برترین 22 بازی مشابه به 明珠三国

逆轉三國 6.1.0
★★★大好評★★★穿越時空,三國志征伐大冒險!三國志謎之力量大揭露!橫掃世界的新戰法遊戲最高峰登場! !傳說中的武將大亂鬥!收集、進化×強化成最強作戰部隊!===== 遊戲紹介 =====*一个基本规则就是一个简单的难题!這是一個益智遊戲,關於同色的寶石,要去思考和安排消除的方法。你需要移動寶石以及將寶石消除,針對一個顏色的寶石努力消除更多!*與敵人的戰鬥!如果寶石被消除,你和援軍的武將就會攻擊敵人!敵人被消滅之前,你要努力打出消除多種顏色寶石的連擊!*組成一個武將的隊伍!如果將出現在每局的武將俘虜,你就會擁有一個新的武將!你可以將你的隊伍初始化,再加入你最喜歡的武將!求將還可以得到一個新的強力武將!*与朋友一起玩。成为游戏内熟悉的朋友,就可以借り一个武将!如果每局都與朋友的武將一起冒險,將會更加輕鬆愉快!【特徴】穿越时空, 三国志の世界征伐大冒险!300枚超强武将卡收集限定! 武将カードは続々と追加予定!武将收集、進化×強化で最強の部隊を作ろう!===1月18日至1月28日 不刪檔公測在此期間,若您遇到任何問題,請您郵件kf@mobage.tw反饋反饋的玩家可得到500夢寶谷積分獎勵。===
奇酷三国OL,社交型手机三国网游 3.0.1
今年人气最旺的新型社交网游奇酷三国,全新的三国网游概念,创新性的盟战模式、比武模式、夺城模式。让关羽赵云为你攻城略地,让孔明鲁肃为你出谋划策,体验征伐天下的乐趣,重温波澜壮阔的史诗。无需实时在线,脱机之后一样玩,更省流量,更多欢乐。最新发布副本《吞食天地》,和无数玩家一起体验抢夺城池的乐趣。奇酷三国特色:★ 不断增加的三国副本,让游戏永远不觉得乏味★ 听说过童渊吗?三国第一传奇武将,赵云的老师,吕布只配提鞋★ 奇酷独门技术,免下载自动升级功能,避免讨厌的安卓程序无休止升级★ 丰富的三国家族活动,聊天交友玩游戏,体味网络上的友情、爱情★ 单一兵种模式,譬如复杂而无意义的兵种选择★ 道具寄卖,把用不着的低级道具卖掉,换购高级装备★ 抢城模式,只要你足够强,三国城池任你抢★ 统一模式,单枪匹马打天下,享受成长的乐趣和统一的快感★ 与斗地主、诈金花的深度结合,发完兵去斗地主,斗完回来看三国关于传奇武将传奇武将是在《三国演义》中没有体现,但在民间传说中广为流传的人物,如童渊、王越等人,更有最近几年在网络才成为三国第一战神、凤仙转世的潘凤将军。奇酷三国传奇武将,将给你不一样的三国游戏体验。奇酷三国是奇酷游乐园(原奇酷游戏大厅)众多精品游戏之一,奇酷游乐园(原奇酷游戏大厅)是国内人气最旺的移动游戏SNS社区,以游戏为纽带,以社区为核心,内置30余款精品游戏,以及玩家社区、PK台、争霸赛等功能。目前奇酷游乐园中有30余款游戏,包括奇酷三国(三国网游)、奇酷斗地主、快乐农场(开心农场),快乐大房东、植物大战僵尸、音乐梦工厂(音乐游戏)、奇酷萌宠(宠物游戏)等。所有游戏都有单独的排行榜和讨论区,玩家之间可以互相加好友发消息。排行榜上你攻我守,争当第一;讨论区里板砖乱飞,聊天交友。如果您想了解奇酷游乐园(原奇酷游戏大厅)更多详情,或给我们反馈,可以通过以下方式联系我们:官方网站:http://www.qeekoo.com官方博客:http://blog.qeekoo.com
掌上三国 1.4.5
iFree Studio Limited
“掌上三国”是一款以三国鼎立时期为背景所制作的热门手机多人在线游戏,游戏采用了最经典的多人策略类游戏玩法。每位玩家都可以在游戏中招兵买马、攻城拔寨,经过不懈的努力不断地扩张自己的领地,指挥着关羽、典韦、孙策等众多名将驰骋沙场,完成一统三国的雄图霸业!* 游戏界面清新、操作简便,游戏难度低,即便初次接触也能快速上手一玩即懂。* 多人同时游戏,实时交战、实时互动,聊天、交友、结盟,共同战斗。* 200多历史名将悉数登场,将一干三国名将招入自己麾下。* 特色鲜明,每个阵营都可招募到其它阵营无法拥有的超级武将。* 内容丰富,游戏设置了城池、建筑、科技、武将、士兵、装备等丰富内容。貂蝉、小乔、孙尚香女将更V5,《掌上三国》等待你的发掘!"Pocket ThreeKingdoms"isa background of the Three Kingdoms period producedpopularmobilemultiplayer online game, the game uses the mostclassicmultiplayerstrategy game played.Each player can recruit in the game, rattling, andmakeunremittingefforts continue to expand their territory,directingGuan Yu, DianWei, Sun Ce, and many other famous ride inbattle,completeunification of the three countries aggressivelydominance!* The game interface is clean, simple, low difficulty ofthegame,even if the initial contact can quickly get started aplaythat isunderstood.* Multiplayer games simultaneously, real war,real-timeinteraction,chat, dating, alliances, fight together.* More than 200 famous history full debut, the Lord ofthethreefamous recruited into his arm.* Distinctive features, each faction can recruit other campcannothave super-generals.* Rich in content, the game is set up city,architecture,technology,generals, soldiers, equipment, and otherrichcontent.Diao Chan, Joe, Shangxiang women more V5, "PocketThreeKingdoms"waiting for you to explore!
争雄天下OL★三国网游新传奇 2.0
盛世出美女,乱世出英雄。您将扮演一位三国时代的君主,通过自己的努力,成为君临天下的英雄。在成长的过程中,吕布关羽等星级武将都会纷纷登场,更有童渊王越等传奇武将为你效命。战将如云,谋士如雨,百万雄兵席卷三国,一起成就千秋霸业。争雄天下采取单一兵种的模式,与普通手机网游相比,在兵种选择上省去了很多繁琐的操作。采用多种多样的战争模式,来让玩家尽可能的体会战争的乐趣。争雄天下秉承奇酷无限社交化网网游的产品战略,以游戏为核心,以社区家族为纽带,让玩家一边享受游戏的乐趣,一边体验网络上的友情和爱情。同时,争雄天下是一款跨平台网游,不仅可以在Android手机下载安装,还可以在Android、iPhone、iPad、电脑等平台上通过浏览器来直接访问(在线地址:http://zx.qeekoo.com)。如果您在使用过程中,有任何问题或建议,欢迎到争雄天下社区来告诉我们,或随时拔打我们的客服电话,你将得到满意的答复。客服电话:010-65703160(工作日9:00-18:00)、15611862285(24小时)客服邮箱:admin@qeekoo.comQQ群:117293113、173913336Spirit of beauty, startofboth. You will play a monarch of the Three Kingdoms era,throughtheir own efforts to become a hero Harbourside. In theprocess ofgrowing, Riboud Guan Yu and other star generals will haveappeared,more Tong Yuan Wang Yue and other legendary generals tofight inyou. War clouds, rain counselors millions of soldier sweptthreetogether achievements Chiaki dominance.Hegemony in the world to take a single arm model, comparedwithordinary mobile phone network, in the choice of eliminating alotof arms tedious operation. Using a variety of war mode toallowplayers to experience the fun of the war as much aspossible.Cool 秉承奇 world hegemony of unlimited social networkgamingproduct strategy to the game as the core, the family as alink tothe community, while allowing the player to enjoy the game,whilethe experience of friendship and love on the network.Meanwhile, the hegemony of the world is a cross-platformonlinegames, can not only download and install the Android phone,you canalso directly access (online address via browser onAndroid,iPhone, iPad, PC and other platforms: http: //zx.qeekoo.com).If you use the process, have any questions orsuggestions,welcome to the hegemony of the world community to tellus, or feelfree to dial our customer service phone, you will getasatisfactory answer.Customer Service Tel: 010-65703160 (weekdays 9: 00-18:00),15611862285 (24 hours)Customer Service Email: admin@qeekoo.comQQ group: 117293113,173913336
Dragon of the Three Kingdoms 2.8
This title is an Action RPG
真・三國無双 SLASH 1.13.0
「真・三國無双」シリーズが誇る一騎当千の爽快感がスマートフォンで登場!仲間と力を合わせ無双アクションで敵をなぎ倒せ!簡単操作で無双アクションを実現!タップするだけで連続攻撃!タイミングよくフリックでチャージ!狙いすました無双乱舞でとどめをさそう!強大な無双武将に立ち向かえるのは仲間との結束の力……協力して強力な武器を備え真の三國無双を極めよう!【対応機種】Android 4.0 以上(一部機種を除く)【免責事項】1. 対応OSバージョン以外での動作につきましては、サポートの対象外となりますので、あらかじめご了承ください。2. ご利用状況により、対応機種であっても動作が不安定な場合があります。3.対応OSバージョンに関して、「AndroidXXX以上」と記載している場合でも、最新バージョンへ必ずしも対応しているものではございません。【サービス提供会社】株式会社コーエーテクモゲームス※このアプリは電話帳などの「個人情報」を必要としませんIt appeared insmartphonesexhilaration of Ikki, which boasts the "DynastyWarriors" series!Nagitaose the enemy with matchless actioncombined fellow andpower!Realize the Warriors action with easy operation!Only in a continuous attack to tap!Charged with timely flick!You stab a stop in the aim spoofing was Muso Ranbu!The Tachimukaeru the mighty Warriors warlordsThe power of unity with fellow ......Equipped with a powerful weapon in cooperationLet Kiwameyo the true Warriors!【Compatible models】Android 4.0 or more (except for some models)[Disclaimer]1. Regarding the operation in the corresponding non-OS version,itwill be outside the scope of support, please understandinadvance.2. The use situation, there is a case where the operation evenifthe corresponding model is unstable.3. with respect to the corresponding OS version, even if thathasbeen described as "more than AndroidXXX", there is no one thatisnecessarily correspond to the latest version.[Service providers]Co., Ltd. Koei Tecmo Games※ This app does not require a "personal information" such asaphone book
三国智 1.8.6
rao fahua
*****2015次世代三国策略游戏,骑乘美人征战天下!*****主策划:谁要玩千篇一律三国游戏?顶级策略+骑乘美人+最强社交系统才是最强《三国智》。主美术:画个红面贴个胡须就叫关羽?50人顶尖美术团队耗时1年打造最精致掌上三国!主音乐:一堆男人砍砍杀杀“哈,嘿,呀”?真人美女销魂配音,“耶,将军那里不可以啦~”主程序:游戏再好卡机搞毛?程序猿向你保证,诺基亚也能撸起来!主数值:土豪游戏付费就赢?公平竞技丰俭由人才是大作风范!天下英豪,齐聚三国五虎上将震寰宇,三国英雄贯苍穹。千里走单骑的关羽、一身都是胆的赵云、当阳桥退敌百万的张飞、威名镇蜀中的老将黄忠……都一一登场。让你遍结天下英豪!排兵布阵,谋略定江山100多个知名武将!几十个兵种与单独匹配的战术!十几个九宫格搭配阵型!游戏当中的策略战斗系统可以让玩家充分发挥自己的排兵布阵能力,巧妙利用阵形、兵种、战法来达到最大化地发挥武将的战斗实力!更有独有的“武缘”技能点亮系统使武将与武将之间产生战斗羁绊,从而在战争推图和实力角逐中发挥巨大威力!文韬武略,施政治江山丰富内政系统,心系天下事。收买人心,离间敌将,发掘隐士高人。宏观调度,通商天下,创不世伟业!万人国战,成就帝王霸业战鼓已经擂动,号角已经吹响,攻城大战一触即发。游戏首创卡牌国战,军团攻城战,全服玩家一同上阵,开启实力大PK!烈焰燃烧,尘土遮天,千人攻城,万人国战。更有副本爆刷、擂台竞技……在这个风云乱世,只有靠绝对的实力才能独占鳌头,一统天下!三国乱世今又起,试看天下谁统一! 马上加入《三国智》,宏图大业尽可一手掌握。***** 2015 thenextgeneration of the Three Kingdoms strategy game, ridingbeautycampaign world! *****master plan: who will play three games stereotyped? Top beauty+strategy + riding is the strongest of the strongest socialsystems"Three wisdom."Main Art: draw a red face posted a beard called Guan Yu? 50 topartteam took one year to build the most sophisticatedhandheldThree!Main Music: cut a bunch of men stabbed to kill "Well, hey,yeah?"Real beauty ecstasy dubbing, "Yeah, there can not be friends-General"Main program: no matter how good the game card machine outhair?Program ape assure you that Nokia can roll up up!Main value: Tyrant pay to win the game? Fair Competitivelavishtalent is masterpiece style!world hero, gathered in the three countriesFab Five will shock world, three heroes consistently sky.RidingAlone for Thousands of Guan Yu, Zhao Yun an all guts, whenmillionsof Tuidi Zhang Yang Bridge, Wal-Mart veteran Huang Shu town......are all debut. Let you all over the guitar worldhero!formations, counsel to decide their fateMore than 100 well-known generals! Dozens of branches andindividualtactical match! Dozen squares with formation! Gamestrategy combatsystem which allows players to give full play totheir abilityformations, clever use of formation, arms, war methodto maximizeplay generals fighting strength! more unique "militaryedge"lighting system makes skills generals and generals generatefightingbetween the fetters, and thus play a tremendous power andstrengthin the war pushed FIG race!military strategy, applied political landscapeRich internal affairs system, the heart of world affairs. Winpublicsupport, drive a wedge between the enemy will discoverhermitexpert. Macro scheduler, commerce world, not the worldrecordAlbert!million people in the country war, the achievementsofimperial dominanceDrums have been skirmishing, the bugle sounded, the siegewarimminent. Game cards first national war, siege warfarecorps,full-service players with battle, opening the strength oflarge PK!Flames burning, dust shrouded, thousands of siege, peoplecountrywarfare. More copies of the explosion brush, athletics arena......troubled times in this situation, only by the absolute powertocome out on top, dominating the world!Three troubled times now underway, Look who unified theworld!Join Now "Three wisdom", the great cause as much as possiblein onehand.
掌中三国(日本語バージョン) 1.0.0
iFree Studio Limited
鐡血三國OL 6.0.6
"江山如此多娇谁是英雄? 四海风流人物天下归心!我是狂战长枪立马安天下,阁下谋士羽扇纶巾定乾坤。剑灵飘逸浣纱女,分身爆击傲须眉!《鐡血三國OL》是以“三国”为大背景的即时战斗网游,在这里:每一个骚年都有一筐英雄梦,杀伐决断成就霸业问鼎天下排行榜!每一个软妹都期待着自己的白马探花,执子之手与子偕老,在玫瑰花雨中永结同心!每一个基友...咳咳,都在桃园结义金兰,左手年华右手在一起!游戏中的任务、副本、战场等历练提升你等级的同时,收集装备、镶嵌宝石、玄晶强化以及丰富的生活技能帮助你势大力沉地提升着自身的各项属性。职业技能的升级更是带来多样的控制技、DOT攻击、秒杀等操作流最爱的菜有耐心看到这儿的小主,您不妨先轻点“立即下载”按钮再听我接着给小主介绍天下归心主推多人PVP战场玩法,每小时开启一次的PVP战场为PK控们提供了宽广的舞台,虎牢关击杀对方BOSS、官渡占领粮草、媚坞争夺夜明珠。。。每周末的家族战更是各路英雄好汉展现实力的大好时机天下新推出的连续登陆福利系统,连续上线就能获得大量珍稀道具,早一天上手早一天领福利啦~~""This land so richinbeauty who is a hero? Universal heroes the world's hearts!I was mad war rifles stand Maan world, your counselor movesoflupine Lun towel.Jian-Ling Sha elegant woman, spare crit proud eyebrows!"MTR blood Three OL" is "three" as the background of thereal-timecombat online here:Each show has a basket in heroic dreams, aspirations to theworldrankings killing decision Chengjiubaye!Each soft sister are looking forward to their third overallwhitehorse, handle and grow old son, the rain to tie the knotinroses!Each group Friends of the ... Ahem, sworn sworn in Taoyuan,Loveleft hand together!Game task, a copy of the battlefield to improve your levelofexperience, etc., while collecting equipment, inlaidstones,mysterious crystal strengthen and enrich life skills to helpyouenhance Shitailichen with their various properties.Upgradevocational skills is to bring diverse control technology,DOTattacks and other operations flow spike favorite dishesHave the patience to see the little master here, you may wish totapthe "Download Now" button to listen to me and then introducedto thelittle masterThe world's hearts than pushing the main battleground PVP play,onceper hour, open PVP battleground for the PK controller toprovide abroad stage, Hulao kill each other off BOSS, Guanduoccupationforage, pro dock compete glowing pearl. . . Everyweekend is afamily war hero heroes golden opportunity to showstrengthThe new world of continuous landing welfare systems,continuouson-line will be able to get a lot of rare props, startedone dayearlier one day earlier welfare collar friends ~ ~ "
kingdoms war 1.4
The romance of The Three Kingdoms is set intheromance of The Three Kingdoms horizontal version of thearcadefighting games, describes a hero long war epic game, with apike inThe Three Kingdoms, showing elegantly spectacular, thrillingfightcloud chart, single machine can play well
三国英雄传之烽烟再起 1.4.1
iFree Studio Limited
"☆☆☆☆ 游戏简介 ☆☆☆☆★★★★ 全球卓越的手游运营与开发商倾力打造 ★★★★《三国英雄传》是一款由慕和网络耗时两年精心打造的三国题材SLG类型手游巨作,游戏支持多人同时在线,集互动交友、英雄培养、战争策略等流行元素于一身。其画面唯美、剧情紧凑、玩法多样,让初入三国的玩家欲罢不能流连忘返。☆☆☆☆ 游戏特色 ☆☆☆☆【画面好,系统精】著名画师完美阐释东汉末年的真实场景,而单人战役、多人副本等经典系统让你流连忘返。【操作易,门槛低】游戏设计考虑到安卓用户习惯,操作简单,上手容易,即使是菜鸟玩家也可跟着教程入门。【男将威,女将美】魏蜀吴及他国全面覆盖,千名史实武将纷纷登场,并可将孙尚香、大小乔等美女招入麾下。【兵种多,策略高】独具三国风采的兵种,特色鲜明且相互克制,结合科技、结盟等内容催生最策略战斗体系。【人气高,P K 爽】畅销多国成功积累了数万人气,玩家间PK战争所获取的功勋点数还可兑换本阵营极品武将。""☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆,Aboutthe GameEffort to build ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Global Excellence handtouroperators and developers    Three Heroes "is a by Mu and networktooktwo years to carefully build the three themes of the SLG typehandtravel masterpiece, the game supports multiplayer online setofinteractive dating hero culture, war strategy, and otherpopularelements in a. Its screen is beautiful, the plot iscompact,diverse gameplay, entering the three players unable to stoptolinger.☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆, Game Features【Screen is good, the system is fine]Famous painter perfectly illustrates the real scene of theEasternHan Dynasty, the single-player campaign, more than a copy oftheclassic system let you forget.[And easy operation, low threshold]The game designed taking into account the Andrews userhabits,simple to operate, easy to get started, even rookie playersfollowthe tutorial Getting Started.[Male Wei, women, beauty]Wei, Shu and Wu and his country comprehensive coverage ofonethousand the historical facts generals have debut ShangxiangsizeJoe and beauty's hiring.【Arms, strategy]The arms of the unique three countries elegance,distinctivefeatures and mutual restraint, combined with scienceandtechnology, alliances and other contents of the birth of themoststrategic battle system.Popular high P K Shuang]Best-selling the multinational successfully accumulated tensofthousands popularity this camp the best generals warformeritorious points can also be exchanged between playersPK.'
掌上三國 1.4.1
iFree Studio Limited
“掌上三國”是壹款以三國鼎立時期為背景所制作的熱門手機多人在線遊戲,遊戲采用了最經典的多人策略類遊戲玩法。每位玩家都可以在遊戲中招兵買馬、攻城拔寨,經過不懈的努力不斷地擴張自己的領地,指揮著關羽、典韋、孫策等眾多名將馳騁沙場,完成壹統三國的雄圖霸業!* 遊戲界面清新、操作簡便,遊戲難度低,即便初次接觸也能快速上手壹玩即懂。* 多人同時遊戲,實時交戰、實時互動,聊天、交友、結盟,共同戰鬥。* 200多歷史名將悉數登場,將壹幹三國名將招入自己麾下。* 特色鮮明,每個陣營都可招募到其它陣營無法擁有的超級武將。* 內容豐富,遊戲設置了城池、建築、科技、武將、士兵、裝備等豐富內容。貂蟬、小喬、孫尚香女將更V5,《掌上三國》等待妳的發掘!"Pocket ThreeKingdoms"One section is the background to the Three Kingdoms periodproducedpopular mobile multiplayer online game, the game uses themostclassic multiplayer strategy game played.Each player can recruit in the game, rattling, and makeunremittingefforts continue to expand their territory, directingGuan Yu, DianWei, Sun Ce, and many other famous ride in battle,completeintegration of the three countries aggressively Onedominance!* The game interface is clean, simple, low difficulty ofthegame, even if the initial contact can quickly get started Oneplaythat is understood.* Multiplayer games simultaneously, real war, real-timeinteraction,chat, dating, alliances, fight together.* More than 200 famous history full debut, will move into thethreefamous One dry their command.* Distinctive features, each faction can recruit other camp cannothave super-generals.* Rich in content, the game is set up city,architecture,technology, generals, soldiers, equipment, and otherrichcontent.Diao Chan, Joe, Shangxiang women more V5, "Pocket ThreeKingdoms"wait you to explore!
武媚娘-梦回三国 1.6.0
rao fahua
年度最具人气的宫廷史诗电视剧授权手游《武媚娘-梦回三国》,武媚娘穿越三国,化身绝美妖姬,携手历代美人,大小乔,西施,妲己等,助阵名将称霸三国!游戏内绝美时装,搭配姿色倾城的美女,给主公一个欲火焚身的超感体验!想统领江山,坐拥后宫三千?《武媚娘-梦回三国》内娇外嫩的妖姬等您一手掌控!本年度最让人撩拨人心的策略RPG手机游戏--《武媚娘-梦回三国》正式上线!武媚娘带您回到烽火四起的乱世三国,天香国色任您摆布,英雄豪杰上阵征讨八方。众多三国名将供您组合,打造属于您的最强队伍!妖姬入得厨房出得厅堂,共赴战场助您一战成名!经典战役任务等您征讨,群雄争夺只为万世流芳!华丽战斗技能闪耀夺目,再现沙场硝云弹雨景象!丰厚战役宝藏随手可得,武装上阵成为盛世霸主!游戏特色:武将系统:三国武将齐聚于此向您俯首称臣,调兵遣将统领群雄独霸江山!妖姬系统:美人后宫与您共枕同眠,燃点欲望之火,战场共同决战挡路敌寇!技能系统:特效技能炫丽呈现金戈铁马激战场景,主动招数威风凛凛,天赋技能如虎添翼!养成系统:猛将养成令武将潜能激发,妖姬培育共同扫荡战场!专属系统:名将传记开启各项神兵利器奇珍异宝丰富武将玩法提高战斗力!图腾系统:点亮星宿图腾武将属性得以全面发挥,战斗力更上一层楼!风林火山:疾如风,徐如林,侵掠如火,不动如山。资源调配考您神机谋略赢尽天下战役!军团系统:佣兵天下,称霸群雄。集结兄弟,凝聚力量。以贡献论功行赏,群策群力得转生秘宝!邀请系统:独乐乐不如众乐乐,Facebook共邀好友煮酒论英雄赢取丰厚奖励!年度最具人气的策略RPG手游巨献--《武媚娘-梦回三国》独特妖姬系统让您左拥右抱尽情调戏美人,妖姬更能助战给战斗带来更多悬念和逆转的可能性。结合排位策略、武将培养、三国剧情于一身的RPG玩法,名将专属神兵利器开启无限潜能,天赋技能扭转乾坤,星宿图腾属性提升让您打造一支只属于您的超群队伍。闯荡变幻莫测三国战场,掌控美人,傲视天下,一切皆在《武媚娘-梦回三国》。征战沙场如有疑问,请通过游戏内方便快捷的反馈渠道给我们留言,武媚娘将常伴您左右为您解决燃眉之急,同时还有多种游戏以外方式与我们联系哦!欢迎加入《武媚娘-梦回三国》充满艳遇的战场!year'smostpopular epic drama palace authorized hand tour "Wu Mei Niang-Dreaming Three Kingdoms", Wu Mei Niang across the threecountries,the embodiment of beautiful Enchantress, join the ancientbeauty,size Joe, beauty, Daji, etc., to help out star dominate thethree!Fashion beautiful game, with pretty Allure beauty, to thelord of ahorny super sense experience! I want to guide the country, sitting harem three thousand? "WuMeiNiang - Dreaming three" Johnson outside and tender insidewaitingfor you to hand control Enchantress!Deeply moved the hearts of most people this year Strategy RPGmobilegame - "Wu Mei Niang - Dreaming Three" formally launched! WuMeiNiang takes you back to the flames everywhere troubled timesthree,you are at the mercy of any Fantasy national colors, heroesbattlecrusade Octagon. many three star for your portfolio, create yourstrongestteam!Enchantress into the kitchen out of the hall, ride afamousbattle battlefield to help you!classic battle of tasks your crusade, warlords competeonlyfor the Greatest Story Ever Told!gorgeous fighting skills glitz, reproduce battlefieldscenenitrate cloud hail of bullets!Battle rich treasures are readily available, armed battle tobecomePrime overlord! Game Features:Generals system: three generals gathered here you vanquishtheirplans to dominate the country to guide the pack!Enchantress System: Sleeping beauty temple with you fellows,lightedthe fire of desire, common battlefield battle invaders outof theway!Skill System: dazzling special effects skills presentedarmoredcavalry battle scene, the initiative tricks majestic,naturalskills become more!Develop a system: the generals Reggie order to develop thepotentialof excitation, Enchantress foster joint raidsbattlefield!Exclusive system: open the famous biography rich treasuresmagicweapon to improve the combat effectiveness of thegeneralsplay!Totem system: Lit stars totem generals property to fullplay,fighting a higher level!Furinkazan: lightning-fast wind, Xu Rulin, invaders fire, donotmove a mountain. God machine provisioning test your strategy towinthe battle to make the world!Legion System: mercenary world, dominate the pack.Assembledbrothers, gathering strength. To contribute reward, teamwork wasreincarnated Mibao!Invitation System: Better Together alone, Facebook friendswereinvited to cooking wine Heroes win huge rewards! The year's most popular strategy RPG hand tour Juxian - "WuMeiNiang - Dreaming three" Enchantress unique system allows youtoenjoy the left hold the right owner molested beauty, to fighttobring more suspense and better assist in reversingpossibilityEnchantress. Combined qualifying strategy, generalsculture, thestory in one of the three RPG gameplay, exclusivefamous magicweapon that open up infinite potential, natural skillsto turnthings around, the stars totem property promotion allows youtocreate a superior only part of your team. Threebattlesunpredictable battlefield, control of beauty, disdain fortheworld, and all are in the "Wu Mei Niang - dreams of theThreeKingdoms."Swords If in doubt, please convenient and efficientfeedbackchannels within the game give us a message, Wu Mei Niangwill oftenaccompanied by your side to solve your urgent needs, aswell as avariety of ways other than the game contact us Oh! Welcome to "Wu Mei Niang - Dreaming three" fullAventurebattlefield!
千人斩 4.2.3
奇酷三國OL(臺灣、香港版) 3.0.1
Dragon of the Three Kingdoms_L 6.6
Dragon of the Three Kingdoms is an Action RPG
逆天仙魔录(诛仙手游版) 3.1
友情提示:建议下载完后在“wifi”情况下使用,急速极爽非一般体验!!终极修仙手游《逆天(诛仙手游版)》震撼上线!登录就送千元新手礼包!最潮的社交玩法“摇战”,只要摇一摇,就能进行一场不期而遇的激情碰撞!掌上明珠首创“半回合制”玩法!让你掌握战斗主动权!数百种技能组合完爆对手!修仙手游大搞合体双休,无论是仙侣还是基友都能获得丰厚奖励!修仙游戏不是一个人的战斗!Tips: Itisrecommendedafter downloading under "wifi" case, very rapidly coolagreatexperience! !Cultivation hand Ultimate Tour "Guards (Zhu Xianhandtraveledition)" shock on the line! Log send thousandYuannovicespree!The tide of social play "Shake war", as long as a shake, you canbeapeek into the collision of passion!Daughter of the first "half turn" gameplay! Let youmasterthefighting initiative! Hundreds of skill mixafterblastingopponents!Cultivation hand vigorously fit weekend trip, or whether itisbasedFriends Xianlv can get rich rewards!Cultivation is not a person fighting game!
三国志草船借箭 3.9
草船借箭是三国演义中一段脍炙人口的故事。 东汉末年各地群雄割据相互争战并吞,曹操挟天子以令诸侯,剿灭了吕布、张绣、袁术称霸中原,更在官渡之战中以寡敌众大败袁绍统一了北方。 曹操统一北方之后,率领数十万大军攻打江东想要一统天下,东吴的孙权与周瑜、鲁肃、黄盖等大将商讨对策,刘备也正为了对抗曹操与诸葛亮、关羽、张飞、赵云众将研议方针,两者为求自保决议联兵抵挡来犯的曹操,孙权麾下的周瑜十分忌惮刘备军师诸葛亮的才能, 心中暗自盘算如何借机除掉诸葛亮,而刘备和诸葛亮内心也有着自己的打算,三方之间斗智斗勇互不相让, 这就是鼎鼎有名的赤壁之战,草船借箭便是在这期间所发生的一段奇谋逸事。
三國英雄傳之烽煙再起 1.3.7
iFree Studio Limited
☆☆☆☆ 遊戲簡介 ☆☆☆☆★★★★ 全球卓越的手游運營與開發商傾力打造 ★★★★《三國英雄傳》是一款由慕和網路耗時兩年精心打造的三國題材SLG類型手遊巨作,遊戲支援多人同時線上,集互動交友、英雄培養、戰爭策略等流行元素於一身。其畫面唯美、劇情緊湊、玩法多樣,讓初入三國的玩家欲罷不能流連忘返。☆☆☆☆ 遊戲特色 ☆☆☆☆【畫面好,系統精】著名畫師完美闡釋東漢末年的真實場景,而單人戰役、多人副本等經典系統讓你流連忘返。【操作易,門檻低】遊戲設計考慮到安卓用戶習慣,操作簡單,上手容易,即使是菜鳥玩家也可跟著教程入門。【男將威,女將美】魏蜀吳及他國全面覆蓋,千名史實武將紛紛登場,並可將孫尚香、大小喬等美女招入麾下。【兵種多,策略高】獨具三國風采的兵種,特色鮮明且相互克制,結合科技、結盟等內容催生最策略戰鬥體系。【人氣高,P K 爽】暢銷多國成功積累了數萬人氣,玩家間PK戰爭所獲取的功勳點數還可兌換本陣營極品武☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Game Description☆☆ ☆ ☆Effort to build ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Global Excellence handtouroperators and developers    Three Heroes "is a by Mu and networktooktwo years to carefully build the three themes of the SLG typehandtravel masterpiece, the game supports multiplayer online,setinteractive dating hero culture, war strategy, and otherpopularelements in a . Its screen is beautiful, the plot iscompact,diverse gameplay, entering the three players unable to stoptolinger.☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆, Game Features【Screen is good, the system is fine]Famous painter perfectly illustrates the real scene of theEasternHan Dynasty, the single-player campaign, more than a copy oftheclassic system let you forget.[And easy operation, low threshold]The game designed taking into account the Andrews userhabits,simple to operate, easy to get started, even rookie playersfollowthe tutorial Getting Started.[Male Wei, women, beauty]Wei, Shu and Wu and his country comprehensive coverage ofonethousand the historical facts generals have debut ShangxiangsizeJoe and beauty's hiring.【Arms, strategy]The arms of the unique three countries elegance,distinctivefeatures and mutual restraint, combined with scienceandtechnology, alliances and other contents of the birth of themoststrategic battle system.Popular high P K Shuang]The best-selling multi-country success has accumulated tensofthousands of popular players PK war for meritorious pointsalsoredeem the camp's best weapons
武林OL 免费游戏 2.8
君王の剑 1.0
Funny Games HK
《君王の剑》作為国内首款横版即时格斗类手机网游,以欧洲圆桌骑士、亚瑟王的故事為背景,以精美细腻的美漫暗黑画风,再现了这段传奇史诗。游戏共设战士、法师、刺客、弓箭手四大职业,共有数十种技能、九大战役、百种关卡,并採用8向摇桿+技能按键的经典街机式操作,為玩家带来激爽畅快的战斗体验。惊险的多人地下城副本、支持30人同时对决的骑士团玩法,更是為玩家带来一个紧张刺激的魔幻竞技世界。横版格斗扛鼎之作!精美暗黑画风再现中世纪骑士传奇史诗,四大经典魔幻职业,超百种必杀技能,炫酷满屏特效,配合8向摇桿顺滑操作,街机级极限自由连击组合,辅以震-顿-退逼真体感效果,力求将最完美的格斗体验呈现在你的手机上!立即下载超清版客户端,还能畅享多人PVP和至少30人同时对决的大规模激爽团战!指尖上的格斗,就在《君王の剑》!目前,《君王の剑》推出了iOS和Android版本,支持多种网络环境,您只要使用智能手机即可随时随地轻鬆畅玩!适配机型系统版本的Android 2.1及以上CPU:1G及以上GPU的OpenGL ES 2.0及以上ROM:512M及以上RAM:512M及以上注:运行游戏需要保证300M左右的存储空间。
醉封神 12.0.3
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