برترین 16 برنامه مشابه به Patchwork

Patchwork DIY 1.00
Learn Patchwork fun and easy with this app. You can learn toperforma multitude of patterns, the most common are the quilts,bags,cushions, among others. Reuses the fabrics and cloths thatyou nolonger want and save money while you make beautifulcreations foryou or your friends. The patchwork is the art ofweaving usingcoupons from different fabrics that you no longeruse, and yourecycle to do so. Knitting a quilt for your kids, andgifts for hisbirthday. In this app you will find videos on how todo: -Bedspreads -The bags. -Cushions. -Gifts for your friends. -Infinitepatterns for you that you will not lack ideas. And but youfind whatyou are looking for, then use our search engine!!
Perfect kraft ideas 2.0
Smart Choise
This miracle beauty is very easy. Our application - agodsendformodern parents. With step by step photo instructionscanmakemasterpieces of their own hands. Be ready foraninterestingjourney through the world of needlework. All loversofexotichandicrafts, and those who love to do great thingswiththeirhands, waiting for you in our program "The Council ofDIY." Wehavecreated and filled it with new master classes craftsforeverytaste. Do ornaments with their own hands for theplaygroundandsuburban area. Only here contains tips forcreativeimprovisedseemingly useless things. During operation, youcan studywithoutInternet connection.The unique capabilities of the phone are:* Want to learn how to create crafts with their hands;* Make your own crafts;* Only the best work;
Crafts for All 2 1.0
Fast tutorial
It is believed that crafts is a wonderful way to spend time withhisfamily, indulge in a new ornament or decoration element, make agiftto loved ones. Creating things with their hands, we areinvesting inthem a part of himself, his soul, therefore,needlework is also awonderful way to express your feelings, loveand care. But notalways and not everyone has the opportunity tospend a lot of timeto create masterpieces of their own hands.Therefore, we havecollected the best tips on needlework that willteach you how with aminimum of effort, cost and at home to createtrue works of art.Read, create, make incredible discoveries in theworld of craftswith their loved ones.In our application a lot of advantages:- Easy crafts for children and adults;- Anyone can make a masterpiece with our application;- I do not need to connect to the Internet;
Do the thing itself 1.0
Eccentric ideas
What is the crafts? This is something that you learn todowithour app! Become the best master of needlework with acollectionofinstructions for you, in which learning is apleasure!Creatingcrafts is a favorite pastime for your littlefamily.Various craftswith their hands, options not yet approachtoordinary things, allthis and more, with great joy we presenttoyou. If you think thatthere is no need to buy new gifts andothercrafts in specializedstores, then you always have the chanceofcreate them yourself. Sohurry to set this masterpiece!Thousands of people are already engagedintheseinstructions!- With us, you will become a master of all trades.- Save time and money, you do not need to buy anything, youdoityourself.- You will amaze your friends with gifts made withyourownhands!- You can also share the app with friends onFacebook,WhatsApp,skype, Viber.
Patchwork Quilts Wallpaper
Socks N' Sandals
There are many traditions regarding thedesignand characteristics of quilts, and they may be made or giventomark important life events such as marriage, the birth of achild,a family member leaving home, or graduations. Modern quiltsare notalways intended for use as bedding, and may be used aswallhangings, table runners, or tablecloth. Quilting techniquesareoften incorporated into garment design. Quilt showsandcompetitions are held locally, regionally and in nationalshows.There are international competitions as well, particularly intheUnited States, Japan and Europe.Additional decorative elements may be added to the surface ofaquilt to add a 3-dimensional or whimsical effect. The mostcommonobjects sewn on are beads or buttons. Decorative trim,piping,sequins, found objects, or other items can be secured tothesurface. The topic of embellishment is explored further inanothertopic.A t-shirt quilt is a quilt made out of t-shirts. Often seen asakeepsake item and made from memorable t-shirts, sweatshirtsorother clothing. They are popular graduation gifts.If you’re not sure what live wallpapers are, they're a typeofapplication that works on a mobile device using theAndroidoperating system (like your device!). The application worksas awallpaper – providing the background image for the homescreen—butalso works as a conventional application since it canprovideuser-interaction with the touch screen (allowing the imagetochange dynamically, for example) and access other hardwareandsoftware features within the device (accelerometer, GPS,networkaccess, etc.).**Multiple backgrounds!** Switch up the background as often oraslittle as you like with user-configurable options.**Power saving features!** This app uses much less powerthantypical live wallpapers. It will take a bit more power tooperatethan a normal wallpaper, but much, much less battery powerthan theaverage live wallpaper.**Super easy to use!** Upon install the app will bring uptheoptions menu and then immediately let you set the wallpaper.Nohassle and easy to use!**Translated to 35 languages!** Do you really, really wanttolearn Russian? We didn’t think so, but it’s available just incase,in any language your phone can display!Please note that live wallpapers can’t be setautomatically.We’ll bring you to the setup screen where you’llselect the livewallpaper. We’d love to do it automatically butAndroid doesn’tallow it. Maybe some day.No quilts were patched in the making of this app. Selecttextfrom Wikipedia, which does not endorse this product. Licensedunderthe creative commons (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).Textat wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_Wallpaperandwikipedia.org/wiki/Quilt.
Gifts with their own hands 1.0
Зоя Пермякова
How to make an original gift withtheirownhands for his birthday, New Year or any other holidayofalifetime? In our application contains fine instructions,tipsandworkshops how to make beautiful and interestingcraftsandsouvenirs with their own hands - mom, dad, grandmother,parentsorloved one. Homemade gifts ideas handmade paper,coloredcardboard,and other materials of interest. Detailed stepbystepinstructions, tips, photos.From the app you will learn:How to make original giftsNew Year giftsNew Year cardsCrafts own handsCreative giftsPostcards, quillingPhoto giftsBouquet of sweetsTopiary CoffeeCasket from the bookCandles, seashellsPhoto frameOn New Year's EveThe app is free to download.
DIY для детей (хобби для мам и детей) 1.0.12
Наконец, мы создали приложение, которое помирит мам и детей вборьбеза телефон! Теперь вы вместе с вашим малышом можетевыбратьувлекательные идеи и необычные поделки, чтобы провести времясинтересом и пользой. "Творим с мамой" - это ответ наизвечныевопросы: чем занять ребенка, как сделать поделку с детьмидлядетского сада и как учиться, играя. Установив приложениедлятворчества с детьми, вы получаете: - идеи для простых поделоксдетьми и для детей с доступной инструкцией и фото; -идеиуниверсальных игр, способных занять любого ребенка; -описаниемастер-классов по творчеству своими руками; - идеиаппликаций,лепки, поделок из бумаги, теста, бисера и прочего; -постоянноеобновление копилки идей и фотографий. Приложение "Творимс мамой"1. удобно, потому что работает без подключения к интернету;2.незаменимо, потому что помогает занять вашего ребенка, когдавседругие методы не действуют; 3. полезно, потому что пригодится идляподелок в детский сад, и для подарка своими руками, и дляобученияи всестороннего развития ребенка; 4. своевременно, потомучтопозволяет в считанные минуты найти идею подарка или украшениядлялюбого праздника; 5. разносторонне, потому что пригодится нетолькомамам, но и бабушкам для занятий с внуками, и воспитателямдетскихсадов, и любому, кто не прочь открыть в себе ребенка!Всяинформация взята из открытых источников, поэтому если у васестьзамечания, направляйте их на почту разработчика и мыпримемнеобходимые меры.
Making bouquets home 2.0
Smart Choise
Give an unforgettable bouquet that you have made withtheirownhands, with our app! We will teach you to makebouquetsofdifferent materials, different sizes, shapes and smells!Youwillbe able to make them not only of flowers but also withthepaper,scrap materials, textiles, stainless steel and thelike!Become themost original in its present, because it is so funandeasy to givethat no one expected from you! We'llcunningcombination of colorswith a variety of other materials, thebestway to pack yourcreation, and how to dress ribbons! All thisandnot only will youlearn only here!The most sensible gift created with his own hands:- You will be the master of this hobby;- You will be able to give the most original giftsintheworld;- Best instructions from the masters!- Best Practices for your craft!
Crafts do at home 1.0
Freedom planet
The best crafts are waiting for you in our application!Youmayhandicrafts such things that had no idea! We will teach youhowtomake items, gifts of varying difficulty and all kindsofstuff!With that will help you, but our program. You will beabletoinvent new gifts, perfect your skills in crafts, andcreativitytoamaze all of their ideas in their subjects, made withhisownhands! He is fond of handicrafts? Then you will gainmoreskillstogether with us, will learn a lot and become the bestinthebusiness! You will be surprised not only himself, butallthepeople around you!Do not be like the others! Begin to do everythingwiththeirhands! Crafts - it's easy!- The most clear-step scheme;- You will be the most original gift;- You will learn so much, using our advice;- Create a masterpiece ysobstvennymi hands
Crafts from clay 1.0
Зоя Пермякова
In our program, "Crafts from clay,"youwillfind a phased scheme sculpting animalsfavorite characters, fairy tale characters, master classes,Photo learned how to sculpt from plasticine figurines ofanimalsandother handmade crafts from clay with his hands madewithgreatenthusiasm and love!Download Free Crafts from clay.
Crafts lessons 1.0
Fast tutorial
In the modern world it is firmly takenitsplace a new word "Handmaiden" which means making things withhishands. Indeed, everything that is done on their own, has morevaluethan machine work, because doing needlework, we are investinginthe subject part of himself, his thoughts and emotions. That'swhythings created with their own hands, have always been and remainawonderful gift option for friends and relatives, interestingandcreative interior decoration or an original element of thedecor,and with a little imagination you can always create agreatdecoration and its complement any outfit. Realizing that itisoften not always possible to cut out a lot of time to engageincrafts, we have tried to collect only the most interestingandsimple secrets of how to create your own masterpiece at home, atnoadditional cost. Crafts with their own hands - it is always agreatway to have fun and bring joy to your loved and dearpeople.- Wonderful things with your own hands;- Gifts and home decorations;
Toilless crafts 1.0
Fast tutorial
In today's world of needlework firmly occupy a niche not onlywiththe benefit of time spent, but also the ability to createsmallmasterpieces with their hands in the form of ornaments,decorativeelements, exclusive gifts. Things started with his ownhands,always bring only positive emotions, because they investedpart ofthe soul, mood and creative heat. But unfortunately, not allmodernpeople have the ability and desire to spend large amounts oftime,effort and resources to practice needlework. Therefore, wehavecollected the best instructions, secrets and tips to yourfavoriteactivity takes less time and money and time spent to createtheirown crafts, brings only a pleasure.Soak up the spirit of crafts quickly and easily:- Use of the Internet is not necessary;- Create inexpensive crafts just a few steps; 
Поделки и рукоделие 1.0
Вы умеете вышивать крестом, но хотелибыусовершенствовать своё умение? Узнать что-то новое?Мастерарукоделия приглашают Вас на фото и видео уроки поразличнымтехникам вышивки: хардангер, ассизи, сашико, швальмскаявышивка,вышивка лентами, мережки, гобелены и многое другое.А так же:- Для детей- Из атласных лент- Из бумаги- Из пластиковых бутылок- Из бисера- Из глины- Для сада- Для дачи- Для дома- и т.п.Вы не можете позволить себе купить золотые серьги с бриллиантами?Ине надо! Сделайте себе серьги, колье, браслеты и многое другоесами- в это Вам помогут мастер-классы по бисероплетению и Мастерасуроками по созданию бижутерии своими руками!You know how toembroidera cross, but want to improve their skills? Learn somethingnew?Master crafts invite you to photos and video tutorials onvarioustechniques of embroidery: Hardanger, Assisi, Sachiko,shvalmskayaembroidery, ribbons frayed, tapestries and more.And:- For children- From satin ribbons- From paper- From plastic bottles- Bead- From clay- Gardening- For the garden- For home- etc.You can not afford to buy gold earrings with diamonds? Do notneed!Make yourself earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and much moreforyourself - this will help you to master classes in beadingandMasters with lessons on creating jewelery with yourownhands!
Homemade decorations 1.0
Fast tutorial
Crafts with their hands always makes people wish torepeatanygiven work of art, or pick it up yourself. Afterthemaster,creating something by hand, always lays in a certainsensetheircreations. That is why, needlework is always verymuchappreciatedamong the various ways of spending free time.Crafthandiwork atfirst glance seems so complicated andinaccessible, asif itsdevelopment could take an eternity. In fact,knowing therules,secrets and ways of doing things on their own,with theirhands maydo without leaving home. We'll show you how witha minimumofeffort, cost and ability to create at home. Ka in ashort timetocreate a beautiful masterpiece, the joy ofalllovedones.- the original stuff from scrap materials:- Many schemes from simple to complex;
Crafts with own hands 1.0
Fast tutorial
All that we are doing with their hands, comes from the soul,fromthe heart. To create beauty is quite simple, you need only alittletime and a flight of fancy. But then, as a result, how nicetoindulge in the original result, treat the new trinket someonefromrelatives. But not always, unfortunately, there is plenty oftime todo needlework. Therefore, we have assembled the mostoriginal andsimple variants of handicrafts that can be created athome, whilespending a minimum of effort, time and money. In ourapplication youwill be able to discover a new world of creativity,interestingideas and wonderful handicrafts. The unique capabilities have already asked to you atthephone:- Always wanted to learn to create things with their hands;- Only the best and most beautiful work;- Do it yourself crafts;
Flowers from beads 1.0
Зоя Пермякова
A large number of master classes withstepbystep photos will help to create a flower beaded byhand.Schemesweave suitable for beginners and experienced. Flowersfrombeadsdecorate your home or to be an unusual gift.You will learn how to weave:Rose Beadedviolet beadsbunches of beadsTulips Beadand other floral arrangements woven beads.