برترین 18 برنامه مشابه به Chinese Character Cards 5k

Learn Chinese Vocabulary
Why use Progressive Chinese?Progressive Chinese is a vocabulary trainer for peoplelearningChinese. The app simply helps you create and maintain decksofflash cards while also automatically scheduling regularrevisionsto keep you on top of your learning. The app comespre-packagedwith a large database of words and characters which canbe addedstraight into your decks. To keep your learning relevant wehavealso categorized over 3000+ vocab entries into lists whichcaneasily be added straight into decks ready to be revised.Progressive Chinese works to manage the learning of vocab andtriesto introduce new vocabulary to the user from the pool ofcharactersthat they already know by making vocab learningsuggestions. Thishelps the learner to decrease the gaps in theirvocabulary (wordknowledge) that months and years of learningcharacters wouldproduce. Simply add the characters you already knowto a deck anduse the "Suggested Vocab" filter to start addingsuggested vocab toyour deck.Features★ Create and manage unlimited decks of flash cards from anexpansivedictionary of words and characters.★ Over 3000+ categorized words and characters which can beeasilyadded to your deck, including these categories and more:travel,relationships, technology, business, anatomy, military,work,medical, science, Christian grammar, religion, animals,computerscience, design and law. Categorization is a work inprogress,expect to see more!★ Includes Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) lists which can easilybeadded to your deck so you can start revising for HSK exams.★ Simplified and traditional characters are available.★ The ability to schedule up to three alarms as reminders todorevision.★ Automatically scheduled flashcards and a cram mode forvocabrevision.★ Automatically provides learning suggestions from thecharactersthat you already know.When learning Chinese, or any language, it is recommended thatthelearner has multiple streams of learning at the sametimeespecially when aiming at the goal of being fluent inthatlanguage. To learn Chinese the learner must blanket their mindwithdifferent words and characters, not letting their learningbecometoo narrow and specific. Using the Progressive Chinese app isaeasy way to introduce an additional stream of learning ortocompliment the already existing streams that you are using.Useful for• Those wanting to learn Chinese frequently used wordsandcharacters.• Preparing for your HSK exam.• People learning beginner to advanced levelChinesevocabulary.• Those with the aim of becoming fluent in Chinese.• Expats and foreign exchange students in ChinalearningChinese.• Any student learning Chinese characters or words.• Those looking for a Chinese Vocabulary trainer.Note after uninstalling the app, the database will need tobemanually removed from the sdcard. You can find the database intheProgressiveChinese directory on the sdcard. This was requiredaspart of a fix for older android versions.Follow us on:Google+ - https://plus.google.com/110487208541759186057Twitter - https://twitter.com/progressiveChn
Chinese Flashcard(HSK Level6) 1.0
This app use flashcards to help youtodevelopyour Chinese vocabulary.This version includes all required vocabulary for Level 6.From hsk.org.cn:The Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) is a national standardizedtesttoassess the Chinese language proficiency ofnon-nativespeakers.Level1 (150Words) ElementaryLevel2 (150Words) Elementary with HonorsLevel3 (300Words) IntermediateLevel4 (600Words) Intermediate with HonorsLevel5 (1300Words) AdvancedLevel6 (2500Words) Advanced with HonorsOther available versions for all HSK levels- Level1-2- Level3- Level4- Level5- Level6There is no audio.This app has a favourite function and hide function topracticethewords you want to focus on.If you find any bugs or want any additional function,pleasefeelfree to email me with the detail. I will make this appimproveassoon as possible.
中国語単語HSK5000体験版 Version
Androidでは初の本格的、中国語単語帳アプリです。中国政府が公認する中国語検定試験『HSK』で必要とされる中国語の標準単語5000語を厳選しました。本の単語帳のように一覧性を持たせつつ、中国語単語、ピンイン(発音記号)、日本語の意味 をそれぞれ独立に隠すことができます。また、チェックをつけた単語だけ抽出して、集中的に暗記できる、といったアプリならではの機能を持たせています。一方で単語帳アプリにありがちな、『ゲーム性』や、『テストモード』などはありません。この中国語単語アプリの制作チーム(全員HSK6級もしくは5級保有者+中国語ネイティブ)が、「実際の勉強には役に立たない」と判断したからです。覚えていない中国語単語があれば、自分で分かるでしょうから、チェックをつけて、ひたすら覚えてください。中国語単語→日本語意味を頭の中で変換できないような、要するに意味がわかっていない中国語単語もたくさんあると思います。特にHSKや中国語検定などの試験を受ける直前に、この中国語単語帳で、覚えていない中国語単語をリストアップし、短期間で潰していく、といった使い方をすると、試験の上では絶大な効果があります。また、実際に中国語で話せるようになるためには、日本語の意味→中国語単語の変換が、(理想的には意識せず)出来るようになっている必要があります。日本語の意味だけ表示して、中国語単語とピンインを隠す、といった覚え方をすることが、実用上は重要です。このアプリでは、中国語単語、ピンイン(発音記号)、日本語の意味、をそれぞれ独立に隠すことができるので、実用的な中国語の習得にも適しています。さらに、単語帳の文字をタップすると、5000語全てについて、ネイティブが作成した例文が表示されます。それぞれの中国語単語を、実際にどのように利用するか、実践的に理解できます。さらには、簡体字⇔繁体字の切り替えもできます。台湾や香港で中国語を学ぶ際にも役立てることができます。★:あるユーザ様から『台湾で有料版が購入できない』、と指摘をいただきました。残念なことに、台湾では完全版が購入できません。2013年1月現在、台湾政府のネット販売規制にGoogleが対応していないため、無料アプリは提供できますが、有料アプリを提供することにはシステム制限がかけられております。日本に帰国の際にお買い求め頂ければ幸いです。●有料版と体験版では単語の収録数が異なります。無料体験版で、操作性、内容を気に入って頂ければ、有料完全版を購入頂ければ幸いです。★無料体験版(合計 320語収録)・HSK1~2級相当 :80語・HSK3~4級相当 :80語・HSK5級相当 :80語・HSK6級相当 :80語★有料完全版(合計 5001語収録) ・HSK1~2級相当 :300語・HSK3~4級相当 :883語・HSK5級相当 :1308語・HSK6級相当 :2510語monofreak 中国語単語帳制作チームFull-scale, is aChineseword book application for the first time in Android. Ihavecarefully selected the 5000 language standard Chinese wordsthatare required Chinese proficiency test by the Chinesegovernmentofficial with "HSK". You can while to have a list of asword ofthis book, to hide independently the Chinese word meaning,pinyin(phonetic), and Japanese. In addition, we have a function oftheapplication only by extracting words only is checked, andcanmemorize intensively.That is common to word book application on the other hand, donothave and "gameplay", such as "test mode". (Class 5 holders+Chinese native or HSK6 class all) production team of thisChineseword app, because we consider "useless to study real". Ifthere isa Chinese word that you do not remember, because you willsee foryourself, check the, please remember earnestly.I think that can not be converted in the head a Chinesewordmeaning → Japanese, and there are a lot of Chinese words thatdonot know the meaning short. Just before you take the test, suchasa Chinese test or HSK in particular, in this Chinese word book,andhow to use it to list up the Chinese word you do not know,like,going to crush in a short period of time, it is overwhelmingin thetop of the test has the effect.In addition, in order to be able to speak in Chinese in fact,mustbe converted meaning → Chinese word of Japanese, (nottransparentto the ideal) is to be able to. To how to remember todisplay onlythe meaning of Japanese, and such, hide pinyin andChinese word, isimportant in practice.In this application, it is possible to hide toindependentlysense, Chinese words, pinyin (phonetic), the Japanese,it is alsosuitable for learning Chinese practical.In addition, when you tap the character of the word book, forall5000 words, sentences that native has been created. How doyouactually use it, the Chinese word for each, you will understandina practical manner. In addition, I can also switchbetweenSimplified Chinese Traditional ⇔. You can also assist whenlearningChinese in Hong Kong and Taiwan.★: I had pointed out "paid version can not buy on Taiwan"and,from a user like. Unfortunately, full version is not availableforpurchase in Taiwan. For January 2013, Google does not correspondtothe net selling restrictions of Taiwan government, free appcanoffer, but the system limit has been multiplied to provide apaidapp. I am happy if you buy it at the time of return toJapan.● recording the number of words is different from thetrialversion and paid version.Free trial version, if you can like operability, the content,Iwould appreciate purchase the paid full version.★ Free Trial (total 320 words collecting)· HSK1 ~ 2 grade equivalent: 80 words· HSK3 ~ 4 grade equivalent: 80 words· HSK5 class equivalent: 80 words· HSK6 class equivalent: 80 words★ Paying version (total 5001 words collecting)· HSK1 ~ 2 grade equivalent: 300 words· HSK3 ~ 4 grade equivalent: 883 words· HSK5 class equivalent: 1308 words· HSK6 class equivalent: 2510 wordsmonofreak Chinese word book production team
Free Chinese HSK flash card 1.3
Wayne Zhao
The Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi,(汉语水平考试),abbreviated as HSK, is the People's Republic of China'sonlystandardized test of Standard Mandarin Chinese proficiencyfornon-native speakers. It is also known as the "ChineseProficiencyTest".There are six levels for the HSK. Level 1 is Elementary. Level2is Elementary with Honors. Level 3 is Intermediate. Level 4isIntermediate with Honors. Level 5 is Advanced. Level 6 isAdvancedwith Honors.This app includes all the words required by the HSK from level1to leve 6. Level 1 has 148 words. Level 2 has 147 words. Level3hsk 309 words. Level 4 has 583 words. Level 5 has 1230 words.Level6 has 2499 words. This is free version and only includesbasicwords.The app use flash card to help you learn all the HSK words.Italso includes sound. You can hear how each word ispronounced.New free version includes all level of words! You got allwordsfor free!
Chinese Character Cards 10k 1.0
⊛⊛⊛⊛⊛ This flashcard application isaneasy-to-use, proven tool for learning the 10,000 mostfrequentmodern Chinese characters in order. It uses audio filesrecorded bynative speakers to ensure clear spoken Chinese andEnglishtranslation. ⊛⊛⊛⊛⊛This application has the following features:⊛ flashcards that are proven to increase learning speed⊛ audio files that native speakers have recorded to aidyourpronunciation⊛ user friendly interface that shows characters in fullscreen⊛ various quiz modes (which focus on pinyin, listening andmeaningof the characters)PinyinTutor.com is building one of the leading app suiteforlearning Chinese as a foreign language. Don't forget to checkoutour Pinyin Chart, Vocab List, HSK Vocab List andPROnounceapps.⊛⊛⊛⊛⊛Our Production TeamDevelopment: Ocean ZhangGraphic Design: Zoe ZhengProducer: Terence Lau⊛⊛⊛⊛⊛Please understand that this is an ongoing development. Ifyouhave found any issues or bugs, please let us know byemail,support@ondemandworld.com.Wewill solve them with free updates.Check out http://www.pinyintutor.com/ for more info.⇾ Follow us on Twitter.http://twitter.com/ondemandworld‼ Like us on Facebook.http://facebook.com/ondemandworld⁇ About us on LinkedIn.http://www.linkedin.com/company/ondemandworld_____Need a white label app for your business? Or want to talk withusabout licensing and advertising opportunities? You shouldvisithttp://www.linkedin.com/company/ondemandworld
Easy Chinese Flashcards Free 1.1.0
Daisy Team
A simple but effective flashcard app for learning MandarinChinese.This is a BETA version. New features and more content willbe addedin future updates. Features: - Simple flashcard trainingsystem forefficiently learning Chinese characters and phrases -Currentlyincludes HSK Level 1-3 decks and a tourist phrase deck. -Trainsboth the Chinese characters/phrases and correspondingEnglishdefinitions - Single character cards are broken downintosub-character parts. For example, the card "好" (good) displays"女"(daughter) and "子" (son) when the answer is revealed. This makesiteasier to memorize the answer. - Phrase cards display meaningofindividual character when the answer is revealed. Keywords:SRS,spaced repetition, spaced rehearsal, expanding rehearsal,graduatedintervals, repetition spacing, repetition scheduling,spacedretrieval, expanded retrieval.
Chinese Flash Characters 2.0
Evelyne Merrick-Letawe
Break the Great Wall of Chinese characters!Learning Chinese characters is a big job. Because they aremany(you need hundreds just to read a newspaper) and because theyarefull of info (shapes, meaning, tones and pronunciation). It ishardwork indeed, like a very long list that needs to be tickedoneafter the other.And for all their efforts, new Chinese learners don't evenhavethe chance to practice much: plenty of reading material aroundbutthey always contain characters you don't know yet (which issofrustrating).At Chinese Flash Characters, we want to help you learnthesecharacters and words to use them to read (that's theobjectiveafter all). We believe it is more efficient and engagingtolearn- with grouping and organizing- with cross-references- with many examples and different contextsWe see this as a step-by-step approach, from character to wordtosentence, that deserve each specific learning tools.This is why we have different types of decks, all availableonthe same app by level:1/ assimilate CHARACTERS with SIM flashcardsEither as words or elements of poly-syllabic ones, charactersarethe fundamental building unit of the Chinese language.Their volume is the problem compared to our 26lettersalphabet.Our approach: how do we need to know Chinese characters? Theansweris deceptively simple: when we see them.- But do we take this into account? Not if you learn aChinesecharacter because it appears in a word, sentence, it isbecause infunction of its meaning. Same thing for an alphabeticallist...- And because we do not adapt our learning to the type ofmemoryfor which is needed (our passive visual memory in this case),wealso overlook a fundamental element of Chinese characters: 70%ofChinese characters are re-combinations of existing visualelements.We exploit this partially with radicals, but we can extendthisprinciple to other visual elements.Our SIM flashcards group Chinese characters by commonvisualelement and/or common radical, so you can easily compareandidentify their respective elements, spot easily the 'fakefriends'and create associations.2/ learn WORDS with DICO flashcardsTime to focus on the vocabulary itself with DICO. Allwordsbelonging to your test level are presented by- topic- "grammar" words- most useful adverbs & adjectives- colloquial expressions- all characters with double meaning and/or pronunciation3/ CHENGYU flashcardsLearn the CHENGYU (ancient Chinese proverbs) that containcharacterspart of your level so you can expand your vocabulary andshow offyour erudition.4/ practice with READ flashcardsShort sentences and expressions to start reading. Improveyourliteracy and discover structures and turns of phrase used bynativeChinese speakers.Also on our app:- CUMULATIVE content : For the HSK by example, if you useHSK123bundle, we focus on the new words (& their characters)from theHSK 3 level, but we will also words/characters from HSK1&2. Weonly use characters relative to your test level. We useall thewords part of your test level.- ORDERED / RANDOM : we put a lot of pride in the way we trytoorganize things, but if it doesn't work for you or if you wanttotwist things up, you can change the order in the 'settings'.- SRS (Spaced Repetition System) : this way, you only studytheChinese characters you don’t know. During a review, markaflashcard as ‘learned’ and the card will go to ‘sleep’ (willnotappear at your next review, leaving only the cards you don’tknowyet).- STATS BAR: check your progress on every deck with the statsbaron the app homepage- SETTINGS: modify the length of the ‘sleeping’ period orresetyour scores.Once your deck has been downloaded, all the cards will be storedonyour device.To assist you in your study and help you keep up withyourtextbook or favorite method, Chinese Flash can help you.Try our sample for free and start reading from day one
XueXi HuoBan HSK 2.08
XueXi HuoBan HSK is meant for studentslearningfor the Hanyu ShuiPing Kaoshi (HSK exam). Learn torecognize andtranslate Chinese (simplified) characters intoEnglish and viceversa. XueXi HuoBan HSK currently supportslearning the words forHSK level 1 to 4.Xuexi Huoban HSK has support for learning the charactersthatcompose a word. Touching a character on a flash cardanswersquestions like "Where did I see this character before?" or"What dothe separate parts in this character mean?".Xuexi Huoban HSK currently has the following features withmorecoming in future releases:✓ Word lists of the HSK levels 1-4 with English translations;✓ Flash cards are presented in books/levels.;✓ Books are subdivided in manageable chapters of 30 to75words;✓ The words are ordered by frequency of usage;✓ Learn mode in which you can browse the flash cards;✓ Test mode in which a configurable test can be performed;✓ Similar word list with all words containing aselectedcharacter;✓ Decomposition of a selected character into itsconstituentparts.
Chintonic 1.0
Françoise Pinalie
L'application Chintonic est synchroniséeavecvotre compte sur le site web Chintonic.Téléchargez en un clic votre sélection de mots, de caractères,decomposants ou ce clés sur le site web Chintonic etentraînez-vouspartout sans avoir besoin d'une connexioninternet.Mettez à profit vos temps morts pendant les transports,l'attenteaux caisses ou toute autre situation et mémorisezdurablement votrevocabulaire chinois.Activités ludiques et personnalisées, créées en temps réelàpartir de la sélection des mots, caractères, composants ou clésquevous souhaitez réviser.Plus de 5000 fichiers audio couvrant la grande majorité desmotsdes 6 niveaux du HSK.Activités ludiques proposées :* Flash cards et Flash audio avec répétition espacéeafind'optimiser la mémorisation* Reconnaissance des tons* Quiz* Jeu de Panda penduApplication gratuite :* adaptée aux smartphones et aux tablettes* bilingue français et anglaisInscrivez-vous sur notre site :http://www.chintonic.comSi vous avez des remarques ou questions sur cetteapplication,n'hésitez pas à nous le faire savoir :contact@chintonic.comThe Chintonicapplicationis synchronized with your account on the websiteChintonic.Get one-click your selection of words, characters, componentsorkeys on this website Chintonic and work out anywhere withouttheneed for an internet connection.Utilize your time died during transport, waiting in line orotherstatus and permanently store your Chinese vocabulary.Fun and personalized activities, created in real time fromtheselection of words, characters, components or key you wanttoreview.Over 5000 audio covering the vast majority of the words of the6levels of HSK.Fun activities proposed:* Flash cards with audio and Flash spaced repetition tomaximizestorage* Recognition of colors* Quiz* Game Panda hangedFree application:* Suitable for smartphones and tablets* Bilingual French and EnglishSign up on our website:http://www.chintonic.comIf you have any comments or questions regarding thisapplication,please let us know it:contact@chintonic.com
HSK Level 6 Chinese Flashcards 1.0
⊛⊛⊛⊛⊛ This flashcard applicationisaneasy-to-use, proven tool for learning the mostfrequentmodernChinese vocabulary in order and preparing for theChinese HSKExam.It uses audio files recorded by native speakers toensureclearspoken Chinese and English translation. ⊛⊛⊛⊛⊛This application has the following features:⊛ flashcards that are proven to increase learning speed⊛ audio files that native speakers have recorded toaidyourpronunciation⊛ user friendly interface that shows characters in fullscreen⊛ various quiz modes (which focus on pinyin, listening andmeaningofthe characters)PinyinTutor.com is building one of the leading appsuiteforlearning Chinese as a foreign language. Don't forget tocheckoutour Pinyin Chart, Vocab List, HSK Vocab ListandPROnounceapps.⊛⊛⊛⊛⊛Our Production TeamContent Editor: Sai WuDevelopment: Ocean ZhangGraphic Design: Zoe ZhengProducer: Edward Tsang, Terence Lau⊛⊛⊛⊛⊛Please understand that this is an ongoing development. Ifyouhavefound any issues or bugs, please let us knowbyemail,support@ondemandworld.com. We will solve themwithfreeupdates.Check out http://www.pinyintutor.com/ for more info.⇾ Follow us on Twitter.http://twitter.com/ondemandworld‼ Like us on Facebook.http://facebook.com/ondemandworld⁇ About us on LinkedIn.http://www.linkedin.com/company/ondemandworld_____Need a white label app for your business? Or want to talkwithusabout licensing and advertising opportunities? Youshouldvisithttp://www.linkedin.com/company/ondemandworld
Learn Chinese Flashcards Study 2.0.0
Martin Ogg
Learn Chinese absolutely anywhere you can use your mobile phoneordevice!
闪卡 Learn Mandarin Chinese free 2
Richard & Sylvia Croxall
闪卡 (Shănkă) Flashcards.Note that by giving this offline app away free (withoutrequiringany permissions and without advertisements) we hope toestablish ourname as a reliable source of Mandarin Chineselearning apps.Though we have been learning Mandarin Chinese for 4 years,westill struggle to read the characters. To pass the HSK level3exam, you need to be able to read about 600 differentChinesecharacters. This was never going to be easy, but we havefound away to make it easier.Chinese characters have a structure. Just as English wordsareconstructed from individual letters, Chinese charactersareconstructed from official ‘Radicals’ and other partcharacters.Sometimes one part of the character will tell you whatthecharacter sounds like whilst another part indicates therootmeaning.It is easier if you learn the characters in the 'right' order.Wethink it helps to learn all the parts of a characterbeforelearning the character itself (like learning the 26-lettersbeforelearning simple words).When you do make a mistake and confuse two characters ofsimilarappearance, such as 了 & 子, we think it helps to haveadiagnosis. Similarly if you confuse the sound Shao with Xiao,adiagnosis helps. Lastly if you confuse words like 'autumn'for'winter', it helps to know they are both seasons.“Shănkă” is a multiple choice Flashcard app for HSK levels 1, 2and3. It teaches all the parts of a character before teachingthecharacter itself. Shănkă also confirms the pronunciation oftheword (recorded by a native Mandarin speaker 孙 卉卉/HuiHuiSun).In contrast to other flashcard apps that we have used, Shănkăalwaysoffers a random set of plausible alternatives to the correctanswerwith similar sounds, similar appearance, similar meaning orwith thesame concept (number, season, pronoun, etc).When you make a mistake, Shănkă explains what the differenceisbetween the answer you chose and the correct answer.When you get a Chinese word incorrect, Shănkă schedules aretestalmost immediately. When you get an answer correct,Shănkăschedules a retest for the future. The more times you getitcorrect consecutively, the further into the future thenextreminder is scheduled.Shănkă shows the breakdown of a character so you can seethestructure of the character and spot any sound-alikes.Shănkă never gets tired. It knows where you got to and picksupwhere you left off.This first version is available free of charge. We intend to addavariety of other features in the future. We inviteyourfeedback.Enquiries to enquiries@Shănkă.co.uk Please report any bugswithversion and phone type to bugs@Shănkă.co.ukAcknowledgementsThis app makes use of freely available Kanxi radicalcharactersdefinitions and the free CE Dict Chinese-Englishdictionary(http://www.mdbg.net/chindict/chindict.php?page=cedict )to provideEnglish definitions.The app uses HanaMinA font for the display of partChinesecharacters.Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) is a Chinese government systemofteaching mandarin Chinese for foreigners. This app supportsHSKlevel 1 (150 words), level 2 (150 words) and level 3(300)words.
HSK Locker 1.9
Quiz & Flash card app designed to build your Chinesevocabulary(HSK lvl1 -lvl6)
Meilong – 美龙 Chinesisch 1.0.4
Silvio Amstad-Wang
Meilong – Eine App, die gerade aufsZielsteuert: das HSK-Vokabular 1 bis 4 lernen und üben!150 Schriftzeichen für das HSK 1, 300 für das HSK 2, 600 fürdasHSK 3 und 1‘200 Schriftzeichen für das HSK 4. Alle Wörterwerdenvon 王欣 ausgesprochen.Nachdem Sie das gewünschte Niveau ausgewählt haben, lernenundüben Sie die entsprechenden Schriftzeichen mit den Flashcards.DieWörter können Chinesisch-Deutsch oder Deutsch-Chinesischgeübtwerden und dies mit oder ohne Pinyin.Die Übung „1 aus 4“ testet Ihr Hörverstehen, aber auchdieErkennung der Schriftzeichen.Die anderen Übungen erleichtern das AssimilierenderSchriftzeichen und auch das Erlernen der richtigenAussprache,indem Sie die Wörter richtig in Pinyin schreiben oderauswählenmüssen.Mit Angabe der Kurzzeichen und Langzeichen.​​Meilong - An app thatgetsstraight to the point: the HSK vocabulary 1-4 vocabulary!150 characters for the HSK 1, 300 for the HSK 2, HSK 600 for3and 1200 characters for the HSK 4 All words are pronouncedby王欣.After you have selected the desired level, learn and practicethecorresponding character with the flashcards. The wordscanChinese-German or German-Chinese and practiced this with orwithoutPinyin.The exercise "1 of 4" will test your listening comprehension,butalso character recognition.The other exercises facilitate the assimilation of thecharactersand also learning the correct pronunciation by the needto writewords correctly in pinyin or.Indicating the symbols and characters long.
Viva HSK 6 Flash Card (ENG) 1.1
Viva HSK 6 Flash Card for English NativeSpecial Limited Edition!Free, Whole Contents(2,500 words), Permanent usage************** Features **************1. Level: Intermediate, High2. Price: Free3. Duration: Permanent4. Internet Connection: Once download, use without WIFI5. Contents: HSK 6 (2,500, all words), and Sounds6. Function: List, Repetition(one word, all), Search,Favorite,Speed control7. Optimization: 5 inch Display Smartphone & 7 inchDisplayTab(or Pad)Contents categories: HSK 6 (2,500 words)You can master Chinese vocabularies using this App. This Appisdeveloped for easy and fast learning based on cognitive designandsimple usage method. When you're waiting for someone, you canuseyour time for Chinese learning. Achieve your goal!Anywhere,anytime!* TipHSK is Chinese Proficiency Test or Chinese Standard Examforforeigners. HSK is China's only standardized test administeredbyHanban, a non-government organization affiliated with theMinistryof Education of the People's Republic of China.HSK 1-3: BeginnersHSK 4-5: Intermediate LevelHSK 6: High Level
Chinese in Flow 5.0
Owen Dwyer
Practice Chinese characters in a fun way.
HSK Chinese Learning Assistant 1.0
A handy tool for learning for your HSK; flashcards,tests,dictionary and more!
Viva HSK 1-5 Flash Card (ENG) 1.1
Viva HSK 1-5 Flash Card for English NativeSpecial Limited Edition!Free, Whole Contents(2,500 words), Permanent usage************** Features **************1. Level: Beginner, Intermediate2. Price: Free3. Duration: Permanent4. Internet Connection: Once download, use without WIFI5. Contents: HSK 1-5 (2,500, all words), and Sounds6. Function: List, Repetition(one word, all), Search,Favorite,Speed control7. Optimization: 5 inch Display Smartphone & 7 inchDisplayTab(or Pad)Contents categories: HSK1(150 words), HSK2(150 words),HSK3(300words), HSK4(600), HSK5(1,300 words)You can master Chinese vocabularies using this App. This Appisdeveloped for easy and fast learning based on cognitive designandsimple usage method. When you're waiting for someone, you canuseyour time for Chinese learning. Achieve your goal!Anywhere,anytime!*Tip.HSK is Chinese Proficiency Test or Chinese Standard Examforforeigners. HSK is China's only standardized test administeredbyHanban, a non-government organization affiliated with theMinistryof Education of the People's Republic of China.HSK 1-3: BeginnersHSK 4-5: Intermediate LevelHSK 6 : High Level