برترین 19 برنامه مشابه به Prova de Cardiologia - Lite

Prova de Cirurgia Geral 1.0
Aplicativo que re˙ne mais de 400questıesdeCirurgia Geral aplicadas em provas de concursos p˙blicosparaa·rea em todo o paÌs. O aplicativo indica as respostascorretasecontabiliza seus erros para que vocÍ possaverificarseuconhecimento. AlÈm disso, vocÍ pode compartilhar seuscore noseumural no Facebook.
Nota 10 - Simulados do Enem 5.07
Study for 2016 ENEM anywhere and anytime with Note 10!
Questões de Concurso Aprova 2.1.8
If you want to pass a public contest, you need to train bysolvingissues!
Student Agenda 2.5.17
Appsbuyout Development
Developed by students, with the goal ofbeingsimple and lightweight, the Student Agenda was made tohelpstudents organize themselves and have, consequently,betterperformance in studies.The objective of using this app is to perform tasks withinthecombined deadlines, divide better the time between academicandpersonal life, conduct the day-to-day with more calmnessandless stress.On Student Agenda, important information about tests,homeworks,appointments and timetable will always be available onyoursmartphone to checks and new schedulings, wherever you are. Averyuseful feature are the reminders, that will help youdon'tforget important activities.These features are adequate for school, for college, foryourday-to-day... The goal is to make student life moreorganized,managing appointments that can't be forgotten.The app was developed to be simple and easy to use. To start,youcan simply add your subjects and then your timetable.Main features:• Simplicity and lightweightness;• Timetable;• Scheduling of events (exams, homeworks/tasks, activitiesandreturning books to the library);• Add photo to increase the description of events;• Notification schedule (reminder) for events;• Check events as "completed";• Events ordered by day, week and month;• Timetable of the day;• Timetable of the week;• Calendar;• Management of marks;• Timetable and events widgets;• Share events with your friends.If you have any problem or suggestion, please send usaemail!support@appsbuyout.vcIntelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helpsyouidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list.Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID atanytime in the settings menu.Thank you!
Prova Fácil 1.1.5
Starline Tecnologia S/A
Facilitating the lives of those who create evidence
Prova de Cardiologia 1.0
Aplicativo que re˙ne mais de 400 questıesdeCardiologia aplicadas em provas de concursos p˙blicos para a·reaem todo o paÌs. O aplicativo indica as respostas corretasecontabiliza seus erros para que vocÍ possa verificarseuconhecimento. AlÈm disso, vocÍ pode compartilhar seu score noseumural no Facebook.
Cursos Grátis - PrimeCursos 1
Prime Cursos do Brasil
A Prime Cursos do Brasil é referência emensinoa distância e conta com mais de 2,6 milhões de alunos noBrasil eexterior.Com este aplicativo você poderá ampliar ainda maisseusconhecimentos, podendo escolher entre mais de 170cursosgrátis.Nosso Cursos são Ideais para:- Horas Extra-Curriculares para Universidades/Escolas;- Progressão Funcional para funcionários Públicos;- Capacitação Profissional - aprenda uma nova profissão;- e muito mais.Ficou muito mais fácil investir em seu futuro e se mantersempreatualizado para o mercado de trabalho.Acesse nosso site http://www.primecursos.com.br e conheçamaissobre nosso portal.Curta também nossa FanPage https://www.facebook.com/primecursos e fiquepordentro dos lançamentos de novos cursos e novidades.Os melhores Cursos Grátis. Atualize-se agora mesmo!The Prime CoursesBrazilis a reference in distance learning and has more than 2.6millionstudents in Brazil and abroad.With this app you can further expand your knowledge andcanchoose from over 170 free courses.Our courses are Ideal for: - Hours Extra-Curricular for Universities / Schools; - Functional Progression to Government employees; - Professional Training - Learn a new profession; - And more.It was much easier to invest in your future and stay up todateon the labor market.Visit our site http://www.primecursos.com.br and learnmoreabout our website.Short also our https://www.facebook.com/primecursos FanPageandstay on top of the launches of new courses and new.Best Free Courses. Update yourself now!
Enem 2017 Simulado Gabaritando 3.3.1
GetApp Tecnologia.
ENEM and Vestibular. The most comprehensive application forhighschool student
Simulado Prova Detran 2.0
Simulated Test DMV, Easy, Practical, Lightweight, Efficient ...
Geekie Games - Enem e vestibul 4.8.0
📝Count with the only study platform for ENEM accredited byMEC!(I.e.
Cardiovascular System 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn : Delineate the structure andfunctionof heart and vascular system. List the major components ofhumanheart, including the four chambers and four valves.Distinguish thestructure and functions of arteries, veins, andcapillaries.Examine how the sequential pattern of contraction andrelaxation inthe heart results in a normal pattern of blood flow.Systematizethe path of oxygenated and de‐oxygenated blood flowbetween heartand lungs. Define “cardiac cycle” and understand themechanism ofblood circulation in the heart. Define “pacemaker ofthe heart” anddiscuss how the SA and AV nodes control thecontractions of theheart muscle. Describe the way theelectrocardiogram (ECG) isrecorded, the waves of the ECG, and therelationship of the ECG tothe electrical axis of the heart. Namethe common cardiacarrhythmias and describe the processes thatproduce them.Understand the basis of disease states wherecomponents of bloodand vasculature are abnormal or dysregulated.Explore the differentdiagnostic resources available for treatingcardiovasculardiseases. More details please visithttp://www.wonderwhizkids.com/"Wonderwhizkids.com" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths &Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented,visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. Thecontent is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problemsolving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designingengaging learning experiences. Parentsalso can activelyparticipate in their child's development throughWWK". This topiccovers under Biology subject as a part of the HumanPhysiologytopic and this topic contains following sub topicsCardiovascularSystem Blood Vessels - Intricate networks HeartDiseases
Concursos - Concursos Públicos 1.5.3
OAB, FISCAL, INSS, AUDITOR, CAIXA, CORREIOS E MAIS!Esteja preparado e informado sobre os principais ConcursosPúblicosdo Brasil! Saiba tudo sobre o concurso público que vocêprocura,estude através de nossos simulados e aulas e faça de 2015um ano desucesso!Baixe o aplicativo para ter acesso a:- Notícias e editais de todos os concursos públicos do Brasil- Calendário com os concursos públicos que acontecem em2015(FISCAL, OAB, AUDITOR, INSS,CORREIOS, CAIXA E MAIS)- Simulados com questões de provas anteriores para avaliar oseunível em cada matéria- Diagnóstico com base nos seus resultados em testes e simuladosdeconcursos anteriores- Aulas de mais de 10 matérias com vídeos, livros, textoseexercícios- Alertas de estudoEstude direito que você conquistará o emprego dosseussonhos!Aproveite o melhor aplicativo para um concurseiro se dar bem emumconcurso público.Faça diversos simulados de concursos públicosanterioresGRÁTIS!(FISCAL, OAB, INSS, AUDITOR, CAIXA, CORREIOS E MAIS)OAB,FINANCIAL, INSS, AUDITOR, CASH, POST AND MORE!Be prepared and informed on the main Public Procurement inBrazil!Learn all about the tender you seek, through our studysimulatedand classes and make 2015 a successful year!Download the application to access:- News and notices of all public tenders in Brazil- Calendar with public procurement taking place in 2015(FINANCIAL,OAB, AUDITOR, INSS, POST, CASH AND MORE)- Simulated with questions from previous tests to assess theirlevelin each subject- Diagnosis based on their results in tests and simulationsofprevious contests- Classes of over 10 materials with videos, books, textsandexercises- Study AlertsStudy right you win the job of your dreams!Enjoy the best application for a concurseiro get along in apublictender.Make several simulated previous tenders FREE(FINANCIAL, OAB, INSS, AUDITOR, CASH, POST AND MORE)
Questões Enem 2023 7.6.3
Guilardi Mob
Free classes, simulations, INEP Enem 2022/2023 tests. 100% Offline!
Prova de Cirurgia Geral - Lite 1.0
Vers„o gratuita com 50 questıesdoaplicativoque re˙ne 400 questıes de Cirurgia Geral aplicadasemprovas deconcursos p˙blicos para a ·rea em todo o paÌs.Oaplicativo indicaas respostas corretas e contabiliza seuserrospara que vocÍ possaverificar seu conhecimento. AlÈm disso,vocÍpode compartilhar seuscore no seu mural no Facebook. Adquiraavers„o completa!
ENEM 2016 2.5
Papyrus Apps Brasil
Com o intuito de auxiliar seus estudosoEstratégia Concursos criou este aplicativo que o ajudaráaconquistar seu tão sonhado objetivo: ingressar na universidade.Com ele você pode:1) estudar em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora, no seu tabletousmartphone2) ganhar descontos na compra de cursos do Estratégia3) realizar simulados com questões que já caíram no ENEM4) verificar quantas questões errou e acertou5) parar o simulado na hora que desejar e continuar depois6) ver estatísticas do seu estudo7) controlar o seu tempo de estudoAs matérias disponíveis são Português, Matemática,História,Geografia, Física, Química, Artes, Inglês, Espanhol,Biologia,Filosofia e Sociologia.In order to assisthisstudies Strategy Contests created this app to help you achieveyourlong-sought goal: to enter the university.With it you can:1) study anywhere, anytime, on your tablet or smartphone2) gain discounts on Strategy courses3) perform simulated with issues that have fallen in ESMS4) check how many questions missed and hit5) stop the simulation at the time you want and go after6) see statistics of your study7) track your study timeThe materials available are Portuguese, Mathematics,History,Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Arts, English, Biology,Philosophyand Sociology.
Passei Direto - App de Estudos 6.29.0
Passei Direto S/A
Materials for enem, contest, graduation and post, high schoolandfundamental
HomeWork 8.8.4
HomeWork & TimeTable app for students. Widgets for timetableandhomework.
Gabaritar 3.4.2
GabaritarAcelerando sua aprovação em exames e concursos públicos!Passemais rápido no ENEM, OAB, CNH, entre outros.Crie Múltiplos Planos de EstudoEstudando para vários concursos diferentes com conteúdosdistintos?Não tem problema, pois o Gabaritar permite que você crieváriosPlanos de Estudo a partir de diferentes editais ou até mesmoumplano genérico. Utilize o Plano Geral para registrar horasemdisciplinas comuns a vários planos.Registre Suas Horas de EstudoMonte seus planos de estudo a partir das disciplinas exigidasemcada edital, e registre suas horas de estudo em cada uma delas.OGabaritar calcula pra você a quantidade de horas recomendadasemcada disciplina, bem como suas meta diária e total, queficamsempre visíveis nas telas dos planos e disciplinas.Acesse Questões pra Você PraticarTenha acesso a milhares de questões extraídas dos principaisexamese concursos do país organizadas por disciplinas, além dequestõesexclusivas criadas por nossos parceiros.Resolva SimuladosExecute simulados criados especialmente para que você concentreseusesforços nas áreas que mais precisa. Acompanhe o resultadodossimulados respondidos comparando suas respostas com ogabaritooficial de cada prova. Simulados para ENEM, CNH,ConcursosPúblicos, OAB, entre outros.Acompanhe Seu DesempenhoMonitore a evolução de seus estudos através do nosso novo módulodegráficos.Keywords: educação, concursos públicos, enem, vestibular,estudo,vou passar, concurseiro, simulados, direito, vade mecum,editais,oab, exame da ordem, questões para concursos, cnh,enemAceAccelerating its adoption in public examinationsandcompetitions! Spend faster in ENEM, OAB, CNH, among others.Create Multiple Plans of StudyStudying for several different competitions with differentcontent?No problem, because the ace allows you to create multiplePlansStudy from different notices or even a generic plan. UsetheGeneral Plan to record hours common to severaldisciplinesplans.Register Your Study TimeMonte plans to study from the disciplines required ineachannouncement, and record their hours of study each. Theacecalculate for you the amount of recommended hours for eachsubjectas well as your daily and total target, which are alwaysvisible onthe screens of plans and disciplines.Access Practice Questions for YouGet access to thousands of questions extracted from major examsandcompetitions in the country organized by disciplines, anduniqueissues created by our partners.Solve SimulatedSimulated run created especially for you to focus your effortsonthe areas that need it most. Follow the result ofcomparingsimulated answered your answers with the official templateof eachtest. Simulated for ENEM, CNH, Public Tenders, OAB,amongothers.Track Your PerformanceMonitor the progress of your studies through our newmodulecharts.Keywords: education, public procurement, enem, vestibular,study,I will go, concurseiro, simulated, right, vade mecum,notices, OAB,bar exam, questions for contests, cnh, enem
MalMath: Step by step solver 20.0.10
Solve and understand math problems