برترین 1 برنامه مشابه به J. T. Fisher Funeral Services

JT2Go 7.0.0
JT2Go Mobile is developed by Siemens Digital Industries Softwareforviewing 3D JT files on mobile platforms. It allows users tonavigateand interrogate engineering or architectural 3D JT modelsusingmodern application interface techniques. JT2Go Mobile definesa newparadigm for viewing and manipulating 3D JT files on handheldtouchscreen devices. 3D JT files can be generated from virtuallyall theleading CAD/CAM/CAE tools available to industry today. TheJT formatwas defined by Siemens Digital Industry Software. Usersof JT datacan share experiences by joining the JT Open Program, anindustrygroup formed by Siemens to support and extend JT’s use byindustry.The JT file format specification was adopted by ISO asaninternational standard in 2012 and is available from ISO asIS14306:2012. The JT file format specification is published freeofcharge by Siemens PLM and is available fromwww.jtopen.com.Standard features include: - Zoom, Pan, Rotate.Display of PMI,including Model View with filter capability -Session based crosssection and markup features - Review assemblystructure and partproperties - Live camera background feature. -Includes Five sampleJT files of assemblies with PMI Note: JT fileslarger than 20Mgbwill affect performance.