برترین 12 برنامه مشابه به Congresso ABORL

ENT for Students 1.4
Given the limited amount of timethatmedicalstudents spend on their Otolaryngology (Ears, Nose,andThroat orENT) rotation, it can sometimes be difficult to learnwhatisimportant. One way that residents can help studenteslearnisthrough questions. Residents may not expect students togeteveryquestion correct, but the more you know the better youlook.It was with this in mind that I created this ENT forStudentsappbased on information that I've found is commonly askedofmedicalstudents, both by residents and faculty.This app is designed to help medical students do wellontheirOtolaryngology rotation by providing high yieldinformationthat isavailable in a portable device (which makes iteasier toreviewduring free time).The material herein is the property of W. Marshall Guy,MDandcannot be copied or reproduced without theexpressedwrittenpermission of the author.
SMARTfiches ORL 1.00
SMARTfichesOto-Rhino-Laryngologie(ORL)PREMIUM- Pas de publicité- Navigation plus rapide- Economie de batterieBienvenue dans l’univers SMARTfichesMédecine,l’encyclopédiemédicale de référence multi-support :smartphone,tablette etweb.SMARTfiches Médecine est la 1ère encyclopédiemédicalenumériquedestinée aux professionnels et étudiants de santé.Lacollectionest conforme aux dernières recommandations dessociétéssavantes,avec une iconographie riche et de nombreuxtableauxdesynthèse.Après une inscription gratuite, les applicationssontconsultablesSANS connexion internet et peuvent êtreutiliséesPARTOUT, TOUT LETEMPS.L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte quivousestenvoyé par mail. Dans le cas où vous ne receviez pascemaild'activation dans les 24h, pensez à regarder dansvoscourriersindésirables avant de nous contacter. S'il n'y estpas,nous nousferons un plaisir d'activer votre compte.- Pour les médecins : retrouvez une information claireetvalidéeen moins d’ 1 minute.- Pour les étudiants en médecine : révisez avec desfichesconformesau nouveau programme ECNi.Plus de 90% des utilisateurs confirment que cesapplicationssontutiles pour réviser et se former (enquête desatisfaction,mai2013). De même, 85 % des utilisateurs utilisentSMARTfichesafind’actualiser leur connaissances à la suitedesnouvellesrecommandations qui sont intégrées lors desfréquentesmises à jourde l’application.La fonction SWIPE vous permet de naviguerfacilementdansl’application en 1 glissement de doigt.SMARTfiches ORL vous donnera le vertige. Lesoreillesquisifflent, la gorge qui vous gratte, le nez quicoule,SMARTfichesORL s'occupe de tous les sens.Un problème de connexion ? A la recherche dumaild'activation?Avant de mettre une évaluation négative sur votreplateformedetéléchargement contactez nous àcontact@smartfiches.fr.Nous nous ferons un plaisir de vous trouver une solution.Vous pourrez ainsi tester l'application et luidonnerl'évaluationqu'elle mérite.La majorité des utilisateurs qui ont expérimenté unedesapplicationsSMARTfiches Médecine mette 4 ou 5 étoiles.Donnez lui sa chance.SMARTfiches Médecine,TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPSSMARTfichesOto-Rhino-Laryngology (ORL) PREMIUM- No ads- Navigation faster- Power saverWelcome to the world SMARTfiches Medicine, Medicalencyclopediaofmulti-media reference smartphone, tablet andweb.SMARTfiches Medicine is the first digital medicalencyclopediaforprofessionals and students of health. The collectionis inlinewith the latest recommendations of learned societies, witharichiconography and many summary tables.After a free registration, applications areavailableWITHOUTinternet connection and can be used ANYWHERE,ANYTIME.Registration requires the activation of your account thatissentto you by email. In case you did not receive theactivationemailwithin 24 hours, be sure to check your spam mailbeforecontactingus. If it is not there, we will be happy toactivateyouraccount.- For doctors locate clear information and validated inlessthan1 minute.- For medical students revise with plugs conform to thenewEcniprogram.Over 90% of users confirm that these applications areusefultorevise and form (satisfaction survey, May 2013). Similarly,85%ofusers use SMARTfiches to update their knowledge as a resultofnewrecommendations that are integrated during frequent updatestotheapplication.The SWIPE feature allows you to easily navigate theapplicationinone swipe of the finger.SMARTfiches ENT give you vertigo. Ears whistling,throatyouscratch, runny nose, SMARTfiches ENT deals with allthesenses.A connection problem? Looking activation mail?Before putting a negative evaluation on yourplatformdownloadcontact@smartfiches.fr contact us.We will be happy to find you a solution.You can test the application and give theevaluationitdeserves.The majority of users who have experienced one oftheapplicationsSMARTfiches Medicine put 4 or 5 stars. Give him a chance.SMARTfiches Medicine,EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME
Historia Clínica ORL 1.0.2
Mejorar el servicio de su estudio y desusvisitas con las aplicaciones médicas de Ravia.Desarrollado en colaboración con los más prestigiososmédicosORL. Historia Clínica ORL, reduce el tiempo de gestión delestudioy el especialista, optimiza las visitas y le permiteacelerar todaslas historias clínicas de los pacientes con lacapacidad degestionar con facilidad y de forma intuitiva el diarioclínico desus pacientesAplicación para médicos y especialistas que tienen lanecesidadde tener siempre a mano los datos de sus pacientes.Aplicación para la emisión de informes médicos en el campo delaotorrinolaringologíaLas Aplicación se ejecuta en una serie de cuestiones sencillaseintuitivas que los médicos se enfrentan a diario losespecialistasque el mantenimiento de registros de toda lainformación presentadaen el tiempo, el estudio de los especialistasy la atención delpaciente.Útil para:Los médicos especialistas en otorrinolaringología.Aplicación para estudios de médicos y especialistas médicosquetienen la necesidad de tener siempre a mano la posibilidaddeemitir una nueva carpeta con los datos clínicos desuspacientes..Crear una carpeta para cada visita mediante la introduccióndedatos de la historia clinica, el examen físico, lasevaluacionesendoscópicas, las solicitudes de exámenes ytratamientos prescritospara el paciente que está siendotratado.Improve service andstudyvisits with the medical applications of Ravia.Developed in collaboration with the most prestigious medicalORL.History ORL Clinic, reduce management time study andspecialistvisits and streamlines allows you to accelerate theclinical recordsof all patients with the ability to manage easilyand intuitivelydaily clinical patientsSend doctors and specialists who need to have at hand the dataoftheir patients.Application for issuing medical reports in the fieldofotolaryngologyThe application runs on a series of simple and intuitiveissuesthat doctors face daily specialists maintaining records ofallinformation submitted in time, the study of the specialists andthepatient's care.Useful for:Medical specialists in otolaryngology.Application studies of doctors and medical specialists whohavethe need to always handy to be able to issue a new folder withtheclinical data of their patients ..Create a folder for each visit by entering data frommedicalhistory, physical examination, endoscopic evaluations,applicationsfor examinations and treatments prescribed for thepatient beingtreated.
ORL Congresos Médicos 1.2
TODA LA INFORMACIÓN DE LOSCONGRESOSMÉDICOSPARA LOS OTORRINOLARINGÓLOGOSLa aplicación (APP) ORL congresos de SALVAT es unaprácticaagendapara profesionales de la salud que necesiten estaral díasobre loque acontece en la especialidad deOTORRINOLARINGOLOGÍA(ORL)Podrán acceder a la información sobre congresosyeventosrelacionados con esta especialidad.Para acceder es necesario que se acepte sucondicióndeprofesional sanitario.Los contenidos se actualizan de manera automática.ALL MEDICALINFORMATIONFORCONGRESS OTOLARYNGOLOGISTSThe application (APP) Salvat ORL Congress is apracticalagendafor health professionals who need to stay current onwhatishappening in the specialty of OTOLARYNGOLOGY (ENT)May access information on conferences and events relatedtothisspecialty.To access you need to accept itsconditionhealthcareprofessional.The content is updated automatically.
Otorrinolaringología en tests 11.0
Repasa para el examen de otorrinolaringología con está coleccióndetests autocorregibles recopilados de exámenes de universidad.Cadacierto tiempo actualizaremos con nuevos tests. ¡¡¡Idealparaestudiantes!!! Esta versión es totalmente compatible contablets.Si queréis podéis enviarnos vuestros propios testsafreethedoctor@gmail.com para su valoración yposteriormenteagregarlos a esta o a otra aplicación. Totalmentegratuita tanto laaplicación como sus posteriores actualizaciones.
ЛОР - оторинолариногология 2.2
Alexander Kofanov
Hour care to patients with pathology ofotolaryngology,maxillofacial
Otolaryngology-Dictionary 1.5.6
Otolaryngology-Dictionary defines and illustrates medical termswithvideos.
Studio O.R.L. 1.0
Amedeo Milella
La tua App gratuita per comunicare con iltuomedico otorinolaringoiatra di fiducia. Accedi alla paginaWeb,Google+ e Facebook dello studio medico Studio O.R.L.Compilagratuitamente il modulo Consulenza Online!. Tienitisempreaggiornato sulle novità dello Studio O.R.L. Controllal’orario edi giorni di apertura. Raggiungi lo studio medico con ilmoduloNavigazione Satellitare. Chiedi un consiglio al tuo medicocon ilmodulo Email. Contatta telefonicamente H24 il tuo medicodifiducia.Your Free apptocommunicate with your doctor otolaryngologist confidence. Logintothe web page, Google+ and Facebook of the study doctor StudioORLFill out the form for free Consulting Online !. Stay informedaboutnews of the Study ORL Check the hours and days of opening.Reachthe doctor's surgery with module Satellite Navigation. Askforadvice at your doctor with the Email. Contact by phone H24yourdoctor.
London ENT Clinic 3.5.1
Mr. Kalpesh Patel
Hi and welcome to the mobile app for theLondonENT Clinic with Mr Kalpesh S Patel. We are proud to bringour ENTpractice to Google’s exciting mobile platform. The LondonENT Clinicis committed to provide state of the art care in thediagnosis andtreatment of ear, nose and throat conditions. MrPatel, the clinic’sfounder and director has brought together ateam of experts tofacilitate rapid diagnosis and care forpatients. The whole spectrumof ENT conditions is seen at theLondon ENT Clinic with specialistexpertise in rhinology, voicedisorders and balance problems. Inaddition to a wide range of ENTconditions, information is given forall aspects of your care inthis mobile app. There are downloadabledocuments as well as aSurgeons Blog with regular reports ofinteresting cases seen at theLondon ENT Clinic.For our current patients, our app is the best way for you tostayconnected with your medical staff, and have an involved roleinyour medical progress. We also provide online post-opcareinstructions so that you have quick access to importantinformationin the critical time period after your procedure.If you are thinking about any type of ear, nose or throatsurgery,there are many things to consider — our app is a good placetostart your research. We have found that our most satisfiedpatientsare the ones who are informed about the risks and benefits,haverealistic expectations for their outcome and are prepared fortheroad to recovery after a procedure. It’s also important tohaveconfidence in the doctor and his or her staff who areperformingyour procedure — our app gives you an inside look intoourpractice, our medical staff and our philosophy.
Fauquier ENT
This app provides an easy way toaccesscuttingedge ENT news, medical information, and videosalongwithinformation on Fauquier ENT Clinic located inWarrenton,Virginia.This app also provides a way for patients tocontact theclinic aswell as make appointments without going throughthewebsite.Produced by Fauquier ENT, our clinic provides specialty careinthefield of otolaryngology - head & neck surgery forpediatricandadult patients.Follow Us!Twitter: @FauquierENTFaceBook: www.FaceBook/fauquierentBlog: fauquierent.blogspot.comYouTube: www.YouTube.com/fauquierent
HighWire Press, Inc
The journal Otolaryngology - Head andNeckSurgery is now available as a free app for Android phoneandtablet! Stay up-to-date with the most current research inthefield, guidelines, podcasts, and more. All users willhaveimmediate access to abstracts and each month's table ofcontents.Subscribers and authenticated institutional users willhavecomplete access to full-text articles.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery is theofficialpeer-reviewed publication of the American AcademyofOtolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation. The missionofOtolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery is to publishcontemporary,ethical, clinically relevant information inotolaryngology, headand neck surgery (ear, nose, throat, head, andneck disorders) thatcan be used by otolaryngologists, clinicians,scientists, andspecialists to improve patient care and publichealth.Whether you are a practicing surgeon, researcher, or student,theOTO App can provide support for a wide range of practical uses,fromquick article searches to in-depth clinical research.The OTO App allows you to:*View and Download the current issue, OnlineFirst articles,thethree most recent issues, and more*Browse and search titles, accessing articles in both full-textandPDF view*Quickly access abstracts or full-text of referenced articleswithinthe in-app browser*Access podcasts, Editor's Choice collections, supplements,meetingabstracts, and more*Take advantage of a rich image viewing experience withfull-screenoption and the ability to scroll through figures andtables*Quickly navigate within articles using the dynamic sidenavigationtool and internal hyperlinks*Track your viewing history automatically with a listing ofallaccessed articles sorted by date viewed*E-mail article links to your colleagues or yourself forlaterreview*Mark and store your favorite articles for later reference*Control article font size by three-finger swipe up gesturetoreveal font control panel from any page*Save customized font preferences automatically*Support existing institutional and individual OTOonlinesubscriptions through automatic IP authentication or usernameandpassword
SMARTfiches ORL Free 1.00
SMARTfiches Médecine
Bienvenue dans l’univers SMARTfiches Médecine,l’encyclopédiemédicale de référence multi-support : smartphone,tablette etweb.SMARTfiches Médecine est la 1ère encyclopédie médicalenumériquedestinée aux professionnels et étudiants de santé. Lacollectionest conforme aux dernières recommandations des sociétéssavantes,avec une iconographie riche et de nombreux tableauxdesynthèse.Après une inscription gratuite, les applications sontconsultablesSANS connexion internet et peuvent être utiliséesPARTOUT, TOUT LETEMPS.L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte qui vousestenvoyé par mail. Dans le cas où vous ne receviez pas cemaild'activation dans les 24h, pensez à regarder dans voscourriersindésirables avant de nous contacter. S'il n'y est pas,nous nousferons un plaisir d'activer votre compte.- Pour les médecins : retrouvez une information claire etvalidéeen moins d’ 1 minute.- Pour les étudiants en médecine : révisez avec des fichesconformesau nouveau programme ECNi.Plus de 90% des utilisateurs confirment que ces applicationssontutiles pour réviser et se former (enquête de satisfaction,mai2013). De même, 85 % des utilisateurs utilisent SMARTfichesafind’actualiser leur connaissances à la suite desnouvellesrecommandations qui sont intégrées lors des fréquentesmises à jourde l’application.La fonction SWIPE vous permet de naviguer facilementdansl’application en 1 glissement de doigt.L’activation des notifications PUSH vous permettra derecevoirles dernières actualités, mises à jour, parutions etalertessanitaires.Le bouton 'Profil' situé en haut à gauche de votreapplication,vous permettra de mettre à jour vosinformationspersonnelles.Vous étiez externe, vous devenez interne, pensez à mettre àjourvotre statut.SMARTfiches ORL vous donnera le vertige ! Les oreilles quisifflent,la gorge qui gratte, le nez qui coule et la voix quidéraille,SMARTfiches ORL s'occupe de tous les sens !Un problème de connexion ? A la recherche du maild'activation?Avant de mettre une évaluation négative sur votre plateformedetéléchargement contactez nous à contact@smartfiches.fr.Nous nous ferons un plaisir de vous trouver une solution.Vous pourrez ainsi tester l'application et lui donnerl'évaluationqu'elle mérite.La majorité des utilisateurs qui ont expérimenté unedesapplications SMARTfiches Médecine mette 4 ou 5 étoiles.Donnez lui sa chance.SMARTfiches Médecine,TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPSWelcometothe world SMARTfiches Medicine, Medical encyclopedia ofmulti-mediareference smartphone, tablet and web.SMARTfiches Medicine is the first digital medical encyclopediaforprofessionals and students of health. The collection is inlinewith the latest recommendations of learned societies, with arichiconography and many summary tables.After a free registration, applications are availableWITHOUTinternet connection and can be used ANYWHERE, ANYTIME.Registration requires the activation of your account that issentto you by email. In case you did not receive the activationemailwithin 24 hours, be sure to check your spam mail beforecontactingus. If it is not there, we will be happy to activateyouraccount.- For doctors locate clear information and validated in lessthan1 minute.- For medical students revise with plugs conform to the newEcniprogram.Over 90% of users confirm that these applications are usefultorevise and form (satisfaction survey, May 2013). Similarly, 85%ofusers use SMARTfiches to update their knowledge as a result ofnewrecommendations that are integrated during frequent updates totheapplication.The SWIPE feature allows you to easily navigate theapplicationin one swipe of the finger.Activation of PUSH notifications allow you to receive thelatestnews, updates, publications and health alerts.The button 'Profile' at the top left of your application,youwill update your personal information.You were outside, you become internal, consider updatingyourstatus.SMARTfiches ENT give you vertigo! Whistling ears, scratchythroat,runny nose and voice derails, SMARTfiches ENT is responsibleforall the senses!A connection problem? Looking activation mail?Before putting a negative evaluation on your platformdownloadcontact@smartfiches.frcontactus.We will be happy to find you a solution.You can test the application and give the evaluationitdeserves.The majority of users who have experienced one of theapplicationsSMARTfiches Medicine put 4 or 5 stars. Give him a chance.SMARTfiches Medicine,EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME