برترین 21 برنامه مشابه به la bola futuro broma

Bola de Cristal 1.0
Bola de cristal es la app para android que te responderá alaspreguntas sobre tu futuro.Piensa una pregunta, agita la bola y recibirás respuesta paratududa.Recuerda no hacer trampas y aceptar siempre la primera respuestadela bola de cristal ;)CrystalBall is the app for android you answer questions aboutyourfuture.Think of a question, shake the ball and receive a response toyourquestion.Remember not to cheat and always accept the first response ofthecrystal ball ;)
Fortune Cookie 2.62
The Fortune Cookie, a piece of advice, a future prediction,aninspiration...
Bola Mágica del Amor 1.83
The Magic of Love Ball App will respond to you and guide you totheright decision
Future Crystal Ball joke 7.0.0
*** ATTENTION: This is a joke ***With the crystal ball fun is guaranteed, concetrate think aquestionand answer crystal ball, really? no, no catch and this iswhere thefun, if you click on the left side always come out "if"and if youclick on the right side will always come out "no", butthat friendsand family do not know, you can create really funnysituations andthink that the ball really guess the present, pastand future. Ifyou want to play in random mode lets gua friend orfamily press andincreasingly leave a reply.Warning: It is an entertaining app in no way answers aretrue.Download and ball and guess your future.
Bola Mágica del 8 1.8
Bola Mágica del 8.¿Tienes una pregunta importante y necesitas encontrar la respuesta?La App Bola Mágica del 8 te responderá y te guiará hacialadecisión correcta. Sólo tienes que hacerle una pregunta de SÍ oNOa la bola del futuro sobre el tema que desees, agitarla ylarespuesta se descubrirá ante tus ojos. Siempreencontrarasrespuestas con esta bola de cristal.La Bola Mágica del 8 incluye:★ Una interfaz gráfica de calidad optimizada parapantallasHD.★ Agita tu dispositivo móvil para conocer la respuesta.★ Haz tantas preguntas como quieras sin limites.★ Es sencilla, fácil de usar e intuitiva.★ Podrás compartirla con tus amigos en las principalesredessociales.Con la Bola Mágica del 8 tu futuro tiene respuesta.Magic 8 Ball.Have an important question and find the answer you need?The Magic 8 Ball App will answer you and guide you to therightdecision. Just ask a question of YES or NO to the ball ofthefuture on the subject you want to shake it and the answer willbefound before your eyes. Whenever you find answers to thiscrystalball.Magic 8 Ball includes:★ A graphical interface optimized for HD quality screens.★ Shake your mobile device for the answer.★ Make as many questions as you want without limits.★ It is simple, easy to use and intuitive.★ Can you share with your friends on the major social networks.With the Magic 8 Ball has your future response.
Predicción Bola de Cristal 2.0.0
Two Speed APPs
**ATENCION*** Esto es una bromaCon Predicción Bola de Cristal la diversión seencuentragarantizada,concetrate piensa una pregunta y la bola decristalcontestará, ¿enserio? no, hay truco y aquí es donde seencuentrala diversión, sipulsas sobre la parte izquierda siempresaldrá"si", y si pulsassobre la parte derecha siempre saldrá "no",peroeso tus amigos yfamiliares no lo saben , puedes crearsituacionesrealmentedivertidas y pensarán que la bola adivina deverdad elpresente,pasado y futuro. Si quiere jugar en modoaleatorio dejaque gua amigoo familiar pulse y cada vez saldráunacontestación.advertencia: es un app de entretenimiento en ningúncasolasrespuestas son verdaderas.Descarga ya y que la bola adivine tu futuro.** WARNING *** ThisisajokePrediction With Crystal Ball Fun is guaranteed, concetratethinkaquestion and answer crystal ball, really? no, no catch andthisiswhere the fun, if you click on the left side always comeout"if"and if you click on the right side will always come out"no",butthat friends and family do not know, you can createreallyfunnysituations and think that the ball really guess thepresent,pastand future. If you want to play in random mode lets guafriendorfamily press and increasingly leave a reply.Warning: It is an entertaining app in no way answers aretrue.Download and ball and guess your future.
Future Ball Joke 5.0.0
*** WARNING *** This is a jokeWith the Ball Future Joke Fun is guaranteed, concetrate thinkaquestion and answer crystal ball, really? no, no catch and thisiswhere the fun, if you click on the left side always come out"if"and if you click on the right side will always come out "no",butthat friends and family do not know, you can create reallyfunnysituations and think that the ball really guess the present,pastand future. If you want to play in random mode lets gua friendorfamily press and increasingly leave a reply.Warning: It is an entertaining app in no way answers aretrue.Download and ball and guess your future.
Bola de Cristal 1.0
Haz una pregunta, agita tu celular yobtenunarespuesta!Ask a question,shakeyourphone and get an answer!
Crystal Ball 1.8
Ask the crystal ball any question,shewillanswer as you know, saying yes, no, maybe, showingpicturesorother.  The crystal ball can tell you the right way!All the mysteries of the universe is in your hands!It can help you make tough decisions, or just have funwithyourfriends!Try it! ;)
Magic 8 Ball 3D 3.09.1
Ask any question answerable by YES or NOandfind out the answer.Features:★ No ads!★ Supports Android Wear.★ Realistic physics and 3D graphics.★ Classical design based on 20 faces icosahedron which markedtheanswers.★ Shake the phone or swipe your finger across the screen tostartthe motion.★ Always close at hand.Bring back your childhood memories.
Bola Magica de Preguntas 1.2
Pregúntale a la bola mágica lo que quieras:- Que te deparará el futuro- Si alguien te desea¡ LO QUE SE TE OCURRA !La bola responderá a todas las preguntas...Los permisos de conexión son para la publicidad, parapagarmeuncafelito ;)Para sugerencias/consultas, escribid a yebenesfelipe@gmail.com.Gracias!
Ultra Fortune Ball ( Free Bilingual Magic 8 Ball ) 4.4.1
Avrin Ross
One of the best magic 8 ball apps! From a galaxy far away inspacecomes Ultra Fortune Ball. This free crystal magic 8 ball fromspacewill make decisions in your life easier, and help you predictthefuture and overcome problems. One of the best magic 8 ballappsever! Ultra Fortune Ball is equipped with hundreds ofuniqueanswers to your everyday yes or no questions in eitherEnglish orSpanish. It seems as though this bilingual fortune tellerhas thetendency to be correct on numerous occasions. It’s almostcreepyhow often it’s right when it predicts the future and givesyou thecorrect answers to your questions. Honest answers, funnyanswers,questionable answers, confusing answers, truth or dareanswers,fortune teller answers and many more types. Hundreds ofresponsesin English and Spanish / Espanol. Features animations, andoptionalcinematic music, sound effects, & vibration reaction.Open theapp, choose a language, ask a question, then shake or touchtheball for an answer. Fortunes may be serious or funny. Answerscanalso be motivational or awkward. Sometimes the answers toyoureveryday questions about life can be simply weird. Thismythicalcrystal ball can help reduce stress by answering simplequestionsyou may have throughout the day. Use it as funnoveltyentertainment, help with everyday question, predicting thefuture,advice on life & life, truth or dare, or any otheroccasion.This fortune teller crystal ball is from somewhere inspace, but itcan be in the palm of your hand for free. There are noother magic8 ball apps like Ultra Fortune Ball.....Is this a realfortuneteller that tells the truth?......Is this crystal ballreally fromspace?......Will this magic 8 ball give me greatadvice?......Seefor yourself! For entertainment purposesonly....enjoy! 8-Bit AvrinApps
Bolita Magica 0.1
Jose A. Martinez
Adaptación humorística en español delabolitamágica adivinadora. Sólo haz tu pregunta y toca labolitaparasaber tu suerte.Disfruta usando esta aplicacion en fiestas y reunionesypararespuestas mas subidas de tono y satirasbuscaVidenteMalcriada.Vidente Malcriada es una aplicacion no apta para menoresdeedaddebido a su contenido y puedes encontrarla en la tiendaPlayStorede Google.
La Bola de Cristal Broma 8.0.0
Con La Bola de Cristal Bromapodrásdisfrutarcon toda la familia, el entretenimientoestaasegurado.Aviso: Aplicación de entretenimiento, en ningún casolosresultadosson ciertos.¿Tienes dudas sobre tu futuro?, Pregunta a la esferamágicaadivinafuturo, descubre que te depara el destino.La esfera mágica es un instrumento adivinatorio, quehaperduradocomo herencia del pasado, y es un testigo mudo delaevolución delos tiempos.Su interpretación es mucho más fácil de lo que puede parecerasimplevista.Sólo es necesario relajarnos con la mente abierta yelespiriturelajado.Es uno de los oráculos más antiguos de la historia delasArtesAdivinatorias que nace tras la observación de las aguasdelosrios.La Bola es una forma de energía y vibración, esta vibraciónescapazde sintonizar en el plano espiritual con distintosaspectosde lapersona, de esta forma al concentrarnos y al tocarlaesfera,seproducirá una vibración determinada que aportará datossobreelfuturo del consultante en distintas áreas de su vida.Magos, adivinos, brujas, brujos, hechiceros, hanutilizadolasrespuestas de la esfera mágica a lo largo demilenios.Las respuestas de la esfera tienen el mismo nivel de azarquetufuturo,por lo tanto son totalmente válidas si se cree enellas.Las fuerzas inconscientes son muy poderosas y, para el comúndelagente que carece de poderes clarividentes notables, ésta eslafuerzaque activamos cuando practicamos ladominomancia.Esasfuerzas duermenen esa parte oculta de nosotrosmismos, que sabemuchas cosas quehemos olvidado. El incosnciente esmás antiguo ysu sabiduría sehunde en las experiencias del hombreanimal y delser que vive enconsonancia con la naturaleza ysusespíritus.Al incosnciente le pertenece el poder invocador de la magiaylaenorme fuerza de la intuición, nos permite acertar enunadecisióndificil o, por lo menos, captar lo esencial que estáenjuego, pasaasi tener mejor suerte.INSTRUCCIONES:Concéntrese en su pregunta, recuerde:" A buenas preguntas, buenas respuestas ª, es ustedmismoquienresponde a través de este método de adivinación laesferamágicaactúa como un " MEDIUM " que trae una verdad de ese másallá,quees nuestra propia sabidura insconsciente.Una vez concentrado, formule la pregunta para sus adentrosoanótelaen un papel.No sea timidola esfera mágica lepermiteinterrogarlosobre cualquier cuestión que a ustedlepregunte.Ponga el pulgar sobre la esferaNuestra aplicación le dará respuesta a su pregunta.Acepta la primera respuesta.¿A que estás esperando? ¡Pruébala, te va a encantar!APLICACIÓN PARA DISFRUTAR CON LOS AMIGOS Y FAMILIA.ESPERAMOS QUE ENCUENTRES LO QUE ANDAS BUSCANDO.SUERTE Y MUCHAS GRACIASWith Crystal BallJokeyoucan enjoy with the whole family, entertainmentisassured.Notice: Application of entertainment, in any case theresultsaretrue.Do you have questions about your future ?, Ask the magicsphereguessfuture, discovers that your future holds.The magic sphere is a divination tool that has endured as alegacyofthe past and is a silent witness to the changingtimes.His interpretation is much easier than it might seematfirstvista.Sólo necessary relax with an open mindandrelaxedspirit.It is one of the most ancient oracles of the historyofdivinationborn after observation of the waters of rivers.Ball is a form of energy and vibration, this vibration isabletotune into the spiritual plane with different aspects oftheperson,thus to concentrate and play laesfera, there will beacertainvibration that provide data on the future ofconsultantindifferent areas of your life.Magicians, wizards, witches, warlocks, sorcerers, haveusedtheresponses of the magic sphere over millennia.The responses of the sphere have the same level of chancethatyourfuture, so are totally valid if one believes in them.The unconscious forces are very powerful and, forordinarypeoplewithout remarkable clairvoyant powers, it is theforce thatactivatewhen we practice forces dominomancia.Esas sleepin thathidden partof ourselves, who knows many things we haveforgotten .Theincosnciente is older and wisdom sinks into theexperiences ofthenatural man and being living in harmony withnatureandspirits.Incosnciente belongs to the calling power of magic andtheenormouspower of intuition, allows us to succeed in adifficultdecision,or at least get the gist is at stake, passes wellhavebetterluck.INSTRUCTIONS: Concentrate on your question, remember:"A good questions, good answers ª, is yourself whorepliedthroughthis method of divination magic sphere acts as a"MEDIUM"thatbrings a truth beyond that which is ourownunconsciouswisdom.Once concentrated, ask the question to himself or write it downonapapel.No is timidola magic sphere allows you question himonanyquestion that you would ask. Place your thumb on the fieldOur app will answer to your question. Accepts the first response.What are you waiting for? Try it, you'll love!APPLICATION TO ENJOY WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY.We hope you find what you're looking.LUCK AND THANKS
The Crystal Ball 1.4
The free crystal ball fortune teller isabletogive a reply to your questions.It's coming from the past, existing in the present andreadingthefuture.- Am I going to encounter the true love this year ?- Will I travel in space ?- Am I going to win the lottery ?- Is it going to rain tomorrow ?- Am I eating to much sugar ?- Do I need to buy the last fashion clothes ?We all have a special query and the magic ball is heretoanswerit even if it's strange, curious or weird.- Do I have to try horse riding ?- Will I be able one day to touch my nose with my toes ?- Is there apple in the strawberry pie ?- Is it possible that the sun meet the moon and they fallinlove?We all want response.Just concentrate and think about your question ( It maybepossibleto reply by yes or no ).When you are ready, you just have to write it tothecrystalball.Don't forget that it is just a game based on random.
Bola de cristal broma truco 2.0.0
Super APP for You
Con Bola de Cristal broma truco,podrásreírtecon tus amigos y familiares, serás al único que la bolaleadivinatodo, pero como no podía ser de otra forma haytruco,leeatentamente la sección info dentro del app para tenerclarocomotomar el pelo a tus amigos y familiares, puedescrearsituacionesrealmente divertidas todo depende detuimaginación.Descarga ya , es gratis.Abre la app de la bola de cristal y siguelossiguientespasos.1º - Haz una pregunta en voz alta, para que todos tusamigosofamilia la escuchen y estén atentos a la bola mágica.Cuandomásinteresante sea la cuestión, más atención tendrásdelagente.2º - Tras formular la pregunta, pulsa en la bola decristal.Piensaque un golpe fuerte podría romperla.3º - Esperamos la sabia respuesta de la bola mágica.4º- La bola, ante la atenta mirada de todos, nos dará larespuestaanuestra pregunta. Sonrisas, gritos y abucheos puedenserlasposibles reacciones de todas las personas expectantes.Si no se te ocurren posibles preguntas para hacer a laboladecristal, te proponemos unas cuantas.PREGUNTAS DE AMOR.¿Mi pareja me está engañando con otra persona?¿El chico del otro día me va a pedir salir?¿Me estoy enamorando?¿Con esta ropa ligaré esta noche?PREGUNTAS DE SALUD¿Voy a sufrir alguna enfermedad este año?¿Se va a recuperar de la enfermedad que padece?¿Me voy a recuperar de la lesión?PREGUNTAS DE DINERO¿Me va a tocar la lotería?¿La declaración de la renta me va a devolver dinero?¿Voy a alquilar el piso?¿Voy a recibir una herencia de un antepasado millonario?PREGUNTAS DE TRABAJO¿Voy a encontrar trabajo?¿Voy a pasar la entrevista de trabajo del otro día?¿Me van a subir el sueldo?PREGUNTAS DEPORTIVAS¿Mi equipo va a ganar la liga?¿El portero va a parar el penalty?¿Va a meter el último tiro libre del partido?¿Va a llegar el partido a la prórroga?Y recuerda, la bola de cristal acertará o se equivocará,perosiemprees una broma. Tu objetivo es hacer que todo el mundocreaque esreal.With CrystalBallPrankTrick, you'll laugh with friends and family, you will betheonethat the ball would guess everything, but how could itbeotherwiseno trick, read carefully the section info within theappto beclear as taking Hair to your friends and family, youcancreatesituations really fun all depends on yourimagination.Download now, it's free.Open the app from the crystal ball and follow the steps.1 - Ask a question aloud, so that all your friendsorfamilylisten and be attentive to the magic ball. Whenmostinteresting isthe question, more attention will ofthepeople.2 - After asking the question, click on the crystal ball.Thinkablow could break.3 - We hope the wise response of the magic ball.4º- Ball, under the watchful gaze of all, give us the answertoourquestion. Smiles, shouts and boos could be thepossiblereactionsof all expectant people.If you can not think of any questions to ask the crystalball,wesuggest a few.QUESTIONS OF LOVE.My partner is cheating on me with someone else?The guy the other day going to ask me out?Am I falling in love?With these clothes I bind up tonight?HEALTH QUESTIONSWill I suffer any illness this year?Are you going to recover from her illness?Am I going to recover from the injury?QUESTIONS OF MONEYAre you going to play the lottery?Does the statement of income I will return money?Will I rent the apartment?Will I receive an inheritance of a millionaire ancestor?QUESTIONS OF WORKWill I find a job?Will I pass the job interview the other day?Will I get a raise?SPORTS QUESTIONSMy team will win the league?Does the goalkeeper going to stop the penalty?Will it last free throw scoring the party?Will you get the game into overtime?And remember, the crystal ball chanced or be wrong, but it'salwaysajoke. Your goal is to make everyone believe that it isreal.
The Magic Ball 2.7
Aurelien Texier
Get answers now !
Bola Magica 1.0
Rubén Mobile Inc
Pregunta lo que quieras a la Bola Mágicayellate contestara.Solo tienes que decir tu pregunta por voz y luego agitar elmóvilyla Bola te dirá la respuesta mediante un control devoz.Ask whatever youwanttothe Magic Ball and she will answer you.Just say your question by voice and then shake the phone andtheballwill tell you the answer by voice control.
Bilingual Magic Ball Relajo 0.1
Jose A. Martinez
Let the Bilingual Magic Ball Relajo helpyoubyanswering your questions with its unusual responses whileitalsohelps you learning Spanish.Bilingual adaptation of the Magic Ball. This app helpsyoupredictyour future at the same time it helps youlearningresponses onimproper (slang) Spanish and Englishlanguages. Forproper responseson English and Spanish look forBilingual MagicBall also availableat the Play Store. Somevocabulary may not berecommended forchildren.
Crystal Ball 1.0
Shawn Webster
Shake your phone or tap the screenwhileyou'rethinking about what you want to ask the Crystal Ball.TheCrystalBall will read your future and provide you the answer(ifyou'relucky!).This is a slightly modified version of theCrystalBallapplication created through the Team TreehouseAndroidDevelopmentcourse. Make your own version by visiting theirpage andsigning upfor a free 14-day trial.
Magic Eight Ball 3D 1.3
Magic eight ball. Magic 8 ball.- Great design- Total in 3D- 20 possible answers in english and spanish.This is my first android app, so if you have a problem, tell me.Anddont be rude :)