برترین 1 برنامه مشابه به 분당21세기 병원

우리들한의원- 체형교정 디스크 사상체질 다이어트 통증 1.1
우리들한의원, 우리한의원의 앱은 체형교정, 디스크, 사상체질, 다이어트,통증,사상체질진단프로그램과 사상체질의 특성과 음식, 건강법, 마음가짐등을 중심으로 한 자료를 제공하고 있습니다.영어,일본어, 중국어로도 볼 수 있습니다.업그레이드 된 후에 영문버튼이 추가 되며 , 소셜네트워크의 페이스북, 트위터, 구글플러스, 핀터리스트,다음,네이버블러그,등과 연결이 되며, 유투브의 동영상을 통하여 방송내용을 볼 수 있습니다. 또한 상담, 예약을 할수있습니다...This is the free app of wooreedul korean clinic, wooreekoreanclinic. you can to know your sasang medical body type bykorean,english, japaness. and introduce the emotion, food, herb,diseaseetc,,,And Sasang-Constitution introduce about sasang medicine, food,mind,thngking, diet, obesity, disease, cancer, sasangmedicine.Sasang-body talk about sasang body type, shape, goodposture,remedy bad podture, neck & lumber Disc, pain, R.A,chronicpain, muscle & joint arthrites. you can see inenglish,japanese, chinese.바른자세, 사상체형교정을 통하여 바른자세, 바른 체형을 만들어 목, 허리디스크, 척추측만증, 척추전만증,후만증,일자목, 거북목, 관절질환, 관절염을 예방하는 방법을 알려드립니다사상체질진단프로그램을 통하여 자신의 체질을 진단하고 자신의 사상체질의 특징, 사상체질진단법, 태양인,소양인,태음인,소음인의 특성과 식이요법, 약선요법, 음식요법, 각 체질별 마음가짐, 평소 주의사항, 다이어트방법을알려드립니다.바른 마음가짐도 중요합니다. 사상체질별 마음의 특성과 사상체질에 따른 마음의 안정과 화를 푸는 법등의 마음,심리등에대한 내용도 제공합니다.건강을 유지하기 위하여서는첫째 바른음식과 먹거리,약선, 체질에 따른 음식, 자연식, 건강식이 좋습니다.둘째 바른 자세를 함으로써 외관상 보기 좋을 뿐만 아니라 디스크, 통증, 척추질환, 관절질환통증을 예방합니다세째 바른 마음으로 마음의 안정과 심리적 불안, 분노, 화병을 풀어 줌으로써 정신적 건강을 하게 합니다.위의 세가지를 지킨다면 각종 성인병, 난치병, 암, 통증질환, 알러지질환등을 미리 예방할 수 있습니다..사상체질, 사상체형에 따른 생활을 통하여 건강을 유지하시기 바랍니다..감사합니다.Wooree oriental medical clinic is treat sasang diet,obsity,adult disease, cancer with sasang constitutionmedicine,Wooreedul oriental medical clinic is treat neck & lumberdisc,remedy sasang body type, scoliosis, hyperlodosis,hypolododsis,straight neck and lumber spine, pain control, chronicpain. O leg,X leg.http://www.wooree.com우리들한의원 대표원장 김수범 배상Director of wooreedul korean medical clinic, Ph.D Subeom KimOur clinic, our appclinicoffers the Calibration body, disc, thought the constitution,diet,pain, characteristic of Sasang constitution and thespiritdiagnostics and food hygiene, materials such as attitudearound.English, Japanese, Chinese can also be seen.After the upgrade is added to the English button, socialnetworkFacebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinter list, then Naverblogs, etc.are connected, and you can view the broadcast contentthroughYouTube videos. In addition, counseling, you can make areservation...This is the free app of wooreedul korean clinic, wooreekoreanclinic. you can to know your sasang medical body type bykorean,english, japaness. and introduce the emotion, food, herb,diseaseetc ,,,And Sasang-Constitution introduce about sasang medicine, food,mind,thngking, diet, obesity, disease, cancer, sasangmedicine.Sasang-body talk about sasang body type, shape, goodposture,remedy bad podture, neck & lumber Disc, pain, RA,chronic pain,muscle & joint arthrites. you can see in english,japanese,chinese. Good posture, correct posture through a spiritbodymodification, body and made straight neck, herniateddisc,scoliosis, spinal jeonmanjeung, kyphosis, dated neck, turtleneck,joint diseases, will tell you how to prevent arthritisThrough history the constitution Diagnostics Diagnosticownconstitution and characteristics of their ideologyconstitution,Sasang diagnosis, taeyangin, soyangin, taeeumin,thecharacteristics of Soeumin diet, medicinal therapy, foodtherapy,each constitution Stars mind, the usual precautions , Iwill informthe diet.The right attitude is important. It also providesinformationsuch as the heart, sentiment and anger beopdeung solvethestability of the characteristics of the mind and spirit ofSasangconstitution by heart.To maintain a healthy wihayeoseo First, the right foods and food, medicinal food in accordancewiththe constitution, natural food, healthy food is good.Second, by deceiving as good posture as to prevent thedisc,pain, spinal disorders, joint disorders painThird right mind stable and psychological anxiety of mind,anger,giving you the mental health released a vase.If the above three things keep various illnesses,incurablediseases, cancer, pain disorders, allergic diseases canbeprevented in advance.Constitutional ideas through the life of the spirit, please keepthebody healthy.Thank you.Wooree oriental medical clinic is treat sasang diet,obsity,adult disease, cancer with sasang constitutionmedicine,Wooreedul oriental medical clinic is treat neck & lumberdisc,remedy sasang body type, scoliosis, hyperlodosis,hypolododsis,straight neck and lumber spine, pain control, chronicpain. O leg,X leg.http://www.wooree.comOur clinic director Kim Soo-beom represent compensationDirector of wooreedul korean medical clinic, Ph.D Subeom Kim