 BC and 2000 BC. Start with a plot of landon theshore of the Euphrates and lead your people through thefurnace ofWorld History. Build infrastructure, manage the economy,anddevelop science and culture. Upgrade your army, keep yourborderssafe, battle barbarians and repel invaders! Stone by stone,youwill erect historically verified structures, houses,library,temple, and even one of the Wonders of the World - theGreatPyramid. Wisely make your choices when events occur: succeed,andyou will prevail. Fail, and your empire will perish. Rulethelegendary world of Mesopotamia!FEATURESLong awaited sequel of Stone Age.- Develop your city at Middle East from the 6000 BC to the2000BC- Rule your people and lead them through the trials of Historyandbuild a Wonder of the World.- 12 unique buildings and 32 real world technologies.- More than 20 unique interesting events- Sandbox/Survive mode with unlimited upgrades and growing powerofenemies will test your ability to survive.AWARDS / recognition:* “Intuitive controls and addictive gameplay” - FGL(8/10(Great))Stone Age is included too!Create and lead your own tribe from first human-primates lived4million years ago to the first civilizations of Ancient EgyptandMesopotamia. Develop your primitive encampment to a full city.Growyou population, manage your workers, research technologies.Build,evolve, fight and survive!FEATURES (Stone Age + Bronze Age):* 63 historically verified technology* 2 Regions to play (different for each Age)* 20 historically verified buildings* 30 unique events* 5 stages of Evolution (historically verified)* Full Retina screen support___________________________________Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/ClarusVictoria orlikeus on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/precivilization togetmore info about our upcoming titles.
Great Big War Game r3.1
Rubicon Development
Turn-based war gaming on the small screen. But big!
Battlevoid: Harbinger 2.0.7
Experience the intense atmosphere of adventuring deep intothespace.
Age of History 1.1582
Łukasz Jakowski
Age of History is turn-based strategy game about world domination.
Continent Conquest 1.5.0
Continent Conquest is a turn-based, tile-based strategy game.Inacampaign that consists of seven maps, the player canconquerawhole continent, fighting with and against the AI. Themapsarecomposed of hexagonal tiles on which the player canconstructhisbuildings and move his troops. The goal on every map istodefeatyour foes, till there's noone left that challengesyourreign. Dueto a distressing fail concerning the certificate ofthepreviousversion, I had to re-upload the whole game and am notabletoupdate the former version of Continent Conquest which InowcalledContinent Conquest Demo. However, I will be able toupdatethisversion, so stay stocked for new features and content!The gameisfree, so you don't lose anything when you try it out!
Open Panzer 3.2.10
Nicu Pavel
Tactical scale World War 2 turn basedstrategygame, that puts the player in the role of an Axis or Alliedarmygeneral. You command battalion level units with the objectivestoengage the enemy forces to occupy key locations orsupplypoints.• Playable in both native high-resolution mode and normalresolutionmode.• US and German starting campaigns in 32 historicalsemi-accuratescenarios, and introductory tutorial scenario.• 4000 historically accurate units, each unit having more than20stats and only being available depending on scenario year, basedonAdlerKorps equipment. 30 countries available.• Build you own core army, train your core units to increasetheirexperience, gain prestige to upgrade or buy new units, carrythemover scenarios as the campaign progresses.• Units can gain Leaders in combat for more abilities• Special unit actions depending on unit class• Cross platform save/load game state at anytime besidetheautomatic turn save . Cloud based save/load game facilitytocontinue playing on other devices.• 20 Terrain types that influence combat, weather andgroundconditions, automatic reinforcements.• Strategic overview map of entire battlefield, clean userinterfacethat never hides the battlefield from player.• Full featured unit upgrade/purchase Equipment window withsortingand filtering• Ad Free.Notes:* Need to tap end turn button twice (tapone->blinkingcheckmark->tap again for confirmation)* Use email to report issues/suggestions. It's a free game, foroldtime players, being still in development. *
Rage of the Seven Seas 3.9.1
Unalis Tech
Rage of the Seven Seas, a 100% NEW 3Dnavalaction game!Ahoy pirates, are you ready for a new adventure? Rage of theSevenSeas is an action packed RPG game where you can build customships,recruit sailors, go on treasure hunts and raid other shipstobecome Ruler of the Seven Seas! Let Rage of the Seven Seasguideyou across the oceans while you loot the world’s treasures.Are youready to become the one and only Pirate King?Features1. STUNNING 3D IN-GAME GRAPHICS AND SPECIAL EFFECTSAdmire the beauty of the oceans while experiencingthegroundbreaking effects of your attacks on enemy vessels!2. BUILD A CREW WITH +200 LEGENDARY PIRATESBlackbeard, Captain Hook, Magellan are just a few of the famousseatravelers that are waiting to fight or to join you!3. EXPLORE IMMENSE UNCHARTED TERRITORYMysterious islands, ghost ships and treasure chests will be onyourroute while you explore a huge map!4. BRUTAL NAVAL BATTLESDesign your own battle style by selecting from more than 30skills.Destroy your enemies without mercy!5. BUILD AND UPGRADE CUSTOM SHIPSEnhance your vessel from a simple raft to a glorious piratewarshipand become a master of naval combat!
One Galaxy Story 1.22
One Galaxy Story is a simple, but interesting step by stepstrategyin space
Conquest of Elysium 3 3.27
Illwinter Game Design
Fantasy strategy game. Build armies and summon monsters toconquerthe world
Northway Games
"I don't wave around non-wordslike'unputdownable' often, but Rebuild deserves it." - TouchArcade(4.5/5)"Rebuild is a solid, fun, unique and just plain awesome game."-JayIsGames (4.6/5 Best strategy or simulation game of 2011)GAMEPLAYGather survivors of the zombie apocalypse and defend yourfortagainst undead attacks. Reclaim one building at a time and putyoursurvivors to work scavenging for food, buildinghouses,rediscovering technology and of course killingzombies.Beware of rival gangs, illness, thieves and even riots asyourebuild a city in this post apocalyptic turn basedstrategygame.FEATURES- Unique turn-based strategy gameplay- Randomly generated cities- Customizable characters- 5 levels of difficulty- 7 endings to discover
Front Wars 1.3.60
Homemade Games
Front Wars is a turn-based strategy game.
European War 3 1.4.2
New Style World War I Strategy Game
Beasts Battle HD 1.0.17
Greenolor Studio
In this game you have to create an armyanddefeat the enemies. Only a skilled strategist will be able tocopewith this objective. The game has 3 campaigns withfascinatingplots, multiple spells, characters, and abilities.Hotseat and Multiplayer mode! Good luck!
Battle for Wesnoth LEGACY 1.12.6-45
Alessandro Pira
Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based fantasy strategy game.
Three Kingdoms Global 2.02.06
◆ The best turn-based massive user strategy game, GlobalMobileThreeKingdoms ◆ Mobile Three Kingdoms is an online strategygamewhere youbuild your own country and control it. Based on thestoryof ThreeKingdoms, an ancient Chinese legend, you need to knowhowto be aleader. You will start out as a king and will bechallengedto becomethe best strategist for survival andprosperity. ◆Thefeatures ofGlobal Mobile Three Kingdoms◆ - NowInternational! Wenow provideglobal multi-language support! Usersall around theworld can nowplay with each other. - Your land willnever stopgrowing! Looting ofyour property is now limited! It’s afun gamewhere you start fromthe bottom and try to get to the top.Only fewplayers will succeedand go down in history. - GuildSystems! Weprovide various Guildcontents like Guild store, unitedbattle,Guild storage, and so on. -War cinema system More graphicbattlescenes. - New Emperor system.New Ranking Point System BecomeanEmperor when you have the top rankfor 3 days. Newdynamicchallenging emperor system, out now! 3k game
Free Heroes 2 (T-800 mod) 3287.23
Bogdan Kozyrev
Free realization of the Heroes of Might and Magic II withTournamentand Campaign support. Free Heroes2 (T-800 mod) is up todatemoditication of open source engine fheroes2. The main thing init isthe Campaign support! Up to now it suports 3 Campaigns - 2originalcampaigns and new one T-800. Installing the game: As faras FreeHeroes 2 (T-800 Mod) is an open source realization of thegameHeroes of Might and Magic II, you need the data files fromtheoriginal game which you can download with the DEMO Heroes2versionfrom the Start up menu. If you have a FULL version of Heroes2 gamefor PC (Dos or Windows version), simply copy the files fromtheoriginal game to the SD card in thedirectoryapp-data/wiki.kvkozyrev.org.fheroes2t800/ How to installRussian,Spanish other languages take a look in thevideohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezAWtfQ-8O4 If you haveanyquestions regarding to installation or configuration of the gameIwill be happy to help any time.