برترین 4 برنامه مشابه به Sport Calculator

UiTM Student Portal 1.0
UiTM Student Portal - Akses dan LoginStudentPortal UITM Dengan PantasAplikasi UiTM Student Portal merupakan sebuah servis atastalianpercuma yang membenarkan pengguna android dikalanganmahasiswa UiTMuntuk log masuk ke dalam portal pelajar UITM secaraonline.Perkhidmatan laman online UiTM Student Portal disediakansecaraoleh pihak UiTM dan melalui inisiatif pihak kami perkhidmataninidiintegrasi menjadi satu aplikasi android yang sedang andagunakansekarang.Tujuan dibangunkan Aplikasi UiTM Student Portal iniadalahsebagai alternatif (UITM One Click Portal) untukmemudahkanpenggunanya mendaftar dan log masuk akaun sendiri sertamendapatkanmaklumat terkini berkaitan mahasiswa sepertikonvokesyen, alumni,perpustakaan, bil pelajar dan lain-lain capaianpelajar dan capaianumum yang boleh di dapati melalui aplikasiini.Informasi terkini lain yang berkaitan juga akan diperolehidenganlebih mudah dan pantas terus melalui telefon pintar.CARA GUNA APLIKASITerdapat 4 bar tab utama yang dapat dilihat di bahagianatasAplikasi ini:TAB 1: UTAMALaman yang memaparkan informasi dan fungsi berkenaanaplikasiseperti info pengenalan, cara guna aplikasi, fungsi kongsi,sertaborang 'contact' untuk hubungi pihak kami.TAB 2: LOGINDi halaman 'Login' ini anda boleh memilih 2 cara untuk log masukkedalam UiTM Student Portal secara online. Langkah-langkah logmasukada diterangkan di bahagian ini.TAB 3: PELAJARAnda boleh gunakan laman 'Pelajar' untuk mendapatkansumber-sumberdan pautan capaian pelajar dan berkaitan denganmahasiswa UiTM.TAB 4: UMUMDi halaman 'Umum' ini, kami kongsikan juga pautan dan sumberlainuntuk capaian umum.Semoga aplikasi ini bermanfaat, silakan berkongsi aplikasiinibersama rakan sekuliah anda yang lain untuk kebaikanbersama.UiTM Student Portal-Access and Student Portal Login UITM QuicklyUiTM Student Portal application is a free online servicethatallows users android among UiTM students to log into theportalUiTM students online. UiTM Student online services portalsiteprovided by the UiTM and through this initiative we areintegratedinto a single service android application you are usingrightnow.Applications developed destination UiTM Student Portal isanalternative (UiTM One Click Portal) to help users register andlogin your own account as well as the latest information onstudentsas graduation, alumni, library, student billing and otherstudentachievement and public access to can be obtained throughthisapplication.Other relevant information will also be obtained more easilyandquickly via the smartphone.HOW TO DOWNLOADThere are 4 main tab bar can be seen at the top ofthisapplication:TAB 1: MAINThe page displays the information and functionality ofapplicationssuch as identification information, how to use theapplication,function area, as well as the form 'contact' to contactus.TAB 2: LOGINIn the 'Login' you can choose two ways to log into UiTMStudentPortal online. These measures are described in the logsection.TAB 3: STUDENTSYou can use these 'students' to get the resources and linksrelatedto student achievement UiTM students.TAB 4: GENERALIn the 'General', we also share links and other resources forpublicaccess.Hopefully this app useful, please share this app with yourotherclassmates for the common good.
UiTM I-Learn Sync 0.9.3
Boon Solo
This is an application that allowsUiTMstudentsto retrieve files from UiTM i-Learn Portal easilythoughtheir mobiledevices.This application allows user to get all files thattheirselectedlecturers stored in the i-Learn Center.Simply login to your i-Student account, choose yourlecturerstosync notes with and let the app does the rest.NOTE : The only courses that are accessible are coursesthataretaken for the current semester. When a new semester comesin,thepast semester's course is no longer available for access.This application is still in beta. So, someoffunctionalitiesmight still be buggy.
UiTM MEC111 1.0
A.Hakim Creative Solution
App for online course of UiTMMEC111,developedby UiTM Pasir Gudang.
Roger Canda
This application consists of SIX (6) tests:1. Bleep Test2. Push Up Test3. Hand Grip Strength Test4. Illinois Agility Run Test5. Sit and Reach Test6. Standing Long Jump TestLecturers of Sport Science will use this application to helpthemevaluate the students' performances based on the sixtests.This application is a very good migration from theconventionalpaper-based method.This application is a join venture of Universiti TeknologiMara(UiTM) Pahang with rogersoft.consultant.*Complete/paid version will be released soon withextrafeatures.