برترین 13 بازی مشابه به MonsterMind

[Premium] Sephirothic Stories 1.1.0g
Discover the truth behind the world tree's waning power in afantasyRPG!
RPG Aeon Avenger - KEMCO 1.1.8g
Adventure story of revenge through time and space!
RPG Justice Chronicles 1.1.2g
Ultimate old-school adventure lands with the return of theGuardianBeasts!
RPG Monster Viator 1.1.1g
Ride a dragon and journey with more than 20 monsters in afantasyRPG!
RPG Dead Dragons 1.1.2g
Who will survive, dragons or humans? Dragon-hunting RPG!
[Premium] RPG Fernz Gate 1.1.3g
Travel to the other side and beyond and find a way back home inafantasy RPG!
RPG Bonds of the Skies 1.1.8g
RPG Bonds of the Skies: A story of bonds of friendshipbetweenhumans and gods!
[Premium] RPG Onigo Hunter 1.1.3g
Become the best hunter in the world! Get the new hunting RPGat38%OFF!
Premium-RPG Heirs of the Kings 1.1.3g
A story of destiny for those with the blood of the rulers! Get1000bonus KHP!
The Defender's Oath - Tower Defense Game 1.3.2
The Defender's Oath is a classic Tower Defense game, but in 3D!Takecontrol of your towers and spells while thwarting the plans oftheevil invaders that are trying to take control of your homelandofZyrkkal. As a newly sworn Defender, it is your duty to keepZyrkkalsafe. You must defend key locations to stop the enemyadvancementwith your Defender's wit and tools. Unlock and upgrade6 uniquetowers and 4 unique spells to defend over 200* actionpacked levels!Let the Archmage Delano guide you on youradventures, as you defendunique 3D maps in a stylized art style!Play completely offline! NOpaywalls and NO gimmicks. Enjoy thethrilling story, as you workalongside the funny Delano whiletraveling through the land ofZyrkkal and beyond. Duus, Syrthesiea,Jwua, Druuka and Myrissu areall future DLC lands you can continueyour journey to with uniqueenemies in each map! ~~~~~ FrequentlyAsked Questions: Can youreally play this game offline? - Yes! Thein-game currency converterallows players to control their gold andgems. Obviously, whenupdates are released, the player will need toconnect to get thoseupdates. What if I'm stuck on a level andcannot get past? - We hada team test the game repeatedly to ensureall levels are playableand winnable. These players ranged from 10years old up to 40! Ifyou are stuck on a level, ensure yourTowers, Crystals and Spellsare upgraded as far as you can at thatmoment in time. If you lackgold or gems to do so, go back to anolder level to gather the goldand/or gems to help you unlock theupgrade. Once you unlock theTower of Ozias, you can play endlessmode where the mages reward yougold and/or gems for every 5 wavesyou beat! If you still find youcannot beat a level, send us anemail and perhaps we can give youclues on what towers andplacements can help! Why is the game sizeso large? - Since thegame is 3D, the art assets are a lot larger insize than most 2Dgames. When you also include how many levels thegame has (and allthe DLC map levels), the game is going to getlarge. We optimizedit as best we could without effecting thequality of the art and/orgameplay, but there is only so much we cansqueeze it down to. CanI be an Alpha/Beta tester? - We are alwayslooking for moretesters. Although we don't invite EVERYONE, we doenjoy giving ourloyal fans the opportunity to test before it hitsthe generalpublic. When we are looking for new testers, we willpost on ourFacebook page. Just comment on the post (make sure youget yourparent's permission, if applicable) and we will contactyouprivately if you get chosen! When will the DLC maps be released?-Each DLC map will be added into the game when we have amajorupdate. This way we can keep the updates to a minimum, whilealsoextending the tower defense experience. We alpha/beta test eachDLCmap separately before release, and so sometimes there arestillbugs and issues to sort out before it gets to your hands. Wedon'tlike putting bugs in your hands, so we take the extra time tosortthem out beforehand! Will you be adding more towers and/orspells?- Ah, but that would be giving away our secrets! You'll justhaveto wait and see! What if I have questions or concerns? -Pleaseemail us, we would love to hear from you! ~~~~~ *Base gamecontains51 levels (and 1 endless mode level). DLC's willautomatically addnew levels!
[Premium] RPG Asdivine Menace 1.1.6g
Travel the galaxy to bring the truth full circle in an epicfantasyRPG!
RPG Grace of Letoile - KEMCO 1.1.3g
*Important Notice* Due to maintenance reasons, theappwilltemporarily be unavailable for 64-bit devices afterJuly31st,2021. Depending on the optimization for new devices,theremight bethe possibility to stop the distribution later on.Weappreciateyour understanding. Throw yourself into fierce battlestostealSertzes, the cores of automatas able to make wishes cometrue!Thetwelve numbers engraved on the Chronos Gauge are thekeytovictory! Vedley, who lost his parents in a sad incident,hearsfromAchieitz about the existence of the Letoiles, who are abletomakeany wish come true. In order to turn back time and try tosavehisparents, Vedley makes a pact with a Letoile andbecomesherMaschelle, and they throw themselves into the battlestostealSertzes from the other Letoiles. Control time, baffleenemies,andturn the course of battles! After all theferociousfighting...What awaits Vedley? Skill Plates and Gems SkillGemshave manydifferent powers, and when fitted into a Skill Plate,aGem makesit possible for a character to use magic or a skill.BycombiningGems, characters may also be able to use specialskills.Also, byflicking a Skill Plate, it can be rotated, and it iseasyto changethe positions of skills already fitteddirectlycorresponding tothe Chronos Gauge. The outcome of everybattlecomes down to thetactics you choose! During battles, thecharactericons are shownon the left-hand side of the screen, andnext tothem, a range ofeffects are sometimes displayed. These areknown asField Effects,and if a character’s turn comes while one ofthoseeffects is shownnext to their icon, the character can gainthebenefits of thateffect. However, Field Effects are notalwaysadvantageous. Thereare also disadvantageous effects. Also,effectsapply to apply toboth enemies and allies. However, byraising thelevel of theChronos Gauge to 100% or more, you canlaunch InterruptActions.When an advantageous effect is attached toan enemy, orwhen adisadvantageous effect is attached to an ally,you can useanInterrupt Action to change the order of thecharacters'actions,and avoid these unfavorable situations. TheChronos Gaugeholds thekey to victory! The Chronos Gauge isnecessary forcharacters to beable to use the Particular Skills theyeach have,or to be able tolaunch Interrupt Actions, with which theorder ofthe characters'actions can be changed. The Gauge has adisplay likea clock, withthe numbers 1 to 12, and at the start of abattle oneof thenumbers will glow. The glowing number will moveclockwiseeach timean ally or enemy performs an action. At thistime, if youuse askill corresponding to the glowing number, a JustTime Bonuswillbe triggered, and the level of the Gauge will recoverby alargeamount. Also, the level of the Gauge increases, althoughonlyby alittle, when enemies are defeated. The Gauge is sharedacrossallparty members, so it's a good idea to pay attention to thelevelasyou use Particular Skills and launch Interrupt Actions!*Thisgamefeatures some in-app-purchase content.Whilein-app-purchasecontent requires additional fees, it isnotnecessary for finishingthe game. *The actual price mightdifferdepending on the region.[Supported OS] - 2.3 and up [SDCardStorage] - Enabled [Languages]- English, Japanese[Non-SupportedDevices] This app has generallybeen tested to work onany mobiledevice released in Japan. Wecannot guarantee support onotherdevices. [IMPORTANT NOTICE] Youruse of the applicationrequiresyour agreement to the followingEULA and 'Privacy PolicyandNotice'. If you do not agree, pleasedo not downloadourapplication. End UserLicenseAgreement:http://kemco.jp/eula/index.html Privacy PolicyandNotice:http://www.kemco.jp/app_pp/privacy.html Get thelatestinformation![Newsletter] http://kemcogame.com/c8QM[Facebookpage]http://www.facebook.com/kemco.global (C)2014KEMCO/MAGITEC
RPG Silver Nornir 1.1.0g
*Important Notice* Due to maintenance reasons, theappwilltemporarily be unavailable for 64-bit devices afterJuly31st,2021. Depending on the optimization for new devices,theremight bethe possibility to stop the distribution later on.Weappreciateyour understanding. * Android 8.0 is not supported duetotheoccurrence of lagging. Azatoth, the origin of chaos,hasdestroyedthe world twice in the past. The only survivors fromthelast worldare the Peacekeeper, the Keeper of Time, andtheGoddess... A newworld is born after what seems like an eternityoftime. The worldenters its 3rd Age. History seems to repeatitselfas the peoplelive the same lives as their counterparts inpreviousages. TheMistral Year is 1286. The world draws near itsdemise fora thirdtime, and each milestone in history intertwines tolead toitsdoomed fate. Will the world follow its destiny tobedestroyed?Introducing Silver Nornir, a fantasy RPG that featuresanexpansiveworld where you unravel its story! Journey throughtheworld withfriends and allies and unfold new adventures! ✓Featuringa widecast of characters! Each has their own story totell. ✓ Anintensebattle system that includes magic gems, specialmoves, andcombomoves with other characters! ✓ In-battle voices!✓Beautifulgraphics with high resolution. ✓ Useful items andextradungeonsavailable as additional in-app purchases! *Additionalpurchasesare not required to beat the game. Learn aboutyourfriends andallies through episodes in your adventure! Usedifferentcombosdepending on the characters in your party. Enjoy allthis andmorein the world of Silver Nornir! *The actual pricemightdifferdepending on the region. [Supported OS] - 2.1 and up*Android 8.0is not supported due to the occurrence of lagging.[SDCardStorage] - Enabled [Supported Languages] -Japanese,English[IMPORTANT NOTICE] Your use of the applicationrequiresyouragreement to the following EULA and 'Privacy PolicyandNotice'. Ifyou do not agree, please do not downloadourapplication. End UserLicenseAgreement:http://kemco.jp/eula/index.html Privacy PolicyandNotice:http://www.kemco.jp/app_pp/privacy.html Get thelatestinformation![Newsletter] http://kemcogame.com/c8QM[Facebookpage]http://www.facebook.com/kemco.global(C)2012 KEMCO/WorldWideSoftware