برترین 11 برنامه مشابه به Advanced panic button Widget

Red Panic Button 4.0.7
You are in trouble?! Press the Red Panic Button!
לחצן מצוקה 1.2
Eyal Badner
לחצן מצוקה זה לא משחק.הלחצן הוא ווידג'ט קראו בבקשה את הוראות הפעלה /התקנה למטה.הלחצן מחייג ישרות בזמן הצורך כיבוי אש ,מד"א אולאישקשרשתכניס.למשטרה הלחצן יכנס לחייגן ויהיה ללחוץ חייג.הלחצן ישלח הודעה SMS באופן אוטומטי הכולל את מספר הטלפוןבוהופעלהלחצן ושם המשתמש.הלחצן ישלח גם את מיקום המשתמש במקרה ששירות זה פתוח במכשיר.במקרה שלא ישלח שירות מיקום לא פתוח.לכוחות ההצלה או לאיש הקשר לפי בחירת המשתמש.תוכנה זו פותחה עוצבה במיוחד לטובת הגיל השלישי בישראל.אך לא רק גם לכבדי ראיה ומוגבלים שונים.ממשק צבעוני פשוט ונוח בלי התחכמויות .ובלי סיבוכים מיותרים.לחצן מצוקה הינה אפליקציה ללא מטרת רווח שנועדה להציל חייםללאפרסומות.בבקשה דרגו ושתפו לאנשים שבאמת צרכים את זה .הוראות הפעלה /התקנה1. הורד את ווידג'ט .2. כנס לווידג'טים בפלאפון שלך וגרור את האייקון לחצןמצוקהלעמודהבית.3. לחץ על כפתור המצוקה יפתח לך אוטומטי אפשרות להכניס אישקשר(רקבכניסה ראשונה).4. לאחר מכן אם ברצונך לשנות את איש הקשר לחץ על כפתור גלגלהשינייםצדימין למעלה.5. זהו זה כל הסיפור לחצן החירום מוכן לחיצה בכפתורים יצלצלובאופןמידילמי שתבחר.תוך כדי פתיחה הרמקול של המכשיר .תודה ל Kfir Dadush Romano שסייעה בעיצוב.הנכם מוזמנים לכתוב משוב על האפליקציה או סתם כי באלכםלפנותאלי.ל eyalbadner1@gmail.comPanic Button is notagame.Button is a widget please read the user guide/installationbelow.Button dials straight time necessary fire protection,MDAorcontact you make.Police and dialer button will be click Dial.Button will send a SMS message automaticallyincludesthetelephone number where the button was activated.Button will send the user's location in the event thatthisserviceis open on the device.If no service sends location is not open.Rescue forces or to the contact at the user.This software is designed specifically developed forthebenefitof the elderly in Israel.But not only is also visually impaired anddisableddifference.Colorful interface simple and convenient withouttricks.,Withoutunnecessary complications.Panic Button App is a nonprofit designed to saveliveswithoutadvertising.Please ranked and share to people who really needs it.Operating Instructions / InstallationOne. Download the widget.Two. Conference widgets in your phone and drag the iconhomepagepanic button.Three. Pressure panic button will open automaticallypossibilityofbringing a contact (only at first).4th. Then if you want to change the contact click thegearbuttonright side up.Five.'s It all about emergency button ready to press thebuttonswillring immediately for those who choose.While opening speaker of the device.Thanks to Kfir Dadush Romano helped design.You are invited to post feedback on the app or justbecauseyoufeel like to contact me.To eyalbadner1@gmail.com
Panic Button 1.0
Panic Button turns your smart phone intoadevice which can help you inform your near and dear oneswheneveryou are in trouble.Features:* When you press the panic button, the app sends SMS tothreepeople from your contact list.* The app sends your location in the SMS so that people knowyourlast location.* You can use this app even when your screen is locked.* Free app
Panic button SMS With Location 1.0
Snovsky Investments LTD
Panic button SMS With Location isgoodforemergency situations.When you press the red alert button, alarm sound startplaying,andan SMS with location will be sentTo the phone number stored in the Settings PageFor emergency. The SMS includes a Google Maps URL with exactplaceofthe emergency.
SOS Oncoto? 1.0.33
SOS Oncoto? é um aplicativo para conexãocomumBOTÃO DE PÂNICO (bluetooth), simples e de fácilutilizaçãoparasegurança pessoal.Pode ser usado para monitorar crianças e idosos,identificandoecompartilhando endereços eposiçõesgeográficas.Adicionalmente:* Localize seus amigos...veja onde eles estão ecompartilheseuendereço com eles facilmente.** Acompanhe seus filhos...saiba onde eles estão.*** Monitore sua equipe de trabalho...excelente paraacompanharevisualizar equipes de vendas, entregas, transporte,etcO botão SOS Oncoto? possibilita ainda que você envieumamensagemde PANICO com sua localização em caso deacidentes,assaltos ou emqualquer necessidade (muito útil paraidosos oucuidadores deidoso).BASTA CONFIGURAR A OPÇÃO DE PÂNICO E REQUISITAR NOSSO BOTÃODESOS(através do website www.3geolink.com )- > Mensagens são enviadas via SMS ou por e-mailparaoscontatos adicionados.SOS Oncoto? Itisanapplication to connect to a PANIC BUTTON (Bluetooth),simpleandeasy to use for personal safety.It can be used for monitoring children and elders,identifyingandsharing addresses and geographic locations.Additionally:* Locate your friends ... see where they are andshareyouraddress with them easily. ** Track your children ... know where they are. *** Monitor your teamwork ... excellent to track andviewsalesteams, supplies, transportation, etc.SOS Oncoto button? also allows you to send a messagePANICwithits location in the event of accidents, assaults or anyneed(veryuseful for the elderly or elderly caregivers).BASTA CONFIGURING PANIC OPTION AND ORDER OUR SOSBUTTON(throughthe website www.3geolink.com)-> Messages are sent via SMS or e-mail contacts added.
SOS emergency Button 1.0
Yonatan Cohen
Sms button for emergency!Select contact to receive SOS sms with your location!
Panic Alert Button 1.3.1
Panic Alert Button is asmartphoneapplicationthat allows you to react quickly wheneveranemergencyoccurs.In case of an emergency, by pressing the panic button–yoursmartphone determines your current location and sendsapanicmessage to the previously configured distribution listviae-mailand/or sms. Your friends/family will receive yourpanicmessagetogether with your current coordinates and address,thusallowingthem to quickly react .The application is really simple to use: justconfiguretherecipients list and a panic message once at the verybeginning,andafterwards you’re good to go – just press the panicbutton incaseof an emergency event.Now add new features:- One Touch Panic via Widgets- Trigger panic alert by press power button 5 timesconsecutive,itcan be disabled from settings panel.- If your phone is in panic recipient list and youreceivepanicalert and after a period of time you want to know whereisthe"panic person" you can just send a SMS with predefinedSMSbody,default is: way (Where Are You), and phone automaticallywillreplyto you with message witch contain link to newlocation.- Password protection for Settings panel, toavoidsettingsmodification by other people or children, in caseifapplicationpurpose to protect your child and it is installed onhisphone.
Panic Alarm 4.1
Going to an unsafe area? Feeling unsafe? Medical emergency?Keepthisapplication handy and on your homescreen. Press theCircledicon toactivate a high pitched alarm that will alerteveryonenearby. PanicAlarm is here to give you one click alarmshould youneed it.Whatever situation or emergency you're in, PanicAlarmwill be thereto help you get help quickly. A must have if youlivein a dangerousarea or come across someone with badintentions.There are situationswhere you may just have time totouch an iconand doing nothingelse.. Just press the button, andthis app willtake as muchattention as possible from people aroundyou with aninstant loudalarm.
Paniko, the panic button 0.1.1-preview
Widgets Factory
Paniko is an application that lets youcallforhelp silently, quickly and safely.You can use it when you are in distress, medicalemergenciesorany other time when you need help.Paniko main functions are:- Geolocation of alerts.- Alerts via email and SMS.- Alerts by social networks.- Integration with Facebook and Twitter.- Customize messages.- Establishment of emergency calls automatically.- Configuration of alert recipients.- Configuration of contact numbers.- Integration with the database of your contacts.- Possibility to activate the 'test' mode.- Integrated Contact Form.- Integrated Help and FAQ section.To start using Paniko, you must configure the numbersandemailaddresses of people to which you want the alerts to be sentinanemergency. You can customize the alert message that will besentbySMS and email. You can choose which phone number to useasareference for establishing automatic calls. And you candecidewhattypes of alerts will be sent.When you need it, by just pressing the red button onthemainscreen, your geographic location will be determinedandallnecessary alarms will be generated to transmitinformationaboutyour situation to your contacts. Paniko can alsousesocialnetworks to publish these alerts so that they areseenquickly inyour community and your group.* Paniko will be available completely free for a limitedperiodoftime. Take advantage of it!
Panic Mate 1.1
Panic Mate is an Android app that cansavelives.(Now completely free without any adds!)With the press of one button you can notify your familyorfriends that you are in trouble. They will also receiveyourlocation.It's fast and easy to setup:1. Open Panic Mate.2. Set your Contact list. (Up to 5 email contacts and up to 5mobilenumbers)3. Set your custom pre-defined message.4. Add the widget button on your phone's home screen.The Panic Mate application contains 2 widgets that canbeused:Panic Button - When this button is pressed thefollowinghappens:Your contacts receive an e-mail and / or sms (txt) telling themthatyou are in trouble. They also receive your location.Callback Button - When this button is pressed thefollowinghappens:Your contacts receive an e-mail and / or sms (txt) requestingthemto phone you back. They also receive your location.Use the Panic Button when you are in trouble and use theCallbackButton when you simply need someone to phone you back.We have also added a feature in the application called"MyLocation". If you are lost, press "My Location" from the mainmenu.This will show your current location.For more detailed info see www.amstelbytes.co.nzIf you like our application please feel free to leave ussomefeedback or contact us if we can help in any way.
Panic Button\Emergency Widget 1.2.5
Emergency SMS Widget \ Panic button.This widget allow you to send your exact locationaddressautomatically in SMS to few people in seconds!Press the red button of the widget, in order to send a messagewithyour current location whenever you need.***New feature that allow you to send panic SMS by clicking 5,6or 7 times on the power off button in any time!***This might be very usefull in case of emergency.Easy to use, suitable for children.