برترین 13 برنامه مشابه به 秦丝进销存-仓库、库存、销售、进货管理,打单、报表、多员工

在庫管理Pro 1.3.15
atStage Inc.
秦丝生意通-收银记账、会员销售管理 1.4.0
手机、平板、电脑全平台支持,多仓库多员工同步使用,永久免费!适用于各行业的生意门店需求,整合仓库管理、财务记账、会员和员工管理以及收银机系统于一身,手机快速开单,打标签条码,打小票,生意高效省心!独特亮点:1、与所有商家共同打造“接地气、实用”产品,您敢提需求,秦丝就敢写代码实现2、电脑、平板、手机全平台支持,数据实时同步且永不丢失,三重备份与银行级安全防护3、扫一扫随手完成盘点、采购、销售和库存查询,秒级操作,效率提升数倍4、实时的超强大的多维度报表分析,随时查看费用、利润、业绩及经营状况并做出决策5、打印模板自定义完全开放,加上自己的Logo、口号和二维码6、无线打印、微信分享等等众多特性!Phone,tablet,computer-wide platform support, multi-warehouseemployeessimultaneous use of multiple, permanent free!Suitable store business needs of various industries, theintegrationof warehouse management, financial accounting,management, and staffmembers and cash register systems in one,quick phone billing,playing barcode labels, playing a smallticket, business efficiencyand worry!Unique highlights:1, with all businesses together to create "ground gas andpractical"products, you dare mention needs, Qin silk dare to writecode2, computer, tablet, mobile phone full platform support,real-timedata synchronization and never lost, triple backup andbank-levelsecurity protection3, sweep the hand complete inventory, purchasing, salesandinventory information, second stage operation, efficiencyseveraltimes4, real-time multi-dimensional super-big statement analysis,alwayscheck expenses, profits, performance and business conditionsandmake decisions5, custom print templates completely open, add your own Logo,sloganand 2D codes6, wireless printing, micro-channel to share so many features!
Inventory Wizard - Invoicing 1.27
Step 1: Inventory merchandise inventory and Save. Step2:Forwardinventory data back to the company, so thatcompanypersonnelimport Invoicing Software. Two easy steps, you canreachtheinventory capabilities of the distal end oftheconnection.(Support EPSON Bluetooth Printer printing)
會計 進銷存 零售 找換店 服務 雲端開發平台 @飛龍用戶端 v1.4h
Freedomized Systems Ltd.
飛龍用戶端 Freedomized iClient是《飛龍雲端系統FreedomizediWare.Net》在Android平台的延伸。《飛龍雲端系統》以普通電腦作主機,支持數以百計的同時用戶。手機、平板、桌面電腦作爲分機,讓你隨時隨地開展業務。操作模式及便利與桌面電腦一致,無需再次學習。隨身一個手機,就能操作多種商務軟件軟件、維護系統或編寫程序。《飛龍雲端系統》讓用戶在桌面電腦或移動設備上使用會計、進銷存、批發、零售、貿易、餐飲、髮廊、外賣、維修、物流、旅行社、洗衣店、找換店等應用軟件,是一套全面的商務系統。《飛龍雲端系統》也是一個全面的商務軟件開發系統,為程序員提供一個開發Apps的快捷途徑。程序編寫一次,就能跨平台運作。自帶資料庫,配備表格設計功能、報表編製功能、高效率程序語言及解釋器、中英文命令字以及大量源程序,讓你成為具有高度生產力的編程高手,立即把競爭者比下去。歡迎到http://www.freedomized.com/idoor/product/download.htm下載使用《飛龍雲端系統》。幾分鐘就能完成安裝,整個系統所有程序及資料都放在你的電腦。系統附帶的會計軟件、POS收銀機軟件、進銷存零售軟件、找換店軟件、酒店訂房軟件、旅團管理軟件等。所有軟件均提供源程序,可供程序員參照和運用。別用那些東拼西湊又昂貴的軟件了!※ 新增顧客模式:顧客模式專爲你的客戶而設。閣下可訂製自己公司的LOGO,以及爲顧客預設的介面,並將Apps開放給顧客下載。顧客連接時可立即顯示貴公司預設的介面。原有的操作模式是業務員模式,爲公司内部使用。● 先使用,滿意才購買。EMail: support@freedomized.comWhatsApp: +852 5930 8031WeChat: freedomizedLine: freedomizedhttp://www.freedomized.com
> Benefits of the ECOUNT ERP App Efficiently manageyourbusinessanywhere at anytime with our ECOUNT ERP App. It'slikehaving a minioffice in the palm of your hands. * ERPavailableanywhere, any time- 100% cloud-based software that you canaccesson your mobiledevice. - Optimized for your mobile devicesforquick access to yourdata. - If you find yourself out of officeyoucan instantly order ajob or approve drafts. * BarcodeScanningFeature - You can scanbarcode labels of items alreadyregisteredin the ERP with yoursmartphone to manage your inventory.- Allinvoices made in the Appcan be sent to the ERP system and canbequickly sent via email. -Quickly track your inventory if awayfromyour desktop. >Benefits of using ECOUNT ERP ECOUNT ERP isasoftware designed forthe needs of small and mid-sizedbusinesses.It integratesinventory, production, sales, purchasing,accounting,and payroll ata low monthly price for an unlimitednumber ofusers. The softwareis 100% cloud-based. Access yourinformationanywhere with Internetaccess. * Loaded with Features -Includesinventory, production,sales, purchasing, accounting,payroll,reporting, collaborativefeatures and more. * TransparentPricing -Only $55 USD for allmodules and unlimited users. *EasilyCustomizable - You can quicklyconfigure the program toyourbusiness. * 100% Cloud-based - Accessyour program dataanywhere,anytime. * Trusted by more than 250,000users worldwide indiverseindustries such as manufacturing,distribution, andservice-basedenterprises. * Auto-Sync - All dataentered in theappautomatically syncs with the program and isimmediatelyavailable.* Messenger: Free messenger tool included inthe ERP.Optimizecommunication for greater work efficiency. * FreeUpgrades -Alwayshave the latest version and automatically receivenewfeatures. *Multilingual Program & Support: Offered inEnglish,Spanish,Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Korean. Formoreinformationabout ECOUNT ERP, visit ourwebsiteathttp://www.ecount.com/us?L=71001 > Specifications★SupportedDevices & OS - OS: Android (4.03 and above)-Resolution: HD /FHD ★ Supported Languages - English,Spanish,Chinese, Japanese,Vietnamese, and Korean
zaico 7.3.0
zaico makes Inventory management simple. It is easily usedfromPC/smartphone.
在庫管理Pro 30日間試用版 1.1.0
atStage Inc.
-------------------------------------在庫管理Pro 30日間試用版とは-------------------------------------「在庫管理Pro」(有料版)のほぼすべての機能を30日間に限り試す事のできるアプリです。有料版との違いについて○ 復元機能の利用はできませんが、その他の機能は有料版と同じです。○ 試用期間が過ぎると、商品の登録など一部の機能が利用できなくなります。○ 試用版で入力した商品データはバックアップ機能でバックアップし、有料版の復元機能で引き継ぐ事ができます。-------------------------------------◎簡単に素早く入力、在庫数をその場でチェック在庫管理Proならいつでもどこでも在庫確認できます。◎バーコードの読み込みも可能商品についているバーコードを読み取る事ができます。設定で商品検索オプションを有効にすると、Yahooショッピングなどから商品情報を自動的に取得できますので、面倒な文字入力を大幅に省略できます。もちろん商品画像も取得できます。◎複製機能で姉妹品をすぐに登録在庫商品の姉妹品やバージョン違いも、複製機能ですぐ登録できますバリエーションの多い商品でも、複製機能を使って登録を省力化できます。◎タグ&検索で商品を素早くチェックタグ付け機能&検索機能で、確認したい品目をすぐ呼び出せます自由にできるタグ付け機能とテキスト検索機能を搭載。多品目の管理も楽々こなせます。バーコードと一緒に登録していれば、バーコードで探す事も出来ます。◎バックアップ/復元機能も搭載せっかく登録した在庫情報をなくさないためにバックアップ機能でSDカードに保存できます。機種変更の際にもSDカードに保存したバックアップファイルを新しい端末のSDカードにコピーすれば復元機能で引き継げます。●在庫管理以外にもこんな使い方もあります!◎オフィスや学校、家庭などの備品管理に◎バザーやフリーマーケット、ガレージセールでの商品管理に◎ネットオークションやセドリでの売買管理に◎本やCD、DVDなどのライブラリー管理に◎趣味で集めたコレクションの管理に◎買い物メモや食材の管理に◎防災グッズ・食糧などの備蓄管理など< 対応端末 >Android OSのバージョン2.2以上の搭載の端末(タブレットを除く)でご利用頂けます。< 動作確認端末 >[DoCoMo]Galaxy Nexus SC-04DGalaxy S SC-02B[Au]IS05INFOBAR A01REGZA IS04ARROWS Z ISW11F[SoftBank]X06HT II<ご利用上の注意 >本アプリでは写真画像を扱うため、多くのメモリを使用します。メモリ領域が少ない一部の端末などでは、商品画像作成中にメモリ不足が発生し作業が続行できない場合があります。また、写真の保存先としてSDカードを使用しますので、十分な空き容量のあるSDカードをご用意ください。<本アプリの要求する権限について>・カメラの撮影商品の写真を撮影するため、カメラの利用権限を必要とします。・完全なインターネットアクセス商品の情報や画像をインターネットから取得する機能のためだけにネットワーク通信を使用します。お客様の個人情報を外部に送信するような事はありませんので、ご安心ください。・外部ストレージに対する読み込み/書き込み本アプリでは、商品画像やバックアップデータをSDカードに保存しますので、この権限が必要になります。
InstantInvoice Lite PDF 3.78
Vi2Web S.L.
The easiest app to generate invoices and estimates onPDF.InstantInvoice is a app to generate estimates and invoices forPDF.It can help small businesses and entrepreneurs. Features: •Easyinvoicing from your phone or tablet. • Easy estimating fromyourphone or tablet. • Supports multiple companies. • Supportsyourlocal taxes. • Track invoice cost and profit. • Invoicesandestimates can be emailed to yourself and to the customer,previewor upload to Dropbox. • Flexible tax setup. • Add your owntaxcodes or payment method. • Apply discounts for customer. • Useyourcompany logo. • It can see the margin of each product, invoiceorestimate. • It shows the total invoices paid and unpaid. • Easytocalculate product price. • You can generate invoices andestimateswith the Equivalence Tax. • You can generate deliverynotes. •Create and load Backup. • Posibility to change font sizeclient andcompany in PDF. Limited in lite version with fiveproducts. Allapps are prone to issues. This app has excellentsupport and canfix these things. Contact me first before leavingbad reviews.
速利行動進銷存 1.4
本公司專營通訊業者進銷存軟體 ※此應用程式為服務現有使用客戶之應用功能※歡迎有興趣者電洽本公司詢問相關細節本軟體必須配合門市端的版本手機版提供通訊業高階經理人或是老闆了解現在分店的營業情況 速利通訊業進銷存包含以下功能 -查看毛利-查看庫存及成本 -銷售狀況-進出貨狀況 -業績報表 -當班人員 -盤點系統
mAccounts Mobile Accounting 2.3
mAccounts is the first stand-alone, mobile financialaccountingapplication for Android™ with 2-way compatibility withTally™ toexport & import both Masters as well as Transactionsto &from Tally™. It is a complete mobile financial accounting/double-entry book-keeping application that allows creating/editing / deleting Ledgers & Transactions, viewingBalanceSheet, Profit & Loss Account, Trial Balance, StockStatements,Receivables & Payables, Tax Summary, & otherFinancialAccounting Reports on the go even without any internetconnection.Now with exhaustive INVENTORY MANAGEMENT withTally™compatibility***** 30-day Free Trial allows you to TRY ALL FEATURES FORFREE.Purchase Option (one-time payment) available within this freeapp*****Not supported on Android 5.0 LollipopUNMATCHED FEATURES - A feature-rich, stand-alone mobilefinancialaccounting app unlike any other that is also Compatiblewith Tally™,provides Report-to-Ledger-to-Transaction Trace,Interest CalculationReport, Mobile Printing, & many morefeaturesIMPECCABLE INTERFACE - The best interface & themostuser-friendly mobile financial accounting app adorned withsmartgesture-based controlsUNLIMITED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING - Mobile financial accountingwithunlimited companies, unlimited financial accountingyears,unlimited account groups, unlimited account ledgers,unlimitedproduct groups, unlimited products and evenunlimitedtransactionsFULL FEATURE OFFERING - A fully-loaded WYSIWYG mobilefinancialaccounting app that provides all features even withoutpurchaseAlso includes INTEREST CALCULATION feature. In LedgerStatement,select the Ledger & set Interest Calculation as Yes.Enter theInterest Rate & select Transactions on which interestis to becalculated.Just like other Reports & Transaction Lists, exportthisInterest Calculation Report in CSV & PDF formats, andalsoprint it directly through Google Cloud Print.FEATURESFull-play, Offline-Mobile Accounting• Access complete financial accounting books with full controltonot just view, but also to create, edit & delete Mastersaswell as Transactions• Manage Accounts on-the-go without any internet connectionStand-alone Application, Tally™ Compatible• Maintain complete financial accounting books without dependencyonany other software• Sync financial accounting books with Tally™ by importingexistingTally™ Masters & Transactions into mAccounts, andexportingMasters & Transactions from mAccounts to Tally™Comprehensive Financial Reporting• View complete financial accounting DayBook, LedgerStatements,Trial Balance, Opening Trial Balance, Group TrialBalance, BalanceSheet, Profit & Loss Account, InterestCalculation, StockStatements, Receivables & Payables, TaxSummary reports• Drill right down to the Transaction level from any ReportEfficient Accounts & Transactions Management• Maintain multiple Companies, multiple Financial Years,multipleAccount Groups with multiple Ledgers, multiple ProductGroups withmultiple Products grouped under them• Manage Purchase, Sale, Bank & Cash Payments andReceipts,Contra, Journal Voucher & DayBook TransactionseffortlesslyData Backup & CSV / PDF Export• Backup complete data on SDCard and also Restore it inmAccountsfrom SDCard• Export Reports and Transactions in CSV and PDF formatsEmail & Wireless Cloud Printing• Directly Email the Reports and Transactions exported in CSV&PDF formats• Print Reports & Transaction Lists wirelessly over theGoogleCloud Print configured printerQuick Setup, Intuitive Operations• Get started quickly by harnessing the compatibilitywithTally™• Create Accounts directly while entering Transactions withoutanyinitial account setup requirements• Operate purely on the basis of business knowledge withlittlefinancial accounting proficiency required
Jill's Office 2.1.15
Jill's Office
Jill's Office is a company thatprovidesadministrative back office support for entrepreneurs andsmallbusiness owners to help them be successful. Jill's Officeanswerstheir phones, takes their messages, sends invoices, andkeeps trackof their customers so the small business owner can focuson theirbusiness and trades. This is all done through the JillsOffice App.The app allows your company to be connected to yourassistant, andallows you to be more effective in helping yourcustomers. Once youtry to the app for the first time you will seethe value of Jill'sOffice.What Jill's Office App have to offer:Live EstimatingSending EstimatesLive InvoicingSending InvoicesFollow up on Estimates & InvoicesKeeping track of customersChecklistsJill’s Office Program Rich Feature SetCall AnsweringLet us answer your calls while you are doing business. Each ofyourcalls will be personally answered by our trained andcompetentpersonal assistants. You will be instantly notified of thecall’smessage through our mobile app.Customer Calls.You don’t have to take precious time out of your work day tomakecalls to customers. Let us know through our mobile appwhichcustomer and message you have for them, and we will makethecall.Voice MailCalls from selected Customers, Job specific detailed messages,andafter hours calls will be sent to Jill’s voicemail. Throughourmobile app you will be able to review them in bothtranscriptionand voice.Group EmailsUse our Web App automated e-mail generator to send invitationstoselected customers from your database. Use this featureformarketing, warranties, and updates.Satisfaction SurveysSatisfaction surveys on completed projects is an optionalservicethat we provide. The focus of these calls is to assist youin leadgeneration, postings on social media, and jobsatisfactionreviews.Virtual EstimatesOur easy to use mobile app allows on the spot professionalestimatecreation that can be mailed or have Jill mail it foryou.Estimate Follow-upWhen you send the estimate , multiple step follow up plans canbedefined. The app can either do the follow-up steps, remind youtodo them, or have Jill to do them for you.Virtual InvoicingOur easy to use mobile app allows you to create on the spotinvoicesfrom work completed or convert it from an estimate.Multiplepayments can be easily recorded. You can e-mail or mailthem as manytimes as you wish.Invoice Follow-upWhen an invoice is sent, a multiple step follow-up plan canbedefined. The app can do the follow-up steps, remind you to dothem,or have Jill to do them for you.ReportingJill’s web app gives you access to a series of powerfulmanagementreports. These reports are designed to reflect theresults of youroperations and how effective you have been.
Invoice & Billing 8.7.2
Invoice and Billing Offline mobile application isnowavailablewithout the need to have an internet connectivity torunthis freeproposal and invoice software. The best part isthatinvoicingoffline now comes with a new feature of syncingmobiledata to weband vise versa. We have also added the slider menuforease of use.The application also has other features whichwerepresent earlierlike email invoicing, recurring invoicingforensuring periodicpayment flow, invoice template forprofessionallooking invoicesand PDF receipt of payments made. ThePDF receiptcan be e-mailedthrough the app itself. Simply installand you areready to quote,invoice, estimate and bill. Enjoy allexistingfeatures and toolsof the application without being hassledby slowinternet orconnectivity issues. This application comeswithstandalonesolutions to flawless quoting and invoicing at therighttime tomaintain credibility. Features:- • Syncing of mobiledatawithwebsite data. Similarly data from the website syncswiththeoffline mobile application. • Offline invoice featurethatdoesloads with display of due date when an invoice is dueforpayment.• Default currency selection can now be changed as pertheinvoicegenerated within the invoice itself. • Recurringinvoicecreationfor periodic payment flow. • Set up of paymentgateway forsecurepayments. • Invoice & bill on the go •Estimates &Expensecalculator • Record and Track Payments •Generate Receipts•Automatically calculate local taxes. •Professional Templateforyour invoices, estimates & paymentreceipts • The system canbecustomized in 24 hours. • Include aPayPal link with yourinvoicefor quick order processing • Syncedcontent on all yourmobile anddesktop devices • Real-timestatistical data forreporting •Restore your data quickly andsecurely from BahaQuotecloud servers• Recurring invoices. •Customers can be added anddeleted. • Addnew products and detailswith thumbnail image of theproduct. •Automates, defines and managesthe estimate approvalandnegotiations workflows. • Entire monitoringof tasks andtargets. •Total view of the admin section with pendingestimates,invoicesand sales status. • Thumbnail images of products.•Expenses addedcan be converted into invoice. • Archiving ofinvoicegenerated canbe done by the user.. • Supervisory controlsfor theestimate andinvoicing software. • Calculations of expensesandadding toestimates generated • Tracking of paymentsreceivedwhether in fullor parts. • Checking status of paid,partially paidand unpaidpayments. • Tracking of recurring invoices,updating andmonitoringservices. • Scheduling of campaigns, bulke-mailing andreminderservices. • Reporting feature with invoice,paymentsreceived andexpense report.
小商売在庫管理 2.0
CenHo Co, Ltd
「小商売在庫管理」は最も簡単な在庫管理のソフトウェアです。小さい商店、SOHO、オークションは使うことに適します。完全な機能:。「帳簿」:帳簿の増加/削除 。。「入力」:入力データ。。「現在在庫」:明確な在庫を確認する。。「期間明細」:期間中の記録をチェックします。。「年度統計」:全体年の合計。。「設定」いかなる疑問があって、私達と連絡してくださいfacebook:www.facebook.com/pages/小商売在庫管理/144780965709234mail: tallyforgrace@gmail.com"Smallbusinessinventorymanagement" is the simplest of inventorymanagementsoftware.Small shops, SOHO, auction is suitable to be used.Full functionality:. "Book": increase / Delete of book.. "Input": input data.. "Current stock": to confirm a clear inventory.. "Period specification": I'll check the recordduringtheperiod.. "Year Statistics": the sum of the whole year.. "Settings"If there is any question, please contact with usfacebook:www.facebook.com/pages/ small business inventorymanagement/144780965709234mail: tallyforgrace@gmail.com