برترین 28 برنامه مشابه به Online Chess - Free online mobile chess 2020
Chess ChessOK Playing Zone PGN 1.6.5
Application features: * Play chess online * Play chesslocally(fortwo players) * Play chess against AI * User friendlygameinterface* 12 board themes and 2 piece themes * Global chat*Chesstournaments start every 5-10 minutes * 4 independentchessratings– for bullet, blitz, standard and chess-960 * Gameimportingandexporting in PGN standard, local game database in PGNformat*Searching for opponents * Friends list * Chess teams *ImportPGNfunction The program is designed to play chess onlineonChessOKPlaying Zone server (also known as ChessPlanet) - one ofthemostpopular chess servers in the world. Chess is the one oftheoldestgames on the Earth. Chess train your logical thinkingandmemory,so they became popular with children in school. Itisfascinatingand useful to play chess online at Chess OKPlayingZone. There aremore than 100 000 registered users onserver,thousands of gamesare simultaneously online at any time ofday. Youcan find a largenumber of partners of equal skill orcloseinterests. Game supportsboth short and long time controls(bullet,blitz, standard). Youcan add favorite players to yourfriends listto make them easierto find later. You can play chessonline frommobile phone, tabletor PC. Games are saved in localdatabase in PGNstandard. Savedgames can be shared via email, skypeor jabber. Youcan play chesslocally, online or watch live chessgames. Onlinegame is possiblewithout registration, but if register,you will getyour personalchess rating for three time controls –bullet, blitzand standard.Application include very powerful enginefor PGNimport - it canhandle majority of PGN features - standardnotation,flashnotation, SetUp tag and other. Also, it is integratedintosystemdialogs, so you can import PGN from clipboard,browser,messengers,another chess applications such as chess.com,chess forall, chessfor android, chess-presso, chess from AI Factoryandothers ChessOKcompany is also known by such products asChessAssistant, HoudiniAquarium, Peshka, CT-ART, Chess King and7-manendgame lomonosovtablebases. Good game!
Chess Stars - Play Online 6.36.22
Playing classic Chess with other people was never that simple!Within-game chat and Facebook integration, you can experiencesocialChess with friends, family & players around the world.Stay intouch with others and you'll never run out of worthyopponents!Thanks to a simple layout and 3 exciting game modes,Chess Stars istruly the perfect way to play social Chess forplayers of alllevels, from kids & beginners to real chesslovers &masters. Learn how to play Social Chess. Discoverclassic chesstactics and strategy to win with a satisfyingcheckmate. Game Modesinclude Quick Matches, Slow Chess, and playagainst the computer.You can personalize the game with ourbeautiful themes, sets &boards that include Dracula, Under theSea, and Indiana. Playingthis classic board game is a great way toincrease your IQ so youcan become a real Multiplayer ChessGrandmaster just like MagnusCarlsen. GAME FEATURES - MultiplayerChess: play with friends,family & players around the world -Quick 1v1 speed and fastmatches -On board Game Analysis to learnmore about your bestmoves, move strengths and blunders at the endof the game - Playlong Multiplayer Chess where players take turnsin their own time.- Play against com (computer) with 10 difficultylevels. - Chatwith emojis - View in-game stats - Make new friends -Learn Chessby watching lessons' videos - Climb up the Leagueleaderboards byparticipating in Tournaments Looking for an evengreater challenge?Want to become a Chess master in no time?Subscribe now to getfantastic benefits and improve your game: -Unlock 40 professionalchess lessons - Remove ads - Access tounlimited themes - Increasefriends limits CONTACT & SUPPORT Forsupport, please contact usat support@turbolabz.com To stay updatedabout new features in ourclassic Chess game, follow us on socialmedia. Facebook:www.facebook.com/chessstarapp
Chess Master 2020 1.0.2
Chess Master 2020 is the best designed chess game for allusers,andit's totally FREE! Chess 2020 game is build by chessplayersandenthusiasts who really love chess! Game Chess Master2020supports 1player, 2 player play chess offline and waitingchessonline in nextversion near future, so you can play againstfriendsor test yourskills against a challenging AI opponent.GameFeatures of ChessMaster 2020 : - Chess in your Android -Perfectfor 1- or 2-playergames - Beautiful graphics and fantasticsoundeffects - Hint, Editpositions - Save / Load games are played,canbe exported to PGNformat. - Auto-save game when exitandautomatically load into thenext time. - Outstanding AI engineof100 different difficultylevels - This game is perfectlysupportedtablet device. - Undo/Redofunction Play Chess for free onyourphone. Hope you enjoy thisgame.
Chess PGN Master 2.8.1
This is the trial version of ChessPGNMaster.Browse through chess e-books available in PGN format or watchlivetournaments as they occur (if there's a PGN file available ontheweb which is regularly updated).The trial version allows you to view:- the first 20 games of a PGN file- the first 5 games of a live PGN filePlease buy the pro key to remove restrictions and to enableeditmode:http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kalab.pgnviewerproFeatures:* Easy navigation (tap on left or right side of the board tomovethe pieces)* Analyze games with the integrated analysis engine (outputlimitedto one move in trial version) - start with menu -Analyisisstart/stop* Add more UCI chess engines for analysis (e.g. use theenginesdistributed with Chessbase)* Autoplay (automatically move the pieces, time between moves canbeset in settings)* Live update of games (a PGN file from the web which isupdatedwill automatically be reloaded once a minute)* Dropbox support (load PGN files from your Dropbox)* includes a PGN file with 6 annotated games from"ChessFundamentals" by former world champion José RaúlCapablanca* Edit mode (PRO only): try out analyzed lines, edit annotationsandvariations* Blunder check* Supports many languages (e.g. Russian, Chinese) inannotations(see Preferences - Set encoding)* Share games with other programs (Chess programs, Google+,...),share from Chessbase Online* Can read Scid database files if "Scid on the go"isinstalled* Automatically convert ChessBase databases to PGN if "CBH toPGN"is installed* Support for chess engines in open exchange format like KomodoorTexelChess960 is NOT supported.IF YOU FIND A PGN FILE THIS PROGRAM CANNOT LOAD PLEASECONTACTME.