برترین 16 برنامه مشابه به Senderos Turísticos de Aragón

Hiking trails 1.0.8
Hiking trails is a free app to plan your hikingtrips,virtuallyalmost anywhere in the world. With over 150,000 GPStracksandwaypoints, you can search trails around you (when youarealreadyoutdoors), or you can find hiking trails near a townorcountry, tohelp you plan your trip. With thewonderfulOpenStreetMap maps, youcan view the trail path and nearbypoints ofinterest. Once youhave found a trail, you can download itas KMLfile, compatiblewith OruxMaps, Google MyTracks or any otherGPSnavigator. Also,you can add the trail to your favorites list,toreview it wheneveryou want. FEATURES. ★ More than 150,000trailsall around theworld, with GPS tracks and pois. ★ Searchtrailsbased on yourlocation. ★ Search trails by city or countries,toplan a travel. ★Descriptive information for each trail. ★ Shareatrail / map withyour WhatsApp contacts, even thought if theydonthave Android orHiking Trails app. ★ Unlimited trails DownloadinKML format,compatible with all the main GPS browsers: OruxMaps,GoogleMyTracks, Google Earth, etc. ★ Favorites lists, toreview atrailwhenever you want. ★ Comment and disqus eachtrail(withoutregistering). ★ Locate your position on the map.COMINGSOON. ★View photos around each trail. ★ View Google StreetViewpanoramasaround each trail, if available. ★ Share listsoffavorites to yourWhatsApp contacts. ★ Heat maps to see themostpopular areas forhiking
Wikiloc outdoor navigation GPS 3.25.28
Wikiloc Outdoor
Wikiloc App - Now with offline topomaps!Enjoy free offline maps available worldwide to be used withoutadata connectionCreate your trips and share them with friends on socialnetworks.Track your outdoor activities on a map, take photos alongthe routeand upload all of it directly to Wikiloc right fromyourAndroid.Discover millions of outdoor routes even in the most remoteplaceson Earth. You can choose between running, hiking, cycling,mountainbiking, kayaking and up to 45 different outdooractivitiesavailable.Want more? Transform your phone into a GPS navigator! For asmallfee you can use your mobile phone to guide you through anyroutelike a GPS navigator with heading indicator and audible alertstowarn you if you go off-track.Broadcast your GPS tracked activities on Wikiloc.com and yourfamily& friends you choose can watch how you're doing theentiretime.Join us at wikiloc.com, the community where you can meet millionsofsports enthusiasts, travelers and nature lovers sharingourexperiences through GPS trails.Visit www.wikiloc.com to access even more features.
Quechua Tracking 1.5.1
Decathlon International
Quechua Tracking, a new hiking experienceonyour smartphone.Quechua Tracking is a must-have app, providing essential featurestoenable you to track your hikes.GPS Tracking and permanent geolocation feature for your safety,arecord chart and option to create a hiking journal that youcanshare with your friends etc. Thanks to Quechua Tracking,yoursmartphone can be converted into a genuine outdoor GPS and cankeepa record of all your hiking experiences.Localization system and safety:Using the collaborative map, OpenStreetMap-Landscape, Quechuaallowsyou to find out your GPS position, in real time, anywhere intheworld.This map is updated with new details every day, thanks tothecontributions of internet users. It also has specialoutdoorgraphics (with contour lines, trails, vegetation,ski-lifts,etc.)Zoom available up to a scale of approximately 1/10000m (dependingonresolution of smartphone)If you wish to provide rapid and accurate information totheemergency services about your location, in the event ofanincident, you can simply send a screenshot of your position onthemap by text or MMS.If you're worried about poor network coverage during yourhike,Quechua Tracking includes a function that allows you to"download amap:" pay a one-off charge of EUR 1.99 (InApp Purchase)and thenyou can download, onto your mobile, the appropriate basemap forthe route you wish to take.Record chart:Quechua Tracking allows you to view your activity andyourperformances: altitude, cumulative elevation gain/loss,distancecovered, climbing speed, walking time etc. This will helpyou focusyour efforts and improve your hiking time.Hiking Journal:Start and finish points, elevation gain/loss, route, duration,speedetc. Quechua Tracking allows you to record information aboutyourtrip, combine photos and comments and create your veryownHikeBook®: a new type of hiking journal, incorporating yourfinestmemories.You can share photos taken during your hike, at any timeonFacebook™ or e-mail your Hikebook® to selected individuals.Main functions:-GPS tracking-Geolocation and tracking on OpenStreetMap-Landscape-Share your GPS position via text or send a screenshot of yourmapposition via MMS.-Downloadable map (chargeable)-"Mountain" record chart-Elevation profile-Save and share photos-Create and share a HikeBook®, a hiking journal documentingthethrill and excitement of the hiking experience
Trekkapp, your tour guide in the Smartphone. 3.3.2
Apps to Enjoy S.L.
Trekkapp is the free tour guide that will help you to enjoy moreandbetter all your trips. We do it in a simple and fun way. Youdon'tmiss anything on your travels. Just download Trekkapp, walkand theapplication will warn you every time you are near a pointofinterest. You will not miss anything!!! All points of interestaredocumented. It implies that we will tell you interestingstories andanecdotes. In the same way that happens when you hire atour guide.With Trekkapp you can know the destination in depth andwith totalfreedom. You don’t need to hire a guide, followpre-establishedschedules or routes. Take only what you are mostinterested in. Youno longer need to plan your trip! We know thatlooking what you cansee in the destination is part of the trip.But, we also know thatwe just know a few points in eachdestination and ther are the mosttouristic. You can also follow aroute What if you want to do theroute of the Bourbons of Madrid?With Trekkapp you will be able todo. We have hundreds of routes inthe destinations. You have thepath of the route and all thesignificant points it crosses, andTrekkapp will warn you everytime you are reaching one, as we alwaysdo;) Are the contentsreliable? One of our obsessions is that thecontents are ofquality. Therefore all the contents that appear inTrekkapp havebeen prepared by our partners of documentation or theyhave writtenthe own destinations. So, you can trust in Trekkapp!Trekkapp is incities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valladolid orGijón. But everytime we are updating more destinations and reachingmore places, sowe recommend you pay attention to the updates wetake. Enjoy yourtrip and don't forget to load your mobile! It willhas all theinformation you need to enjoy and take advantage of thesites youwill discover thanks to your favorite guide, Trekkapp. Youcanfollow us on:http://www.trekkapp.comhttps://www.facebook.com/Trekkapphttp://twitter.com/Trekkappinfo@trekkapp.com
Hiking Trails No Ads
Advertising-free version of the "Hiking Trails" appl.
Rutea Turismo Rutas Senderismo 1.1.0
Descubre los rincones más impresionantesdenuestra geografía, sin perderte ni un detalle y a turitmo.Encuentra paisajes escondidos y pueblos recónditos. Conocetodassus historias y leyendas. Sumérgete en la naturaleza ydisfruta detoda la belleza que te rodea.Elige la guía que más te guste, descárgala en tu móvil, sigueelmapa incluso sin cobertura y recibe toda a información sobreloslugares por los que pasa el camino.Te proponemos dos tiposderecorridos:RUTAS DE SENDERISMO- Se incluyen tanto senderos oficiales como rutas diseñadaspornuestro equipo. Todas ellas han sido reconocidas en elcampopreviamente, incorporando a la aplicación únicamente lasquecumplen criterios de buen mantenimiento, seguridad e interésparael usuario.- Cada ruta incluye recorrido (track), cartografía yfotografíaaérea (IGN), así como información sobre la zona en la quenosencontramos y los puntos de interés por los quevamospasando.- Una vez descargada en el móvil, no es necesaria conexiónainternet (Funciona OFFLINE: Toda la información sobre la rutasegraba en la memoria de nuestro dispositivo y el GPS nos guíasobreel mapa).- Se incluye información general sobre la ruta, así comodistancia,dificultad, circular o lineal, perfil, tiempo estimado,como llegaral punto de inicio, fotografías... En cada ruta seespecifica si esapta para toda la familia, si se puede realizar enBTT, si esrecomendable para realizar con nuestras mascotas,etc.- Se incluyen también rutas por el centro de variasciudades,incluyendo los monumentos más importantes y las historiasmásinteresantes de cada una.RUTAS EN COCHE, MOTO O BICICLETA- Recorridos turísticos cuidadosamente diseñados, en los queseincluyen los puntos de interés imprescindibles de cadazona(castillos, iglesias, miradores, cascadas, parquesnaturales,lagos, playas, puentes, museos, pequeñas rutasdesenderismo...).- Casi todas las rutas están pensadas para hacer turismodurantevarios días (un fin de semana, etc), pero todas ellas sepuedenhacer perfectamente en una jornada si seleccionamos lospuntos quemás nos interesan.- Una vez descargada la ruta tendremos toda la informaciónennuestro móvil, sin necesidad de consumir datos. Para llegar acadapunto de interés tenemos la opción de guiarnos con el GPS sobreelmapa (no necesita internet) o utilizar un navegador paso a paso(seconsumen únicamente los datos que este necesita).Comenzamos por Galicia, pero poco a poco vamos subiendonuevossenderos y guías de turismo por toda España. Además, lasrutas serevisan y se actualizan periódicamente, completando lainformacióne incluyendo nuevos datos. Todas las rutas son gratis(tantosenderismo como guías de turismo).DESTINOS CON RUTAS INCLUIDASA Coruña: Barbanza, Costa da Morte, Bergantiños,Ferrolterra,Santiago de CompostelaLeón: Bierzo, Ancares, Picos de EuropaLugo: Courel, Ribeira SacraOurense: Allariz - Maceda, Ribeira Sacra, Ourense, RibeiroPontevedra: Deza, Sanxenxo, Rías Baixas, Salnés, Morrazo,Tabeirós,Caldas, A Cañiza, Cambados, ArousaZamora: SanabriaSÍNTESIS- Rutas de Senderismo y Recorridos Turísticos pordiferenteszonas de España- Descripciones, fotografías,mapas, tracks y datos decadaruta.- Información sobre los servicios que necesitas para una jornadadeturismo (restaurantes, oficinas de información, etc)- Guía completa del recorrido, con explicaciones detalladas encadapunto de interés.- Los mapas interactivos de las rutas de senderismofuncionantotalmente OFFLINE, sin necesidad de cobertura.Discover the mostamazingcorners of our country, without missing a detail and yourpace.Find hidden landscapes and hidden villages. Knows all theirstoriesand legends. Immerse yourself in nature and enjoy the beautyaroundyou.Select the directory that you like, download it to yourphone,follow the map even without coverage and get all informationaboutthe places through which it passes the camino.Te propose twotypesof tours:HIKING TRAILS- Includes both official trails and routes designed by ourteam.All have been previously recognized in the field, adding totheapplication only those that meet criteria of goodmaintenance,security and interest to the user.- Each path includes path (track), cartography andaerialphotography (IGN), and information about the area in which weandpoints of interest in which we are passing.- Once downloaded on your phone, it is not necessary internet(WorksOFFLINE: All path information is recorded in the memory ofourdevice and the GPS guides us on the map).- General information about the route is included, as wellasdistance, difficulty, circular or linear, profile, dear, how togetto the starting point, pictures ... In each path youspecifywhether it is suitable for the whole family time, if You canbedone in mountain bike, whether it is advisable to carry outwithour pets, etc.- Routes are also included in the middle of severalcities,including the most important monuments and the mostinterestingstories each.Routes by car, motorcycle or bicycle- Tours carefully designed, where the essential points ofeachzone interest (castles, churches, viewpoints, waterfalls,parks,lakes, beaches, bridges, museums, small hiking ...)areincluded.- Almost all routes are designed for touring for several days(aweekend, etc), but all of them can be done perfectly in a day ifweselect the points that interest us.- Once downloaded the route we have all the information onyourmobile phone, without consuming data. To reach every pointofinterest we have the option to guide us with the GPS on the map(noneed internet) or using a stepper (you only consume the dataitneeds) browser.Galicia began, but little by little we are uploading newtrailsand guides throughout Spain. Moreover, the routes arereviewed andupdated regularly, completing the information andincluding newdata. All routes are free (both as hiking guides).DESTINATIONS INCLUDING ROUTESA Coruña: Barbanza, Costa da Morte, Bergantiños,Ferrolterra,Santiago de CompostelaLeon: Bierzo, Ancares, Picos de EuropaLugo: Courel, Ribeira SacraOurense: Allariz - Maceda, Ribeira Sacra, Ourense, RibeiroPontevedra: Deza, Sanxenxo, Rias Baixas, Salnés Morrazo,Tabeirós,Caldas, A Caniza, Cambados, ArousaZamora SanabriaSYNTHESIS- Hiking trails and tours of different areas of Spain- Descriptions, photographs, maps, tracks and data ofeachroute.- Information about the services you need for a day ofsightseeing(restaurants, information offices, etc.)- Complete Travel Guide, with detailed explanations on each pointofinterest.- Interactive maps of hiking trails run fully OFFLINE,withoutcoverage.
Rutas Senderismo Tablets 1.0.3
Esta aplicación es la versiónoptimizadaparatablets de "Rutas Senderismo". No incluyefuncionesdependientesdel GPS, ya que aunque "Rutas Senderismo"puedefuncionar encualquier dispositivo Android, Google Play nopermitesuinstalación en dispositivos que no tengan GPS. Si tienesunatabletcon GPS, te recomendamos que instales entonces"RutasSenderismo".Rutas Senderismo es una aplicación que te ayudará aplanificartussalidas para practicar senderismo, prácticamente encasicualquierlugar del mundo. Con más de 150.000 tracks GPS ypuntosde interés,puedes buscar trails alrededor tuyo (cuando yaestás enel campo, yte gustaría saber qué rutas de senderismo haycerca), obien puedesbuscar rutas de senderismo cerca de unalocalidad opaís, paraayudarte a planificar tu excursión.Con los maravillosos mapas de OpenStreetMap, puedesvisualizarelitinerario de la ruta, y los principales puntos deinterés(POIs) dealrededor. Una vez encontrada una ruta de tugusto,puedesdescargarla en formato KML (para poder seguir el trackluegoconOruxMaps, Google Mytracks o cualquier otro navegador GPS),opuedesguardarla en tu lista de favoritos, para poderconsultarlasiempreque lo desees.CARACTERÍSTICAS.★ Más de 150.000 mapas, con tracks y pois GPS, detodoelmundo.★ Búsqueda de rutas basadas en tulocalización(alrededortuya).★ Búsquedas de rutas por lugar (ciudad o país), paraplanificartusviajes.★ Información descriptiva de cada ruta.★ Filtros por longitud de ruta, proximidad (a tu posición oaunlugar buscado), dificultad.★ Ordenar por alguno de los valores anteriores, ensentidoascendenteo descendente.★ Visualización de perfiles longitudinales de altitud.★ Posibilidad de compartir una ruta a través de WhatsApp(inclusoausuarios que no tengan instalada la aplicación).★ Descarga ilimitada de rutas en formato KML (formato conelquepueden trabajar los principales navegadores: OruxMaps,GoogleMyTracks, Google Earth, etc)★ Lista de favoritos, para poder recuperar las rutasdesenderismoque mas te gusten.★ Comentar los mapas, y mantener discusiones sobrelaspeculiaridadesde cada ruta (sin necesidad deestarregistrado).★ Localización de tu posición en el mapa, con el gradodeprecisiónque el móvil proporcione en cada momento.PRÓXIMAMENTE.★ Visualización de fotos del entorno de cada ruta.★ Visualización de "panoramas" de Google Street View, paralaszonasen las que existan.★ Creación de varias listas de favoritos, diferenciadasportemática,las "POI-LISTS".★ Compartir listas de favoritos por WhatsApp.★ Mapas de calor, para ver las zonas mas popularesparapracticarsenderismoThisapplicationisoptimized tablet version of "Hiking trails". ExcludesGPSdependentfunctions, because although "Hiking trails" can run onanyAndroiddevice, Google Play does not allow installation ondevicesthat donot have GPS. If you have a tablet with GPS, werecommendthat youinstall then "Hiking Trails".Hiking Trails is an application that will help you planyourtripsfor hiking, virtually almost anywhere in the world. Withover150,000GPS tracks and waypoints, you can search trails aroundyou(when youare already in the field, and would like to knowwhathiking trailsnearby), or you can find hiking trails near atown orcountry, tohelp you plan your trip.With the wonderful OpenStreetMap maps you can viewtherouteitinerary, and major points of interest (POIs) around.Onceyouhave found a route to your liking, you can download KML(tofollowthe track then with OruxMaps, Google MyTracks or anyotherGPSnavigator), or you can save it to your favorites list,toalwaysconsult you wish.FEATURES.★ More than 150,000 maps, with GPS tracks and pois,worldwide.★ Search for routes based on your location (about yours).★ route searches by location (city or country), toplanyourtravel.★ descriptive information for each route.★ Filters for path length, proximity (to your positionorplacesearched) difficulty.★ Sort by any of the above values ​​in ascendingordescendingorder.★ Display of longitudinal profiles of altitude.★ Ability to share a route through WhatsApp (even users whodonothave the application installed).★ Unlimited Download of routes in KML format (format thatcanworkall major browsers: Orux Maps, Google MyTracks,GoogleEarth,etc.)★ favorites list, to recover the hiking trails that you like.Comment ★ maps, and hold discussions on the peculiaritiesofeachroute (without being registered).★ Location of your position on the map, with the precisionthatthemobile provided at all times.COMING SOON.★ View photos of environment of each route.★ Viewing "scenarios" of Google Street View, for areas inwhichtheyexist.★ Create multiple lists of favorites, differentiated bysubject,the"POI-LISTS".★ Share lists of favorites by WhatsApp.★ heat maps to see the most popular areas for hiking
Senderos Rurales 1.03
Carlos Sanchez Martin
Disfruta de las mejores rutas yalojamientosconesta appEnjoy the bestroutesandaccommodations with this app
Natura Local 2.5.9
Best App for hiking, routes, excursions, mtb, cultural visits.
GPX Viewer 1.44.5
Vectura Games OÜ
GPX Viewer shows tracks, routes and waypoints from gpx andkmlfiles.
Argentina Travel Guide 4.1.1
Argentina Travel Guide is a touristapplicationin Argentina providing the most detailed information ofallgeographic regions and tourist attractions.Through its more than 200 experiences, you may learn aboutourcountry in a different way, with useful information fortravelersand unique tools like: maps, directory of the main touristservicesin the country, weather, airports and the possibility ofcreatingyour own itinerary.This guide is available in Spanish, English, Portuguese,Italian,French and German.
Merida guia de turismo 1.0
La Guía de turismo Merida te ofrece todolonecesario para disfrutar al máximo de la estancia: lainformaciónde la guia esencial para preparar tu viaje, que ver,informacióngeolocalizada sobre los puntos de interés, excursiones,audio guíasy rutas turísticas.Características- Disponible en todas las App Stores- Acceso a información esencial: turismo, guia, mapa,rutas,contacto y redes sociales- Audioguías y rutas de interés turístico (Teatro Romano, TemplodeDiana, Alcazaba Árabe…)- App de turismo realizada con ohlalapps.Para más información de apps de turismo o guia visite lawebhttp://www.ohlalapps.comMerida Tourism Guidegivesyou everything you need to make the most of Stay:essentialinformation for planning your trip guide, you see,geolocatedinformation about attractions, tours, audio guides andtours.Features- Available in all App Stores- Access to Essential Information: tourism, guide, map,routes,contacts and social networks- Audio guides and tourist routes (Roman Theatre, Temple ofDiana,Arabic Alcazaba ...)- App made with ohlalapps tourism.For more information on my tourist guide or visit thewebhttp://www.ohlalapps.com
Ecuador Travel 1.3.15
El Ministerio de Turismo promocionainformaciónde destinos y atractivos turísticos de gran interéspara losvisitantes nuestro bello país. Aquí encontrará:. Información de las 4 regiones del ecuador.. Información de destinos turísticos.. Información de atractivos turísticos.. Localización de atractivos turísticos.. Actividades que se realizan en los atractivos turísticos.. Buscar Atractivos por Actividades.. Buscar Atractivos por Destinos.. Buscar Actividades por Destino.. y mucho más.The Ministry ofTourismpromotes information destinations and tourist attractions ofgreatinterest to visitors to our beautiful country. Here you willfind:. Information from the 4 regions of Ecuador.. Information tourist destinations.. Information tourist attractions.. Location of tourist attractions.. Activities performed in tourist attractions.. Search attractions Activities.. Search Attractions by Destinations.. Search Activities by Destination.. and much more.
De Monte Por Asturias 2.60
Pasu A Pasu
De Monte Por Asturias, te ofrece una guíaconlas rutas de las principales montañas, senderismo y acceso alosrefugios de Asturias y provincias limítrofes, tanto paratudispositivo móvil como tablet Android.Existen tres secciones claramente diferenciadas:- Montañas: El objetivo de esta sección es mostrar una seriededatos propios de cada montaña, tales como las coordenadas delacima, altitud, prominencia, etc, y la ruta o rutas más comunesparalograr acceder a la cumbre. Esta ruta es una nueva sección enlaque se ofrece una breve descripción de la misma, indicandoeldesnivel, duración, longitud, etc, una pequeña galería deimágenesy un visor online con el mapa y recorrido realizado.- Refugios: El objetivo es mostrar de forma unificada,lasprincipales características de cada refugio, tales como elnúmerode plazas, sus coordenadas, información de contacto, etc. yademás,la principal ruta para llegar hasta él. Esta ruta es unanuevasección, donde se describe de forma similar a como se haría enunaruta de montaña, mostrando una breve descripción de la misma,unapequeña galería y un visor online con el mapa yrecorridopropuesto.- Sendas o rutas de Senderismo: Se muestra la informaciónunificadade la ruta que se trate. Entre otras, la duración,desnivel,longitud, lugar de inicio/fin, etc. Además, hay unasección paramostrar una pequeña galería fotográfica y un visoronline con elmapa y recorrido propuesto.Actualmente,hay un total de 102 rutas divididas de lasiguientemanera:- 68 rutas de montaña- 24 rutas de senderismo- 10 rutas para acceder a los principales refugios de montañadeAsturias y provincias limítrofes.Existen rutas que discurren por todo el territorio asturiano,desdeel Occidente al Oriente.La aplicación no está pensada para usarla como un navegadorGPS,debido principalmente a que los mapas precisan de conexióndered.By Monte Asturias,offersa guide to the major mountain routes, hiking and access tosheltersAsturias and neighboring provinces, both for your Androidmobileand tablet.There are three distinct sections:- Mountains: The purpose of this section is to show a seriesofproprietary data every mountain, such as the coordinates ofthesummit, altitude, prominence, etc., and the most common routeorroutes to gain access to the summit. This route is a newsectionthat provides a brief description of it, indicating thegap,duration, length, etc., a small gallery and an online viewerwithmap and distance traveled.- Shelters: The goal is to show a unified way, the main featuresofeach shelter, such as the number of places, theircoordinates,contact information, etc. and also the main route toreach it. Thisroute is a new section, which describes in a similarway as youwould on a mountain path, showing a brief description ofit, asmall gallery and an online viewer with map andproposedroute.- Hiking trails or paths: the unified path information inquestionis displayed. Among others, the duration, slope, length,placestart / end, etc. In addition, there is a small section toshow aphoto gallery and an online viewer with map andproposedroute.Currently, a total of 102 routes divided as follows:   - 68 mountain routes   - 24 hiking trails   - 10 tours for access to the main mountain hutsofAsturias and neighboring provinces.There are routes that run through the whole territory ofAsturiasfrom the West to the East.The application is not intended for use as a GPS, mainlybecausemaps require network connection.
Catalunya Offline 2.2.0
Catalunya Offline és una aplicació per mòbil feta perl’InstitutCartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) que us permetmoure-uspel territori català, prendre punts i gravar les vostresrutes iexcursions amb el GPS encara que no tingueu cobertura dedades alvostre mòbil. AVÍS IMPORTANT: Per Android 6 i superior caldonarels permisos manualment:Settings/Apps/CatalunyaOffline/permissions. (Altrament el GPS i ladescàrrega nofuncionen) L’aplicació permet la descàrrega ivisualització de lacartografia de l’ICGC, tant del mapa topogràficcom de laortofotomapa. El mapa topogràfic mostra la informacióestructuradai jerarquitzada per facilitar la lectura del mapa. Ésmostren lescorbes de nivell i informació relativa als senders demuntanya.L’ortofotomapa mostra el detall del terreny a les escalesmésgrans. En aquest cas la imatge s’ha complementat ambcertainformació geogràfica per facilitar la seva comprensió:carreteres,camins, corriols i toponímia. La descàrrega dels fullsper a l’úsfora de línia (offline) es realitza a partir del tall de77 unitatsgeogràfiques amb que es publica la versió en paper delMapaTopogràfic de Catalunya a escala 1:25.000. El nivell de detalldela cartografia cerca el compromís entre la seva bona usabilitatiel volum de les dades dels fitxers de cartografia. Si disposeudetargeta SD els arxius s’emmagatzemen en aquesta per tal denoocupar la memòria interna del vostre dispositiu. Lesfuncionalitatsde l’aplicació són: • Descàrrega del mapa topogràfico del’ortofotomapa per al seu consum offline (es recomana ladescàrregadels arxius en xarxes wifi degut a la mida dels arxius).•Localització de la posició de l’usuari sobre el mapa. •Permetveure coordenades dels punts, tan en format geogràfic comUTM(ETRS89). • Creació de punts sobre el mapa, bé a partirdelposicionament del propi mòbil, bé realitzant un clic llarg sobrelacartografia allà on volem situar el punt. Podem posar nom al puntidescripció, també associar-hi fotografies i escollir-ne el color.•Gravació de rutes i itineraris (tracks). Podem posar nom a larutai descripció, també escollir el color i determinar l’intervalderecollida de posicions. També podem pausar la gravació.•L’aplicació permet pujar rutes i punts que estiguin contingutsenarxius (fitxers externs). Formats: .gpx, .kml i .geojson. •Elsarxius que genereu també poden ser descarregats. Formats: .gpxi.kml. • El conjunt de punts i rutes poden ser marcats comavisibles o no, i també es poden esborrar. • L’aplicaciópermetpublicar les dades recollides com a mapa a Instamaps.Instamaps ésuna eina web de l’ICGC gratuïta que permet visualitzar,treballar iposar en línia la vostra informació geogràfica i rutesen dues itres dimensions (www.instamaps.cat). Cal que tingueu uncompted’Instamaps. Els punts i rutes que es publiquen a Instamapssón elsque són visibles en el moment de publicar. • Podeutambépersonalitzar la mida dels botons i el color de la iconadeposicionament. • Cerca de topònims (municipis, llocs,llogarets)per determinar el mapa o mapes de la zona d’interès.També es potutilitzar el numero del mapa. • Es visualitza l’escalagràfica. Toti que Catalunya Offline no és, per concepte,substitutòria deMapICC, si que recull moltes de les suggereixes queens heu fet enaquesta. Seguirem treballant en la millora d’aquestaApp! Si voleuadreçar-nos els vostres comentaris i suggerènciesfeu-ho abetaportal@icgc.cat.
SityTrail Spain - hiking GPS
Geolives S.A.
SityTrail is a GPS for all of youroutdooractivities anywhere in Spain.Here are its main functions:★ SPAIN TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS IN YOUR POCKETAll the topographic maps you need to discover Spain onfoot,cycling, horse riding, or by car, motorbike or quad.Subscription charge: The application can be accessedforfree for a week’s trial. You may then take out a subscriptionfor€19.99 per year, all-inclusive.★ MAPS AND YOUR WALKS AVAILABLE IN OFFLINE MODEThe download tool lets you get the most out of your mapsandroutes on the ground without any internet connection.There is an alarm when you stray from the route beingfollowed.No more need to continuously check your smartphone, thisalarmsystem will stop you getting lost or having to turn backonyourself.Automatic activation of points of interest and text tospeechsynthesis.An elevation profile that enables the visualisation ofinclinesand of any difficulties along the route.★ RECORD YOUR ROUTES WITH PHOTOSRecord your walks in real time on the ground, and createpointsof interest with your own photos and commentary.Display showing distance covered, time taken, average speed,GPSaltitude, inclines (+/-), and many other useful indicatorsforwalkers and mountain bikers.Estimate of distance and time remaining based on youraveragespeed.Elevation profile for the current recording.★ CREATE AND SHARE YOUR WALKSWith our online editor, create your own walking projects usinganinternet navigator on your PC/MAC and then accessing themdirectlyfrom your mobile to experience them on the ground.Go further. Transform your favourite walks into realmultimediaguides with text, photos, video links, and share themwith theSityTrail community.Access too to thousands of walking circuits from othermembersand let yourself be guided!★ TOURIST ATTRACTIONS AND WEATHER SERVICEGet plenty of localised tourist information:articlesWikipédia, accommodation, restaurants, and variousservicessuch as chemists and banks.Save your favourite places so you can consult them duringyourtrip.Check on the five-day weather forecast for any location onthemap to help you organise your stay.★ ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONSEasily create points of interest, such as the location ofyourcar, your hotel, or a restaurant.In the event of any problems, the SOS function enables youtosend your GPS coordinates to your contacts.Geocachers can use the compass to find their way toageocache.★ ANDROID WEAR SMARTWATCH- Route and GPS position visualisation.- Indication of distance covered and remaining.- Arrow display indicating the direction to be taken.- Alarm when you stray from the route.We wish you lots of fun with SityTrail Spain.ApplicationManual:http://www.sitytrail.com/lang-en/manuals_trail.htmlFor any questions orsuggestions:http://www.sitytrail.com/lang-en/support_trail.html- - -Some functions need an internet connection.The prolonged use of GPS can reduce battery levels.